42 m bored NC

NC争议的地方就是收费而且价格贵,不少人总觉得就是用钱买文章。最早几年NC文章质量可能一般,但近几年因为投Nature和NM的人越来越多,被这些神刊拒稿的高质量文章会转投NC一些,所以NC上的高质量文章也是越来越多,不缺高水平成果。NC毕竟是Natur NC上可冲nature和nature大子刊,下也有communications系列和NPJ系列托底。但是在我研究领域,SA上面只有science,下面就没了。 所以,我们单位很多课题组投搞顺序是nature-nature大子刊-NC,被NC拒了就去science上碰碰运气,如果再被s 因为Nature和Nature旗下具体学科期刊口碑和影响力是很大的,很多人以发N子刊为荣,也就促成了NC的受捧,出版集团好像也默认了这样的事实,我记得最开始的时候,NC期刊主页上明确写了不是sister-journal,现在好像看这个挺火的,有意抬升它的影响力,改了叫法叫Nature branched journal,把它和所有N子刊 ... AM,AFM,ACS Nano,Nano Letters,Small,Nano Research如何排序?如还有其他期刊欢迎补充补充:还有Nat… 第一步,下载并安装谷歌身份验证器(Google Authenticator)。苹果手机直接去应用商店下载即可,国内安卓手机没有 Google Play,有条件的朋友尽量安装 Google Play 后下载,若实在没有办法,则在本手机自带品牌应用商店(如小米应用商店)或者其它知名第三方应用商店(如腾讯的应用宝、360手机助手等 ... Corporation、Inc.、Co.Ltd、Company什么区别?一、在对于公司的解释上不同这几个词在实际使用上的区别因为各国法律制度的不一致和英语使用习惯上的差别,所有会比较混乱。 nc(negative control)组:空白对照组 sham组:假手术组,但是有的文献在细胞实验里的sham组也可以理解成空白对照组,就是什么都不做的对照组。 vehicle组:溶媒对照组。实验组一般使用一些溶媒加上药物再对细胞或动物进行干预,溶媒可以是NS, PBS, 培养基等等,vehicle组就是不加药的溶媒。 pnas是老牌综合性期刊,一般作为中高档的分水岭。因为文章发行量比较大,发表流程也比较特别,因此进入了各领域研究顶级水平后,会用pnas作为保底选项。 24种颜色的英文缩写颜色的英文单词缩写有:1、WH、White、白色;2、BN、Brown、棕色;3、GN、Green、绿色;4、YE、Yellow、黄色;5、GY、Grey、灰色;6、PK、Pink、粉红色;7、BU、Blue、蓝色;8、RD、Red、红色;9 当你决定投稿nc的时候,首先恭喜你有了一个还不错的科研成果,其次,就是要做好充分的持久战的准备。 根据NC的官网数据,从投稿到最终接收需要时间的中位数是200天(当然,如果拒稿的话很快,一般一周以内甚至3天以内)。

2025.01.24 18:23 Illustrious-Can-9500 42 m bored NC

Looking to chat. I’m open to most conversations.
submitted by Illustrious-Can-9500 to NewFriendsOver40 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:23 WinTig24 Our Midwest Princess in DTI!

Our Midwest Princess in DTI! Not sure if I tagged this post right, I can switch it up if needed! Posted this in the DTI server and it didn't get much love so I decided to share it here as well, I made it to accompany my Pink Pony Club outfit(which I'll drop in the comments!)
submitted by WinTig24 to chappellroan [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:23 Joe-waster Manipulated, Lied to, betrayed and played by my gf (39) who lied about her relationship with her husband (44)

