
2025.01.24 19:51 i_like_tacos_slap_me ;)

;) submitted by i_like_tacos_slap_me to darussianbadger [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 NESnt I want a new account

Not only do I want to reset my account and get guidance on the matter I would also much appreciate some tips on classes for when I’m done
submitted by NESnt to idleon [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 kalligator Plank Reloaded: Still Stupidly Simple

Plank Reloaded: Still Stupidly Simple submitted by kalligator to elementaryos [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 sneakerduck Got lucky and packed a tradeable TOTY. Sitting on around 3M coins if Xavi is sold (only tradeable). Any opinions on what I should do with the coins?

Got lucky and packed a tradeable TOTY. Sitting on around 3M coins if Xavi is sold (only tradeable). Any opinions on what I should do with the coins? submitted by sneakerduck to fut [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 One_Cucumber_9178 Why are my exercise minutes so different on different wrists?

Why are my exercise minutes so different on different wrists? The first is my right, the second is left. I just changed wrists a week ago and there hasn’t been any change in my daily activity. This is just one example but it’s been every day since.
submitted by One_Cucumber_9178 to AppleWatch [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 poopsmcgee27 On LTD Employer going under

Hello. I'm in Canada and currently on LTD and have been for almost 2.5 years.
I just found out my employer is most likely going bankrupt and will no longer be in business.
Ive booked a call with my insurance company but won't find out until next week the answer to my question........
Hoping to maybe put some fears at ease.
GENERALLY speaking, do LTD claims continue or if my employer goes under my claim gets cancelled and I'm done as well?
I'm assuming I'm okay because my employer switched benefit companies during my leave and I'm still with original insurance company for claim and payment but I'm worried.
I am medically unable to work. I'd love to go back as I was paid extremely well doing what I do. Barely making ends meet now and concerned what the future holds.
submitted by poopsmcgee27 to disability [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 SleepyStardew Box of misc household items

Box filled with an assortment of random household items good for just getting started. Ice cube trays, kitchen towels, beige sheet set, small pot with lid, small pan, brita pitcher, shower mat, gold throw blanket, silverware organizer. Located in Montavilla neighborhood, must take all.
submitted by SleepyStardew to PDXBuyNothing [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 Luiklinds Voice coaching

Hello! I’m an adult who has always loved to sing and am looking for a voice coach to help me do it better. I don’t have any intentions of singing professionally, just want to learn how to sing correctly and improve my voice. Any recommendations?
submitted by Luiklinds to Chattanooga [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 Chou_marin Looking for a good phone companion hardware

Looking to get into this. Goal is to be able to talk with wife if/when cell is down during outages.
Looking for portable, don't need screen or GPS, as the point is to pair with a phone, and battery should last ~12h (charge at night scenario) and be USB chargeable.
If I can get for <100$ for 2 devices that would be nice but over that, I would prioritize range (within reason).
At the moment the contenders are:

Any device I've missed? Thanks!
submitted by Chou_marin to meshtastic [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 Tuesday1222 FIRST AUTO

FIRST AUTO submitted by Tuesday1222 to Toppswwe [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 NewChefieChef My First Try

My First Try submitted by NewChefieChef to FoodVideos [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 Wibly97 Anime/Cartoon Commissions Open! Starting at $40 USD

Anime/Cartoon Commissions Open! Starting at $40 USD submitted by Wibly97 to artstore [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 dipyouinhoney First sore throat after tonsillectomy

Currently have my first sore throat after my tonsillectomy in September. Man am I glad to not have that jaw breaking, body wrecking pain every time i swallow but goddang it i hoped i'd never have to deal with this again
submitted by dipyouinhoney to Tonsillectomy [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 Small_Jicama9734 Essere giovani e sentirsi disperati

