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2025.01.24 11:32 da3thi FREE ITEMS ON SHEIN

  1. Download the SHEIN app.
  2. Log in with a new Gmail account on SHEIN.
  3. Search the code in the search bar. The code: 👇 4a8rreim 4a8rreim 4a8rreim
    or click this link:
  1. Keep clicking until you reach the free item.
  2. Choose the first 4 items you like.
submitted by da3thi to SheinSharingLinks [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:32 lawrenceralph77 3 days full body work out. Friday-Sunday

Is it okay to workout 3 days straight, full body workout? My sched is hectic and I want to stay fit. Thanks.
submitted by lawrenceralph77 to workout [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:32 DrCallejon Zamisli ovo hahaha

Zamisli ovo hahaha submitted by DrCallejon to serbia [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:32 khonager I'm calling Malardia

I'm calling Malardia submitted by khonager to juxtaposition [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:32 lostguyonthewoods Those strike arena ballhogs be like:

Those strike arena ballhogs be like: submitted by lostguyonthewoods to pesmobile [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:31 Rasiel0nSolana Sol School: dive into the Solana Ecosystem.

Sol School: dive into the Solana Ecosystem. Hey guys! Ray here from Step/SolanaFloor, wanted to share our library of Learn Solana guides with the community.
Explore our comprehensive library of Learn Solana guides , specifically designed for beginners and intermediates. With everything you need to know about the Solana ecosystem.
Educational video classes covering wallets, DeFi, Airdrops, Web3 Gaming, NFTs, and more.
Start learning here:
submitted by Rasiel0nSolana to solana [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:31 IndividualWeird6001 Wie lang Kindergeld nachzahlung?

Moin, wie viele Jahre im Nachhinein kann man vom Amt Kindergeld nachzahlen lassen?
Danke im vorraus für eure Antworten, bin durch Google leider nicht klüger geworden.
submitted by IndividualWeird6001 to LegaladviceGerman [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:31 4dotdope Pasalubong Coron

Hello fam. Saan the best bumili ng dangit at cashew na bang for the buck? Salamat
submitted by 4dotdope to Palawan [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:31 Ok_Definition1549 1 upvote = 2 hours of studying

submitted by Ok_Definition1549 to igcse [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:31 Sensitive_Iron_4207 How to "fill" a .json template using Excel ?

I have this .json template (see below) that I need to "fill" and send to an administration.
For example I need to replace "SUBMITTING_ENTITY" by the name of a company.
I would like to be able to fill an excel document that can report the data into this .json template.
Is it possible ?

