2025.01.24 09:51 LyfeIzButADream Auto Loan Direct Debit Help
I recently applied for an auto loan from DIB, and my salary is credited to ENBD. The agreed monthly installment will be transferred via direct debit from my ENBD account to DIB.
However, the direct debit form states that the monthly payment amount is variable, even though the agent assured me that the rate is fixed. He explained that the variable amount is mentioned to account for potential late payment fees if the EMI is not deducted on time.
Is it okay to sign a direct debit form without a specific amount mentioned? I also read the terms and conditions, which state: 'Please note that if you choose a variable amount and decide not to agree a cap with your Creditor in this form, the Creditor will have an unlimited right to choose the amount deducted from your account, and the Paying Bank will have no liability to you or the Creditor for any dispute between you about the variable amount, unless the cap has been breached.'
Is this normal for an auto loan? Should I be concerned about this?
submitted by LyfeIzButADream to dubai [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 09:51 AutoNewspaperAdmin [World] - Monte dei Paschi makes 13-billion-euro bid for Mediobanca as M&A appetite heats up in Italian banking | NBC
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 09:51 darksider-001 Zomato gold membership 1-year
Hey! I have Zomato Gold 1-year membership vouchers available for just 80. Would anyone interested to by dm me? Or, if you'd like to buy in bulk, you can get them for just 50 each. Let me know submitted by darksider-001 to mumbaiFood [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 09:51 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Top Stories] - Monte dei Paschi makes 13-billion-euro bid for Mediobanca as M&A appetite heats up in Italian banking | NBC
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 09:51 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Finance] - Monte dei Paschi makes 13-billion-euro bid for Mediobanca as M&A appetite heats up in Italian banking | NBC
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 09:51 Hesbhindmeisnthe I'm something of a sex daredevil myself
submitted by Hesbhindmeisnthe to MidCinematicUniverse [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 09:51 Current_Chipmunk8550 Need 100 avoid slots and region-locked servers
Too many non-english-speaking players (always from the same certain few countries that any EU player knows) and griefers on EU servers, just like in every other multiplayer game that ever existed
submitted by Current_Chipmunk8550 to marvelrivals [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 09:51 Then-Introduction685 Sanduba de almôndega
submitted by Then-Introduction685 to gororoba [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 09:51 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Europe] - Monte dei Paschi makes 13-billion-euro bid for Mediobanca as M&A appetite heats up in Italian banking | NBC
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 09:51 Kin_93 So long, champ
submitted by Kin_93 to DBZDokkanBattle [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 09:51 North_Firefighter569 I will funny/dynamic edit your gaming video for 5$
Reason that it is so cheap is cause i need one gaming video for my portfolio that i edited, i will give my best to edit your video cause it will also serve me
submitted by North_Firefighter569 to DoneDirtCheap [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 09:51 morgandelondon Sweater on the Addi Express King Size pattern
Pattern for my sweater on the Addi Express: - 2 flat panels of 140 rows (10 for each colour), - 2 tubes of 100 rows (10 for each colour) - mattress stitch to assemble all - optional: crochet or knit the brims (I'm not yet good at this. I did crochet and must block it still) Tools and Material used: - Addi Express king size - Classic Acrylic yarn light by Hobbii - Crochet hook - Tapestry needle - Scissors - Some good music It took me about 2 hours: 1h to knit, 1h to assemble submitted by morgandelondon to SentroKnittingMachine [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 09:51 DoireLegend_ Anyone out for a run
wee birds are getting obliterated
submitted by DoireLegend_ to DerryLondonderry [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 09:51 Weird_Towel_4699 Original style of this dress?
I’d love to know what the original style of this dress was. I bought it around 2010 and it looks as though someone had previously cut off the sleeves? submitted by Weird_Towel_4699 to GunneSax [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 09:51 Budget_Explorer_768 my bf (M16) is making me (F15) disgusted of him, i need an advice
I (15F) and my bf (16M) have been dating for 3 months now and it's a serious relationship. both of us are dating to marry and we often talk about marriage. he is overall a well raised guy with manners and knows how to be a gentleman, however there's this one thing ruining the idea of getting married to him. he grew up rich, had his parents do everything for him without him ever lifting a finger and he's not used to doing anything difficult. all of that results into him being super spoiled and lazy. but I, on the other hand, never had those privileges. I'm used to getting up early and getting everything done while he sleeps till 2pm and does nothing but play video games for the rest of the day. and even if we were older and lived together I'm afraid things wouldn't be much different. I confronted him about this multiple times, telling him how he needs to step out of his comfort zone and actually start doing something more productive. he just keeps making empty promises about how he's going to change but he obviously never does. I expect my husband to be more hardworking than me, earn more money than me, be smarter than me and just be a bigger person than me, but here it's the other way around. If someone experienced something similar to this or has any piece of advice, it would be appreciated.
submitted by Budget_Explorer_768 to teenrelationships [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 09:51 Brain-Dead-Robot Decided to treat myself and get my first "new" bike in 18 years.
