Character background

2025.01.24 19:51 Sansy1235 Character background

Hello! I was wondering if I could get some ideas for my half drow cleric's background! Anything is helpful! I have a few notes jotted down for it if it helps at all.
-Born of a Lolth sworn drow mother and a high elf father -An accident as a teen caused her to have visions of the future and past -Became a Cleric of Kelevmor -Using the power causes her face to rot each time she uses it
submitted by Sansy1235 to BG3 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 Obsidian_Bolt Just finished it

Finished HFW recently and loved it, i have over 150 h. I wanted to play it on ps5 but haven't got the money for it so I played the ps4 version. Sometimes the graphics lagged; you can tell it was made for ps5 but otherwise there were no bigger problems.
I do think the story in the first is a little bit better. In FW I was hoping to see more of far zenith, just some more scenes with them. Was hoping the have some more dialogue with gerard before he died. Felt a bit underwhelming since they were the main villains. Eric felt a bit cartoonishly evil. I had hoped for more Sylens too, he is such a good character, underused in FW.
I had a feeling tilda would betray aloy but trying to kidnap her was not a twist I saw coming. I suspected that she was lying about why the colony failed when she just repeated what Beta said about the geological (disaster?). She was so ambiguous, if it was an earthquake or volcano or sth why not just say so. The whole nemesis thing was ok, it will be interesting to see where the 3rd game takes it. It kinda reminded me of that old Leslie Nielsen movie Forbidden Planet. If far zenith is dead, then what does it want?
Also I hate the Slitherfang, and how can the shellsnapper be so damn fast and agile. I noticed that some of the weapons has been seriously nerfed compared to the first game. The adhesive ammo felt pretty useless; I only used it against the dreadwing.
Just wanted to share my thoughts. Going for the platinum next.
submitted by Obsidian_Bolt to HorizonForbiddenWest [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 Corvocat Surreal and absurd, slightly gross games

The ones that feel like a inescapable fever dreams, with a story that’s almost impossible to understand. I hope it’s not too vague of a description☆彡
submitted by Corvocat to gamingsuggestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 TTVSakuritou [AMA] I hit Challenger on EUW every Season/Split ever since 2022 as a Cho'Gath otp [Sakuritou]

Hello everyone,
As... everyone here knows by now, my name is Saku and i have hit challenger as a Cho'Gath otp [EUW] pretty much every season/split ever since 2022.
Now of course, you might have some questions such as "how did you do that", the infamous "ap or tank" question or the even more infamous "when do you ult minions/champs" question, this is the spot where you can ask me literally anything (as long as its about league.. mostly).
I really have been enjoying my time as a Cho'gath OTP and met/coached so many cool players (most fun coaching was definitely the Thebausffs Coaching).
With the AMA, i wanna give some info back (the cho guide is still in its works.. finding an editor is really hard..)
Thank you everyone, i love all of you.
Shoutout to Cramble (i love you brother) for allowing me to do this on my burner account, as my main reddit account has been hacked (been like that since 10 days now, the support has yet to answer :/)
Happy feasting everyone! Sakuritou
submitted by TTVSakuritou to ChoGathMains [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 _styxstudio Akhirah - An Open World Creature Survival <3 Our first devlog after a year of production!

Akhirah - An Open World Creature Survival <3 Our first devlog after a year of production! submitted by _styxstudio to indiegames [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 SnooSeagulls6503 My brain keeps telling me I’m going to leave my fiancée and I just feel so sad

I have been with my fiancée for a while and we have had our ups and downs. At the beginning of the relationship I knew he was the one for me. He made me happy, we have the same views, we enjoy spending time together. However with some upcoming life changes my brain is trying to convince me I am going to leave him. The thought of this makes me want to cry. It really breaks my heart if I lose him. My brain tries to think of the worse case scenario of me liking someone from high school who I haven’t spoken to in years. It tries to say we have interests. I checked their social media and tried to see if I felt anything and of course this lead to a huge rush of adrenaline as I felt maybe I might be jealous of them with someone in a picture. I don’t have any desire to talk to this person yet my brain convinces me I should leave my fiancée for them. I am at my wits end and trying to hide my tears from him and the family. I just want our life together I don’t want to be with anyone else no matter what my brain says. I hope this goes away.
submitted by SnooSeagulls6503 to ROCD [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 Lord_Vectass Purpelino je speciální follower (2 obrázky)

Purpelino je speciální follower (2 obrázky) submitted by Lord_Vectass to Tomuv_Holocron [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 Ghjjjjpm Bulking…

Bulking… submitted by Ghjjjjpm to ClothedMuscle [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 dishonoredinlife 22m - Hello, let's play and talk and discuss and whatever else

Hello again, keeping this short, I don't smoke, I don't drink, I play games and other things I'll disclose in private.
If this short introduction touches your heart, don't hesitate to message me or leave a comment and I'll message you back if reddit allows
Thank you for taking from your time to read this,
submitted by dishonoredinlife to InternetFriends [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 glasgowhandshake Is this romantic?

