2025.01.24 19:55 DryWater05 A Dream I had some time ago
Somewhere between last November and last summer, I had a dream, I added an image that represents how it looked. It started with me going up a staircase and there was a cloud, with a golden lectern, and there was the book of life, it wasn't signed but deep down I knew it was the book of life. So I opened it, and I started going through the names, and I saw my name crossed out with a red line, and then I looked what was in the space between the cloud I was on and the golden gates, it was hell. Somehow, I knew I was going there, but then, I woke up. Last November or December I confessed my sins, and I don't get these dreams anymore (I also had an other one, about the earth splitting in half under me and me falling into hell while Jesus was walking down a staircase from the clouds), but I wanted to share it anyway, maybe it will bring someone closer to God!
submitted by DryWater05 to Christianity [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 19:55 ShaggyDoo9311 PsBattle: Cat lying down on bed
submitted by ShaggyDoo9311 to photoshopbattles [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 19:55 johannramosarteaga Judging Others Leads to Low Self Esteem
Something I think about often is how much judging others, criticizing, labeling things as black and white can often corrode our self-esteem. Basically the way I see it is that a judgement is a limitation you’re placing on others therefore yourself, like if we judge a friend who decided to start a band or a business or a YouTube channel etc, then we are now basically blocking ourselves from trying it too. Even if we change our minds about it later and decide to try it, it would feel incongruous as we have subconsciously programmed ourselves to think that is beneath us or whatever judgement we initially had about the friend that did it. Not to mention, should the friend succeed, which is actually more likely with our support, we would feel dumb OR we would be biased towards focusing on the failures that person had along the way, which is loser thinking. Judging others is also the opposite of self-reflection, which is crucial for growth and personal development. As someone who grew up with judgmental family members, friends, etc. I was definitely one to engage in that sort of stuff. Having changed my ways and mindset on things now, my confidence has increased and I’m much more receptive to things that might be unusual or weird, and see things as positive instead of negative. I see the potential in people trying things, and recognize that it takes a lot of trial and error and failure to get things to work, such as starting a new business or what have you. This has made me much more inclined to try things I wouldn’t usually because I subconsciously see the world much more abundantly. I believe in myself more because I believe in others and they believe in me back because of it, which is a cycle of positive reinforcement. Anyway, just some toilet bowl thoughts. Would love to hear your thoughts or stories.
submitted by johannramosarteaga to DecidingToBeBetter [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 19:55 Aight1337 Jetzt mitmachen: CanG zurück drehen? Nicht mit uns! | DHV-News # 453
submitted by Aight1337 to weedmob [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 19:55 Decent_Expert_224 Ideia de sistema
Eu tava pensando em criar algo como um sistema de elementos, tipo avatar, com um foco em combate.
Eu já joguei bastante, mas nunca fui muito além em criação de algo mesmo, minha ideia inocial seria que os elementos servem como classes, seria possível ter nível 0 e não ter nenhum elemento, e também seria possível um "multiclasse", talvez de alguma forma um habilidade que necessite ter um nível em cada elemento como requisito, para ter tipo magma, fogo e terra.
Num geral me dêem dicas, e ideias para eu avançar, no momento tô só tendo ideias e anotando.
submitted by Decent_Expert_224 to RPGdesignBR [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 19:55 Axel_Raden They are defending rapists
They are celebrating defending these POS submitted by Axel_Raden to Wild_Politics [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 19:55 Disastrous-Recipe991 Besoffen audofarn🥰
submitted by Disastrous-Recipe991 to OkBrudiMongo [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 19:55 StipularSauce77 Pop Quiz
If you are riding an electric scooter on the sidewalk and you hit a pedestrian from behind, should you:
A. Apologize and make sure you didn’t injure them
B. Blame the pedestrian for and immediately scooter away
submitted by StipularSauce77 to aggies [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 19:55 AirZealousideal298 I have 2 A block tickets in Bay 3, it has a good view with seating, You can meet face to face in ahmd to buy at MRP
26 Jan, f2f 2 seats in Block A, Bay 3 with good view
submitted by AirZealousideal298 to Tickets [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 19:55 jvc72 Buy Signal Alpha Quark Token USD - 24 Jan 2025 @ 14:51 -> USD1.660
Ticker: AQTUSD
Exchange: CRYPTO
Time: 24 Jan 2025 @ 14:51
Price: USD1.660
Link: https://getagraph.com/crypto-currencies/AQTUSD/ENG
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 19:55 NewGuyDontCry Bordeaux or Hare Jordan 7s?
