2025.01.24 23:07 Red_Alert-Red-Alert Hey man you ever feel like THIS?
submitted by Red_Alert-Red-Alert to ufl [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:07 FlameDesirees serving main character energy with a side of smiles
submitted by FlameDesirees to Gorgeous [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:07 a_constant_rewinder Marina Satti - EPANO STO TRAPEZI (Official Music Video)
submitted by a_constant_rewinder to NEWMUSICVIDEORELEASES [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:07 Feisty_Nature5773 Someone prank call my ex
(678) 315-4403 Her name is Jada
submitted by Feisty_Nature5773 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:07 Realistic_Ad959 Sonic Zombies photos my friend edited on photo editor last night
He did Rouge but he deleted it :( submitted by Realistic_Ad959 to SonicTheHedgehog [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:07 vogelanfaenger25 This blackbird is so beautiful (Netherlands)
submitted by vogelanfaenger25 to birds [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:07 FromTheMud215 So Close… I Feel It
I am becoming who I sought out to become when I started this journey, but can’t keep who I was to stay down for the 10 count!! I finally found what was needed inside to look in the mirror and be disgusted with what was looking back, and actually doing something about it!! The thing is tho that it’s well known that in order to welcome what’s new, you must make room and get rid of the old!!
I am 100% confident that I have made myself into who I had to become to take off to the next level, all I have is all I need, and whatever I’m lacking is easily made up from the strength my son provides from being my “Why”, he’s the true hero of my story as none of this would even be possible without his presence in my life!!! He saved me and has done more for me in his short 5 years here than I will ever be able to do for him the rest of my life!! I feel I found my purpose, and how to finally cash in on all the pain and trauma I’ve endured in my life, my pain can now be used as a cautionary tale, hopefully a blueprint for someone else on what not to do in said situation…
For all the progress I know I’m making, and greatness I don’t doubt I’m capable of, the old me won’t stay dead and gets all up in the way!! I had no idea what I was in for when the awakening started to happen, and I tried explaining this to my therapist how people in my shoes start in a big disadvantage from the beginning, for me, mine started right after leaving a toxic relationship with a narcissist, I didn’t come into this ready to rock n roll…. No, no, no… I started this already in burn out, and it’s only been harder now more draining as the journey continues!!
I wish this wasn’t such a lonely process, and I wish I had someone who would just listen, just be someone who is there for me… I am going to get through this, and I will become who I know I’m capable of becoming… I will never quit, there’s only victory in my future!!
submitted by FromTheMud215 to self [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:07 Own_Trick_4449 kenji and chat in soul eater?!1!1?
i genuinely hate how the colored one came out submitted by Own_Trick_4449 to SunKenji [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:07 jourosis2 Proven pair
Someone wanted to see a pair, so here's a proven m/f submitted by jourosis2 to dario [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:07 SynergeeYT Lmaooo W Davis 🔥
submitted by SynergeeYT to THEAGENCYREDDIT [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:07 dakmcsmak [wts] rmr rm01, scalarworks rmr 1.42 mount, Surefire x300v-b, Surefire xt07 tailcap, Steiner otal c ir
Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/1dqtFSg
Otal c ir, low salt $400
Rmr rm01, low salt no box or screws $335
Scalar works 1.42 rmr mount $100
Surefire x300v-b, low salt $335
Surefire xt07 tailcap, low salt $100
PayPal F&f no notes, Venmo, cashapp
submitted by dakmcsmak to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:07 Greenbastard762 Norinco ammo value
Hello aktards. I have a decent amount of norinco ammo, including an unopened crate. Lgs said they know a collector who may be interested or we can trade for a cheaper ammo. What should I be looking for here? There’s (I think) 60 boxes in the crate and I probably have another 30 so in varying shapes. Lgs seems very reasonable in other dealings but what should I ask for from a collector?
submitted by Greenbastard762 to ak47 [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:07 AssociatePrize6586 I GOT INTO UMIAMI
I am so confused and shocked at the moment. I got the presidential scholarship, too!!!!
This may seem like an overreaction to some but it genuinely isn't to me; I'm convinced my application was mediocre and I didn't think I'd get accepted to any universities with an acceptance rate lower than 30%. I'm still so surprised.
Congrats to everyone else, too!!
submitted by AssociatePrize6586 to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:07 volumeoforgottenlore Erudite Appreciation Post Kind Of
I am frustrated with how some people have taken the Turkey Tom video and interpreted Erudite's behavior. As someone with prior experience in psychology / counseling academia or whatever, it feels so much to me like... Erudite wants to embody the ideals of person-centered therapy. The nonjudgemental, unconditional positive regard. But it feels like almost no one on the internet understands or shares those values.
