请问,Springer旗下杂志投稿提交的申明中有个项目叫Code availability,这是什么意思,要怎么写? 随着产品硬件和软件的更新换代,很多产品硬件和软件经历5年后,产品的生命周期将结束,一般产品生命周期结束前,厂家都是相应的提示,那么华为产品eom、eofs、eos和lodsp、ga等是什么意思? Data statementTo foster transparency, we encourage you to state the availability of your data in your submission.This may be a requirement of your funding body or institution. If your data is unavailable to accessor unsuitable to post, you will have the opportunity to indicate why during the submission process,for example by stating that the research data is confidential. 这个帖子发布于 6 年零 71 天前,其中的信息可能已发生改变或有所发展。 关于Advanced,results by year, text availability和type等常规操作就不一一介绍了,大家自己去看看。 新版PubMed还在文献下方增加了MeSH 条目,可以对比该主题的相关专业术语词汇。 前段时间投了Frontiers in public health,这个期刊去年影响因子涨了,比较难投了吗? 这是有关获取原始数据的问题: 1.你在投稿时说,“data are available upon request”,所以编辑要求你要在supplemental files 中放上数据,这些数据不在多少,只有有就好,所以是 minimal data set。 之前都是没问题的,前两天提问就提示我无法阅读文件了,连续几天尝试都一样的提示。 您好,我想请问下plos one 提交修改稿时,修改稿格式是怎样的呢,要表明没行和页吗,尤其是图单独文件上传,但是那个图注是在文末放置,还是怎么弄。 数据可用性声明(Data Availability Statement,或者Data Access Statement)指对于某一数据集或者数据资源,明确其可访问性(accessibility)、可用性(availability)以及使用条件的一份说明。 数据可用性声明大致可以分为两类: 第一类是出现在研究论文中
2025.01.24 17:30 plathrop01 Ozempic or Mounjaro availability
I'm really frustrated: I've been on Ozempic for several years, but especially over the last year, I've been unable to get my prescription filled when it's due because I'm being told by my pharmacy that it's backordered and not available. I'm currently approaching 5 weeks since my last dose, and have talked to my doctor and local pharmacies (I'm in Minneapolis), and the doctor says she's not aware of significant shortages, but my pharmacist has told me (along with others in my area) that they can't get "any injectible."
We changed my script to Mounjaro last week because my doc has wanted to move me for a while, and also to see if it was any easier to get. So far, no luck.
Is anyone else having this hard a time getting theirs filled? It would be nice to know it isn't just me in my area.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by plathrop01 to diabetes [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:30 Arnoldbocklinfanacc dasha anna
submitted by Arnoldbocklinfanacc to rs_x [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:30 lss_web_1444 Image post title 370
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:30 SDFprowler I don't think the system works.
submitted by SDFprowler to PrequelMemes [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:30 Avion1588 Samsung Oled G8
Good day,
I started noticing that my G8 Oled will sometimes go black for a second (with audio still running) then come back to the screen.
Is it an issue with the monitor ?
submitted by Avion1588 to OLED_Gaming [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:30 Sure_Insurance_5487 How to survive my Holiday without oxycontin?
Hello friends, I have a question. I’ve been a chronic pain patient for a long time and depend on the pain medication Oxycodone, usually between 300 and 400 milligrams a day. However, I’m traveling to Thailand with my wife for two weeks, and I have no way to take this medication with me. Therefore, I need an alternative to get through these two weeks as smoothly as possible without experiencing withdrawal symptoms.
I was thinking about either getting Lyrica (Pregabalin) from a pharmacy there to ease the withdrawal symptoms or obtaining Kratom. Various other benzodiazepines, such as Xanax or Valium, are also available at pharmacies there, which I could also consider. Does anyone here have experience with this topic and could give me advice on how to make these two weeks as manageable as possible?
About three or four years ago, I was in Thailand once before. Back then, I was only taking the pain medication Tilidine, although in high doses of 1200 to 1600 milligrams per day. During that vacation, however, I didn’t experience any withdrawal symptoms—none at all, absolutely nothing. I was so worried about that trip, but when I arrived, I didn’t have any withdrawal problems whatsoever. I didn’t feel anything at all. I had a bit of a runny nose for one or two days, but that was it.
Now I’m wondering if this might still be the case with my current Oxycodone dosage.
submitted by Sure_Insurance_5487 to withdrawl [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:30 Weekly-Ad-5479 Looking for musicians in the charlotte NC area
Hey, my name is alex. I’m a vocalist, drummer, and guitarist looking to start a hardcore/beatdown band in the charlotte area. I’m specifically in search of a drummer, guitarist, and bassist. I am primarily a drummer but I want to dip my feet into some vocal stuff. I’m going for a kind of Kublai Khan, Stray from the path, spite, knocked loose vibe. Below is a vocal cover i did of a kublai khan song, but there are also some vids on my channel of me drumming and playing guitar if you’d like to get a feel of the type of musician i am.
submitted by Weekly-Ad-5479 to metalmusicians [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:30 LoredadMedia What if Trotsky did the Great Purges instead of Stalin?
What if Trotsky became leader of the USSR? What if German became Communist? and what if Germany collapsed after WW1? In one way or another, all of these questions are answered, with a major twist, in Project German October, an alternate interwar period timeline. The Korean Gambit was meant to be Soviet's trump card to get Japan out of the Soviet - Chinese war, and gain an unquestionably strong position in the Pacific Ocean. However, due to a well-timed assassination, the invasion of Korea would be held off. Trotsky would begin to become extremely paranoid of the, up until this point, tolerated opposition, and would begin a series of purges in order to further consolidate his rule, eliminating any fifth columns, including an increasingly worrying amount of defeatists. But who was behind the assassination? Who would be purged? How would the rest of the capitalist world react to this shift? All of these Questions and more will be answered in Episode 5 of German October! submitted by LoredadMedia to AlternateHistory [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:30 femmebotfairydust Why do allistics like meetings so much
Thought to join a new artist collective in my city. On paper our values align, and we would be a match. Boy I was wrong...
