Nachbar beschwert sich über Lärm – wie viel Rücksicht nimmt man?

2025.01.24 08:41 pendenz Nachbar beschwert sich über Lärm – wie viel Rücksicht nimmt man?

Guten Tag zusammen,
wir sind im Dezember in das 1. OG eines Dreifamilienhauses gezogen. Schon in der ersten Woche, vor dem eigentlichen Einzug, hat sich der Mieter aus dem 2. OG bzw. DG bei uns um ca. 22:10 beschwert, er würde alles hören, ob wir für heute nicht Feierabend machen können. Da waren wir gerade dabei für den nächsten Tag die Fenster, Türen und Böden abzukleben. Bei der eigentlich leisen Arbeit haben wir uns lediglich in Zimmerlautstärke unterhalten, und haben das für uns auf den Hall geschoben, da ja noch keine Möbel in der Wohnung waren. Ab diesem Zeitpunkt haben wir aber strikt darauf geachtet, das wir spätestens um 21:45 mit allen arbeiten fertig sind.
Am Umzugstag selbst hat er sich bei der Vermieterin beschwert, dass wir zu laut sind und er „seit Tagen Bohrlärm“ aushalten muss. Ja, am Umzugstag selbst haben wir z. B. Lampen aufgehängt, und auch in der Woche davor haben wir einmal Möbelstücke montiert oder den großen Kleiderschrank aufgebaut (Rückwand nageln), alles vor 20:00 Uhr – aber letztendlich ist das (in meinen Augen) nun mal normaler Umzugslärm.
Leider wurde es danach auch nicht besser, und das, obwohl wir wirklich sehr versuchen Rücksicht zu nehmen. Ich habe zum Spiegel und Gardarobe aufhängen gewartet bis alle aus dem Haus sind, damit sich niemand daran stört. Wir achten darauf, dass Spül- und Waschmaschine frühestens um 08:00 anlaufen, und spätestens um 20:00 aus sind, selbiges mit Staubsauger oder ähnlichem. Wir versuchen es zu vermeiden am Abend zu duschen, was aufgrund von Sport oder Arbeit bedauerlicherweise nicht immer möglich ist. Wenn wir normal reden, kommt von oben oft ein Klopfen. Wehe wir erlauben uns mal zu lachen oder ein kurzes „Schatz?“ durch die Wohnung zu rufen (Wohnungsrufen, kein Sportplatzrufen ;), um festzustellen, wo der andere gerade ist. Wenn uns mal ein Stuhl umfällt oder das Shampoo herunter, wird sofort von oben aggressiv geklopft, auch vor Beginn der Ruhezeiten. Nach 22:00 Uhr flüstern wir teilweise, wenn wir nebeneinander sitzen, und spätestens da denke ich mir dann: Das ist doch krank. Es muss doch erlaubt sein, dass ich mich in meiner eigenen Wohnung normal unterhalte? Ich bekomme aktuell regelrecht „Panik“ wenn mein Wecker klingelt, weil ich Angst habe, dass in das stört/weckt.
Laut der Mieterin im EG sind wir nicht lauter oder leiser als unsere Vormieter. "Normale Geräusche von Nachbarn eben, das gehört dazu"
Andersherum haben wir übrigens nicht den Eindruck, dass Rücksicht genommen wird. Fast täglich um 05:30 knallt die Haustür so laut, dass wir senkrecht im Bett stehen. Wir hören jeden Schritt (was uns eigentlich egal wäre, weil wir das als normal verstehen), hören, wenn er oben Sport macht und auch, wenn er an Sonn- und Feiertagen die Waschmaschine anschmeißt oder saugt. Auch zur Mittagsruhe. Ab und zu hören wir gegen 22:30 von oben das Stühlerücken – wie gesagt, für mich eigentlich nicht relevant, da normale Geräusche, aber es fällt halt besonders auf, wenn wer sich über solche Geräusche beschwert.
Ich wollte jetzt nicht zu viel schreiben, aber so viel, damit ihr die Lage beurteilen könnt. Sollen wir noch ruhiger sein? Und wenn ja, wie? Mir belastet die Situation gerade sehr, und ich bzw. wir wissen ehrlich gesagt nicht mehr weiter...
submitted by pendenz to wohnen [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:41 Totally-not-nuts Looking for a Netherlands based starting photographer for our wedding