Looking to pick up one of these. Which would you pick?
submitted by NewGuyDontCry to Jordans [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 19:55 InformalObjective930 Help I made a terrible mistake!
Hey this is kind of embarrassing so please don't judge me too hard. I am trying to learn powershell scripting and I was having some trouble with permissions relating to the path. What I normally do when I'm learning is use ChatGPT for my more obscure questions cause y'know it's faster than searching online. But I have learned my lesson and now need help. I don't what I was told to do or what has happened but using the icacls and takeown commands I gave my default user permissions over all the programs on my PC and now none of them run anymore. Please help! I promise to do more research in the future and to not use the AI unless absolutely necessary.
submitted by InformalObjective930 to PowerShell [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 19:55 Adventurous_Fly_8652 AIO My brother’s girlfriend kissed me, and now everything’s a mess. I can’t stop thinking about her and I’m starting to have feelings. HELP!
I am not super close to my brother but we’ve always had a good relationship. He recently moved to my city to be closer to his girlfriend. I met her for the first time last thanksgiving, and we clicked instantly. We have so much in common, same taste in music, movies, hobbies, everything tbh. I’ve never met anyone like her before, she’s super gorgeous, so kind, and honestly, she’s hilarious too.
At first, I only saw her as my brother’s girlfriend and kept things strictly friendly. But over time, we started hanging out a lot. My brother, her, me, and one of my friends would go out together all the time, and she and I even had movie nights. My brother never minded, he was actually happy bc we got along well.
So anyway, a few nights ago, we were all at a bar. My brother and my friend were chatting, and his girlfriend and I were drinking and joking around and stuff like that. Later, she asked if she could come over to watch house of the dragon since we’d been watching it together, and I didn’t think anything of it, so I said sure why not.
So later on, around 10 P.M, she said goodbye to my brother aka her bf, and we got to my place, as soon as we walked in, she kissed me. It wasn’t just a quick peck it was a deep freaking kiss. I froze and stepped back immediately. She looked just as surprised as I was and quickly apologized, saying, “Oh, I’m too drunk, sorry, I didn’t mean it.” I just said, “It’s fine,” but I felt so awkward and guilty that I asked if we could finish the show another night.
So, the thing is, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about that kiss. And the worst part of it? I think I’m starting to have feelings for her ngl. I feel horrible about it because, no matter what, she’s my brother’s girlfriend, and I would NEVER want to hurt him. But at the same time, I feel like I’ve already crossed a line, even though I didn’t initiate the kiss.
Now idk what to do. I haven’t told my brother, and I don’t even have the courage to bring it up with him to be completely honest. My mom would have a literal heart attack if she found out, she’s extremely religious, and this would be a complete scandal in my family. Everything feels like a fucking mess, and I feel like I’ve already screwed everything up just by being in this situation. IDK what I have to do, I am completely lost, and need any advice on how I should proceed.
submitted by Adventurous_Fly_8652 to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 19:55 tacoconqueso Suggestion for our video? YouTube tutorial for developers
Hi all,
Wonder if you can take a look at our channel and our video and give us some feedback, we are running a small channel dedicating on teaching and making tutorial videos for inspiring developers.
