Which one is better?

定语从句什么情况只能用which定语从句中只能用which,不能用that的几种情况1、在介词后面的关系代词用which而不能用that。 in which 的用法1. in which是介词加关系代词,引导定语从句in可以放到从句中去our immune system breaks down in this condition 2. 除去一些约定俗成的搭配外,that 和 which的主要区别在于: that常用于描述必要信息(限制性定语从句);而which则既可以用于描述必要信息( 限制性定语从句 ),也可以用于提供额外讯息(非限制性定语从句)。 what kind of与which kind of的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。 一、意思不同. 1.what kind of意思:哪种;什么样的 常见四种只能用which而不能用that引导定语从句的情况: 1、关系代词前面有介词,即“介词+关系代词”结构,在特定情况下可以与关系副词when,where,why相互转换 英语定语从句中怎样用who,whom,whose,that,which1、关系代词who的用法:who的前行词必须是人,在从句中可以担任主语,往往也可以代替在从句中担任宾语的whom,但它的前面不能有介词,如果带了介词就必须用宾格who hello, 只要把握好了which,就能消除困惑。 示例: This is the city where/in which I met John.此处的which指the city,去掉in,the city 就变成了主语,跟之后的I产生主语冲突,一山不容二虎就是这个道理,去掉in后,大致是这个样子的 前面两个答案都讲的太复杂了,其实没有那么难,不用区分什么最高级不最高级的 of whom 其实就是 of them(of which同理) 但是因为一个完整的句子中不能有两个动词, 所以把后半部分句子中的 of them 改成了从句 of whom 珠海iBS国际商务语言学校自1998年经珠海教育局审批成立,(办学许可证:教1101027000020)专注外语教学18载,是珠海规模最大,办学历史最长的专业外语学校,也是珠海唯一一家配有校园模式的外语培训机构。 by which的意思是什么?答案:by which的用法主要出现在定语从句中,用来引导一个从句修饰另一个句子中的名词或代词。

2025.01.24 09:40 SK_Lucifer Which one is better?

Which one is better? submitted by SK_Lucifer to fashion [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:40 Strict-Dig2851 Fired for not unlocking my cell phone for security

How does Amazon usually verify personal assets and keep record of these assets? Did Amazon change the policy for personal assets and how they prove ownership? If I am not mistaken is the process to have me fill out a personal assets form to document the device?
submitted by Strict-Dig2851 to AmazonFC [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:40 DiMezenburg It's a Funny Old Game

submitted by DiMezenburg to foxholegame [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:40 throwaway86753_0 34, recently divorced, ed?

Had my first hookup post divorce the other night after drinking a 12pk. This girl gives me the best head I've ever had & I can't FORCE myself to finish so we ended up having sex & after a few minutes I just went soft. She came back & tried again a few hours later & the same thing happened. I've never had an issue like this & I want to say it was the alcohol or anxiety but I am just baffled, embarrassed & praying for redemption. Anyone had a similar experience and/or any suggestions?
submitted by throwaway86753_0 to MensHealthCare [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:40 Thepowerofsimplicity Hva er dine planer for denne helgen?

Hva er dine planer for helgen? Skal du gjøre noe gøy? Eller noe nyttig? Noe spesielt kanskje?
Hvordan bruker du tiden din godt, slik at du mandag er klar for en ny (arbeids)uke?
submitted by Thepowerofsimplicity to EnGodHverdagPSNorge [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:40 parisgianluca Op10 matchup table

Hey guys, I was wondering if someone has already created a matchup table for op10 I would like to see which leaders are favored or unfavored against every other leader, or at least the meta ones
Thank you!
submitted by parisgianluca to OnePieceTCG [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:40 InspecaTutor-7630 No Other Land: Apartheid op de Westelijke Jordaanoever

No Other Land: Apartheid op de Westelijke Jordaanoever submitted by InspecaTutor-7630 to nederlands [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:40 DisableSubredditCSS Public set to get vote on booting out misbehaving Senedd Members