Line from a poem I'm writing: "Her lips were the color of tomato sauce-stained Tupperware"
submitted by glasgowhandshake to RandomQuestion [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 pantslesslizard The fur looks back at you

The fur looks back at you submitted by pantslesslizard to CookieMonsterFur [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 SarcBey Damn you, Technics, and your beautiful AZ100 earbuds. I now hate my AirPods 😝

I bought the AZ100’s when they were announced and have not been able to put them down since. I am an Apple lifer, been using Apple gear for 20 years so for me this is a shift. I’ve used AirPods Pro for a solid 3 years, before that I used IEMs. The AZ100 win on fit, sound, performance and features (though the APP2 ANC wins).
For me the killer feature is the 3-device connectivity which comes close to Apple’s handoff in terms of convenience. I use my phone, Mac and IPad all day so having all 3 connected is great, especially considering how strong and consistent the connection is.
The battery and the innovative driver are also pivotal for me declaring these the best earbuds on the market.
FIT I bought Comply foam tips and they are phenomenal. Not as good ANC as with the silicon tips but this silicon tips make my ear canals itchy so these are how I’m proceeding Foam tips -
SOUND I made a custom EQ that is a bit toned down compared to the Dynamic EQ. 6 - 2 - 2- 4 - 2 - 6 - 7
I tried my AirPods Pro 2 today and hated the lifeless sound, the lack of bass and low-end, and the general narrowness of the audio.
I can’t go back to AirPods now…
submitted by SarcBey to Earbuds [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 Zoeville Nausea/stomach ache advice

I recently upped my dose to 1mg semaglutide because the previous doses were not really working for me. Hopped on here to beg for some advice on what you guys do to combat the stomach ache feeling and nausea that seems to come hand in hand with this. I want the appetite suppressant obviously but I don’t want to feel sick all the time! It’s making it hard for me to stay active and do things I love. Any pointers ? Does it get better? 🥺
submitted by Zoeville to Semaglutide [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 yellowperiwinkle Sa mga Filipinos sa USsaang state kayo? How did you get here? What do you?

submitted by yellowperiwinkle to AskPH [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 issabitsadinnit Genuinely curious.

Honestly, I joined this subreddit cause I was watching the podcast and the show. All the posts I see are you guys hating on the girls… whether it’s something Holly’s done or said…or the way Bridget acts. I’m just really confused what the point of even being in the subreddit is?? I understand the girls are going to be criticized & critiqued for some things. But it just sounds like a lot of you are a bunch of “mean girls” finding anything to nitpick about them, the podcast or something they’re done/said. For example: the main one I see is people just nitpicking the hell out of holly, whether she’s lied about something, or had surgeries etc. Some people have their reasons for lying about things, but geez some of yall find anything to be upset about and it’s truthfully really weird. As I said; I’m just really curious as to why some of you are here at all? other than to nitpick the girls, hate on them, or to discredit them. Cause it truly seems that’s all this subreddit is for…
submitted by issabitsadinnit to GirlsNextLevel [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 jvc72 Buy Signal Warner Music Group Corp - 24 Jan 2025 @ 14:48 -> USD29.88

Ticker: WMG
Exchange: NASDAQ
Time: 24 Jan 2025 @ 14:48
Price: USD29.88
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 git_und_slotermeyer Breaking News: Lamarr-Rohbau wird zu "The Villain by Signa Prime" Luxusgefängnis entwickelt

Breaking News: Lamarr-Rohbau wird zu submitted by git_und_slotermeyer to okoidawappler [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 Successful-Charge532 🙏🍀

submitted by Successful-Charge532 to fanduel [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 jvc72 Buy Signal Liquity USD - 24 Jan 2025 @ 14:48 -> USD1.716

Exchange: CRYPTO
Time: 24 Jan 2025 @ 14:48
Price: USD1.716
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 rept7 I want something to play while at work, but I don't know what is "for me".