Feel free to leave any comment and feedback, subscribe us if you would like to show some support.
submitted by tacoconqueso to developer [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 19:55 Zestyclose_Station65 gulp
submitted by Zestyclose_Station65 to bonehurtingjuice [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 19:55 BidOne2118 Пет паметки за тези, които не желаят да имат деца
Първо и преди всичко - много добре сте намислили! Щом тази мисъл вече е намерила място в във вас, щом тази нагласа вече съществува, за нищо на света не отстъпвайте пред нечия родителска настойчивост или обществен позив! Наистина, никак не е нужно да раждате деца, които ще оставите на годинка в детските ясли, за да се концентрирате върху кариерата си; за които ще наемете бавачка, за да посещавате концертите на любимата група и да прекарвате вълнуваща ваканция и пътувания; на които ще предложите силиконовият биберон с адаптирано мляко, за да не развалите формата на гърдите си; на които ще връчите телефон, за да може сами да скролвате спокойно своята мрежа и да качвате селфита. Решението ви е напълно правилно! Вие сте най- важното и единственото.
Второ - Опасенията ви са напълно оправдани - отговорностите и притесненията са така много, така досадни и всепоглъщащи, че не са по силите на никого.. но това дори не е всичко! Роди ли се собственото ви дете, не след дълго осъзнавате, че вие повече не съществувате - на ваше място е единствено споменът за вас в очите на вашите деца. Тази тежест се срива напълно единствено от непреодолимата любов, на която не сте способни.
Трето - Решението ви е напълно социално и еволюционно състоятелно! Ако желаете да се посветите изцяло и единствено на себе си - това не е просто ваше право, а ваш дълг! Продължението на тази линия е нежелано, а подмятанията на околните може да считате за лицемерни. Не забравяйте, че това, на което сте посветени е мъничък вързоп кости и зловонна слуз, за кратко посъбрана в по- благообразно състояние. То е недълговечно. Логично може да се предположи, че от сега сте планирали кремация, притеснени от автентичната форма, която ви предстои. Не бойте се - вие няма да усетите зловонието - няма да присъствате. Но пък отново напълно правилно - спестете и последната възможност да допринесете нещичко за нещо друго освен вас - било то и да облагородите почвата: недейте, кремирайте се - нека всичко, което сте, завърши във вас.
Четвърто - бързо и своевременно уведомявайте своите нови "партньори" за тази си нагласа - така бързо ще се отсеят тези, които не са за вас и ще може да откриете перфектният егоцентрик. Макар да не може да го разберете, няма как да обичаш някого и да не искаш да имате деца. Няма как и изобщо да можеш да обичаш и да не искаш да имаш деца. Както водата не тече нагоре и слънцето не изгрява от запад. С Вашата перфектна половинка можете да намерите удобство, комфорт и взаимноизгоден баланс, към които се стремите и никога любов, която ви е непозната. Вероятно ще можете и да се консумирате взаимно, което е малко странно, понеже с нежеланието да имате деца вие лишавате напълно от смисъл своето тяло като такова, всяка своя телесна част, понесла вас в себе си като генетичен код, и в частност полът, единствено осмислящ телесността. Когато определена част от тялото не изпълнява своята функция, наричаме това дисфункция - в случая полова дисфункция. Но този недостатък ще е краткотраен - менопаузата и старческата импотентност са зад ъгъла, така че ще покрият патологията в забравата на псевдонормалността.
Пето - разбира се, сдобивайте се с домашни любимци. Животните напълно ще задоволят егоцентричните ви изисквания за "свобода" в своето отношение на зависимост. Те няма да ви държат отговорни за неприятните ви привички, за неразговорливостта, за закъсненията, неспазените обещания, за периодите на раздразнителност и дори пропуснатото хранене. Няма да решат да ви напуснат, няма да устроят скандал и няма да се опитват да наложат волята си. Ако и те са твърде тежка отговорност - вземете си pet rock - в Амазон винаги има наличност.
submitted by BidOne2118 to bulgaria [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 19:55 signalpirate SBY on boarding pass for air canada vacation trip
Anyone ever experience this? What should i expect in this case? flight leaves in less than 24 hours so we checked in.. and we have SBY on our boarding passes.
submitted by signalpirate to aircanada [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 19:55 dragon_stangler Outjerked by AskReddit
submitted by dragon_stangler to soccercirclejerk [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 19:55 bananaamethyst Should I get an S23 or S25?