Public set to get vote on booting out misbehaving Senedd Members submitted by DisableSubredditCSS to Wales [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:40 Fit-Accident-1794 Memory Forensics

I am seriously struggling with finding a software, preferably with GUI, capable of memory forensics. Autopsy used to have an option for that, which doesn't seem to be true in version 4.21.0 anymore. Volatility doesn't have GUI and doesn't seem to have extensive capabilities. Bulk extractor is not compatible with Java 8 apparently. Can anybody help me?
submitted by Fit-Accident-1794 to computerforensics [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:40 TrueEstablishment678 I love Ethan soooo much but I’m so nervous for the Hassan content nuke. Love my man but seems like him taking forever is a sign of obsession and he’s tryna stretch things and idk I think not doing anything at all is the baller move !!!!

Love my man just nervous
submitted by TrueEstablishment678 to h3h3productions [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:40 fvgffcc Anyone on?

submitted by fvgffcc to Thatssenayafap [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:40 bogdanbos725 what's the best way to copy text from a picture ther is this xerox scan of a book and it doesn't look all that good?

submitted by bogdanbos725 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:40 carxnero Deus estava inspirado quando fez a voz de Jorge Vercillo

Sem palavras
submitted by carxnero to MusicaBR [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:40 Mod12312323 Which of these would you use? (Saltwater)

Which of these would you use? (Saltwater) submitted by Mod12312323 to kayakfishing [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:40 Daedalhead Need job/training info/advice (though some hope would be a nice bonus).

I need info/help, but there's a bit of...rant isn't the right word... Expressing my horror & fear?
Dunno. Anyway...
To start, I have questions about getting into voiceover & voice acting, & if there are any good teachers or classes here. Also advice/info about getting into (or out of) the field, if any of you have experience to share.
I'm disabled & my voice is just about the only part of me that still functions reliably.
I'm also terrified, because people in power were already quoting the nazis about why it was okay we were dying just before the covid lockdown.
Now, aside from taking away the nowhere-near-enough we get/are expected to (impossibly) survive on, my health care is looking short-lived, at best. Not to mention that there has also already been talk about "putting "them" all in one place & bringing a bunch of the best doctors there so they can get "fixed", instead of being spread all over & having to find the good doctors themselves."
I don't want to die any more prematurely than I already am, but I'd rather die somewhere here where my heart has made its home than in a camp somewhere to be used to perfect the next method of mass-murder (go check out Aktion T4 on wikipedia, if you don't know what I'm talking about).
I'm trying to figure out a way to get out, but finding a country that will take disabled people is nearly impossible-even if you're seeking asylum.
I stayed in the US because the treatment for (one of) my health issues is otherwise out of my reach financially, and is keeping my condition from progressing (it is currently the only treatment, no cure, rare condition 2-3/100,000 people).
Now that both my medicare & medicaid are on the chopping block, and the axes are being sharpened, I feel I have no alternative but to leave & accept that this is going to put me in a wheelchair at some point.
Part of me is kicking myself for not leaving earlier this last year, but the truth is, I wouldn't (& still don't) have had anything I could do to support myself.
To survive where I had planned to go, I'd need about ±$2,000 US/month to survive (food, water, shelter, workspace co-op, &c-only the basics).
I see a lot of support for trans people, which is fantastic (I'm also trans, & I am so happy to see all the support-I don't want to detract from that), but where is the support for disabled people? No one cares that we are already forced into & trapped in poverty, or that we don't have marriage equality. Will anyone care if they start killing us?
I cycle between short bursts of current events & lots of animal videos, w/the occaisional old movie just to try & keep the anxiety & fear at bay.
I know there's been a rainbow railroad to get trans people out of dangerous states/communities-is there anything for disabled folk? Are any of you preparing to help disabled people survive?
Or are we just completely on our own?
Any advice?
...(Any hope)?
submitted by Daedalhead to Seattle [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:40 Redeye007 Home Improvement is coming to Netflix February 1st. If you can’t wait it’s on Hulu now.

submitted by Redeye007 to sitcoms [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:40 Lynnlefay Почему люди так любят давать оценки друг другу?