Sto vivendo un periodo di forte stress e agitazione dovuto all'università e dovuto al fatto che devo destreggiarmi tra tutti i miei amici già laureati, che lavorano e studiano, tra parenti e persone a caso che mi chiedono quanto mi manca e quando mi laureerò... e io ancora qui, a non sapere se riuscirò a laurearmi in questa sessione o dovrò aspettare a luglio se tutto va bene. Non laurearmi a marzo significherebbe perdere il primo semestre di magistrale che ho iniziato a ottobre, periodo durante il quale ho superato anche 2 parziali. Perderei sacrifici e soldi (del viaggio) perché sono pendolare e mi svegliavo tutti i giorni alle 5.30 per raggiungere l'università. Questa situazione mi sta divorando. Studiare per gli ultimi 2 esami in questo modo sta diventando estremamente faticoso al punto che ho pregato la mia dottoressa di prescrivermi benzodiazepine ma si è rifiutata dato che sono giovane e mi ha prescritto al contempo degli integratori per studenti. So che qualsiasi sia il dolore che proviamo, la cosa che dovremmo fare è accettare e attraversarlo. Sono d'accordo e lo sto facendo. Ma fino a che punto? Fino a che punto posso stare male per questa situazione? Faccio terapia con una psicologa ma sento che non mi sta aiutando come dovrebbe. Sono fortunata perché ho sostegno economico da parte della mia famiglia ma anche questo per me rappresenta un problema, perché a 24 anni non sopporto l'idea di gravare in questo modo sui miei genitori. Tutta la mia esperienza di vita fin ora mi è sembrata inutile. Sento di non aver concluso ancora nulla. La laurea per me rappresenterebbe un traguardo importante perché almeno mi darebbe quella parvenza, oltre che lo strumento per poter proseguire con i miei sogni e poter raggiungere i miei obiettivi. Chi si è trovato nella mia situazione, avete consigli su come vivermela un pizzico più serenamente?
submitted by Small_Jicama9734 to psicologia [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 FoxDaim Should i use my power supply’s 12VHPWR cable or is it better to just use PCIe cables with 12v-2×6 adapter?

I have Seasonic FOCUS GX-850 ATX 3.0 and im planning to upgrade my RTX 3070 ti to RTX 5080 later during this year. [Most likely on September]
And im worried about the whole 12VHPWR melting issue and i heard that 12v-2x6 cable, while being nearly identical to 12VHPWR, it’s still supposed to be more reliable.
So should i just use my psu’s 12VHPWR cable or should i just go with adapter?
submitted by FoxDaim to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 ChromiesAus Premium IPTV Service

Premium IPTV Service 🌟 Chromies IPTV: Your Gateway to Entertainment! 📺 ✅ 9k+ Live Channels, 20k Movies, 15k Series ✅ Premium Sports & PPV Events! One-time payment, no recurring fees 🔄
Note: The subscription is a one-time payment (Non Recurring).
When your subscription expires, you have to make a new transaction to renew. +61497889066
submitted by ChromiesAus to Hacking_Tricks [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 AzurePurple1020 Are y'all ready? (credits: @ShayyTV on YT)

Are y'all ready? (credits: @ShayyTV on YT) submitted by AzurePurple1020 to Deltarune [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 Level-Play6959 Slim with a fat ass 🤭 18 gym girly <333

Slim with a fat ass 🤭 18 gym girly <333 submitted by Level-Play6959 to FemboyFashion [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 Cryssix [OoT] Great Fairy Fountain melody heard in Eric Chou's "What's wrong"

I wanted to know the denizens of zelda's thoughts on my observation!
I randomly came across Eric Chou's What's Wrong and immediately had the melody that I've heard in various speedrunning/misc Youtube videos thrust into my head - after 30 mins of research I narrowed it down to the Great Fairy Fountain.
I'm not a Zelda fan (sorry - I don't dislike it but I've never gelled with it but I do respect it!) beyond watching speedrun recaps from Summoning Salt or Abyssoft so I know a ~little; nor am I an Eric Chou fan; but my goodness that opening melody awakened something in me.
I've since added Great Fairy Fountain from OoT to my "everything" playlist - It's truly fantastic.
I do love so much of the Zelda music I've heard.
P.S. I LOVE The Binding of Isaac which was HEAVILY inspired by Zelda to my knowledge.
submitted by Cryssix to zelda [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 Equivalent-Cake-6859 Eu não amo meu filho