{ "incidentSubmission": "initial_notification", "reportCurrency": "EUR", "submittingEntity": { "entityType": "SUBMITTING_ENTITY", "name": "String", "code": "String", "affectedEntityType": [ "credit_institution" ] }, "affectedEntity": [ { "entityType": "AFFECTED_ENTITY", "name": "String", "code": "String", "affectedEntityType": [ "credit_institution" ], "LEI": "00000000000000000000" } ], "ultimateParentUndertaking": { "entityType": "ULTIMATE_PARENT_UNDERTAKING_ENTITY", "name": "String", "code": "String", "affectedEntityType": [ "credit_institution" ], "LEI": "00000000000000000000" }, "primaryContact": { "name": "String", "email": "[email protected]", "phone": "+40744442029" }, "secondaryContact": { "name": "String", "email": "[email protected]", "phone": "+33 123456789098989898898999876767676767" }, "incident": { "financialEntityCode": "String", "detectionDateTime": "2001-12-17T09:30:47.0", "classificationDateTime": "2001-12-17T09:30:47.0Z", "incidentDescription": "String", "classificationTypes": [ { "classificationCriterion": "clients_financial_counterparts_and_transactions_affected" }, { "classificationCriterion": "geographical_spread", "countryCodeMaterialityThresholds": [ "RO" ], "memberStatesImpactType": [ "clients" ], "memberStatesImpactTypeDescription": "String" }, { "classificationCriterion": "data_losses", "dataLosseMaterialityThresholds": [ "authenticity", "availability" ], "dataLossesDescription": "String" }, { "classificationCriterion": "reputational_impact", "reputationalImpactType": [ "the_major_ict-related_incident_has_been_reflected_in_the_media" ], "reputationalImpactDescription": "String" } ], "isBusinessContinuityActivated": true, "incidentOccurrenceDateTime": "2001-12-17T09:30:47.0", "incidentDuration": "100:23:54", "originatesFromThirdPartyProvider": "String", "incidentDiscovery": "it_security", "competentAuthorityCode": "String", "incidentType": { "incidentClassification": [ "cybersecurity-related", "other" ], "threatTechniques": [ "social_engineering_including_phishing", "other" ], "otherIncidentClassification": "String", "otherThreatTechniques": "String", "indicatorsOfCompromise": "String" }, "rootCauseHLClassification": [ "malicious_actions", "system_failure_malfunction" ], "rootCausesAdditionalClassification": [ "backup_and_restore" ], "rootCausesOther": "String", "rootCausesInformation": "String", "rootCauseAddressingDateTime": "2001-12-17T09:30:47.0", "incidentResolutionSummary": "String", "incidentResolutionDateTime": "2001-12-17T09:30:47.0", "incidentResolutionVsPlannedImplementation": "String", "assessmentOfRiskToCriticalFunctions": "String", "informationRelevantToResolutionAuthorities": "String", "financialRecoveriesAmount": 0.1, "grossAmountIndirectDirectCosts": 0.1, "recurringNonMajorIncidentsDescription": "String", "recurringIncidentDate": "2001-12-17T09:30:47.0" }, "impactAssessment": { "hasImpactOnRelevantClients": true, "serviceImpact": { "serviceDowntime": "00:00:00", "serviceRestorationDateTime": "2001-12-17T09:30:47.0", "isTemporaryActionsMeasuresForRecovery": true, "descriptionOfTemporaryActionsMeasuresForRecovery": "String" }, "criticalServicesAffected": "String", "affectedAssets": { "affectedClients": { "number": 1, "percentage": 3.45 }, "affectedFinancialCounterparts": { "number": 2, "percentage": 4.56 }, "affectedTransactions": { "number": 3, "percentage": 5.67 }, "valueOfAffectedTransactions": 1, "numbersActualEstimate": [ "actual_figures_for_clients_affected" ] }, "affectedFunctionalAreas": "String", "isAffectedInfrastructureComponents": "yes", "affectedInfrastructureComponents": "String", "isImpactOnFinancialInterest": "yes" }, "reportingToOtherAuthorities": [ "police_law_enforcement", "other" ], "reportingToOtherAuthoritiesOther": "String", "informationDurationServiceDowntimeActualOrEstimate": "estimates" }I have this .json template (see below) that I need to fill{ "incidentSubmission": "initial_notification", "reportCurrency": "EUR", "submittingEntity": { "entityType": "SUBMITTING_ENTITY", "name": "String", "code": "String", "affectedEntityType": [ "credit_institution" ] }, "affectedEntity": [ { "entityType": "AFFECTED_ENTITY", "name": "String", "code": "String", "affectedEntityType": [ "credit_institution" ], "LEI": "00000000000000000000" } ], "ultimateParentUndertaking": { "entityType": "ULTIMATE_PARENT_UNDERTAKING_ENTITY", "name": "String", "code": "String", "affectedEntityType": [ "credit_institution" ], "LEI": "00000000000000000000" }, "primaryContact": { "name": "String", "email": "[email protected]", "phone": "+40744442029" }, "secondaryContact": { "name": "String", "email": "[email protected]", "phone": "+33 123456789098989898898999876767676767" }, "incident": { "financialEntityCode": "String", "detectionDateTime": "2001-12-17T09:30:47.0", "classificationDateTime": "2001-12-17T09:30:47.0Z", "incidentDescription": "String", "classificationTypes": [ { "classificationCriterion": "clients_financial_counterparts_and_transactions_affected" }, { "classificationCriterion": "geographical_spread", "countryCodeMaterialityThresholds": [ "RO" ], "memberStatesImpactType": [ "clients" ], "memberStatesImpactTypeDescription": "String" }, { "classificationCriterion": "data_losses", "dataLosseMaterialityThresholds": [ "authenticity", "availability" ], "dataLossesDescription": "String" }, { "classificationCriterion": "reputational_impact", "reputationalImpactType": [ "the_major_ict-related_incident_has_been_reflected_in_the_media" ], "reputationalImpactDescription": "String" } ], "isBusinessContinuityActivated": true, "incidentOccurrenceDateTime": "2001-12-17T09:30:47.0", "incidentDuration": "100:23:54", "originatesFromThirdPartyProvider": "String", "incidentDiscovery": "it_security", "competentAuthorityCode": "String", "incidentType": { "incidentClassification": [ "cybersecurity-related", "other" ], "threatTechniques": [ "social_engineering_including_phishing", "other" ], "otherIncidentClassification": "String", "otherThreatTechniques": "String", "indicatorsOfCompromise": "String" }, "rootCauseHLClassification": [ "malicious_actions", "system_failure_malfunction" ], "rootCausesAdditionalClassification": [ "backup_and_restore" ], "rootCausesOther": "String", "rootCausesInformation": "String", "rootCauseAddressingDateTime": "2001-12-17T09:30:47.0", "incidentResolutionSummary": "String", "incidentResolutionDateTime": "2001-12-17T09:30:47.0", "incidentResolutionVsPlannedImplementation": "String", "assessmentOfRiskToCriticalFunctions": "String", "informationRelevantToResolutionAuthorities": "String", "financialRecoveriesAmount": 0.1, "grossAmountIndirectDirectCosts": 0.1, "recurringNonMajorIncidentsDescription": "String", "recurringIncidentDate": "2001-12-17T09:30:47.0" }, "impactAssessment": { "hasImpactOnRelevantClients": true, "serviceImpact": { "serviceDowntime": "00:00:00", "serviceRestorationDateTime": "2001-12-17T09:30:47.0", "isTemporaryActionsMeasuresForRecovery": true, "descriptionOfTemporaryActionsMeasuresForRecovery": "String" }, "criticalServicesAffected": "String", "affectedAssets": { "affectedClients": { "number": 1, "percentage": 3.45 }, "affectedFinancialCounterparts": { "number": 2, "percentage": 4.56 }, "affectedTransactions": { "number": 3, "percentage": 5.67 }, "valueOfAffectedTransactions": 1, "numbersActualEstimate": [ "actual_figures_for_clients_affected" ] }, "affectedFunctionalAreas": "String", "isAffectedInfrastructureComponents": "yes", "affectedInfrastructureComponents": "String", "isImpactOnFinancialInterest": "yes" }, "reportingToOtherAuthorities": [ "police_law_enforcement", "other" ], "reportingToOtherAuthoritiesOther": "String", "informationDurationServiceDowntimeActualOrEstimate": "estimates" } 
submitted by Sensitive_Iron_4207 to excel [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:31 More_String8478 TESTBOOK Mocks