My girlfriend has recently had her world crumble when the truth finally came to light, but I feel she doesn’t feel anything.
3 years of myself (M26) and my girlfriend (F39) making wonderful memories, great sex, and at times, very heated arguments. All at the same time, I knew she had 3 kids (F10), (F14), (F16) which lived in a house that her husband, and I’m assuming herself, are paying off.
I was told throughout the course of this whole relationship that herself and her husband were not inlove. That they were done. That they were only on paper married so that the kids could not grow up with a broken family. As I write this, the kids best interest are not in play here as I have been with this woman for 3 years. I was told always that her husband lived 7 hours out of the city we live in. And for context he was also very wealthy.
But love struck me like a junkie and their cravings. She made me feel so insanely whole and she gave me all of her love when we were together. The age gap between us was exciting for me not to mention she was so beautiful. At about 6 months in, her husband and kids were no problem in my mind and she made me feel like everything was sorted and she made me feel like there was no form of romance between herself, and her husband.
Horrible, we started off slow and just would meet at my place and VERY rarely her place or a hotel and make love and then talk and message each other all day and night. I was so into her from the beginning I knew I wanted to make it serious at some point and meet her husband and kids and do the right thing and respect everyone in an environment like this.
I ended up meeting her kids occasionally, just a quick ‘hey guys’ from me if I was invited to her house or we were getting lunch or dinner. It always felt brief but again, I felt so madly inlove I didn’t think anything of it. Everything was so exciting. Her husband didn’t bother me and she made me feel like the word ‘husband’ or ‘marriage’ is just a piece of paper.
Fast forward to last year. Last year was when we really took a deep dive into a serious relationship. She had been staying at my house every afternoon and night till the next day. In which she would leave her kids from what I was told home alone. This didn’t make sense to me. How can she do this? I always thought maybe he works in the city we live in during the day and he looks after the kids at night?? At this point the deep dive we took started to show some worrying red flags.
We still had great times, great sex everything was so intense with love. But I started to question things throughout the year and really started to ask more questions about her husband. It started to dwell on my mind while I was at work, in which most days she spent at home spending time with her kids at the NEW house about 4 months before our deep dive. I assumed herself and her husband put down the deposit. Things started to tick when this happened. She would say that it was ‘for the kids’. And she’d say “why are you worried I’m here with you every night right? What do you think I’m doing fucking him?” At the time, I was so madly in love, and it made me feel like I was being nosy and pressing on matters that didn’t concern me.
Halfway through last year is when things really got ugly at times. I would be questioning more and more things. With the same vague, snappy and aggressive at times answers. I would ask questions like “when do you think I’ll be able to go with you to your house that your kids are at? You know? Like chill at your other place so you don’t have to drive? So you can actually spend time with your kids in the afternoons?” And she would reply, “the kids don’t want someone else in the house” . This answer seemed valid. 3 young girls, not wanting her mum bring her bf over seemed completely reasonable. But I always questioned what would I want if I was her child? I think I would much rather have my mum happy at home, and not leaving me behind and not know if she is here nor there.
I started to really be concerned about this other life she had. Her kids, and the husband that would never be mentioned. I started to not trust her and would call her all the time as she would do to me. I really felt like because my questions were never answered and I was always manipulated into thinking I was in the wrong for assuming the worst. She would say “is that what you think of me? You think I’m a bad mum and I’m doing bad to you? Why would I leave my kids behind if don’t love you!?” . I really struggled with these types of responses. She would also say “here we go again” that one was the worst.
She drank tequila every night or red wine. That was another red flag. As my love was growing stronger so were my concerns about our future. Could I be happy with this type of lifestyle long term? I always said it wouldn’t be possible in my head unless I speak with the husband and hear the words yes, we are not really in a relationship anymore you have nothing to worry about it’s all for the kids.