I personally knew a psychologist who worked in some of the worst, most extreme places you can in the field. Like, child molester group sessions in maximum security prisons. I've never had more respect for anyone in all my life the way she could turn off her ego and her feelings to just be this like...embodiment of therapeutic practice. I don't think the public actually believes in rehabilitation, but for those of us who do...I can't help but feel like Erudite is living her values. I get this vibe of like forgiveness, christianity, and Carl Rogers.
It's unfortunate and frustrating to me how she's being interpreted. I understand that many of her actions happen to kind of also be some of the best things you could do from a PR perspective, but like. I don't know. I believe Erudite, I can see how some people wouldn't be inclined to, and that kind of frustrates me more.
submitted by volumeoforgottenlore to notsoErudite [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:07 Everynameistakensigh How to earn coding skills for Financial risk mgmt for a complete beginner
Hi all, as mentioned I want to break into financial risk management roles but I can’t code for life. How and what is the best way to pick up coding skills (python?)
submitted by Everynameistakensigh to FinancialRiskMgmt [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:07 Upbeat-College-2800 From bitter to better
Hey y'all. I'm starting my 2025 leaving my bitterness and low self esteem era. I hope this post can be a little hug to any young black ladies feeling this way and how we can work together to grow!
Looking back, it was REALLY embarrasing AND draining. It's draining constantly consuming negative content, it's draining constantly seeing anti-black girl content with so many likes. Why is it so difficult to stop though? I guess the answer is comfort. Some of us come from families where mental health isn't discussed or taken seriously and as humans we NEED an outlet to vent. However I realized these communities constantly capitalize on the struggles of young, insecure black girls.
How can you move forward? I'm in the process of unlearning a lot of my "self hating" tendencies and firstly I just learnt to have grace for myself. To understand that it is NOT your fault that people may have purposefully said things to make you feel worse about yourself, nor is it your fault for internalizing it. We are young and we take many things to heart, it's perfectly fine. If it hurts, let it hurt and build yourself up from those broken pieces. Because of mental health stigma, some may let it pent up and it can spill out in the WORST way possible. I did that and that's why it prolonged, don't do that.
It IS that phone of yours I learnt to build media literacy. I learnt that people post things to profit of my reactions. Learning about the Dead Internet Theory and how the apps need constant engagement to make money. Those degrading posts on Twitter with 100k likes ARE NOT a representative of the general consenseus (crazy I know) and is mostly made up of bot likes to build engagement. Heck, I bet the accounts that post that shit aren't even controlled by real people! If they are real people, womp womp who cares? It is on THEM for spending our gracious 24 hours on degrading other people. Could you imagine yourself spending all day creating content like that, me neither, next question.
I think whilst you do this, disassociate yourself from the content. I think this a tad bit harder because you can't control what comes up on your feed. For some disassociation can be in the form of deleting THAT app but for others it can be as as simple as pressing "not intrested" when you see posts like that. Remember that it's not an accurate representation of real life.
Like many, I grew up being bullied too. I thankfully have left that environment but if you haven't just remember that they are doing it to hurt you. I'm not old, I'm literally 17 so I don't think I can say "It will get better when you are older!" because I'm literally fresh out of high school. BUT, I will say that once you understand their intentions, you have a choice on how you can take it. I was sensitive too. I don't think just "ignoring it" is the way to go, but rather just acknowledge how you feel and recognize that the person or people are doing it to make you feel shitty about yourself. Give yourself some space to just breathe whether that be watching a TV show or going out.
And yes, I sometimes hate the "just love yourself" speech too. I personally think you should deconstruct the preconcieved notions before thinking about loving yourself, because at this stage you probably don't even know what there is to love. I haven't thought about anything externally (to do with appreareance) because that's a whole nother barrier to face and I think having a growing understanding of myself with a fresh pair of eyes, would be better to tackle issues of appereance. Baby steps
I obviously would say seek therapy but for my US girlies that might be expensive! I'm not sure of any alternatives but if you do, please comment. Finally, I was diagnosed with depression which gave some closer on the past few years. It's alright if you do get a diagnosis, whether the first step is medication or therapy, it WILL be beneficial
Recovering your lost self Anything to just remind you that not everything in life is bad/evil LOL**.** Personally, I think I'm not going to completely stop using social media because it is very helpful for a lot of things BUT I will make a life outside of it. Does that make sense? This is stupid but I started blocking those videos and consuming "BookTok" videos to get me back into reading. People there are really nice and there are loads of black content creators! Same thing with gardening or cooking or knitting (I'm just listing now), find yourself a cute little FRIENDLY community, that way you are motivated to get back up.