Hi all,
Not sure if this is the right place to post this, if it is: apologies.
Short story: We're looking to give a starting photographer a chance to shoot their first (or one of their first) weddings. The wedding is on the 17th of may in the south of The Netherlands. There's an option for you to stay the night there, as all of our guests will do also. I don't think we're too picky and we can deal with not all photo's being perfect. They're there to remember us of a great day, not to show the world how perfect our guests and us are. And to be clear: we're not doing this to get free photos. We'll pay.
More info: This year me and my girlfriend of 22 years will be getting married. We're over 40, have kids (7 and 11) and just want to celebrate life with loved ones. We're down to earth and want this wedding to not only be a place for us to enjoy the kind of life we've been able to build up, but also to let others partake and try out their skills. The daughter of our best friends made drawings for the invitation, an old time buddy of ours will be leading the ceremony, and old colleague of mine (from my bar-working days) will be our DJ, etc. I think you could say we value 'real' over 'perfect'. We've filled most positions this way but the role of photographer we want to 'outsource' so we won't have a friend working all day while they should be dancing their ass off.
So, if you're part of this subreddit and would like to offer your services to us, or maybe ask questions first, please send me a DM with your portfolio and some idea of a price. If you live abroad, I'm sorry but we won't be flying you over for this. We'll pay for good photos, but we have our limits ;)
Ps.: Wrote this in English, the wedding (and guests) are all Dutch. Don't know if that matters but there it is. Cheers!
submitted by Totally-not-nuts to WeddingPhotography [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:41 Jealous_Ad7007 Had dartitis for about 2 weeks, this felt like my first 180 again

Had dartitis for about 2 weeks, this felt like my first 180 again I used to laugh at the fact that people had dartitis until I got it myself 😂. I was commonly hitting at least one 180 every day and was around 55-65 average mark (which I know isn't amazing, but it's good for me). Until around 2 weeks ago when I was struggling to even release a dart without my arm locking up. Whenever I released it was with the most horrendous unavoidable jitter. Today I finally hit a 180 again which felt like my first one all over again!
submitted by Jealous_Ad7007 to Darts [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:41 Bulky_Lecture6473 IT Project Manager

IT Project Manager
Bom dia a todos, quase fim de semana, sou IT PM Trainee e venho partilhar as minhas condições. *Gostaria de ter feedback salarial do mercado, quer de posições junior, mid-level, senior * sendo que é uma área e função que tenho interesse de seguir no futuro.
Sei que existem salários já previamente partilhados no fórum mas gostaria de receber mais feedback se possível, cada um faz o seu caminho mas tenho curiosidade em saber também o dos outros 😅

submitted by Bulky_Lecture6473 to PTOrdenado [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:41 lssqa3433 Test for Text PDS UI for 24/1/2025 08:40:17

Example text
submitted by lssqa3433 to LssAutomation [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:41 reddit_lss_2 Text post with only title for 24/1/2025 08:40:28

submitted by reddit_lss_2 to LssAutomation [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:41 Holiday-Actuary6498 E-Vetting

guys, i am currently getting this e vetting thing. What is a reason for you to fail an e vetting, assuming u never comit a crime or caught by police.
submitted by Holiday-Actuary6498 to malaysia [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:41 AnAverageTransGirl would you look at all that time

would you look at all that time submitted by AnAverageTransGirl to SpeedOfLobsters [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:41 PistonPusher2009 Hitler's last words were _________.

submitted by PistonPusher2009 to AskOuija [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:41 CandyZealousideal356 The World’s Top 10 Crypto-Friendly Countries & How to Get Residency or Citizenship There - Lincoln Global Partners

The World’s Top 10 Crypto-Friendly Countries & How to Get Residency or Citizenship There - Lincoln Global Partners submitted by CandyZealousideal356 to CryptoCitizenship [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:41 natfutsock I've got the clap :/

Original piece. Inspired by contracting gonorrhea. Title from the note I made in the left corner. Before you say it, yeah, I feel like a dickhead. May add color later.
Wear a condom.
submitted by natfutsock to UnusualArt [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:41 DeepDarkOs Who Would Win in a Shooting Contest, With and Without Their Powers?