Are testbook paid mocks(699 Rs,) worth it ? Are they up to the level of actual cuet exam and follow the same pattern or not?
submitted by More_String8478 to CUETards [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:31 Relative_Flatworm_58 What all are the 1st and 2nd year textbooks to use for NEET PG prep?

So I’m a third year student and I’m thinking of starting my Neet pg prep this year onwards. But I’m confused about which books should I use for NEET Pg prep of 1st and 2nd year subjects.
Back when I was in 1st year I used GK Pal for Physio, Chaurasia for anatomy and DM vasudevan for Biochem and in 2nd year Harsh Mohan for Path, KDT for Pharmac and Apurba Shastri for Micro.
Ik Robbins is needed for Neet PG prep but I don’t know about the rest. Are there other books I have to refer to? I am literally clueless about it. Please help me.
submitted by Relative_Flatworm_58 to indianmedschool [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:31 Minimakergirl I’ve made it!!🥹🥹 I’ve completed all the Paradise Resort map dioramas in 1 month❤️‍🔥🌴 Now its time to edit and share the tutorials on my patreon🫡 If interested check out on my profile

I’ve made it!!🥹🥹 I’ve completed all the Paradise Resort map dioramas in 1 month❤️‍🔥🌴 Now its time to edit and share the tutorials on my patreon🫡 If interested check out on my profile submitted by Minimakergirl to PUBGMobile [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:31 DickPictureson How to stop wearing black/navy blue only clothes?