Turns out they loooooove to yap a lot and have meetings at least once a week (either irl or online). I don't think this is necessary. And I can't keep up with the group chat either. What's wrong with email and taking a bit more time before expecting a reply? Why not assign clear tasks and let me do them? FFS. Think I'm dropping this project and hopefully find other people to collaborate with, or just do something by myself but that would be quite difficult.
submitted by femmebotfairydust to AutisticWithADHD [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:30 Traditional_Fact839 Is it really rare to get 122 tickets from a ticket planter?
submitted by Traditional_Fact839 to BeeSwarmSimulator [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:30 PushIll7603 Are there any books to help learn Spanish including slang or lingo?
I’ve been trying to learn Spanish (still very far from my goal). However when I try to speak Spanish with my friends I realize some of the words I learned to be on thing is a slang and many people refer to that word as the slang. An example (not the best) would be webos.
submitted by PushIll7603 to SpanishLearning [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:30 GoCardinal07 I need to get a display case/album for leftover foreign currency from my international trips, but the currency are different sizes.
submitted by GoCardinal07 to firstworldproblems [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:30 Cillian_arnold22 eze or matuidi
what do u think i should use
submitted by Cillian_arnold22 to EAFC [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:30 RedditServiceUK Le last supper
submitted by RedditServiceUK to AccidentalRenaissance [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:30 apolloadi [22/M] Looking to chat with people
Hi, 22 year old Asian male from Asia. I am from both East and Southeast Asia due to my heritage if that makes any sense.
Looking to just chat and have fun with new people.
Interests are anime, games, stuff along those lines. Thanks!
Discord: apolloadi
submitted by apolloadi to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:30 genisvel Pro Volleyball Federation on Instagram: "INDY IS ALIVE 🔥 (🎥/ @patmcafeeshow)"
submitted by genisvel to PVF [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:30 audreyandcoffee Advice: what items to get my mom for bmt hospital stay?
My mom (F 74) has MDS and is scheduled for a bone marrow transplant in February. What are some items I can gather for her to make her stay more comfortable?
I knit, so if there’s anything in particular that was helpful (hats, socks, etc.) I can make those. But would like to include other items as well to help her through the transplant and hospital stay.
submitted by audreyandcoffee to leukemia [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:30 paintabee Another kitty among flowers
The eyes were a pain to do, details are not friendly to pastels 😭
submitted by paintabee to Oilpastel [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:30 Puzzleheaded-Pay6970 Placement training
So coz of not meeting some criteria I am not eligible for placement registration right now in 6th sem. What happens if I clear the criteria at end of 6th sem? Am I allowed to appear for placements in 7th sem? What about the training then? Present 4th year people pls help I am in too.much tension.
submitted by Puzzleheaded-Pay6970 to Vit [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:30 y_zass Help with wheel bearings - Impreza changes 2012-2016
I am trying to buy wheel bearings for my 2016 Impreza, here are the model numbers I am working with. They are Timkens
HA590315 - Front - Axle 3.937 - 2012-14
HA590313 - Rear - Axle 3.937 - 2008-14
HA590522 - Rear - Axle 3.928 - 2012-16
The years are conflicting, what years have the wheel bearings changed on the Impreza? Is it even possible for a wheel bearing to support 2014 but not 2016? There is another front bearing, HA590648. The part that inserts into the knuckle appears taller than on the 315. Could just be the picture though, kind of hard to tell. 648 and 522 may be updated 315 and 313. Anyone know?
submitted by y_zass to subaru [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:30 Bertgrand Coogee Beach, Australia 565nm - Canon R5C
Insta: @lambertgrand submitted by Bertgrand to InfraredPorn [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:30 IfLazyIsAPerson [TT] It is common knowledge in this world that people awaken their unique power at 13 and fully develop it by 18. Ever since you could remember, you’ve always looked forward to your 13th birthday, but… what could your power be that transforms your whole body into glass upon its first manifestation?
submitted by IfLazyIsAPerson to WritingPrompts [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:30 ZaneZendegi SDF responds to the accusations by White Helmets - Civil Defense.
submitted by ZaneZendegi to NESyria [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:30 wemustsetsail Resigning to stay home, but so sad about our nanny
I had twelve weeks of maternity leave and came back mid November. We have an amazing nanny who has been so much better than I ever could have imagined.
Since coming back to work, I am miserable. I work in a management position and feel completely unsupported by the rest of leadership. I feel unappreciated and get no satisfaction from my work. I have been with the company for nine years, and I they custom built this WFH position for me when the rest of the company is all in house when I moved out of state four years ago. I will never find another opportunity like what I have, but I also will never get this time with my daughter back. We also do not need my income
I want to give my job one month of notice, but I want to give my nanny as much as possible, too. I just cannot shake the guilt of letting her go because of how much we appreciate her. It’s honestly the biggest thing holding me back from resigning.
I can’t shake feeling like a “bad person” for letting our nanny go. What can I do to make this better for her other than severance pay and offering to be a reference? She did not leave a job to work for us, she still has that second income.
submitted by wemustsetsail to NannyEmployers [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:30 Worldly-Contract9813 Less blurry version
If reposts aren't allowed pls tell me, I'll get rid of it if they're not. I just had to repost it cuz original was too blurry.
submitted by Worldly-Contract9813 to HazbinHotelOCArt [link] [comments]