Feedback Needed: Simple Habit Tracker on WhatsApp

2025.01.24 14:40 LandscapeFirst903 Feedback Needed: Simple Habit Tracker on WhatsApp

Feedback Needed: Simple Habit Tracker on WhatsApp Hey everyone!
Inspired by a post I saw a few days ago, I decided to create a simple habit tracker on WhatsApp using a custom ChatGPT setup, Zapier, and 2Chat. It’s still a work in progress, but I wanted to share some demo screenshots and get your thoughts
I'll appreciate any feedback specifically:
  • Does this idea make sense to you? Do you think you'll pay a few $ for this?
  • Would anyone be interested in dogfooding it out? Drop a comment below, and I’ll DM the link!
  • Are there any features you’d like to see in a habit tracker like this?
  • Is anyone else working in the chatbot/messenger space? It's a super complex space and I’d love to collaborate or compare notes
submitted by LandscapeFirst903 to AppIdeas [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:40 Independent_Fun_7575 i ate 3k cals yesterday

hello. normally each day i eat around 300-600 cals and have been doing so for months. i know this isnt healthy and i am in the process of seeking professional help. i am here for information though. after eating 3k cals yesterday, how much progress does this put me back? some places i read that because ive been at such a high deficit, this equates to about two days of eating my maintenance calories and what i will gain is water weight and not much else. i would just like some info to help ease my mind. thank you
submitted by Independent_Fun_7575 to CICO [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:40 Weekly_Factor3517 My S21FE is heating up too much

I've had this phone since December 2022 but recently it is heating up too much, even when I'm not using apps that use a lot of energy. It is summer where I love and it could be related to the ambient heat, but I've been noticing that my girlfriend's phone (same model, bought a couple months later) is not getting as hot as mine and her battery lasts longer. Has anyone had this problem or know some settings that could help it? Thanks in advance!
submitted by Weekly_Factor3517 to samsunggalaxy [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:40 ButtSucker_ Should I pay my cleaning/prorate fee? (Arkansas)

So I've been living in this complex for about 7 years now and I recently purchased a house. After notifying the complex I'd be moving out they stated that I was required to give them a 60 day notice of vacate before moving out. They also gave me a long list of tasks that needs to be done to the apartment before turning it back over to the complex including having the carpets professionally cleaned, along with the charges I would have to pay if the tasks on the list were not completed.
As I stated before I've been living in this complex for 7 years and have watched them rip out the carpet of every apartment a tenant that has moved out of, so I'm not sure why I have to pay for professional cleaning if the carpet will be removed anyway.
This complex has also been purchased and is managed by a different company from the one I originally signed with when I moved in. When I asked about my deposit I was told they have no record of a deposit ever being put down on the apartment and told me it was my responsibility to find those records with the old company if I wanted my deposit back. I also didn't get a copy of my lease when I last signed it (this complex has the option of resigning your lease or paying month to month once your lease ends, however the month to month rate is far higher than if you sign for a year) and their website doesn't allow access to view your lease so I have no idea if the 60 day notice was in the lease to begin with.
My lease ended on the 18th of this month (January) and I was completely moved out before that date but because of the 60 day notice they've stated that I'm required to pay a prorate fee (at the month to month rate) for half of the month of February even if I'm not living there.
If I'm not going to get my deposit back regardless of what I do, and I'm not living there during the prorated term, should I even bother paying to have the apartment cleaned or pay the prorate? Could they take legal action against me/would it be worth their time to?
submitted by ButtSucker_ to Renters [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:40 Capital_Papaya_5136 Ghosting

What's the idea ghosting time in dating apps?
submitted by Capital_Papaya_5136 to IndianBoysOnTinder [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:40 Miss_Aft0n Crash bandicoot nitro fueled

Hello! Right now i have my ps4 in my room, but because im getting a ps5 for my birthday its going back downstairs. My dad has always been a crash bandicoot fan and also a big race game fan. So i wanted to ask if it would be worth it to buy nitro fueled for him? Kind of as a thank you for letting me have the ps4, and because hes my dad and i love him.
submitted by Miss_Aft0n to crashbandicoot [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:40 the-scream-i-scrumpt is this an ant or a roach? (or something else?) in bathtub

is this an ant or a roach? (or something else?) in bathtub ignore the gross hair next to it... 😬
submitted by the-scream-i-scrumpt to bugidentification [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:40 impendingfuckery I’ve been a fan of this show for 13 years. And there’s still so many episodes, songs and quotes that I haven’t seen. This makes obscure hilarious lines like this that come out of nowhere even more hilarious because the context is missing.

