2025.01.24 23:10 stargazing_____ conselho sobre o que cursar
já faz alguns anos que eu tinha convicção de que queria cursar arquitetura e urbanismo. Agora, pesquisando sobre relações internacionais, me vi totalmente apaixonada pela área, apesar da questão da inserção no mercado de trabalho nessa área seja um pouco dificil como vi algumas pessoas falando, mas pensei na possibilidade de me especializar em áreas mais amplas dentro do RI e quem sabe prestar algum concurso. Mas, também não sei se devo me estabilizar primeiro cursando arquitetura, já que no meu caso em particular não seria difícil arranjar emprego, e então, poderia tentar relações internacionais depois. Alguma sugestão? conselho?
submitted by stargazing_____ to faculdadeBR [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:10 North_Cauliflower_35 On ps5
Currently on ps5 offering to help any players both new and older. Im on floor 3000+ to give an idea of what I can do. Psn: XBluemenace
submitted by North_Cauliflower_35 to StrangerofParadiseFFO [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:10 Flashlight237 Rabbits and Cane Toads be Chilling in Australia
submitted by Flashlight237 to memes [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:10 samurairaccoon Station defenses shenanigans
Every day I find something else about this game that makes me scratch my head. I really wish, for example, that we could just choose the loadout of our station hab defenses. I don't see a good reason why we can't. Because it would mean we can actually make good defenses? Ok?? This game has a high emphasis on realism so I don't see the problem here?
I digress, is there a specific tech that you can research to give your layered defense a weapon that can actually engage an alien at range?? It boggles my mind that my station is still using 8 inch cannons after I researched railgun tech. I assumed, like an idiot, that you would want longe range defense on your station that can't move during combat. But I guess I'm just a fool that doesn't understand how a station would be "realistically" armed.
Yes, I'm a bit salty.
submitted by samurairaccoon to TerraInvicta [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:10 Fickle-Flan1643 What spider is this? (I’m scared) is it dangerous? I live in Portugal
submitted by Fickle-Flan1643 to spiders [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:10 GenralShenobi Even locked the comments immediately
submitted by GenralShenobi to Asmongold [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:10 enigmamonkey Completely broken: Outage check form doesn't work and instructions to find network status is incorrect.
submitted by enigmamonkey to ZiplyFiber [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:10 Antique-Structure-69 A+ the entire HM1 with just the chicken mask
It was painful submitted by Antique-Structure-69 to HotlineMiami [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:10 Thomas9890 Snow in the south means I make chicken and sausage gumbo.
submitted by Thomas9890 to cajunfood [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:10 BroMandi [Amazon] Amazon.com : Amazon Fresh Organic Fair Trade Sumatra Whole Bean Coffee, Dark Roast, 12 Ounce : Grocery & Gourmet Food [Deal: $5.06, Actual: $6.59]
submitted by BroMandi to RedditShoppingDeals [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:10 spicydrynoodles i just came so hard
submitted by spicydrynoodles to okbuddycinephile [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:10 Itsraininghardasfuk Anybody taking metro link from union station ??
Just got my tickets but I don’t think the shuttle is in my body. Any other ladies here going solo via public transportation? Are a lot of people planning on taking the train? Just curious what to expect as it’s my first solo festival!!
submitted by Itsraininghardasfuk to BeyondWonderland [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:10 leafsrebornagain What are good brands to buy from for good clothes but are not too expensive?
Im looking for brands that cost around what you would find at PacSun or H&M
submitted by leafsrebornagain to teenagers [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:10 KitoCj NPP VALVES don’t close
So I just realized my valves don’t close on my factory NPP… they are stuck open and only make a noise when I hit stealth mode. Already disconnected the battery and checked the Fuse and nothing. Called a few dealers to see if they can reprogram it but they have no idea. Any ideas? before I take it in for a diagnostic test next week
submitted by KitoCj to camaro [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:10 Sad-Independent6514 Midterm
I’ve been hearing that the midterms replace the lowest test score that u have In that subject but I kinda doubt it. Is that true? Is it only for some midterms? I took geometry and regents chem btw.
submitted by Sad-Independent6514 to Bronx_Science [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:10 FennelPleasant9774 Kgb'nin efsane postlarını atın
submitted by FennelPleasant9774 to KGBTR [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:10 ZeroTakenaka Bro(some random person) thinks I'd fall for this. I mean SURE the steamcommunity is a legit site but a simple hover-over reveals the TRUTH.
submitted by ZeroTakenaka to SteamScams [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:10 Key-Spend4333 My heart cannot
I love him so much it’s my first EVER Jellycat! Was not expecting him! Proof that if he wanted to he would 🫀 submitted by Key-Spend4333 to plushies [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:10 HockeyInTheDesert FOR SALE: Shane Doan, Rick Tocchet, and Oliver Ekman-Larsson Coyotes / Nashville Predators 2020 All Star
submitted by HockeyInTheDesert to hockeyjerseys [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:10 BurritoBrigadier Tough guys Book club??
Anyone planning on doing this book club?
I had the date and location saved but OP disappeared.
Just checking if I can still grab a pint and discuss this book with some fellas.
submitted by BurritoBrigadier to Dallas [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:10 Jamesdarden1 Young Officially Ice and his brother Arsenal 😂
Bro head is ginormous 😂 submitted by Jamesdarden1 to theJoeBuddenPodcast [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:10 venum_GTG I fucking can't stand some of y'all sometimes.
I made a post about what people hate and yadayada, it was initially meant to serve as a way so people can vent their frustration in what is being posted to this sub, like political bs and other stupid stuff.
However, everyone still gets very political. Like, can't y'all realize that being political makes everything worst??
There was multiple arguments, most of them usually containing the same people.
I tried doing a good thing bruh so people can get away and vent basically of what they're tired of seeing on a daily basis.
submitted by venum_GTG to TeenagersButBetter [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:10 wiiizzardcat Trading this rose grey fri for a leafy appa (I’m adding) or perf mm fris, swapping mm fri on the next slide in desc
Swapping the mm on the next slide for a perf gulblakk mm fri or a pearl sabino mm fri with a pearl mane and white tail submitted by wiiizzardcat to WildHorseIslands [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:10 GenericAptName Yup
submitted by GenericAptName to IndianCountry [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:10 brachcia Jaką polską poezję polecacie na start dla rosyjsko/białoruskojęzycznej osoby?
Cześć! Ostatnio zastanawiałam się, jaką polską poezję mogłabym pokazać mojej przyjaciółce, która mówi po rosyjsku i białorusku, a bardzo lubi literaturę (więc teksty te nie mogą być zbyt proste ;)). Sama mam już kilka pomysłów, ale kiedy zaczęłam się nad tym głębiej zastanawiać, pomyślałam, że to ciekawy temat i fajnie byłoby dowiedzieć się, co inni o tym myślą.
Jakie wiersze lub autorów polecilibyście w takim przypadku? Coś, co mogłoby być interesujące, ale mimo wszystko dość przystępne dla kogoś, kto nie zna polskiego perfekcyjnie.
Spotykamy się za tydzień, żeby podzielić się ulubionymi tekstami przy winie, więc jestem ciekawa waszych sugestii - może odkryję coś, o czym sama bym nawet nie pomyślała, albo czego jeszcze nie znam. Dzięki z góry! :)
submitted by brachcia to ksiazki [link] [comments]