Essa situação me deixa triste pra caralho. Triste, frustado.. enfim. A situação é que eu tive um filho com uma pessoa que eu não tinha um relacionamento. Ela falou que tinha ovários policístico e eu otario não me preveni. Eu sei q não foi por interesse ou golpe até porque ela ganha até mais do que eu. Hoje em dia a gente tá se “relacionando” e gostamos um do outro, ela é uma pessoa boa, madura e tá sendo uma ótima mãe, tá dando amor pro meu filho. O problema é que eu não consigo sentir isso. Eu queria que meu filho parecesse comigo mas quando eu olho pra ele eu não me enxergo. Eu sou preto e a mãe dele tem traços indígenas, só q ele nasceu mais claro q eu e ela. so é muito confuso pra mim, pq eu sei que não é culpa dele. Eu tô tentando criar um afeto por ele mas eu simplesmente não consigo.. não tenho paciência com ele chorando, não tenho paciência pra botar ele pra dormir.. eu olho pra cara dele e só vejo a mãe dele. O que mais me magoa é que eu tenho certeza que se ele fosse mais parecido comigo eu iria gostar bem mais dele. A mae dele já falou que se eu quisesse ela iria criar o menino sozinha, mas crescer com pai ausente é algo que não desejo pra ninguém. Enfim. Sei que agora não tenho o que fazer. Vou fazer meu papel de pai independente do que eu esteja sentindo, tratar ele da melhor forma apesar de ainda não sentir amor por ele. Ou pelo menos fingir que amo até um dia criar um sentimento verdadeiro. Mas por enquanto é isso
submitted by Equivalent-Cake-6859 to desabafos [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 Possible-Syllabub-78 Keep Reggie or Judkins??

No gold shifty but looks great
submitted by Possible-Syllabub-78 to CollegeUltimateTeam [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 marcsimo My account was deleted without explenation

I was using my account @swimmingangrel to post some of my drawings, one week ago I posted a couple of drawings of my dnd characters, and my account got banned. I don't understand how it happened, I did not break any terms of service (or at least I think I didn't, English isn't my first language so maybe I made some mistake?), and I did not recieve any email on my account to explain why it was terminated. I'm not sure what to do at this point
submitted by marcsimo to TumblrAcctTerminated [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 Interesting-Hyena759 [Tx] The maintenance man for my apt building is trying to screw me over

I live in an apartment complex and called in a clogged toilet. They didnt get back to me until about 5 days. My bf was here when the plumber fixed it and everything was fine. Then I notice a 279 dollar charge on my account. They took it from my rent payment for the month. I called and the maintenence man told me a bunch of lies. He said it was a build up of cat litter. so i asked him if thats what the plumber for sure saw, he said well no he said it was something similar. I call the plumber and the plumber tells me he didnt say what the maintenance guy said and that it appeared to be cat litter. I call the maintenance man again after asking for the picture of the supposed cat litter and he starts being extremely condescending and rude and tells me its my fault. I tried asking the plumber for the picture and he told me he deleted all his work photos in that moment. I have it over text. Is there anything i can do to get this bill removed? i dont have an extra 279 laying around and both of these men are very clearly lying
submitted by Interesting-Hyena759 to AskALawyer [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 EducationNew6090 Looking to Create Game Trailers for Indie game Developers (Free for my portfolio)

Hi, INAT community,
i am new here and i joined to look for someone that can collaborate withe me to create for him a Hight qulaity game trailer (only 3D games) , you may be asking why i am doing this for free ? , well i am looking to fill my portfolio on Fiverr because i am a Video editor and producer and i am also a game developper that have a over 3 Years of experience in Unity and over 2 Years in Godot Engine , I love creating trailers for story games, mods, and open-world experiences, similar to titles like GTA. i use Adobe Premiere (from the deep seas) and other tools for music sound effects that will make your Dream trailer come true . you provide some of the game fottage or we can talk and find the best places to do cutscenes in the game or story line and open-world game trailers with that Rockstart touche . Belive me, i will make your gta 6 trailer , all of this is TOTALY FREE.
submitted by EducationNew6090 to INAT [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 BackToTraditions Completely new

Completely new Hi everyone, I want a road tripping van where I can work, entertain myself and other. I am very low on money but I am looking at this. Can anyone tell me if it is worth it? Tips for converting the van? I am completely new to this.
submitted by BackToTraditions to VanDIY [link] [comments]
