Tap Security Screen lock. If you don’t find “Security,”: To get help, go to your phone manufacturer’s support site. Turn Auto-confirm on or off. Disable screen lock. Important: Disabling screen lock gives no protection for your device. Open your phone's Settings app. Tap Security. How to Change Settings and Layout for Multiple Displays in Windows 10 Quite a many of us have multiple displays connected to our computers, I for instance always have a browser full screen on my laptop display showing PC Help Forum, Seven Forums, Eight Forums and Ten Forums on their respective tabs, and do all my other computing / browsing on the secondary display. Hi, I currently use two displays. While this configuration feature works 95% of the time, regularly the boot ends up with swapped content of the screens (main display icons in the secondary, secondary ones in the main, the main display remains the main one) and fewer times with the task bars also swapped (main display changed). At the bottom right of your screen, select Settings Screen Capture . Press Shift + Ctrl + Show windows . If your external keyboard doesn't have a Show windows key , press Ctrl + Shift + F5. In the menu at the bottom, select Screenshot . Select an option: Take a full screen screenshot . Take a partial screenshot . Take a window screenshot . Smart Screen and Kaspersky can safely be used together without issue. Smart Screen will just automatically block a file that came from an unknown or external source, and prompt you when you try to open it. A tablet and 2-in-1 (ex: convertible or hybrid laptop) type devices are designed to rotate the built-in display automatically in a portrait or landscape orientation as you turn it so that what you see on the screen is always right side up. See also: Change screen orientation | Microsoft Support Miracast is a wireless technology your PC, laptop, or tablet can use to project your screen to wireless TVs, projectors, and streaming media players that also support Miracast. You can use this to share what you’re doing on your PC, present a slide show, or even play your favorite game on a larger screen. How to Take a Screen Snip (Screenshot) with Snip & Sketch in Windows 10 Starting with Windows 10 build 17661, a new Screen Snip feature has been added to Windows 10 to be able to quickly snip and share a screenshot. You can snip a rectangle, something a bit more freeform, or full screen and it will go straight to your clipboard. Starting in Windows 10 build 14279, Microsoft is merging the experience so there is just a single background – your Lock screen background. This is similar to the behavior seen on mobile. If you have a custom Lock screen background set, you will see your Lock screen background is now used for both the Lock screen and Sign-in screen by default. How to Change Screen Resolution of a Display in Windows 10 The screen resolution of a display determines how much information is displayed on the screen. It is measured horizontally and vertically in pixels. At lower screen resolutions, such as 640 x 480, fewer items will fit on the screen, but they will appear larger.
2025.01.24 19:51 Soft_Page7030 On-screen keyboard mapping help?
Any way to get Vim to display keyboard mapping help on-screen, for those moments where muscle memory fails you? Like this: https://preview.redd.it/vx6rouvsxzee1.png?width=2394&format=png&auto=webp&s=00b8542321918532f88f21c2ae67d19ca90212db submitted by Soft_Page7030 to vim [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 19:51 tieger_ Pitanje sudbine čovečanstva je stavljeno na vaša pleća
Recimo da u narednim godinama dobijemo jednu apokaliotičnu peripetiju u istoriji života na zemlji, praćenu posetom nepoznatih konkvistadora iz svemira koji prete da porobe ljudstvo. Glavni zloća vam prilazi i pruža ultimatum u kom iznosi mogućnost trajnog oslobođenja planete zemlje pod jednim uslovom.
Zloća vam se žali da on i njegov narod ne znaju šta je to kinematografija, čuli su da zemljani mnogo pričaju o toj sedmoj umetnosti te im je polako iskra znatiželje plamsala sve jačim žarom. Zloća i njegovi ljudi nemaju veliki raspon pažnje i imaju mogućnost da pogleraju samo jedan film.
Zloća u svom ultimatumu navodi mogućnost napuštanja planete zemlje i vraćanja tamo odakle je došao samo ukoliko se njemu, i njegovim sledbenicima, dopadne film koji narod zemaljski stavi pred njih na konačni sud.
Ukoliko Zloća donese sud da je odabrani film nedostojan ukusa njegovog visočanstva, osuđuje ljude na večni život u agoniji ostavljen na milost i nemilost nepoznatih ljudi koji su došli sa zvezdanog neba kao armagedon bez nade za željeni ishod naseljenika planete zemlje.
U suprotnom, zloća uzima odbarano delo kao nešto svevišnje noseći ga sa sobom nazad u tminu iz koje je izronio u nadi da će svome narodu pokazati nešto što do sada nije ugledala njegova strana galaksije.
