I get sick :(

2025.01.24 17:50 Puzzled_Hamster6426 I get sick :(

Does anyone have this problem: every time when I got skiing, I get sich after 3 or 4 days. Any Tipps? I already took propolis and ate a lot of veggies
submitted by Puzzled_Hamster6426 to Skigear [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:50 Rxlentless I still can’t help but feel like my apartment isn’t “my” space. How should I switch it up?

Basically title, I just feel like my space is an empty apartment with random shit thrown on the walls. The mirror on the floor is weird to hang bc of the studs in the wall being weird so it has remained there for a long time.
submitted by Rxlentless to DesignMyRoom [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:50 Loneswordsman_ Important information regarding the recent VA news

Important information regarding the recent VA news submitted by Loneswordsman_ to Silksong [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:50 sp-seminare Compliance-Outsourcing: Effizienz steigern und rechtliche Vorgaben sicher umsetzen

Compliance-Outsourcing: Effizienz steigern und rechtliche Vorgaben sicher umsetzen Die Auslagerung der Compliance-Funktion ist für viele Unternehmen eine attraktive Option, um regulatorische Anforderungen zu erfüllen und gleichzeitig interne Ressourcen zu entlasten. Doch neben den klaren Vorteilen birgt das Outsourcing auch Risiken und Herausforderungen, die nicht unterschätzt werden dürfen. Dieser Artikel zeigt, worauf Unternehmen bei der Auslagerung der Compliance achten müssen, welche rechtlichen Anforderungen bestehen und wie sie Best Practices nutzen können, um eine erfolgreiche Umsetzung zu gewährleisten.
Compliance Outsourcing
Warum Compliance auslagern? Die regulatorischen Anforderungen in Branchen wie Finanzen, Versicherungen oder Gesundheitswesen werden immer komplexer. Unternehmen stehen vor der Herausforderung, regulatorische Risiken zu minimieren, ohne ihre internen Abläufe zu beeinträchtigen. Durch die Auslagerung der Compliance-Funktion an externe Experten können sie:
  • Fachliche Expertise nutzen, die intern nicht immer vorhanden ist.
  • Kosten sparen, indem Fixkosten in variable Kosten umgewandelt werden.
  • Flexibler auf regulatorische Änderungen reagieren.
Doch wie jede strategische Entscheidung erfordert auch das Outsourcing eine gründliche Abwägung von Chancen und Risiken.
Risiken beim Outsourcing der Compliance 1. Verlust der Kontrolle Durch die Auslagerung geben Unternehmen einen Teil ihrer Kontrolle über kritische Prozesse ab. Ohne klare Absprachen und Überwachungsmechanismen besteht das Risiko, dass der externe Dienstleister nicht im Sinne des Unternehmens handelt.
2. Datenschutz und Datensicherheit Compliance erfordert den Umgang mit sensiblen Daten. Ein externer Dienstleister muss garantieren, dass Datenschutzvorgaben wie die DSGVO oder branchenspezifische Regelungen eingehalten werden.
3. Abhängigkeit vom Dienstleister Eine langfristige Partnerschaft mit einem externen Anbieter kann Abhängigkeiten schaffen, die schwer aufzulösen sind, wenn sich Anforderungen oder Rahmenbedingungen ändern.
4. Fehlende Kenntnis der internen Abläufe Externe Anbieter bringen zwar Fachwissen mit, können jedoch nicht immer die internen Prozesse und die Unternehmenskultur im Detail verstehen. Dies kann zu Abstimmungsproblemen führen.
Rechtliche Anforderungen bei der Auslagerung der Compliance Die Auslagerung von Compliance-Tätigkeiten ist nicht in allen Fällen unproblematisch. Unternehmen müssen sicherstellen, dass:
  • Regulatorische Anforderungen eingehalten werden, z. B. die MaRisk, das WpHG oder geldwäscherechtliche Vorschriften.
  • Verträge mit Dienstleistern klare Verantwortlichkeiten definieren.
  • Die Aufsichtspflicht des Unternehmens über ausgelagerte Prozesse bestehen bleibt.
Die BaFin schreibt beispielsweise vor, dass Unternehmen eine detaillierte Dokumentation über alle ausgelagerten Prozesse und die Auswahl der Dienstleister führen müssen. Mehr zu den rechtlichen Vorgaben findest du hier.
Best Practices für erfolgreiches Compliance-Outsourcing 1. Auswahl des richtigen Dienstleisters Ein kompetenter Dienstleister zeichnet sich durch:
  • Nachweisbare Expertise in der Branche.
  • Zertifizierungen wie ISO 27001 für Datensicherheit.
  • Eine transparente Kommunikation und klare Berichtsstrukturen aus.
2. Klare Verträge und Vereinbarungen Die Verträge sollten eindeutig regeln, welche Aufgaben der Dienstleister übernimmt, wie Risiken gemanagt werden und welche Haftung bei Regelverstößen besteht. Mustervereinbarungen und Details findest du im SP Compliance Package.
3. Überwachung und Kontrolle Auch bei ausgelagerter Compliance bleibt das Unternehmen verantwortlich. Regelmäßige Audits und Risikobewertungen helfen, die Leistung des Dienstleisters zu überprüfen und sicherzustellen, dass alle Vorgaben erfüllt werden.
4. Schulung der Mitarbeiter Obwohl Compliance ausgelagert wird, müssen die Mitarbeiter im Unternehmen sensibilisiert bleiben. Schulungen und Workshops sollten sicherstellen, dass sie Risiken frühzeitig erkennen und an den Dienstleister weiterleiten können.
Fallstudie: Erfolgreiche Auslagerung der WpHG-Compliance Ein mittelständisches Wertpapierhaus entschied sich für die Auslagerung der WpHG-Compliance, um die Anforderungen effizienter zu erfüllen. Der gewählte Dienstleister bot nicht nur umfassende Beratung, sondern übernahm auch die Kommunikation mit der BaFin. Das Ergebnis: eine deutliche Reduzierung der internen Arbeitsbelastung und eine höhere Rechtssicherheit. Erfahre mehr über WpHG-Compliance hier.
Fazit Die Auslagerung der Compliance bietet viele Chancen, erfordert jedoch eine gründliche Planung und Kontrolle. Unternehmen, die Risiken proaktiv managen, rechtliche Anforderungen einhalten und Best Practices nutzen, können von einer erfolgreichen Partnerschaft mit externen Compliance-Dienstleistern profitieren. Mehr Informationen findest du im SP Compliance Package und den weiteren spezialisierten Angeboten von S+P Compliance Services.
submitted by sp-seminare to Compliance_Advisor [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:50 reddit_lss_2 Test Title 24-January-2025 17:49:59