Это начинается в детстве, когда родители и учителя пытаются оценить наш потенциал. Тогда и начинаются первые: "Ты очень мягкий человек", "Ты творческий человек, математика это не твоё". Не лучше ли было комментировать конкретные поступки и достижения ребёнка, а не оценивать всю личность? Например: "У тебя хорошо получается решать уравнения", "В данной ситуации тебе стоило поступить иначе, потому что..." и т.д.
Или взять светские разговоры уже в зрелом возрасте. "Ты всегда такая задумчивая", "Ты сегодня такая радостная". Понятно, что во многом такие фразы - повод для непринуждённой беседы. Но тут, опять же, видна склонность вешать какие-то ярлыки на всю личность и состояние человека в целом, основываясь на своих предположениях.
К чему это я. Естественно, в этом всём НЕТ НИЧЕГО КРИМИНАЛЬНОГО, я не пытаюсь тут развести нытьё из-за вполне безвредной практики общения. Но, думаю, было бы классно жить, если бы люди не пытались навешивать какие-либо характеристики на себя или других даже на уровне смолл-токов. В каждом из нас просто бесконечный потенциал и куча сюрпризов, так что пресловутое "знать о том, кто ты" гораздо чаще ведёт к самоограничениям и мешает гибкости. Особенно если это знание - результат чужих предположений и проекций.
Конечно, на других людей мы не повлияем, но можем повлиять на самих себя и постараться пореже давать характеристики самим себе. Думаю, это поможет справиться в разочаровании в самом себе, а на смену ему придёт радость и удивление от осознания того, какими мы можем быть разными.
submitted by Lynnlefay to rusAskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:40 AutoModerator sophie rain leaks, sophie rain spiderman leaks, sophie rain leaks, sophie rain spiderman leaks, sophie rain leaks, sophie rain spiderman leaks, sophie rain leaks, sophie rain spiderman leaks,

sophie rain leaks, sophie rain spiderman leaks, sophie rain leaks, sophie rain spiderman leaks, sophie rain leaks, sophie rain spiderman leaks, sophie rain leaks, sophie rain spiderman leaks, submitted by AutoModerator to UnlikelyHeroes46 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:40 Psygnal Sir Cecil and the Spanish Wine