U svoj ovoj zavrzlami da stvar bude još više teskobna, neobjašnjivim spletom događaja cela planeta stavlja svoju budućnost u vaše ruke, stavljajući vam na ramena teret odluke o tome koji film će čovečanstvo staviti pred svoje kolonijaliste.
Koji biste film vi izabrali, da sa sigurnošću spasete zemlju od zle nemani iz svemira ?
tldr: vaš omiljeni film koji ste u životu pogledali, ali high effort post.
submitted by tieger_ to kinematografija [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 19:51 earth-ninja3 whats your favorite thing to do while zooted?
submitted by earth-ninja3 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 19:51 trontuga 40 [M4F] #Europe #Online - I'd like to have a nice conversation with a woman that doesn't follow gender roles, maybe more
I'm going to keep this simple and straightforward: I'm a biologist that likes gardening, composting, cooking jams/preserves/zero-waste dishes, tech (linux, data preservation) and restoring/fixing things (it's becoming very gratifying to prolong the life of objects in a world that is becoming more and more disposable for the sake of consumerism).
I also sometimes delve into animation/sci-fi/fantasy series too and I've been rediscovering anime/manga, after years of disappointment, realizing that if the creator is a woman, it greatly increases the chances of me liking their work.
I'm looking for a nice conversation partner, an European woman that is assertive, renounces to gender roles, rejects body commodification and is able to have a structured conversation about a topic she has on her mind. I don't really expect it to lead to something more, but you never know.
I don't care what you look like, your age, or your background, but due to some weird experiences in the past here, I should probably say that I'm not into ephebophilia/teens, drug usage, violence, subs, internalized misogyny, self-degradation, polyamory or cheating.
(Note: Although this has the NSFW tag, it's absolutely not an expectation. I just want the prompt to be as flexible as possible within your motivations for messaging me)
submitted by trontuga to r4r [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 19:51 Flat_Temporary8128 What do you think about him?
submitted by Flat_Temporary8128 to DokkanBattleCommunity [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 19:51 ProgrammerAlive7018 Hornet vs Last Judge From Silksong
submitted by ProgrammerAlive7018 to HollowKnightArt [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 19:51 TexasJim107 Weber 22" Master Touch
It came in today. I got it put together and I'm doing the break in burn. I have an IR thermometer to read the cabinet temp. What's the minimum temp you would suggest?
submitted by TexasJim107 to grilling [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 19:51 CulturalMarxist123 Professor Feng Wuzhong (School of Marxism, Tsinghua University) - How Do We Know That China Remains In The Primary Stage Of Socialism?
submitted by CulturalMarxist123 to MarxistCulture [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 19:51 FlashySwordfish1949 FINALLY got my MHBP active (so much for 1/12 effective date). How you like it so far?
I am happy to say that after THREE phone calls, I figured out why my status in GRB was still "pending". I needed to submit docs showing that my husband and kids were eligible. Once I did that, I reached out to MHBP and was able to get it enacted.
For those that have switched from BCBS to MHBP (Standard for both), do you have any feedback so far? I had to get prescriptions filled today and thankfully they didn't need a PA (Ozempic and Jardiance for hubs, he is diabetic).
submitted by FlashySwordfish1949 to fednews [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 19:51 JRL1989 Claiming Child Care Expenses - Receipt Name?
Our daycare expenses are paid out of a joint account, however the daycare tax receipt only had MY name (not my married spouse's name) as I mostly deal with the daycare communication etc. My spouse is the lower earner, so we will have to claim it under my spouse's name. Will we need the daycare to re-issue the receipt in ONLY my spouse's name? Or is it fine that the receipt is in my name (the higher earner)?
submitted by JRL1989 to cantax [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 19:51 niv_2234 I didn't believe before, now I do, or think I do
I am a teen and not a Christian yet, but recently I started questioning my beliefs regarding Hinduism. I started more research on Christianity, and I found it to be interesting. Suddenly I felt the call of jesus. Whenever I listened to music, whenever etc... I wasn't sure if it was a sign. Even my close friend tried to dissuade me of it, but today, I felt very sick. I have the flu, with a 103 fever. I went into my mom's room where it was a bit cold after taking my fever medication which made me sweat like crazy. And I was still sweating even while listening to music and watching YouTube videos. I couldn't take it anymore, so I decided to give something a try. Reading the Bible. And so I do. Guess what happened? Soon after I started listening to the bible on my phone, my brother came into the room I was in and turned the humidifier on at a certain point where I stopped sweating completely. And this was a few hours ago, and right now, I feel fine. I used to not be able to cover myself with a blanket when I felt so cold because I would be feeling hot and sweaty at the same time, but after listening to the bible and believing in him, now I can finally rest like I always wanted to. I'm not sure if this was a sign, but I kind of started believing. At the same time, I'm not sure if it was my medication that helped me or if it was actually god. Now, a few minutes ago after eating, I felt SUPER nauseous- like I was about to throw up. I went to my room, sat on my bed, and started praying to Jesus, and the nauseaousness went away.