It's a long journey and I've just started it. Some final affirmations I tell myself:
I am taking baby steps and my journey may not be linear but that is OKAY.
It is normal to feel hurt. People can be mean, but people can also be really nice!
I don't have to put pressure on myself to be strong, but the fact that I endured this is a key indicator that I am.
Baby steps guys! Even if this reaches 1 black girl who has similar experiences, I am glad. I hope we can unlearn our low self esteem and focus on our mental health ❤️❤️❤️❤️
submitted by Upbeat-College-2800 to blackgirls [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:07 HatProfessional9540 Football day
submitted by HatProfessional9540 to photographs [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:07 ale5171 Le mando otro msj o ya fue?
Les comento, el lunes tuve una primera cita, no hubo beso, pero ella dijo para ir sabado o domingo a los festejos del año nuevo chino ahi en el barrio chino. Cuestion, le mando mensaje el martes para ver como estaba, me clava el visto. Le mando el miercoles x ig, lo lee el jueves y no hay respuesta. Le mando un msj mas a ver q onda o ya fue? Es muy arrastrado? Lo q me genera duda es q ella propuso ir y ahora ghostea
submitted by ale5171 to AskArgentina [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:07 Sunday206 I am a beginner. (X100F)
Today on my delivery route. submitted by Sunday206 to fujifilm [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:07 Popular_Army_8356 Politiker verdienen zu wenig
Jetzt mal Hand aufs Herz, wir zahlen unseren Politikern Erdnüsse. Deswegen bekommen wir maximal Mittelmaß und die machen sich dann auch noch nebenbei ein paar Taler.
Würden wir unserem Kanzler nicht nur 360.000 Euro zahlen sondern ein richtiges DAX CEO Gehalt, würde da auch schon lange kein Scholz oder bald Merz oder ehemals Merkel sitzen. Dann würde unser Kabinett und Bundestag nicht aus Kameraden bestehen, die in den allermeisten Fällen noch nie was mit dem Fachgebiet was sie leiten, zu tun hatten. Viele unserer Abgeordneten haben in ihrem Leben noch gearbeitet, manche nicht mal eine abgeschlossene Ausbildung. Was soll das. Es muss eine Mi destqualifikation geben. Wir brauchen die besten Leute, mit Erfahrung im jeweiligen Ressort. Die kosten viel mehr Geld. Für das Gehalt eines Abgeordneten würde ich nicht mal die Treppe im Bundestag hochlaufen. Lasst uns das Zehnfache zahlen, die neuen Leute auf die richtigen Positionen wählen, die bezahlen sich von selbst. Die jetzigen Leute kosten uns nicht nur die Diäten, sondern ein tausendfaches durch die teuren Fehler, die sie machen.
submitted by Popular_Army_8356 to politik [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:07 johnmancuso01 BREAKING: Nick Fuentes files lawsuit against Bonnie Blue for stealing his idea to sleep with 1,000 men in the same day.
Avowed Nazi and white nationalist Nick Fuentes has filed a lawsuit against adult actress Bonnie Blue, accusing her of “stealing his idea” to sleep with 1,000 men in a single day. While the claim itself is laughable, it’s a chilling reminder that Fuentes an unapologetic Holocaust denier and fascist continues to insert himself into public discourse. This lawsuit is yet another desperate attempt by a Nazi to stay relevant. More information will come out as the story unfolds.
submitted by johnmancuso01 to h3h3productions [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:07 MegHM89 Travel coolers/hotel fridge?
I’ve got quite a bit of travel happening this year (March x2, May, August, October,) and I’ll be staying in hotels for at least one of those trips, maybe more. Is there a good insulin cooler to keep vials cool? And are the hotel fridge temps cool enough to store the vials in? I saw some travel coolers on Amazon but I can’t tell which of those are good enough to keep it cool while traveling + a few days to a week.
submitted by MegHM89 to tirzepatidecompound [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:07 Succubae__ Trying to fix car headlights | NVR
What controls xenon headlights in vanilla gtav so I could scour this addon and delete the modified version?
I've been trying to find anything on how to fix an issue I've been having with NVR and FiveM. Whenever I have NVR installed on FiveM Xenon headlights don't show the colour, they default to stock and revert the car modification to stock. This only happens if I have NVR installed. I'm trying to somehow find a way to see if I can remove the part in NVR that messes with xenon headlights.
submitted by Succubae__ to Gta5Modding [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:07 xasthur07 Amanda Berecz
submitted by xasthur07 to VolleyballGirls [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:07 Successful_End_6739 What to expect with Jan Retake?
I guess the main point of my question is if the Power Score crystal ball still applies to the retake or if I am just gonna have to go into it hoping for the best?
submitted by Successful_End_6739 to LSAT [link] [comments]