I’ve been a fan of this show for 13 years. And there’s still so many episodes, songs and quotes that I haven’t seen. This makes obscure hilarious lines like this that come out of nowhere even more hilarious because the context is missing. submitted by impendingfuckery to americandad [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:40 Fancy_Payment_800 Why would an employer not be okay with allowing me to use their license on personal pc?

Intellij says in their faq that "[they], in our EULAs, do not prohibit using your company commercial licenses at home."
Why would an employer not be okay with allowing me to use their license on personal pc? Is there any tracking happening on what I do with the license or what?
submitted by Fancy_Payment_800 to Jetbrains [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:40 elmastergamer76 Alchile, que estafa

Alchile, que estafa submitted by elmastergamer76 to MomazosBeelce1 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:40 Tornitrualis Well, in lieu of the V3 changes...

Well, in lieu of the V3 changes... submitted by Tornitrualis to TribbieMains_ [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:40 Dangerous-File-5650 Support Ninja

Gaano katagal hiring process ng support ninja? Nag uupdate ba sila target date daw kasi ng account is First week of Feb tapos after interview sa manager wala na sinabi next step. Can someone givr me an insight?
submitted by Dangerous-File-5650 to BPOinPH [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:40 mactan400 How is it possible BMW believes Elon did a nazi salute? Is Germany education system deteriorating?

submitted by mactan400 to bmwmotorrad [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:40 DarLoose Question about the 25 Diverge Elite that i bought last night.

I currently have 2008 trek 1.2 for $200 that i just bought a week and a half ago to see if im going to like road biking and put 140 miles on. Well i like it so much i wanted to upgrade now. Enter Diverge elite... Im not planning on riding it on the trail but if theres a chance i will from time butmainly pavement, i do have my MTB for trail days. My routes are road, pavement, bike paths.. My question is since this is a gravel bike, can i replace the tires with just a road slick tires instead of gravel tires? Im currently running a GP5000 28mm and i like it. Whats the ideal tire width so it will feel like its a road bike and not a gravel bike. I was debating between Allez and Diverge but i went with diverge because its all around bike.
Thank you
submitted by DarLoose to DivergeGravelBikes [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:40 Relative-Surround-63 Almost 2b a minute.

After just hitting 1 billion a minute a few days ago already getting 2 billion a minute. Funny how it just starts climbing after you hit that mark.
submitted by Relative-Surround-63 to TheTowerGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:40 mutual_fishmonger Withering sigh

Like the rest of you lovely people, Labyrinth is a very important film to me. I'm pleased there are Hensons attached to this sequel, but so sad Toby Froud isn't, or any Froud for that matter. I hope the Hensons can keep any cg or God forbid ai trash out of the new film. Puppets please!!!!
submitted by mutual_fishmonger to labyrinth [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:40 Big_Balance_1544 My AWESOME experience with ACP-105 & 5amino 1mq with Tirzepetide

For Context. Im 42 male 225lbs 6'1.
A few years back i got into a depressive state and gained a ton of weight, test levels dropped to below 100, blood pressure was 179 over 120. II was near 280lbs . I say that because mental health and longevity are important to me. I cant chance crashing my system.
After a ton of research and experience with differnt sarms I came across acp-105. Not a ton of info out there on it. Most of the info on reddit is kids stacking sarms (which i think is kind of useless as they are all fighting for the same receptors). That said, the benefits from things like rad are big aggressive gains but the come down and sides seem to make them all to often, moot. What i found was that acp-105 offered a lot of the same wins that Ostarine had except without the neg sides. Well , holy shit I'm sold on it. More in a moment...
Additionally ive been curious about 5 amino as most of us have but it's expensive. Also i've now learned that the 5 amino most places if not all sell is the iodide form which has been shown to be 50% less bioavailable in some studies compared to the raw powder chloride form which I found. Ive taken both kinds at 150mg a day....I felt good like i had energy with the fist but it was expensive. It wasnt until i sourced the raw powder for $80 for 3 grams and was able to take 200mg a day that everything clicked. My body immediately responded in incredible ways.
Before the holidays I was at around 247 and squishy but so much better than the 280 and depressed ...Well, i decided to try acp-105 20mgs a day(10 in morning 10 late afternoon) and 5 amino 200mgs a day for the next 8 weeks( no test base ). Within a day I woke up feeling oddly very clear minded and healthy. Noticed immediately i didnt actually crave a pre workout. Weird right.... a few more days of this i was wondering if id get that aggressive rad140 alpha drive in the gym which i loved but its not sustainable( no wonder it crashes you lol). That never came; rather a very focussed purpose driven methodical workout. one after another after another. Recovery was almost within a day or so. At week 2 i decided to do a very low dose of tirz just to kind of curb some crazy hunger cravings.
By week 2-3 I started realizing i was actually gaining muscle but my fat was burning off, as in fat that has never burned off. Then i started lifting heavier and my joints still felt great even though I could tell i was drying out. week 4 my stomach , chest , and under chin fat was noticeably going away and every morning id wake up feeling really good about everything. Id heard there were nootropic affects but my god.. Im now going into week 6. Im down ......fking 20 lbs but my lifts are up, my waist has slimmed, my arms , my chest..are absurd right now. I dont feel any suppression. Like at all. Im sleeping well.
Finally the core and abs came in. Ive read that 5 amino can shrink fat cells.....i can attest to this. im lifting about 4 days a week and if i can do 30 min of walking 5 days a week. High protein diet via food not protein shakes. I dont count anything at all. Try no to drink my calories
My test levels were 780 when i started with no "half natty" bs. lol They are 650 today. Im doing some enclo to be safe but i feel really good.
Here's the thing, a lot of sarms are ran way too long at too young an age in my opinion and no matter the pct all too often the gains are lost. This feels so much different and sustainable. I hate to say this is healthier but so far it really does feel that way.
Id love to hear anyone else's experience with these compounds. Hope this is helpful.
submitted by Big_Balance_1544 to SARMs [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:40 Bi_Lupus_ Always take _____ in life