Test body 24-January-2025 17:49:59
submitted by reddit_lss_2 to lssAuto [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:50 Yeg4babe 30m - canada - looking for friends to chat with ( anyone )

Heeey, bored 30m looking to chat and make friends. I could explain everything about me here but whats the point of that, when you could msg and find out. :) age +18, race, religion, size, hobbies, dont matter... just message and find out. Would like long term but short term could do as well.
submitted by Yeg4babe to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:50 thehappysappy Offering ride to the concert

Will be traveling to the stadium from Ginger Changodar tomorrow. Have 3 seats in my car, anybody interested to carpool can join.
submitted by thehappysappy to coldplayindia [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:50 m_w_h Nvidia Profile Inspector v2.4.0.8 Released

New official version of Nvidia Profile Inspector by Orbm2uk released (24th January 2025)
Description by Orbm2uk:
[Nvidia Profile Inspector] is used for modifying game profiles inside the internal driver database of the Nvidia driver. All game profiles are provided by the Nvidia driver, but you can add your own profiles for games missing in the driver database. You also have access to hidden and undocumented settings, which are not provided by the drivers control panel.
Guidance, Feature Breakdown and Use Cases
Changes in v2.4.0.8 Stable

Official Download stable at https://github.com/Orbmu2k/nvidiaProfileInspectoreleases/tag/
submitted by m_w_h to nvidia [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:50 thechordofpleasure Getting Latex Paint Out of Carpet

Hi! So I have caked on, dried latex paint on the carpet of my stairs 😭 I've tried only soaking with a bit of water and using a brass bristled brush but it didn't budge.
I've read online to try 100% acetone, but haven't tried that yet.
It is the area of about maybe 2 inches in diameter. The carpet is old but I'm listing my house for sale on Monday and so just want to make it look presentable, not perfect.
Please help! TIA!
submitted by thechordofpleasure to howto [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:50 Cupcake974 Will medical collections be removed immediately on March 17th?

With the new law taking effect march 17th, should we see it falling off immediately? Or will it be staggered and have to way another 30 day reporting cycle.
I’m just asking because I need my credit as high as possible by the end of march
Also, is it 100% considered a “medical debt” if it was from my ENT doctor?
submitted by Cupcake974 to CRedit [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:50 TraditionalGoose1987 Need advice

Need advice Something is off here! Is it her arm reaching up? Should it be lowered? Or is it her other arm on her thigh? Maybe her chest area? If it helps shes wearing a waist corset Need help🥹
submitted by TraditionalGoose1987 to Artadvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:50 TerryADavis34 To bajs that have made it through these, which one was worse

View Poll
submitted by TerryADavis34 to forsen [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:50 Outrageous-Yak-9762 I need some advice

So I have Jiaoqiu’s E1 and he might get a rerun soon. I’m definitely going for his E2, but is it worth it to pull his LC? I have “Eyes of The Prey” S5, using him with Acheron and DoT team.
submitted by Outrageous-Yak-9762 to JiaoqiuMainsHSR [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:50 Ok_Influence_3716 U of Denver’s Mila brusch

U of Denver’s Mila brusch submitted by Ok_Influence_3716 to GymnastBabes [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:50 kkkan2020 New neural net processor

New neural net processor submitted by kkkan2020 to Terminator [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:50 xow_14 IOS development on windows

للي جرب مذاكرة ios على VM هل واجهه مشاكل كتير ولا الموضوع كان طبيعي؟
submitted by xow_14 to Egypt_Developers [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:50 jullieb311 commissions open ^^

commissions open ^^ submitted by jullieb311 to RobloxCommissions [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:50 Uncle-1122 Anyone love RPG? You gonna like it

I made this rpg map, and I put everything I considered interesting elements into this map, please take a look.
If interested, I be appreciated if could subscribe to my channel
submitted by Uncle-1122 to aoe2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:50 dla26 How do I make sure my Delta Pros stay charged?

