Que si oveja

2025.01.24 19:51 Edali- Que si oveja

Que si oveja submitted by Edali- to BeelcitosMemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 astromouse2024 Welp

Welp Currently no positions open. Lost money on terrible timing with calls and puts, mostly on spy and meta. Went from making 45k last year around this time and now to this. This is not all of my money as I am actually up 14k in my fidelity account.
submitted by astromouse2024 to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 bengyrules D Ayton vs Dj Murray

Got this trade offer for Dj Murray, potentially a 2nd pick as well. 10T CAT. Centres i already have rostered are Vuc, Okongwu, porzingis. I have a lot of guards (Doncic, Maxey, J Murray, A Simmons) and older centers.
View Poll
submitted by bengyrules to dynastybb [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 Intrepid_Agent_9729 Waarom Linkse trollekes altijd verliezen: De wrede waarheid die ze je NOOIT zullen vertellen!

Er was eens, in een klein dorpje ver weg, een groep mensen die zich de ‘Linkse takketrollen’ noemden. Het waren niet van die traditionele trollen die je uit de sprookjes kent, die onder bruggen wonen en reizen met een zak vol haat en chaos. Nee, deze trollen waren anders, ze zwierven door de virtuele wereld van het internet, altijd op zoek naar een reden om mensen te vertellen hoe "achterlijk" en "onwetend" ze waren. Het leek wel hun levensdoel om elke discussie om te draaien naar ‘hoe slecht de wereld was’ en ‘hoe iedereen die het niet met hen eens was, diep van binnen een nazi was’.
Het begon allemaal op een regenachtige dinsdagavond, toen Tom, een gewone jongen die net zijn avondmaaltijd had genuttigd, besloot om een simpele post te plaatsen op Reddit. Hij vroeg zich af waarom er zoveel aandacht werd besteed aan het verbieden van plastic rietjes, terwijl er grotere problemen waren, zoals de armoede in de wereld. Een onschuldige vraag, dacht hij, maar de trollen zagen het als de perfecte kans om hun onvermoeibare strijd voort te zetten.
Binnen enkele seconden stroomden de reacties binnen. "Dus jij denkt dat armoede niet belangrijk is? Ga terug naar je neoliberale bubbel, neoliberaal!" schreef een troll met de naam ‘EcoFreak420’. Tom was verbaasd. Waar was de discussie over rietjes gebleven? Hij probeerde rustig uit te leggen dat hij het niet had over de waarde van milieubewustzijn, maar dat hij de balans zocht tussen verschillende kwesties. Dat was echter precies het moment waarop de trollen hun felle aanval begonnen.
"Schaam je!" zei een andere troll, ‘DeugenIsLeven’, "Als je niet je volledige salaris afstaat aan een goed doel, ben je een hypocriet. Hoe kun je überhaupt praten over armoede als je geen veganistische quinoa eet?" De reacties begonnen zich op te stapelen. Tom was niet meer in staat om normaal te reageren, aangezien iedere poging om het gesprek tot een conclusie te brengen werd doodgezwegen met termen als ‘white supremacist’ en ‘systemische onderdrukking’.
Na uren van online belegering besloot Tom de strijd te staken en zijn telefoon weg te leggen. Maar de trollen gaven niet op. Ze bleven in de schaduw van het internet, met hun wijsheid over rechtvaardigheid en sociale gelijkheid, altijd klaar om iemand te ‘onderwijzen’.
En zo ging het de dagen daarna. De trollen gingen verder met hun digitale kruistocht, altijd op zoek naar nieuwe mensen die zich waagden aan een mening die niet voldeed aan hun strikte normen. Wat ze nooit begrepen, was dat hun eindeloze veroordeling en overduidelijke behoefte om de wereld naar hun eigen visie te vormen, hen uiteindelijk alleen maar verder van de waarheid afbracht. In plaats van bruggen te bouwen, creëerden ze muren van verontwaardiging en haat.
En zo eindigde het verhaal van de trollen. Altijd online, altijd boos, maar uiteindelijk vervreemd van iedereen die bereid was te luisteren naar een écht gesprek. Terwijl Tom zijn telefoon aan de kant legde, bleef hij geloven in de kracht van echte gesprekken. En hoewel de trollen misschien wel voor altijd online zouden blijven, zou hij zich niet door hen laten leiden.
Dus, de moraal van het verhaal? Laat je niet meeslepen door de eindeloze stroom van negativiteit. Er is altijd ruimte voor echte gesprekken, ook al is dat in een wereld vol trollen.
submitted by Intrepid_Agent_9729 to nederlands [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 HourAlfalfa4513 Did we put down our cat for no reason?