submitted by Bi_Lupus_ to AskOuija [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:40 Old_Geologist6182 Justin Sun is a POS.

Just refer to coffeezilla
submitted by Old_Geologist6182 to XCN [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:40 apathetic_apricot Guys, y'all obliterated Basira yesterday

Guys, y'all obliterated Basira yesterday submitted by apathetic_apricot to TheMagnusArchives [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:40 Moist_Scallion9883 I LOVE MOMO'S OUTFIT
submitted by Moist_Scallion9883 to InfinityNikki [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:40 adschwartzy ISO AI Calendar with iMessage detection

Have come across a bunch of auto-scheduling AI calendars with Google CalendaOutlook/Slack integrations (Reclaim, Motion, etc), but my real game changer would be an iMessage integration that detects plans being made and generates the appropriate calendar events.
Invasion of my personal data? Yes, probably. But, I've had too many times where a friend texts me about an event on a certain day and I simply forget to input it. Not lazy, just ADHD....
Any leads or tricks would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by adschwartzy to ProductivityApps [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:40 sam-ish Why is it so hard to find a gf (wlw)

Ok like I've been searching, high and low. I genuinely cannot find anyone that I can have a proper conversation that lasts longer than even 24h. It's actually pathetic.
Lesbians/Bisexuals might know but I tried that green wink app, the other rainbow coloured app and even the red app which is otherwise a very normal social media app. THERE IS NO ONE OUT THERE THAT WANTS TO TALK TO ME 😭
I gets. I understand that I might not be the best option you can find and that you're probably also not that desperate to get a gf. But I am :""">
I don't know man. Is there no one out there that likes girls in Singapore and is around my age group. Ain't no way right IRL I know quite a few girls who aren't straight but just because we're not straight doesn't mean we have to like each other so here I am, looking for people out there.
It's so hard to find a sapphic in Singapore and even IRL most of the time you absolutely cannot tell if the girl you like likes girls so I'm just like dying inside when the SG sapphics online also don't reply. Those that I can talk to are too risky to ask (and also not interested yk just because you're not straight doesn't mean you like every girl out there) while those online that I do want to get to know better to see if we'd fit don't get back to me ._.
But uh if by any chance sapphics out there reading this are interested in getting a gf as well, please feel free to DM me, I will gladly talk to you. (but also please be at least born before 2008) (if not it feels extremely uh, weird.) (I personally believe that I am a rather curious and interesting person who also looks ok so hopefully you won't find the conversation boring and we can see if we fit) Or if you have ANY reccs on where to find girls who wanna date girls. Please lmk 🙏🙏🙏
Also maybe I'll delete this post in a few days cause it is EMBARRASSING but I am actually so done with my lack of charisma or rizz whatever you'd call it so here I am in a desperate rant for the current dating scene for sapphics (or specifically, me really)
submitted by sam-ish to SGExams [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:40 Busy-Macaroon351 Update

Update This is the original post I printed and installed the button release and the holder for the tube. It still jams the filament. I have checked and all seems to be fine.... I don't get it.
submitted by Busy-Macaroon351 to BambuLab [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:40 Lowwki21 Too good to be true

Too good to be true submitted by Lowwki21 to NuxTakuSubmissions [link] [comments]