Hi All,
The S25 range seems to be generally disappointing from what I've read so far, and l'm questioning which device to get. My mum cracked her S10E, and it makes more sense to just upgrade than try and repair it (it's a bit buggy and slow too). The question is, what should I get? It will definitely be the base level galaxy, as she likes smaller phones. l've got an S23U which i love, so i was debating between getting an S23, or making the most of the pre order deals and getting an S25. Is the S24 /worth considering too? l'm not considering this atm as the deals for it are terrible. I know that between S22 and S25 the changes are marginal, and my main concern is really longevity - if 1 go for an S23 then that's 5 years of updates left, but with the S25 it I be 7.
My question is, does anyone have any thoughts on getting the S25 over the rest? Apart from longevity I can't think of a real reason.
PS. I don't like how Al is coming so much into these phones, replacing good hardware for Al processing (e.g. with the cameras, S24U seems worse than S23U) and it's something my mum will never use. I'm open to my opinion being changed though! Thanks all.
submitted by bananaamethyst to samsunggalaxy [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 19:55 sydric21 Knuckles get red and hot after eating?
Hello, I'm a 22 year old (F) and I've been experiencing some on and off random symptoms for almost 3 years now. This includes chronic musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, feeling really cold, mild fevers, nausea, and some confusion/memory loss. They found that my muscle enzymes were super high at some points, and that I'm constantly deficient in many vitamins (mostly D, Folate, and B12) They've (possibly) narrowed it down to IBD so I have a colonoscopy scheduled next month, but they're not 100% sure because my gastro symptoms don't check all the boxes. I've been noticing that my hands, which are regularly pretty cold and pale, have been getting red and swollen (especially the knuckles) right after I eat. It lasts up to an hour, and sometimes my face gets red around the nose. I'll include some pics. Was wondering if anyone had any ideas or if this was just a normal experience submitted by sydric21 to tooyoungtobethissick [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 19:55 heyvlad Going to Istanbul
Dear Lil brotherrr,
My wife recently saw a video of Hot Air Balloons in Turkey.
Now she’s obsessed and wants to go. Fine, we’re going for a week and a half in Sep2025.
Talk to me bro, give me top 5 destinations, food to try, shisha to burn.
May Laika bless your games.
submitted by heyvlad to tarik [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 19:55 BeetleBlight IV ketamine for nerve pain
I have very severe pelvic nerve pain and am thinking of trying IV infusions at a pain mgmt clinic. After a month of taking it, can it have lasting effects? I’ve tried it once for 40 minutes in the er and my pain was brought down briefly while on it. My pain usually isn’t impacted by meds so I was surprised. The only other thing that kinda helps is super strong IV opioids, but they also don’t last long. I’m hoping this will provide relief while I’m waiting on surgery and going through PT but I’m scared it won’t bc that’s thousands of dollars down the drain
submitted by BeetleBlight to TherapeuticKetamine [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 19:55 Individual_Doubt6390 My Team div6 ?
My team div6 what you mean submitted by Individual_Doubt6390 to fut [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 19:55 FanProfessional1125 2x2 blindfolded
So I learned 2x2 blindfolded for a fun challenge, anyone knows Imif there's an advanced method? I know in 3x3 there's 3-style for corners but for 2x2 do you suggest me to learn it or are there others?
submitted by FanProfessional1125 to Cubers [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 19:55 queer_anomaly Well this was unexpected..
https://preview.redd.it/oy9f2hafyzee1.jpg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d9b6274b20bcf884026e835dac94a34db438ef3 submitted by queer_anomaly to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments] |