Link post title 442

How to present your mail when using Click & Drop - it's important your mail is presented correctly when handing it over at a Post Office® or to your collection driver. If they post them and they go missing they can claim what it cost them to acquire the jeans, i.e. £15. The Factory (the manufacturer) that supplies the shop makes the jeans for £10. Our size and weight guide shows you everything you need to know about the different formats you can send through the post. There are some items you can't send in the post - always check our list of prohibited and restricted goods. The table below shows the time period when final collections will be made at post boxes (excludes public holidays). The display on the postbox will tell you if the collection has already been made and when the next one is. Claims for damage or part loss - Digital or electronic images showing the damaged item and all the original packaging To claim for items paid for using stamps, Franking or online postage (including items sent and paid for at the Post Office) Complete our online Claim form Tools Track your item Postcode finder Price finder Online postage Book a Redelivery Get the Royal Mail App Help and support Royal Mail Group Contact us Collect a ... Alguns ensinam que POST é para enviar dados para criação de algo e que PUT é para atualizar, mas achei mal explicado. Então, afinal, qual é a diferença entre o método PUT e o POST? Quando devo us... Please note: the maximum weight limit for Special Delivery Guaranteed by 1pm® items is 20kg, and for Special Delivery Guaranteed by 9am® it’s 2kg. Size and weight comparison guide Want to tell the difference between small and large letters? Watch our video . Letter - Greetings cards, personal letters, postcards, bills Large letter - A4 documents, certificates, magazines, CD or DVD in cased ... How do I find my reference number? Your number is between 9 and 27 characters long. You’ll find it on your item’s label or your Post Office® receipt. It may be called a barcode or a reference. If you’re using a Customer Collection, your manifest should list the reference numbers of items collected. These guidelines show the best way to address your mail for fast delivery in the UK and abroad. Write the address clearly on the front following our clear addressing guide lines and always include a postcode when you can. You can search for up to 50 postcodes or addresses, free of charge, with our Postcode Finder. Before sending your item, please check our Prohibited and restricted items ...

2025.01.24 17:31 lss_web_1444 Link post title 442

Link post title 442 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:31 xQc_is_pog Am I different and something is up or is this natural?

Ok so for context, I'm a 20 year old man, a little over a year ago I use to go to a lot of parties, hangout out with a bunch of people and like go outside. I would want to skate, hangout and I liked being in social areas. I still want to hang out with people but like I don't put in effort to do so anymore. I mostly go outside to go to classes and the gym, and then I go back to my dorm. I feel like I just don't want to be outside anymore. It's weird cause I caught myself a few time getting tired like my body physically starts to get sleepy and I need to sit down when I'm like on a date with my girlfriend. which is just crazy cause I don't know how that happened. I do think part of it is the city I live in. And I feel like I also don't talk to as many people cause I'm getting older and want closer friends instead of just people I hangout with. I also don't talk to any girls in general out of respect for my girlfriend. I just feel weird about who I am right now. Like is something wrong with me?
submitted by xQc_is_pog to helpme [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:31 PomegranateNo2235 Ground arrives faster than 3 day and 2 day

My boss has been on our butts about upselling and trying to get people to do 3 day select or above. However, 80% of the time ground shipping will get there days before the 3 day option, and it’s cheaper. wtf is the logic in that and how do they expect anyone to pay more for slower shipping?
submitted by PomegranateNo2235 to upsstore [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:31 PinacoladaBunny Gallbladder infection?

At the beginning of my LC experience, a few months after my first (awful) infection, I became very sick. Distended stomach, projectile vomiting, pain, fever, etc. My GP ended up sending me to hospital where they found I had AAC - essentially a gallbladder infection, without the gallstones. They had absolutely no idea what to do, as apparently they basically never see it without gallstones. My gallbladder had thickened walls, was very inflamed, you could feel it through my belly despite it being huge with gases.
I had the odd few flare ups in the weeks / months afterwards, and the fatigue which settled in never went away. There’s never been any explanation why this happened with my gallbladder, and repeated scans afterwards still showed no gallstones, no fatty liver, etc.
Now.. I’ve seen some recent articles about covid infecting the GI system, and lingering in some patients. I wondered.. could this have been related to covid? Maybe a reinfection or something? I wondered if anyone else had experienced strange gallbladder symptoms after covid too?
submitted by PinacoladaBunny to covidlonghaulers [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:31 Unusual_Plum_4630 Anyone else in PA have a chronic autoimmune disease or other serious illness? If so, how do you cope with the hours and stress?

For context, I started in PA but eventually wound up getting a job in industry. Unfortunately, I was recently laid off from my industry job so I am back in PA since industry jobs are now so competitive to get.
submitted by Unusual_Plum_4630 to Accounting [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:31 Adam_the_original These people on the hateful artist sub are genuinely insane. They actually think that if you like AI Art in any way or form you’re a nazi.

I don’t know about anyone else but this is exactly how hate mongering and bad stuff starts. Seriously when is their propaganda gonna stop, the only thing they are doing is causing harm all around.
submitted by Adam_the_original to DefendingAIArt [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:31 Icy-Commercial-9600 Looking for a subreddit to ask the name of a visual artist who worked in a particular style.

submitted by Icy-Commercial-9600 to findareddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:31 lss_web_1444 Image post title 439

Image post title 439 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:31 Maximum_Prune6308 "I killed the academyplayer" S1 ended

submitted by Maximum_Prune6308 to Regression_Genre [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:31 mnjolleywriting Is there a way to fix audio balance without a re-upload?