Boardman ADV 9.2. submitted by Brain-Dead-Robot to bicycling [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 09:51 Think-Wrangler-7237 We have to build something with Deepseek.
Thats it. Thats the post.
submitted by Think-Wrangler-7237 to NervosNetwork [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 09:51 captainautomation Google Api Error: Invalid request, app includes any health feature. `expo-sensors` is guilty?
Hello there, I added this library expo-sensors to have a "shake to bug" feature like instagram.https://docs.expo.dev/versions/latest/sdk/sensors/ The problem now is with my android build https://preview.redd.it/rexza86ixwee1.png?width=1133&format=png&auto=webp&s=35af3c87f2813968482ee0a67a141cb631303cc9I already updated my app content on the google play store https://play.google.com/console1/developers/ https://github.com/fastlane/fastlane/issues/22204 https://preview.redd.it/tfo1qddfywee1.png?width=2590&format=png&auto=webp&s=49be69885e9a72017773dff5f2526dbd4e38b0e0 I made a new eas build and submit but I still have the error. Does anyone knows how can I debug this? submitted by captainautomation to expo [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 09:51 Beautiful_Medium6191 Classic 500 engine rebuild
In the process of rebuilding my 499cc as a 595cc, I already have larger valves and 595 valve springs, is there any advantage to getting a 595 head? It looks like the chamber is a different shape?
submitted by Beautiful_Medium6191 to fiat500 [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 09:51 drakgoku Price of the types of SSD
I'm looking at a PV and I'm obviously going to do it manually.
I don't know what problems HostPath has or if it's really capped, but I can't waste any more time.
sata cinder.csi.openstack.org Delete Immediate false 54d
sata-large cinder.csi.openstack.org Delete Immediate false 54d
ssd (default) cinder.csi.openstack.org Delete Immediate false 54d
ssd-large cinder.csi.openstack.org Delete Immediate false 54d
My question is, do the ssd and ssd-large cost the same $0.06? I understand that they do, right?
submitted by drakgoku to rxt_spot [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 09:51 SeasonInside9957 Anyone here had kids with a partner who also has some sort of autoimmune illness?
Did you guys (or your spouses) have trouble conceiving? Was the pregnancy difficult? Are the kids healthy (so far)?
submitted by SeasonInside9957 to ankylosingspondylitis [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 09:51 OneSalientOversight Blake's 7 reimagined. Part 18. "As they say on Earth... Servalan can walk and chew gum at the same time."
Blake's 7 reimagined. Part 18. "As they say on Earth... Servalan can walk and chew gum at the same time."
Scene: On board the Scorpio. Dayna, Tarrant, Dorian and Soolin are present.
Slave: I estimate, um, 103 hours until we orbit Hagley, masters.
Dorian: Thank you Slave.
Tarrant: Do you have to treat the ship's computer like a human being?
Dorian: It makes things easier.
Tarrant: Not for me it doesn't.
(Dorian sighs)
Dayna: Dorian, how difficult is it to be you?
Dorian: Given my unique situation, I would much prefer to be alone.
Tarrant: I think we all prefer you to be alone.
Soolin: (Unenthusiastic) Huzzah.
(Tarrant looks over at Soolin, then looks aside, then looks back to Dorian)
Tarrant: Sorry Dorian.
Dorian: (smiles) Heh. I do appreciate the attempt. Not many get used to working here.
Dayna: How many people have you worked with? How many people have crewed the Scorpio over the years?
Dorian: Three hundred and two.
(Dayna and Tarrant look at each other in surprise)
Tarrant: (to Dorian) And where are they now?
Dorian: Most of them? I don't know. Some have died of course. Some have died of old age.
Tarrant: Any memorable crew members?
Dorian: Well they're all memorable. (smiles) And of course you three are very memorable.
Dayna: (sneers) I wish we weren't.
Soolin: (Quietly) Huzzah.
Dayna: (annoyed) Thanks Soo. Sorry Dor.
Dorian: Dor? I haven't heard that affectation for a while. Only one person called me that.
Tarrant: Was he or she memorable?
Dorian: Pepysie we called him. Tall, blond. Played the drums when he wasn't busy.
Tarrant: Do you know what happened to him?
Dorian: He died. He was on leave at his homeworld. They found him in his garden, lying in some turnips he had planted. He bled to death. But there wasn't any wound on him. It was bizarre. I think Internal Security was too busy doing other things so they left it unsolved.