The next red flag was the Tesla. She came to my place with a brand new Tesla. I knew how much she had been working, and it was definitely not enough to afford this type of car. So I questioned her “ how did you afford this?? Did the dad buy you this?!” And she would say “ I used the equity of the house” again, that checked out and we were happy and I really felt her love towards me so I didn’t press any further.
Not long later, I saw his name on the Tesla screen when I clicked on accounts. I clicked on his name when I was parked up and the seat adjusted to how he would sit in the drivers seat!!! This was a big moment in the relationship. This was when I saw red. We argued and I gave her a mouthful of built up anger that I must of had bottled up from all this second guessing. She cried and cried and said she didn’t want to tell me because I would get angry and upset!!! That is manipulation 101 which at the time the love I had for her would make me believe her. She said the car was, you guessed it “for the kids” and that they needed a new car to drop the kids to school with. Which she would do.
That Tesla thing fizzled out and it didn’t bother me after a couple weeks. So now it started to get to Christmas time last year (2024) and she was planning for us to go to her home town in Philippines. This was a very exciting and affirming feeling for me as I really felt like our relationship was taking a big step! I was going to meet her mum and dad and family in their home town instead of just waving at a FaceTime call! She was really keen to even have a baby with me during this time. This seemed like everything was working out.
I met her family and they were nice we stayed over Christmas and it was for 2 weeks at their house. For the 2 weeks I never saw her call her kids or messages or calls with her husband. This didn’t really bother me too much but I thought she’d at least call her kids. It made me feel like maybe she didn’t want the dad to see me there with her? And he was looking after the kids back home for Christmas.
We arrived back home and the trip was a success. Back to the swing of work and our routine. After this trip I really felt the need to discuss our future more. I felt like in reality it was still a routine that wouldn’t last forever. It wasn’t healthy. It was just convenient.
2 nights ago from the date of this post… This is when everything crumbled. This is still very raw for me but this is helping me heal haha!
We were talking about how I feel like I support her here at my place and the husband supports her and the kids at the other house. This was so wrong to me at this point I felt like I was demanding her to get a divorce. I tried to ask her why don’t you let me meet your husband? It’ll give everyone clarity. She told me he knew she was with a guy that was named Joe (me) and she was seeing him (me) for a long while. And like always I believed her because I didn’t want to lose her.
It started to get heated and she said she’s going to smash the Tesla. So she went out the front at 11:30 and I followed her out about 5 mins later and she was nowhere to be seen. The car was still out the front but she had gone for a walk. This irrational and mental behaviour worried me a lot. This happened every so often when she would really go off the rails.
I went back inside and she left her phone behind and the screen wasn’t locked and I snooped. I had to. She always seemed like she would be the type to hide stuff on her phone. And within 5 minutes I found text messages with her husband (which she renamed to her sisters name) and herself that were loving, caring and thoughtful. Things like “hi hon, drink lots of water today it’s very hot” shit like that. I didn’t look for long. I couldn’t, my blood was boiling and I felt sick.
So I called him. He answered and I said do you know who I am? Have you heard of my name? And he said no. I said I have been with his wife for 3 years and did he know of this at all? He said no again. I was in shock and so was he it seemed. We spoke on the phone for over an hour answering each others questions that we never got answered. At the same time I was holding in all my emotion so I would seem like I know how to handle a serious situation. I felt so sick and betrayed and he seemed like he had no idea and was saying his life was over and he was worried about the kids.
He didn’t even know that I was with her in Philippines ! So many lies to so many people in her life is all this is. She funnels money to her Filipino family, and she gets his support. And with me she was getting the sex and love which she may very well have been still getting from him. He seemed like a genuine guy and we agreed to not tell we spoke and to think about his kids which took a lot of balls for me to hold my tongue.
I sat her down after I opened the front door to see her standing there and said let’s break up in the nicest way possible she was not responding and seemed upset . 3am we went to sleep because it was just too much to try and do in one night.
The next afternoon we agreed to talk again only for her to tell me how I left her that night. And I that I didn’t care if anything happened to her. Manipulate and conquer is her way. I wasn’t falling for it this time. So I told her “ you know I saw the messages between you and your husband last night?!” And she just started into the distance and cried.