I've got a small-ish youtube channel where I post audiobook versions of novels that I've written, which I'm slowly growing and building an audience.
In a recent comment, someone pointed out that the audio mix is extremely one-sided: If you're listening with headphones, (which means, most of my target audience for audiobooks,) it only comes out the right side.
This issue is endemic in all my uploads, and across them, I've managed to get about 8,000 views and a few dozen comments, as well as - most importantly - about 8,000 hours of watch time. (I'd like to get to be able to monetize these.)
Is there a way to fix the audio balance without a complete re-upload and replacement, losing all that engagement?
submitted by mnjolleywriting to NewTubers [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:31 ThiccboyWaVy 704428550535 Dialga Raid!

submitted by ThiccboyWaVy to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:31 E1331 who do you work for

who do you work for submitted by E1331 to Silksong [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:31 IllPosition5081 Intermediate Caliber Chamber

This is really weird and not that well thought out, but I have a question. So .223 Wylde exists, so .223 and 5.56 can be used interchangeably. I remembered that a .300 BO will chamber and fire through a 5.56/.223 chambebarrel, just not well. What about a wildcat chamber that has been modified from .223 Wylde to now also manage .300 BO? I know there are generally a lot of problems of .300 BO thru 5.56/.223, so it would probably necessitate a rework of the BCG and most systems for spacing and dimensions, possibly creating a new cartridge altogether. I am not super educated on gunsmithing, but if you are, please reply to help me know more. Thanks!
submitted by IllPosition5081 to gunsmithing [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:31 DBoaty First time using this, AI makes me feel weird.

First time using this, AI makes me feel weird. submitted by DBoaty to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:31 DivideOk560 3 weeks in feeling great

So I just jumped into omad tired of feeling sluggish 3 weeks ago I started omad and going to the gym already feeling better the scale has only moved 10 pounds but I feel a whole lot better and I had to move my bra clips over two rows just to get it to hold up sw:222 cw:212 gw:150 I’m so excited I also cut out eating out and soda I eat in the morning because I love breakfast way to much lol I can’t tell the difference in my body but my face wow Don’t believe the scale she lies lol My goal is to be at goal weight by then end of November will keep you all updated
submitted by DivideOk560 to omad [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:31 Outside_Policy406 The effects of trump are already happening

Just wanted to share how frustrating this new administration is in the USA. I have been planning on being standardized as a retail inspector by the FDA for the past year, and it was finally going to happen in two weeks. Well, I just got a call from my FDA contact letting me know that it is cancelled due to an executive order from the president. They were going to fly out to my state for the standardization, so I suggested that maybe I could go out to them. But of course, according to the executive order, that would not be allowed either. And to top it all off, one of the grants for my team is reliant on me being standardized 😑
submitted by Outside_Policy406 to healthinspector [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:31 CatInaBurgundyHat Anyone know what these chillies are called?

We ate a bunch of them with pho and we loved them, but we have no idea what they’re called. They look different to bird’s eye (more ridged) and have a delicious and distinctive taste.
submitted by CatInaBurgundyHat to VietNam [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:31 Entire_Economist6078 Are those lazy unambitious people actually the ones who figured it all out? If you're going to eventually die, why bother? Imagine two people sitting on the shore, you tell them that a big wave will come, one starts building an elaborate sand castle and the other does nothing, who's smarter?

submitted by Entire_Economist6078 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:31 hunnypotpng Very specific case(what can I do?)

I use a pocket watch with it's chain around my neck like in the second image, i noticed it gave me these hickey like marks, is there Anything i could do?
submitted by hunnypotpng to skin [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:31 Feuillo oh man i can't wait for the shanks flashback.

when they reveal that shanks was abandonned because his older brother was better and he was pathetic and then it turns out shanks is fine man that will be epico and never done before.
submitted by Feuillo to Piratefolk [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:31 Ok_Vermicelli3477 Anyone knows how to get the platinum trophy "Revachol believes in you" ?

And also the one called "expert advanced remote viewer :see beyond the veil 6 times" What is the veil?
submitted by Ok_Vermicelli3477 to DiscoElysium [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:31 The_Crunk H: mods, Gatling plasma swift core and large core W: leaders, rare misc or other offers

H: mods, Gatling plasma swift core and large core W: leaders, rare misc or other offers submitted by The_Crunk to Market76 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:31 brennie969 Gaming mode to Desktop mode. the screen size changes and can’t configure it to fit in desktop mode.

I would like to use desktop mode through my gaming monitor. The layout of the screen in gaming mode is perfect but as soon as I switch into desktop mode it doesn’t fit. I have right clicked to go into “configure display settings” chosen my device (monitor) and picked that and press enabled and have literally tried every resolution and none ever fit the screen. Been on YouTube and literally everybody’s screen as soon as they switch to desktop mode it’s the same as gaming mode. What am I missing here? Thanks
submitted by brennie969 to SteamDeck [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:31 gnlongshot Do the Books of Blood have illustrations?

I’ve seen a picture associated with The Forbidden floating around. It’s an illustration with the antagonist standing in an archway.
My copy of Books of Blood doesn’t have such an illustration.
Was this image just for a magazine for that one story, or are there different versions of the Books of Blood that have more/different content and art?
submitted by gnlongshot to clivebarker [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:31 curioushubby805 Pulled pork and Mac&cheese dog

Pulled pork and Mac&cheese dog Delicious
submitted by curioushubby805 to hotdogs [link] [comments]