Dayna: Typical.
Ginka: Madam, you asked me to inform you if anything changed.
Servalan: Yes Ginka, what is it?
Ginka: We have reports that some high ranking rebels from Hagley have been in contact with the Liberator.
(Ginka hands a few sheets of paper to Servalan. She quickly reads them)
Servalan: (sits back) Of course. I should have realised.
Ginka: Is there anything I can do, madam?
Servalan: Where is Declan at the moment?
Ginka: He is on the moon. With his wife.
Servalan: Ah yes, his anniversary. Ginka.
Ginka: Madam?
Servalan: There is a ship carrying weapons to the planet Hagley.
Ginka: The Liberator?
Servalan: I doubt it. Blake is expanding his network of influence. Somehow he is able to source weapons and then transport them to rebels on Federation worlds.
Ginka: Do you want me to investigate this potential incident?
Servalan: Ideally we need to intercept this ship and either destroy it or capture it. It would be a transport ship, the sort that smugglers use.
Ginka: We could blockade Hagley. Stop anything going in.
Servalan: No. That would raise suspicion. If we blockade the planet the smugglers will simply deliver it to another rebel group. Besides, the President is likely to overrule me.
Ginka: I need to point out that with Declan gone, Madam, I have limited authority to do anything about this matter.
Servalan: (nods) Yes. I'll get a temporary proxy for you. Meanwhile, get to work.
Ginka: With pleasure madam.
Jenna: (to Blake) That message you got. Anything you can share?
Blake: (looking annoyed). Varna is dead.
Avon: Who's Varna?
Blake: The Hagley rebel we negotiated weapons with back on Carrick. She was killed "accidentally" while leaving Carrick.
Jenna: Does that mean the deal has fallen through?
Blake: No. But it does mean that Federation Internal Security is involved somehow.
Avon: You know this how?
Blake: Secret messages, Avon. Federation rebels usually have a sophisticated way of communicating with one another.
Jenna: Should we recall the Scorpio?
Blake: Not at present. I'm certain that Dorian will do what he sees best.
(Cally enters)
Blake: (to Cally) Varna is dead.
Cally: (angry) Shit.
Blake: What's your assessment of the Scorpio crew? Do you think they can continue their mission?
Cally: One way or another, yes. They're all quite competent. (sighs) How did she die?
Blake: Shipping container was dropped on her.
Cally: (shakes head) Not very subtle.
Blake: Not subtle at all, which means we're not necessarily dealing with the top people.
Cally: It'll eventually reach Servalan.
Blake: Let's just hope she's too busy trying to set up defence procurement contracts.
Avon: As they say on Earth, Blake, Servalan can walk and chew gum at the same time.
Blake: (turns to Cally quietly) Should we activate Declan?
Cally: (softly) To do what, exactly? He's not a slave.
Blake: Just as a way of gaining information.
Cally: We agreed that Declan was a fail-safe. We can't turn him into a spy. And remember too that he's trapped against his will.
Blake: I know.
Avon: (Loudly) Have you finished whispering over there? Anything we need to know?
Jenna: WE... would certainly like to know anything important, Blake.
Blake: (puts hands up in conciliation) Nothing that needs your approval. Yet.
Avon: Well we all know how much we like secrecy.
(Vila walks in)
Vila: What secrets?
Everybody else: Nothing.
submitted by OneSalientOversight to Blakes7Reimagined [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 09:51 Past_Jackfruit_4560 Heug min son paris Saint Germain
submitted by Past_Jackfruit_4560 to footballrenders [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 09:51 Ok-Ear-9936 Does anyone else find Chinese new year kinda annoying
I know it’s important for the calendar etc but couldn’t come at a worse time I recently found some rep grails on weidian and Xianyu and really need them for the winter season. Anyone else wish they would maybe just take a day off to keep things moving in the rep industry.
Just a thought
submitted by Ok-Ear-9936 to DesignerReps [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 09:51 Annual_Somewhere_116 fuel price CNG and Petrol
hello im a tourist planning to visit armenia in February I was wondering where can i get a reliable source for fuel prices in armenia since im visiting armenia with my own car which uses Unleaded (95 octane) petrol and also CNG so i was wondering what the prices of these two would be. + Also is the price of fuel (any kind petrol, diesel, ...) different in every gas station or is there 1 price in the whole country ? + is there a card or a permit i need to apply for before i get into the country so i can use the gas stations ? Or not + do gas stations take cash or is it only card? (if they are card only what is the most common card i can use ?)
submitted by Annual_Somewhere_116 to armenia [link] [comments]