Whole my life I am struggling to match colours and outfits - maybe because of autism idk, I keep wearing navy blue/ black pants and navy blue/light blue and black tops with white/light blue or stripped blue shorts.
How can I escape this matrix and wear colours? I feel like any other color is not versatile and its hard to combine.
I also wear beige and light blue or olive in summer but thats it.
How to start living the life in colours?
Ps. I bought olive pants first time in my life and will try to combine them. Current idea is : military green with black boots/loafers/brogues, light blue/white with blue strips shirt, burgundy mallard patterned tie and navy blue relaxed cardigan.
Please let me know! I am super white skin type - almost like drowned body in the water or the girl from Ring movie, so recommend me something based on this.
submitted by DickPictureson to malefashionadvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:31 Large-Hour7652 Animal ideas for my au pt.1

Note: I'll only say the designs for mascots are not animals. Those who are animals will be obvious towards the design. The au is the corrupted mascot circus if you never heard of it. So, here we go!
Schuss: Dog
Schneemann: robin
Sonnenweiberl: swallow
Magique: chipmunk
Alpy: hare
Petra: dog (more so, el cadejo)
Håkon: fox
Kristin: cat
Sondre: Norwegian elkhound
Izzy: Kitsune
Athena: owl
Phevos: wolf (specifically a werewolf(maybe?))
Neve: gopher
Gliz: also a gopher
Aster: mouse
Huanhuan: dragon
Quatchi: still a Sasquatch
Wenlock: redcap
Mandeville: also a redcap (I know that redcaps aren't animals, but they can't all be animals)
Snowflake: ice fox
Ray of light: firebird
Tom: monster
Miraitowa: cat
Someity: crane
Shuey Rhon Rhon: praying mantis
Brave Flo: wolf
Glasses Flo: owl
Nervous Flo: butterfly
Super Flo: Northern Lapwing
Cool Flo: mouse
Rockstar Flo: fox
I am already 17 chapters into the corrupted mascot circus. The story is on Wattpad in case you are interested in reading it. I suggest trying it out. Not forcing you to though. More parts coming soon!
submitted by Large-Hour7652 to OlympicMascots [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:31 kirayaba Gamer Boy Phuwin

submitted by kirayaba to BLedits [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:31 GeeTeeAyee Import Duty on ROTM Shipments

Any other international members being hit with import duty on this month's ROTM shipment? Never been asked for additional taxes on any other deliveries from them before.
submitted by GeeTeeAyee to VinylMePlease [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:31 fosilija HR zones

HR zones How accurate is Apple Watch with heart rate zones? Because if I used formula of MHR = 220 - AGE and use percentage of my MHR in each zone it seems a bit off. What do people of Reddit think about that?
submitted by fosilija to AppleWatch [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:31 Outrageous_Nail1253 Why do most poor people find it hard to become rich?

submitted by Outrageous_Nail1253 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:31 thenuggetonfloor Have you given yourself a warrior name? What is it and why?

I have lol, and I def don't think I'm the only one. I wanna hear reasoning too! Does it come from your initials or something else?
My first name is basically a shortened version of the word Juniper (like Juni) but in another language, so my prefix is ofc Juniper.
My last name means literally rapid, but Juniperrapid doesn't roll off your tongue that nicely so I chose something other water related, stream!
So my warrior name would be Juniperstream!
submitted by thenuggetonfloor to WarriorCats [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:31 GGAllinsMicroPenis Question: a number of years ago I heard a Rachmaninoff composition on the radio that was just piano and violin, and after the song the DJ said it was a mother/son duo playing it.