Our 1 year old was being lethargic, lost some interest in food, gums turned white. Sometimes he stood and stared off into space like he was having a stroke or something.
After the second day of this we took him to the emergency vet, they did two bloodworks same night. First came back fine or something, so they did a second one just in case and came back positive for FELV that he likely was born with.
ER vet said since we have two other cats at home, we should euthanize because his platelet count was exceptionally low (I think she said 4, whereas a normal cat with FELV is 40?) And low white blood cells.
But now I come on Reddit, I see all these posts how maybe my cats at home just needed vaccinated, and my 1 year could have lived with them just fine. That it mostly only spreads through real catfights and blood contact and not playfights, and it's been likened to the AIDs scare.
With how scummy heathcare is towards humans, I'm feeling now like my cat was killed for profit or something and that I have made a horribly irresponsible decision. We are devastated. Is this a thing?
I probably shouldn't be on the internet right now 😔
submitted by HourAlfalfa4513 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 Capable-Nothing6983 How to get to 150?

Florida student here finishing up my bachelors this spring. I want to cheapest option to reach 150 credits and see that community college is the way.
I’m wondering if the remaining 30 credits can be in anything or if they need to be specific to business courses? Anyone know about this?
submitted by Capable-Nothing6983 to Accounting [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 Silly-Type8248 [29/F] Looking forward for some fun and killing time

Hey guys, looking for some cringe, creepy, werid conversation you got me .....
Life so fucking ugly so I am ..
Don't get offended by my not funny jokes 🤣
Share your dark personality not your dick pic
Because I looking for deep conversation not deep throat
Open for all kind of dark conversation (no se*ting)
I feel i should be witch who do rituals to help people and bitch who ..... If you know you know it's just metaphor for jokes
I propose of telling this was to express my think ability which only involves se*, murder, ghost ,devil
submitted by Silly-Type8248 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 OriginalGear2006 Some Kino to wash out the bad taste TLOUS2 and the HBO Show left

Some Kino to wash out the bad taste TLOUS2 and the HBO Show left submitted by OriginalGear2006 to TheLastOfUs2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 SdVeau $17 thrift store find

For the price, I couldn’t say no
submitted by SdVeau to uraniumglass [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 musty_ranch If you could invent a new holiday, what would people do to celebrate it?

submitted by musty_ranch to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 AdTerrible8715 Just here to show appreciation to Afros, one of my favorite styles on our people 🥰

submitted by AdTerrible8715 to BlackHair [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 Zealousideal-Buy8417 600-900 cc naked bikes that are used but also reliable, have great looks and value for money

I'm 6ft, 155lbs, in my early thirties. Rode many sub 300cc naked bikes and occasional sport bikes every single day from the age of 15 to 25 in a third world country where it's not possible to go beyond 65mph.
Now I'm considering getting a primary daily driver, since my old car finally gave up. So I figured I should be able to handle a middleweight (willing to be super patient to get used to it first)
I would like to buy just one I really really enjoy and keep it for a long time. I don't plan to drive much long distance, just gym, work and groceries. I plan to learn and do my own maintenance so reliability and looks are really important to me.
What are some options I should be looking for? I really like the beefy, muscular, big tank kind of looks like Ducati,some bmws, aprilia even Triumph. Dont want a boring looking or a slow one but I am not aware if they are reliable like the Hondas and Yamahas?
So far I looked into mt07, svr 650, cb 650r. I would really like to be in the sub $5k range and only go up for something that is buy it for life.
Really appreciate any suggestions. Thanks a lot
submitted by Zealousideal-Buy8417 to SuggestAMotorcycle [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 sachichino1111 Anyone know a company called New EIC

I got an interview from a Boston based company called New EIC, however everything about this looks shady. The interview slots the gave me were from 3.45 am to 9am which makes me think they are not based in Boston but China. Also they say it's an unpaid internship which makes me not want to interview in the first place. Has anyone worked with these guys or is this a scam
submitted by sachichino1111 to quantfinance [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 Jahshoooah Student Loan Refinancing

I have two student loans with Sallie Mae, currently $24,624 at 10% and $40,527 at 8.125%. Would it be better to combine both loans into one when refinancing at a lower rate, or refinance them separately? Any advice helps thank you! I already checked my rates and if I were to combine them, it would be $65.1k at a 6.3% rate. If I were to refinance individually, they would both be at a 6.6% rate
submitted by Jahshoooah to StudentLoans [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 hcgator Is Superman special or do all Kryptonians have the same or similar potential?