Sir Cecil and the Spanish Wine
It's hard being a leader of men in a world full of vice, and more so when those men really don't want to be where they are, are very hungry, and everything is turning pear-shaped.
Sir Cecil
Sir Cecil - properly known as Sir Edward Cecil - was an English military commander in 1625... and he was not a fan of the Spanish. One of those "Ooh, I really don't like the Spanish!" folk, who would follow that up with "We should sink all their ships and take all their loot."
He proposed to the powers that be (at this point in history, that was King Charles I) that raiding Spanish shipping would be incredibly lucrative for the English, given that the Spanish were returning from the Americas laden with gold. Everyone likes gold, right?
King Charles thought this was an absolutely spiffing idea, and fancied himself some Spanish gold. (I say 'Spanish' gold... technically speaking that gold was pilfered anyway, so if you're going to rob someone, it may as well be a robber you're robbing, right?)
Cecil (and the king) were basically wanting to relive the glory-days of old, when the English fleet trounced the Spanish armada (1588) as well as weaken the country... which they felt was becoming a bit big for its britches.
A bit of enlightened self-interest was likely mixed in there too. If a bit of that gold happened to stick to Cecil, well, he wouldn't be complaining, now, would he?
The problem was that Parliament was all "Nooooo. That sounds very expensive, and do we really want to prod one of the wealthiest countries on the planet at this point?" - Cecil thought that they very much should... but he was not given the funds he wanted.
Still... Cecil moved his base of operations to Devon and started assembling his troops. He managed to get hold of 120 ships - but they were very poorly maintained. A few of them were little more than hulks. Certainly not in the fighting trim they'd need to be to tackle the Spanish guns.
Regardless, he also sourced himself 15,000 men. By sourced, of course, I mean he press-ganged them into service. Or bought them from debtor's prisons. He also had very little to feed them, and they went to see with barely 10 days provisions.
Imagine falling behind on your rent, and suddenly you've woken up on a maggoty wooden ship bound for Spain, with a lump on your head, and a king's shilling in your pocket.
But go to sea they did, in October 1625, and sailed off for Spain... in what could easily have been called one of the most poorly planned invasions of all time. The weather turned, and he was back in port the next day looking a bit sheepish.
Two days later, they set off again, and this time they made it all the way to Spain before the bad weather hit them, and took heavy damage. Then they actually came across some fully laden Spanish ships, but took so long figuring out what to do, that the slow, lumbering probably-gold-laden vessels just wallowed off over the horizon while the English forces argued amongst themselves.
Cádiz was their ultimate target. A nice plump spot, ripe for invasion and plunder. They landed nearby, disgorging their disorganised and poorly outfitted army. Sir Cecil took one look at Cádiz, and was rather surprised to see that it was rather well garrisoned... so he marched his men in completely the other direction, and fell upon a moderate-sized village in nearby Andalusia instead.
Here's where things got a little out of hand. This was a wine-producing village, and Sir Cecil's men - hungry and tired - decided to go feral. They raided cellars and storehouses, and drank the place dry.
Sounds a bit like my 21st. Actually, who am I trying to kid? I went to an Italian restaurant, and someone bought me a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cake, and I had a coke that was suspiciously devoid of rum.
They drank wine until it was coming out of their pores. They sang bawdy songs, and clashed their mugs together in drunken revelry until they largely fell into a drunken stupor. There was little that Sir Cecil or his officers could do to stop them... or indeed, rouse them.
"…the soldiers who, by the avarice or negligence of their commanders, were permitted to fill themselves so much with the wine they found in the cellars and other places they plundered, that they became more like beasts than men…" - Sir Richard Baker: A Chronicle of the Kings of England (1684)
After this, it was decided that there really wasn't a great deal of point trying to capture anything on the Spanish mainland, and that the sea was the place to be. Nobody was going to be drowning their sorrows on the ocean wave. As it were.
So they sailed up and down the Spanish coast looking for ships to plunder. They found what could graciously be described as 'sod all', and then ran out of supplies, and began to die in droves of malnutrition and disease.
It didn't take long after this before the fleet simply split up and made its way home to England... his invasion turned into a debauched drunken mess... and...
Well, you'd think disgrace - but it wasn't. Oh, to be sure, he was accused of incompetence and even of misappropriating booty from the expedition... but he was still a respected military commander.
Cecil served in various military posts in the years that followed. He became Governor of Portsmouth in 1628, a position which he held until his death in 1638.
submitted by Psygnal to VillainyGroup [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:40 Pretty_Ad1909 Pls pray for me

I got waitlisted from the university I wanted to go and the have been calling or messaging students who have been selected so pls pray that I get this admission 😭😭💗
submitted by Pretty_Ad1909 to shia [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:40 girIsofthemonth how it feels waking up on friday, hearing the sheikh during khutbah fear-mongering the people, talking about the “end times”, knowing i dont believe in that stuff anymore

how it feels waking up on friday, hearing the sheikh during khutbah fear-mongering the people, talking about the “end times”, knowing i dont believe in that stuff anymore genuinely so freeing
submitted by girIsofthemonth to exmuslim [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:40 anginsun Еще походит

submitted by anginsun to Pikabu [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:40 Tommycooker_1711 I killed all 3 tanks of this guy 😂😂😂

I killed all 3 tanks of this guy 😂😂😂 I got his bmp with the panther first then he got me with his is3 then i killed his is3 with my ferdinand, he attempted to kill me with the 268 but i was the faster one
submitted by Tommycooker_1711 to warthundermobile [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:40 Expert-Two8524 Experts vs. Market: Who Will Win the Battle?

Experts vs. Market: Who Will Win the Battle? submitted by Expert-Two8524 to ShareMarketupdates [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:40 mXoFF What Is THIS in Minecraft?! | Episode 5 (2025)

submitted by mXoFF to ContentCreators [link] [comments]