It was amazing. I remember no other details and haven't been able to find it since. Could any of you point me to it?
submitted by GGAllinsMicroPenis to classicalmusic [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:31 FuZeGhoul It won’t let me access the crown tundra and isle of armour even though I have them unlocked

It won’t let me access the crown tundra and isle of armour even though I have them unlocked submitted by FuZeGhoul to PokemonSwordShield [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:31 Riley1_2 Five Productivity Hacks I Wish I’d Known Sooner

Over the years, I’ve become obsessed with optimizing my productivity. Here are some things that have completely changed the game for me:

  1. Time Blocking: This one’s a classic for a reason. I plan out my day in blocks, making sure I set time for deep work, quick tasks, and even breaks. Protecting these blocks keeps me on track.
  2. Two-Minute Rule: If something takes less than two minutes to do—like replying to an email or organizing a file—I just do it immediately instead of letting it pile up. Small wins add up.
  3. Dictation Tools for Writing: I used to type everything, but now I use voice dictation to speed things up. Good ones are Superwhispher, Macwhispher, and I especially like Willow It works across all my apps and is surprisingly accurate. It’s saved me hours on emails and brainstorming sessions.
  4. Daily Highlight: I pick one big task to focus on each day, no matter how many smaller things come up. As long as I finish that one thing, I feel productive.
  5. Weekly Reviews: Every Sunday night, I spend 10 minutes reviewing my week and planning for the next. It helps me reset and feel ready to tackle Monday.
Anyone else have tips that have really stuck for them? Always looking to level up!
submitted by Riley1_2 to ProductivityApps [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:31 iwasreallyshocked Visenya and Rhaenys by juneiper-art

Visenya and Rhaenys by juneiper-art submitted by iwasreallyshocked to ImaginaryWesteros [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:31 Ancient-Fill5571 The Future of AS & A Level Schools in Mumbai: Trends and Innovations

AS & A Level schools in Mumbai foster a dynamic learning environment where innovation seamlessly blends with traditional values. By integrating technology and personalised teaching strategies, these institutions make education engaging and aligned with the demands of the 21st century. These schools exemplify this approach, focusing on analytical reasoning, problem-solving, and emotional intelligence alongside subject mastery. This holistic model ensures students excel academically while growing into well-rounded individuals equipped to tackle real-world challenges. Let’s discover the factors of AS & A Level education that will impact the future trends in these institutions, especially A Level Schools in Mumbai.
Comprehensive and holistic learning culture
AS & A Level curriculum provides an in-depth exploration of subjects across varying levels, offering learners a profound understanding of their chosen disciplines. These schools are celebrated for seamlessly combining academic rigour with enriching extracurricular activities. Students are encouraged to pursue diverse interests and passions, nurturing intellectual curiosity and personal growth, key traits in an era where adaptability and multifaceted skills are highly valued.
Beyond academics, A Level schools in Mumbai place a strong emphasis on ethics, cultural awareness, and global citizenship. Through community projects, international collaborations, and leadership programs, students develop a strong moral foundation and a global outlook, preparing them to navigate the complexities of a connected world.
Shift to a practical learning approach
AS & A Level emphasises practical learning and the seamless application of knowledge, empowering learners to connect theoretical concepts with real-world scenarios. There’s a shift in focus on cultivating essential skills such as critical thinking, research, problem-solving, teamwork, and effective knowledge application, equipping students to confidently tackle real-world challenges.
Home ground for future leaders
The world today demands leaders who can navigate complexities with resilience, adaptability, and foresight. AS & A level schools play a crucial role in shaping such leaders by fostering qualities like independence, accountability, and creativity.A Level Schools in Mumbai provide the ideal environment for cultivating these essential skills. Through a blend of rigorous academics, experiential learning, and co-curricular opportunities, students are empowered to think critically, act decisively, and embrace new challenges with confidence. By nurturing these attributes, they prepare students to take on leadership roles in their chosen fields, equipping them to thrive in a complex and interconnected world.
Prioritising structured thinking: Emphasising the development of logical and structured thinking skills in our learners. By engaging in meaningful and rational discourses, students are encouraged to approach problems analytically and cultivate reasoned perspectives. This focus on critical thinking not only enhances their academic performance but also equips them with the cognitive tools necessary to navigate complex real-world scenarios.
Balanced education TSGE, an AS & A level school in Mumbai takes pride in its rigorous yet balanced approach to secondary education. Its curriculum is designed to challenge students intellectually while providing ample opportunities for holistic growth through extracurricular activities and personalised learning strategies.
By combining intellectual rigour with a supportive learning environment, TSGE, an A Level School in Mumbai ensures that students develop the skills, knowledge, and values required to excel both academically and personally in the future.
submitted by Ancient-Fill5571 to Alldailyusedtips [link] [comments]