I honestly still felt so much love for her that I was trying my best to be nice and get her to be honest to me after what I said. She said “it’s nothing, we are nothing, him and I are not inlove! I’m always with you why would I love you both like that! You don’t have to believe me!”
But in that moment again I was manipulated, I forgot about the conservation I had with him on the phone because of that junky feeling of needing her in this moment. I actually felt pity. I almost apologised. Am I really this low right now? What happened to me? This is what was going through my mind and I couldn’t imagine what her husband was thinking and dealing with.
We got home and I was finding it hard to end things. I knew that I had to do it because he knew about us now. I just didn’t know if had the courage to tell her I spoke with him. I was worried she would do something irrational. At the same time she was crying because her mum is sick in Phillipines and she was definitely guilt tripping me and manipulating.
So I just lay there in bed next to her trying to think of her how to do this. This was a simple decision made hard by how strong she had a grasp of me which I thought was an intense love. It was a very confusing night last night.
The tip of the ice burg… I fell asleep in my thoughts and woke to my phone ringing at 12:44am. It was his number. I didn’t answer and as I sat up to think, I hear a knock at the front door. It was him. My roommate opened the door and I could hear chatter and my roommate said there is a guy here for your gf. She was still asleep.
He approached as she lay in bed and just started asking her why she has done this . “Why am I here and your some other guys bed? Why are the kids at home by themself? Why because I have done so much for you?” There was a lot more things but that sums it up. I was just so in shock and surprised that I didn’t feel so upset. I felt for him. 15 years of marriage and kids and this happens. He said to me that she was saying she was working night shift. He did confirm that he does work away from the city he just drove back early to sort this out.
He gave her a choice. If she didn’t come home with him, this wouldn’t stand well in a court of law. She would lose her stuff, kids and car and all the other crap. And if she did, maybe they could work it out so the kids don’t have a broken family.
I didn’t like hearing this . He has been manipulated too I can see that even when he’s been betrayed he still seemed like he wants to work it out. That’s what a successful manipulator can do to a man. She grabbed her bag and walked out into the living room and told my roommate to look after me. (He told me this later on) . Her husband then asked her where is everything else? “Where are all your clothes? There are no clothes in the wardrobe at home? Yeh everything you’re never coming here again” this sucked. I understand how he felt. I was a victim too but I just feel like I didn’t really have any say in this.
She loaded her stuff and got into the Tesla and he drove another car. He shook my hand and said thanks for the call. And he told me he used the Tesla to track the location in the app. And with that he took off and that is all.
Today I have been reflecting, speaking to loved ones, asking for advice, and honestly trying so hard not to message her. I know it’s a dumb move. I need to give it time to help me understand the right thing to do. Again, like a junky I just want the fix. I am sad that we went to sleep and woke up and within 10 minutes it was over. We didnt say a word to each other. I feel like I don’t have clarity. I feel like she hasn’t told me why she did all this. I feel like if they are going to work it out , she gets away with it. I messaged her friend today and she said she definitely loves me and that she can message her for me and see how she is. I don’t know why I am not wanting to block her and hate every inch of her. Maybe that will come in time…
What I learned: Milfs are danger territory
If there are red flags early and left unanswered, run
If you don’t trust the person or feel unsure, sort it out in the early stages
Did my ego keep me in the relationship? Was I happy that she was spending this much time with me over her immediate family?
If she leaves her kids at home, don’t trust her
Questions I still have
Did he really not know?
What about all the clothes in the wardrobe that have been here for months?
Does he believe she works all night every night?
He must be in denial. It seemed like he was a result of what can happen if you are controlled by a manipulative woman.
Is he just worried if they get divorced he will lose half of his assets? Of course he is
Does she want to be with him or me ? Will she message me or should I message her? Is she waiting for me to come crawling back? Or is she going to apologise to me for everything? Does her parents truly not know about this too? What about her kids? ————————————————————- I still love her but this is the first day. Typing this helped me. I would appreciate advice please tell me what you think!
submitted by Joe-waster to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:23 atlasFX How much $ to bring a friend to Pulse