Crossposting this in /superman
Superman is often portrayed as the pinnacle of power or close to it in the DC universe. His greatest feats are crazy which include things like flying faster than light, moving solar systems, can survive for millennia inside a star, destroying Darkseid with a sonic whistle, holding the Book of Infinity.
Anyways I've always wondered, does every Kryptonian have this potential or is it only Superman? And why?
submitted by hcgator to DCcomics [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 operationgodfrey I think I just need a rant...

I've not had a drink for 20 days, I've not missed it. I drank heavily nearly every day for 4 years (and long before that) since doing my last dry January and I was worried I couldn't stop. So I just....stopped.
When I've done dry January before I've not been to pubs, or been out but it's been different this time. I've been out and happily drank Guinness 0.0, it's been great. It feels different and I've genuinely not even really thought about wanting a drink after getting past day 1.
I've not told myself I'm giving it up, because I'm not, I'm seeing a friend tomorrow and I might have a couple of beers, but I also might not. It feels liberating and I feel so much better.
My rant comes about my wife. She drank heavily with me, without the dry January breaks. She was going to 'stop' like I was too, but she hasn't, she's just drinking like she always used to. I don't really mind, because it's not making me want to, and it's quite nice having alcohol in the house and not wanting it....my rant is that I'm sat here looking after my broken dog (had 2 back surgeries for ivdd), having done the housework I've needed to get done, whilst she's just out at the pub, 4 hours after she finished work. She'll come home drunk, fall asleep on the sofa, and feel like shit tomorrow and I'll have to deal with her being hungover and complaining. I'm ranting because I used to do that, because I've put her through that so many times.
I'm not stopping completely, but I feel like I've worked out I used to drink a lot because I was bored. I've decided I like being sober bored now. It's nice, and I know I'll feel better than my wife in the morning.
I'm not quite ready to stop completely, but...IWNDWYT
submitted by operationgodfrey to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 i_like_tacos_slap_me ;)

;) submitted by i_like_tacos_slap_me to darussianbadger [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 NESnt I want a new account

Not only do I want to reset my account and get guidance on the matter I would also much appreciate some tips on classes for when I’m done
submitted by NESnt to idleon [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 kalligator Plank Reloaded: Still Stupidly Simple

Plank Reloaded: Still Stupidly Simple submitted by kalligator to elementaryos [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 sneakerduck Got lucky and packed a tradeable TOTY. Sitting on around 3M coins if Xavi is sold (only tradeable). Any opinions on what I should do with the coins?

submitted by sneakerduck to fut [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 One_Cucumber_9178 Why are my exercise minutes so different on different wrists?

Why are my exercise minutes so different on different wrists? The first is my right, the second is left. I just changed wrists a week ago and there hasn’t been any change in my daily activity. This is just one example but it’s been every day since.
submitted by One_Cucumber_9178 to AppleWatch [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 poopsmcgee27 On LTD Employer going under

Hello. I'm in Canada and currently on LTD and have been for almost 2.5 years.
I just found out my employer is most likely going bankrupt and will no longer be in business.
Ive booked a call with my insurance company but won't find out until next week the answer to my question........
Hoping to maybe put some fears at ease.
GENERALLY speaking, do LTD claims continue or if my employer goes under my claim gets cancelled and I'm done as well?
I'm assuming I'm okay because my employer switched benefit companies during my leave and I'm still with original insurance company for claim and payment but I'm worried.
I am medically unable to work. I'd love to go back as I was paid extremely well doing what I do. Barely making ends meet now and concerned what the future holds.
submitted by poopsmcgee27 to disability [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 SleepyStardew Box of misc household items

Box filled with an assortment of random household items good for just getting started. Ice cube trays, kitchen towels, beige sheet set, small pot with lid, small pan, brita pitcher, shower mat, gold throw blanket, silverware organizer. Located in Montavilla neighborhood, must take all.
submitted by SleepyStardew to PDXBuyNothing [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 Luiklinds Voice coaching

Hello! I’m an adult who has always loved to sing and am looking for a voice coach to help me do it better. I don’t have any intentions of singing professionally, just want to learn how to sing correctly and improve my voice. Any recommendations?
submitted by Luiklinds to Chattanooga [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 Chou_marin Looking for a good phone companion hardware

Looking to get into this. Goal is to be able to talk with wife if/when cell is down during outages.
Looking for portable, don't need screen or GPS, as the point is to pair with a phone, and battery should last ~12h (charge at night scenario) and be USB chargeable.
If I can get for <100$ for 2 devices that would be nice but over that, I would prioritize range (within reason).
At the moment the contenders are:

Any device I've missed? Thanks!
submitted by Chou_marin to meshtastic [link] [comments]