I have 2 Delta Pros with 4 extra batteries all connected to a Smart Home Panel 0190. I got the system so I can power my home instantly in the event of a power outage. I went into the Smart Home Panel settings in the app and set an automated task to recharge the batteries every night at midnight, but it just doesn't do it. If I don't go into the app and force it to recharge, the percentage drops pretty quickly. I'll have to monitor it exactly, but I think it loses about 30% or so after about a week, which seems like a lot to me.
So I guess I have 2 questions:

  1. How can I set up the system to keep itself fully charged?
  2. How fast should the batteries drain when not being used? If mine are draining faster than expected, do I have something set up wrong? They all deplete at about the same rate so I don't think it's a defect unless they're all defective in the exact same way.
submitted by dla26 to Ecoflow_community [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:50 RolleifFlexed SpaceX launch for Vandenberg AFB

SpaceX launch for Vandenberg AFB submitted by RolleifFlexed to djimini4pro [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:50 LisLisu Jointed to the club

Jointed to the club I’ve been waiting all week for parcel but finally I got it!
submitted by LisLisu to PlaystationPortal [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:50 MICKTHENERD So does the 21st Century United Planets just...not exist anymore?

I mean...I can BELIEVE IT after all Thaaros did with his insane conspiracy.
On the subject, what happened to the UP super team "The United"?
submitted by MICKTHENERD to DCcomics [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:50 ChotaChatri112 [Hero becomes eldest son of a duke] Lloyd’s brother

[Hero becomes eldest son of a duke] Lloyd’s brother submitted by ChotaChatri112 to manhwa [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:50 BettaBrownHallal Question regarding serivce

Question regarding serivce Hey guys, I own a 2018 Toyota Yaris IA and recently the car stopped starting. I tried to jumpstart it and it didn't work. I had it towed to my dealership which I bought it from, and they sent me this quote, is this normal for a battery change? When I was on the phone with them yesterday, They had told me it'd be 275 with service fee and taxes . Now it adds up to 450. Any guidance is appreciated thank you!
submitted by BettaBrownHallal to Toyota [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:50 Old-Advertising-5316 Frustrating Issues with US Mobile WARP – Missed Calls & Delayed Voicemails

Hi everyone,
I’ve been using US Mobile’s WARP plan for a while now, and I’m running into some really frustrating problems. I’m hoping to hear from others who’ve had similar experiences, get some advice, and maybe even catch the attention of US Mobile’s support team.
Here’s What’s Happening
- Devices:
I use an unlocked iPhone SE2 (on eSIM) and an unlocked iPhone 12 Pro (on pSIM). Both phones are fully compatible with US Mobile’s networks.
- Networks Tried:
US Mobile offers three networks—WARP, Dark Star, and Light Speed. I’ve tested all three, but the issues persist no matter which one I use.
- The Problems:
- Missed calls: My phone doesn’t ring when someone calls me. For example, on January 24, 2025, at 8:30 AM PST, I missed two calls from the same person. My phone never rang, and I only found out because they left a voicemail and emailed me. Some might say I could just call the person back, but here’s the catch: my medical provider doesn’t have an inbound number. I can leave a message or email them to request a callback, but then I have to wait—and when they do call back, I miss the call again. This has happened even when the phone is in my hand for thirty minutes straight.
- Delayed voicemails: Sometimes, voicemails show up as much as 30 minutes late.
- Call quality: Occasionally, calls have poor quality, though this isn’t as frequent as the other issues.
- When It Happens:
These problems mostly happen at home, where I rely on Wi-Fi calling. I have a solid internet connection (1 Gbps Xfinity) with a GL.iNet Flint router. Since I work from home, I’m not sure if the same issues occur elsewhere.
- Comparison to Visible:
I used Visible about a year ago (which also runs on Verizon’s network), and I didn’t have these issues. If there were missed calls or voicemail delays, no one ever mentioned them to me. Overall, Visible was more reliable, though US Mobile offers better flexibility.
What I’ve Tried
I’ve spent months troubleshooting:
- Confirmed IMEI compatibility for both devices.
- Restarted the phones and reset network settings multiple times.
- Switched between eSIM and pSIM on both phones.
- Tested all three networks—WARP, Dark Star, and Light Speed.
- Enabled Wi-Fi calling and even tried forcing it by turning on airplane mode and enabling Wi-Fi.
Despite all this effort, nothing has fixed the problem.
What I’m Looking For
Has anyone else had similar issues with US Mobile? Did you find a solution? Would switching back to Visible or trying another carrier like Mint be a better move?
I want to like US Mobile because their flexibility is great, but these missed calls and delayed voicemails are making it hard to stick with them. Any advice or suggestions would mean a lot!
submitted by Old-Advertising-5316 to USMobile [link] [comments]