My bf doesn’t go here but I want to take him to the climbing wall - anyone know what the one time bring a friend fee is for non students?
submitted by atlasFX to McMaster [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:23 Kiexeo Gatlinburg/Pigeon forge fishing

I'm going to be in the area for a family vacation in August. I saw they do the Thursday trout stocking and I've been wanting to get back into fishing. I've got a Shakespeare Tiger and UglyStik GX2 going to buy the Trout Magnet Ultimate bundle. Thought about maybe swapping put the ugly stiks reel but not sure on that. Anyone have any suggestions on what I should do for my setups? Or where I should be fishing there? I'm won't lie I'm pretty fat but can move easily enough. Just can't do the long hikes to spots but uneven terrain isn't an issue. Climbing river banks either. I've posted in fishing for beginners as well
submitted by Kiexeo to troutfishing [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:23 justpotato7 Godzilla vs his hardest enemy yet and strongest

submitted by justpotato7 to GODZILLA [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:23 Wade_whiteWilson Guys why quick share is not working? Plzz help. Been searching for solution from past 2 days. It's actually not connecting with my phone, it shows the device name but still can't connect with it.

Guys why quick share is not working? Plzz help. Been searching for solution from past 2 days. It's actually not connecting with my phone, it shows the device name but still can't connect with it. submitted by Wade_whiteWilson to IndiaTech [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:23 the_darknighty Gemini advanced

Gemini ist teilweise unglaublich dumm. Diesen Eindruck gewinne ich immer wieder. Letztens wollte ich das sie mir für einen Schüler aus der Nachbarschaft das englische "present simple" bildet. Also eine nicht zu schwere aufgabe für Google sollte man meinen. Falsch gedacht. Die richtige lösung war ihr nicht zu entlocken. Sie erklärt es zb zuerst richtig und gibt dann falsche Beispielsätze zur ansicht vor . Hat wer ähnliche erfahrungen ? Chat Gpt + claude kein problem !
submitted by the_darknighty to KI_Welt [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:23 StatusPossibility539 Anyone wanna chat about millie

submitted by StatusPossibility539 to MillieBobbyBrownHQ [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:23 MalleyCat Geothermal unit has cold pipes from circulating pump to water heater

Hello all, I'm purchasing a home with a geothermal unit. Our general inspector noted the pipes from the circulating unit to the water heater we're 58 degrees F and 2 of the 3 breakers were switched off. The inspector recommended getting it serviced to ensure it is working properly. The seller stated he flipped the breakers so the auxiliary heat would not come on in the winter and the HVAC inspection showed it is in good working condition. I have spoke with other HVAC techs that claim the water in those pipes should always be hot (98-99 deg F) going from the circulating pump to the hot water heater, and cold pipes could indicate a bad circulating unit. I spoke with the HVAC tech that inspected the unit and he said the system runs off a thermistor sensor and if it has enough heat in the water to perform it will not turn on the pump. Does this sound correct or should I get a second opinion? The brand is Bryant and it is a GT-PX 50YDV. Thanks in advance for your comments.
submitted by MalleyCat to geothermal [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:23 Sorin61 The effect of a 14-day Gymnema sylvestre intervention to reduce sugar intake in people self-identifying with a sweet tooth

Gymnema sylvestre (GS) contains gymnemic acids which can reversibly suppress sweet taste responses. This randomised crossover study aimed to investigate whether supplemental GS use can reduce sugar cravings, sweet food desire and consumption among adults that identify as high sweet food consumers (having a ‘sweet tooth’). Participants were told three different mints were trialled to avoid bias.
On day zero, 32 healthy participants underwent baseline sensory testing for sweet taste perception using the placebo mint (PLAC). Participants were then randomised into the two intervention groups.
On day 15 and 30, participants underwent further sensory testing using the GS mints, before embarking on each 14-day intervention using the GS mints, using either a systematic (at 3 specified times/day; SYS) or ad libitum (up to 6 mints/day at times of their choosing; AD-LIB) regimen, as assigned.
On day 30, participants swapped over to the other intervention (using the other regimen), completing final data collection in day 45.
At all visits participants completed questionnaires (food frequency questionnaire, beverage questionnaire and cravings questionnaire), anthropometric measures, and sensory testing. Sensory testing was not required for day 45.
The AD-LIB condition reduced daily sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) intake by 42% relative to PLAC (p=0.015) and reduced overall sugar cravings by 28% relative to PLAC (p=0.045). Both AD-LIB and SYS reduced pleasantness ratings (p<0.005) and desire (p=0.005) for more chocolate.
Using GS with an ad libitum regimen reduced sugar cravings and changed sweet food desire and consumption in people identifying as having a sweet tooth.
Full: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0195666325000236?dgcid=raven_sd_aip_email

submitted by Sorin61 to Biohackers [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:23 Many-Dependent-553 socialism is an atheist ideology?

i hear alot from other people that socialism is atheist, is that true?
submitted by Many-Dependent-553 to Socialism_101 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:23 Davidudeman Finally completed the Poirot trilogy! Why wasn’t there a 4k release of Venice? Why are the slipcovers & spines not matching? don’t know, but i’m glad to have em all!

Finally completed the Poirot trilogy! Why wasn’t there a 4k release of Venice? Why are the slipcovers & spines not matching? don’t know, but i’m glad to have em all! submitted by Davidudeman to 4kbluray [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:23 uma_isa_ai Relacionamento perfeito ou o meu sonho?