I'm not sure what to even do now, I'm so confused, scared, etc... I am a Hindu by birth, my parents are hindu, most of my friends are Hindu... And now I don't know what to do or believe or anything really.
Any advice would be really helpful. Thank you.
submitted by niv_2234 to Christianity [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 19:51 Quiet_Worker How do you consume TCAF shows?
View Poll
submitted by Quiet_Worker to TheCompoundandFriends [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 19:51 Michelles94 Guess the Battle Mentioned in the Quran!
Guess the Battle Mentioned in the Quran!
Test your knowledge! Take the quiz now!
submitted by Michelles94 to MuslimHub [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 19:51 Active-Coyote-5104 Rate it 1/10
submitted by Active-Coyote-5104 to PixelCarRacer [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 19:51 Intrepid_Golf_9738 Madden fantasy lg fresh
Looking for a couple more people for a chill new user friendly lg. snake fantasy draft 24-36 hr advance
submitted by Intrepid_Golf_9738 to MaddenFranchise [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 19:51 Ucantekmeustadi Uçan tekmeci Arkadaşımın hikayesi
O zamanlar 19 yaşındayım Ahmet diye bir arkadaşım vardı bu çocuk sürekli leauge of legends denilen bir oyun oynardı oyun oynarkende inanılmaz güzel ve anlamlı sözlerle senfoni verirdi bir gün bir baktım ki farklı bir oyuna geçmiş tam hatırlayamıyorum ancak zannedersem oyunun ismi Apex Legendstı bir cuma akşamıydı salatamı yaptım ve televizyonun karşısına geçip netflixten en sevdiğim diziyi açıcaktım ta ki o gece bana hayatımın kabusunu ve travmasını yaşatacak olan Ahmet arkadaşımın bağırmasına kadar Ahmet yavaş yavaş küfür ediyor küfür ettikçe hırsını alamıyor ve dahada fazla küfür ediyordu en sonunda beni derinden yaralayacak o cümleyi söyledi “al… uçan tek… atayım review me”bu cümleyi söyledikten sonra Ahmet’e aşık olmuştum Ahmet tam benlikti Ahmet uçan tekmeyi seven birisiydi aradan 5 yıl geçti hala komşusuyum ve arkadaşım ona hala platonikim.
submitted by Ucantekmeustadi to heumrageifsa [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 19:51 cherrrycolored What was the first song you really loved?
submitted by cherrrycolored to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 19:51 PalmettoPolitics Most realistic version of an annexation of Canada (won't happen) in my opinion.
submitted by PalmettoPolitics to YAPms [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 19:51 Numerous_View_398 Using instagram to showcase company culutre?
My manager wants me to start researching ways to showcase our company's culture on Instagram. She mentioned specifically the LifeAtChewy and ZapposCulture Instagram pages for reference. Here are her requirements:
- She wants employees to be able to post to the page themselves but have an approval process. - She wants the employees to be able to post without having Instagram.
This is impossible, right? I don't know if I'm searching for nothing here, but I don't think just anyone can post to Instagram pages, someone would have to be in charge of posting after an approval process. I thought maybe we could have employees share photos to a designated phone number and post them that way? But I'm not sure that the requirements given are realistic.
Some things we could showcase are exercise classes, soup cook-off contests, our workout facility, community relation events, monthly luncheons, etc.
submitted by Numerous_View_398 to socialmedia [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 19:51 Embarrassed_Ask_8486 CCTV footage
CCTV footage of a white shadow crossing road in a street in Pakistan. (Not mine) submitted by Embarrassed_Ask_8486 to jinnstory [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 19:51 lamiamiatl Barron Trump Waves at Onlookers
submitted by lamiamiatl to pics [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 19:51 helloimscorpius floating head
i got a pop up saying that i made a change to my avatar on the website, and it asked if i would like to change to it in game. i clicked yes and now im a floating head. (i originally had monkey suit and monkey hat thing) submitted by helloimscorpius to WorkAtaPizzaPlaceRBLX [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 19:51 Zestyclose_Push_8428 Passed my module 3&4 Driver CPC tests
Passed my category D road test today with 0 faults can't wait to start driving submitted by Zestyclose_Push_8428 to BusDrivers [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 19:51 orangefish777 pouring one out for jimmy tonight
submitted by orangefish777 to Mcat [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 19:51 Barch3 Trump cites voter ID, water flow as conditions for LA wildfire aid
submitted by Barch3 to Law_and_Politics [link] [comments]