I have a Galaxy S23 and want to play something while nothing is going on at work, since it usually leads to a kind of "stir crazy" feeling if I don't get distracted. But I don't really know what kind of game is a good fit. I know I enjoy Monster Hunter Now, but it's GPS heavy, so gameplay is limited.
What I'm pretty sure I enjoy: - Creating my own character and customizing their appearance and outfit. - Collecting things through gameplay (like new clothing). - Doing PvE multiplayer (asynchronous or not both okay). - Just seeing other player's characters in general. - Touch friendly controls.
What does nothing for me: - Gacha mechanics. - Card games - Playing a preset character. - Single player and offline only - Virtual controllers
What I actively want to avoid: - Constant pushes for monetization. - PvP - Data heavy games for gameplay.
I don't suppose anyone has any suggestions?
submitted by rept7 to AndroidGaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 Datapod2 Had to take a break from painting for health reasons, decided to make my first new model this Runelord I’d been nervous to paint. Happy with the result

Had to take a break from painting for health reasons, decided to make my first new model this Runelord I’d been nervous to paint. Happy with the result First time I’ve ever actively tried to do highlights, they’re very messy but the improvement to the model is so noticeable already. Any general tips from more experienced painters?
submitted by Datapod2 to bugmansbrewery [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 Intelligent-Total-95 21-M/Atlanta/Athens/Single

I’m a cub who’s young, tall (6’2), athletic, Italian, and full of energy and positivity. I’m currently in college and I enjoy many hobbies. I’m open to all experiences and learning along the way. I’m eager to find a cougar who’s ready to have the best times together yet also stimulate each other mentally.
submitted by Intelligent-Total-95 to CougarsAndCubs [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 Warmspirit Feel lost and would like to ask for some guidance

I originally wanted to ask: "what should I do?" But that is a vague question that wouldn't help anyone.
I have a BBB in non-CS or math-related subjects at A-Level; this left me with very very few options to go into undergraduate CS.
Unfortunately the degree I took (and still attend, second year) is very poor with its content: - for Algorithms we had 10 lectures mostly filled with stock images and the professor who made the worst analogies ever, the assigment consisted of "speeding up code" - the solution was to a hashmap for the 3 small programs (As a bonus the lecturer promised that it would be a 0 math course because he thinks its not important) - programming 1 was a Python course. The first assessment had 30 questions that were as simple as "print a number"; the second was a Flask app that didn't have to work - programming 2 has been about OOP in Python, we weren't taught SOLID, or design patterns - computational thinking had an assessment that consisted of writing pseudo code (we did 0 programming first semester) and drawing wireframes in Powerpoint
The only module I actually enjoyed has been the Computing Fundamentals course which briefly covered set theory and we did a basic assembly program for the assessment. I think I enjoyed this one because it was closer to the hardware than HLL and I have a great interest in the workings of computers (it also involved some math...)
I think my only option is to teach myself as the assessments thus far have been trivial and the course content itself has been worse than just one semester of CS50... So I have been gathering resources and looking at what skills job postings ask of embedded engineers as I think firmware/hardware something along those lines would suit me in the long run, but I don't really know what to do.
I have a insignificant Python project under my belt and about 150 Leetcode questions answered (not the best use of my time I won't lie) but recently picked up "The C Programming Language" - K&R and have been thoroughly enjoying it. My hopes are to do something in embedded, which is a broad subject that I really don't know a lot about but know that C/C++ is a desired skill.
It seems that my only course of option at the minute is to read books, do online courses and build some projects that make use of those skills (as this is achievable concurrently with my undergrad). However, should I look to do a masters degree? There are no "Computer Engineering" masters near me, but there are Electrical Engineering courses nearby, but I'm unsure about that for a couple reasons: 1 I am not confident in maths or physics, 2 I have not and will not be doing EE subjects in undergrad, 3 I am unsure how relevant it is to embedded. If I were to do an EE masters I would likely need to include some of the basics in my self-learning between now and graduation instead of the above mentioned route.
Any advice? Is a masters worth it in EE, if I want to do something in embedded? What would I need to learn before then? Should I just build projects and graduate a year sooner?
TL;DR: My options are limited but I want to do something embedded, hardware, graphics etc and my uni will not cover these topics. Should I be looking to do a masters in EE and learn some of those topics before then? Or should I build projects with MCUs then demonstrate skills listed on job boards for embedded engineers?
submitted by Warmspirit to cscareerquestionsuk [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 Junior-Tree1571 Where is this sweater from?

Where is this sweater from? submitted by Junior-Tree1571 to findfashion [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 19:51 No-Sample-1496 Я устроила в подвале производство кваса

Муж обрадовался и пощадил меня. К счастью, я добавила в его кружку кваса "особый ингредиент"
submitted by No-Sample-1496 to kakayato_fignya [link] [comments]