Who Would Win in a Shooting Contest, With and Without Their Powers? submitted by DeepDarkOs to Isekai [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:41 sobersunflower17 Step 4 help

Morning everyone!
So I’ve just finished the part of my step 4 where I write my resentments to people. My sponsor wants me now to write about my resentments towards institutions/places and I’m a bit confused!
We’re going over it all properly on Monday when we meet up but I’d love to make a start on it over the weekend. Can anyone direct me to some websites/readings/anything else that could help?
Thank you!
submitted by sobersunflower17 to alcoholicsanonymous [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:41 netelibata How do we feel about rogue curly braces?

submitted by netelibata to dotnet [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:41 android0698 I can't!!! So excited that this cutie was willing to come near me.

I can't!!! So excited that this cutie was willing to come near me. submitted by android0698 to squirrels [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:41 theotheraladdin 🍳 KITCHEN MADNESS in Chef Showdown! 🍳

submitted by theotheraladdin to saakuru_games_ [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:41 ConstructionNo5705 Den Haag ontvangt vicepremier China op het hoogste niveau

Hoe ging dat zinnetje ook al weer? Iedere beschuldiging is een bekentenis?
submitted by ConstructionNo5705 to Poldersocialisme [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:41 DreamPirates Priyanka Kholgade Marathi Actress #PriyankaKholgade

Priyanka Kholgade Marathi Actress #PriyankaKholgade submitted by DreamPirates to dreampirates [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:41 Euphoric_Cloud557 Melisa Döngel

Melisa Döngel submitted by Euphoric_Cloud557 to turkish_celeb [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:41 Key-Visual-5465 Hmmm feel weird

My friend texted me this after I said I get 15-20 minute breaks about every 30 minutes they are like that’s not normal and then I typed this “Here I get study for like half an hour break like 15-20 minutes,back to it for 20 Minutes then it ends, I get to next class an hour and then 15-20 minute break, next class is 30 minutes then 15-20 minute break and then back to it for another 30 minutes and last class is about 20 minutes so no break there” and they said they would love school if it was like that for them and im like well it is a special needs school lol like i also added that i had a 4 hour long state test but was there for 6 hours because they kept letting me take breaks so i was just running up and down the halls btw its an privately owned building my school owns so no one was on our floor but my class and they had these pads attached to the wall to block out noise so I was allowed to do it
Anyways what made me feel weird is after i said it’s a special education school my friend just hugged me and that was it
submitted by Key-Visual-5465 to autism [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:41 DreamPirates Priyanka Kholgade Marathi Actress #PriyankaKholgade

Priyanka Kholgade Marathi Actress #PriyankaKholgade submitted by DreamPirates to dreampirates [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:41 IV-TheEmperor Geese - 3D Country | Round 4 of 10

Tomorrow's Crusades was crusaded after Crusades.

Rank Song Votes Against Percentage Runner-Up
9th Tomorrow's Crusades 7/26 26.9% 6/26 (23.1%)
10th Crusades 11/20 28.6% 5/20 (23.8%)
11th Undoer 11/20 55.0% 2/20 (10.0%)
submitted by IV-TheEmperor to music_survivor [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:41 Mpcforaheart Update on my first steel bike: elbow grease plus parts bin tires and new cables. All-in cost $40.

submitted by Mpcforaheart to Peugeotbikes [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:41 Manywele_ Stylus pen

submitted by Manywele_ to Techfluent_Ke [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:41 iametron No Gemini on current Google Hub Max 😳

No Gemini on current Google Hub Max 😳 Asked Gemini if the current Google Hub Max will get Gemini. New hardware would be welcome 🙏
submitted by iametron to googlehome [link] [comments]