Eu tenho 20, e o meu namorado também. Nos conhecemos no ensino médio e estamos juntos fazem três anos. O nosso relacionamento é ótimo, as minhas amigas vivem me dizendo "nossa, você tem o relacionamento dos sonhos". Quando nos conhecemos, fizemos um combinado: antes do "nós", tem que vir a vida de cada um (estudos principalmente). Estou prestando vestibular para medicina (venho de uma família humilde e ele também) porque é o meu sonho. Tentei conciliar o trabalho com os estudos ano passado e quase morri, sem ironias, fiquei internada por mais de duas semanas, duas vezes. Moro com a minha mãe, e por isso, combinamos de eu parar de trabalhar para estudar com qualidade. Só que, aconteceu uns problemas na minha casa, e minha mãe não tem mais condições financeiras de cumprir com esse combinado, e agora eu meio que estou sendo forçada a morar com o meu namorado pra seguir esse sonho. É o seguinte: • ele tem uma casa, só que o ele não trabalha registrado e ganha pouco pra sustentar duas pessoas. Na minha família, quase todas as mulheres tiveram que casar "empurradas", e eu não queria repetir esse ciclo. • Não quero casamorar junto por necessidade, mas porque foi uma escolha minha. Eu tenho a opção de ir morar em outra cidade com os meus avós, eu teria tudo, teria estrutura familiar saudável, financeiro estável, faculdades excelentes por perto...mas não teria o meu namorado. Já tentei buscar outras opções e não encontro saídas, nos amamos demais e sinto que se terminarmos agora, será a pior decisão das nossas vidas. Preciso urgente de um conselho.
submitted by uma_isa_ai to desabafos [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:23 Past_Veterinarian873 Which one is better ?

Which one is better ? Here that the KZ saga performs similar to the Tangzu Warner . Which one is better ?
submitted by Past_Veterinarian873 to iems [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:23 SportscardsandBS Bowman draft Daiber De Los Santos /10

Bowman draft Daiber De Los Santos /10 submitted by SportscardsandBS to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:23 Unlucky-Ad-9400 What type of straps are these

I’ve been looking for the name of this strap style for a while so I can find some type of pattern but I haven’t been able to find it. Can anybody help?
submitted by Unlucky-Ad-9400 to sewhelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:23 roux-cool [LeHuffPost] Ce coup de com’ de Bardella au Parlement européen s’est retourné contre lui

[LeHuffPost] Ce coup de com’ de Bardella au Parlement européen s’est retourné contre lui submitted by roux-cool to france [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:23 Huge-Engineering-338 Arkadaşlar olmuyor, onu unutamıyorum..

Ne başka birisiyle ilişkiye başlaya biliyorum nede kafam onu düşünmeden dura biliyor. Kendime yalan söylemekten bıktım artık olmuyor unutamıyorum. Ben ne yapayım allah aşkına?
submitted by Huge-Engineering-338 to vlandiya [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:23 scroTmcboogerballs Looking for friends on xbox. Grown adults that just want to chill and chat is much appreciated I don't do toxic kids.thanks

Hmu for G Tag
submitted by scroTmcboogerballs to NOMANSSKY [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:23 Sea-Metal3156 Modeling Group | Facebook

Modeling Group | Facebook submitted by Sea-Metal3156 to CommonScams [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:23 DistributionNo8036 Anybody good at maths ?

What are the odds to pull 7 ssrs bact to back to back on singles ? I happend to me on the ticket banner ( hope its not a pull post , dont want to get banned )
submitted by DistributionNo8036 to DBZDokkanBattle [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:23 Alternative-Way-4900 Suggetion required

Hey everyone 23 F, I will be completing my MA degree this year.. I have been looking for a job.. but for my degree there are no much options available.. I worked at Customer support but due to rotational shift I had to resign (due to parents pressure). I am thinking to learn some foreign language.. A french, Japnese or any other language.. which will land me a job.. Can someone pls advise me which language should I learn? Is there anyone did same / working in the same domain..
submitted by Alternative-Way-4900 to IndiaCareers [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:23 Puzzleheaded-Will471 BDD Claim July 01 2024

So as stated in the title I started a BDD claim as of July 01 2024. As of this morning I woke up and checked my app to find out I was rated 100% P&T. It was a long wait not as long as others but I’m glad to have made it to the 100% club.
If anyone has any questions I will try to answer them all!
submitted by Puzzleheaded-Will471 to VeteransWaitingRoom [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:23 Arima1278 Request

Request submitted by Arima1278 to robloxrule34requests [link] [comments]
