Sou bissexual, me apaixonei por um amigo hétero e não sei como seguir em frente

2025.01.24 23:00 martinioliver Sou bissexual, me apaixonei por um amigo hétero e não sei como seguir em frente

Sou um cara bissexual e, recentemente, me apaixonei por um amigo virtual que conheci há anos. Ele é do sul do país, e desde o início da nossa amizade, a gente se conectou de uma forma muito especial. Sempre estive lá nos momentos difíceis dele, principalmente quando ele tava lutando contra sintomas de depressão. Eu me importava de verdade com ele, e parecia que ele confiava muito em mim também.
Com o tempo, nossa amizade ficou mais próxima, e eu comecei a perceber que podia falar com ele sobre qualquer coisa. Quando a conversa ia pro lado da sexualidade, ele sempre parecia confuso. Ele dizia que não sentia atração sexual por ninguém, mas já tinha tido dois “namoros” no passado, ambos com mulheres, que nunca chegaram a ser algo mais sério. Ele também já comentou que, no ápice da puberdade, sentia atração sexual por mulheres, o que reforçava pra mim que ele era hétero. Mesmo assim, com o tempo, comecei a me apaixonar por ele e criei esperança de que talvez pudesse rolar algo além da amizade.
Tentei puxar mais conversa sobre a sexualidade dele, mas as respostas eram sempre muito contraditórias. Uma hora ele dizia que tinha nojo de homens, outra que até sentia interesse por alguns tipos, e depois voltava a afirmar que era hétero. Essa confusão só me deixava mais perdido, mas eu continuava com aquela pontinha de esperança.
Aí, há uns seis meses, ele começou a conversar com uma garota de São Paulo. Só fui saber disso dois meses atrás, e ainda porque acabei descobrindo — senão ele nem teria me contado. Quando ele finalmente disse, falou que “tirou um peso enorme dos ombros”. Naquele momento, eu fiquei completamente destruído.
Depois de anos demonstrando carinho e apoio, ver ele se apaixonar por outra pessoa em tão pouco tempo foi um baque enorme. Eu tentei ser compreensivo, mas não consegui segurar mais o que sentia. Acabei jogando tudo na roda e confessei que era apaixonado por ele. Ele disse que já desconfiava disso, mas que nunca levou a sério. Ainda me falou que sempre me viu só como amigo e que a gente nunca teria nada porque, segundo ele, eu “não fazia o tipo dele”.
Agora, ele tá viajando com essa garota. Eles tão passeando juntos, e eu tô aqui fingindo estar super feliz por ele. O mais estranho é que, mesmo depois de eu ter falado que era apaixonado, ele não cortou contato comigo. E, por mais que isso me machuque, eu simplesmente não consigo me afastar. Ele é, acima de tudo, um bom amigo, e eu não quero perdê-lo.
Mas, ao mesmo tempo, eu não consigo deixar de me sentir traído, mesmo sabendo que nunca tivemos nada de fato. É uma sensação horrível de rejeição e perda que tá me consumindo.
Eu também tenho um problema sério em me apegar às pessoas. E quando me apego, é intenso. Isso só piora a situação. Eu sei que parece imaturo sentir essa dor toda, mas não consigo controlar. Tô tentando aceitar que ele não sente o mesmo por mim, mas dói muito.
Pra piorar, eu sempre tive dificuldade em criar e manter relacionamentos, sejam eles com homens ou mulheres. Faz pouco tempo que me entendo como bissexual, e essa situação só reforçou todas as minhas inseguranças. Sinceramente, eu tô perdido. Alguém tem um conselho?
submitted by martinioliver to desabafos [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 sunbathingturtle207 Which to try first?

Which to try first? submitted by sunbathingturtle207 to InstantRamen [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 BombasticAhmed It's rare, right?

It's rare, right? submitted by BombasticAhmed to TerraTech [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 HoneyAndShine Still awaiting my first victim- I mean sub 💜

I love seeing all the dommes getting the bag and draining their subs, it always gets me excited for when I can do the same.
submitted by HoneyAndShine to findommes [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 Upbeat_Lengthiness61 Coming after NIH, now they want our measly stipend taxed
submitted by Upbeat_Lengthiness61 to GraduateSchool [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 Nyfan7 Tiki Barber on the Alonso dilemma: “Don’t let his appearance trick you, David Stearns is a Cold stone killer.” Point blank he’s as cold as ice and Alonso unfortunately is on the other end on that.”

Tiki Barber on the Alonso dilemma: “Don’t let his appearance trick you, David Stearns is a Cold stone killer.” Point blank he’s as cold as ice and Alonso unfortunately is on the other end on that.” submitted by Nyfan7 to wfan [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 DerMarquis Böhse Tezlaz

Böhse Tezlaz submitted by DerMarquis to OkBrudiMongo [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 TwinkleToesMOD Gene Booster Visit our official Wiki to check the info about the Gene Booster!
submitted by TwinkleToesMOD to State_of_Survival [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 No_Okra1218 So, I was fucking around with opencore on a Mac pro5.1 that i got of Norwegian kind of Craigslist.

And after a we bit of trial and error , I messed up the hdd. So I swapped it for an, what I thought was empty, ssd. And behold , fking windows booted. And I thought, nwm this I am going to bed. Next day, I can't boot. I had to take out the CMOS battery.
Anyways, 4 full days, of trying to make a bootable macosrecovery usb in windows. I bought a macbook from 2011 and made a recovery usb there.
Updated up to Mojave. And finally going to try again to install Senoma. And, it crashes, and crashes. Reset nvram (3 chimes) watch youtube tutorial of some shithead doing it easy peacy.
Watch detailed youtube video.. and question is this, how to I clean out windows certificates from bootrom ? Or should I just, use it as target practice?
submitted by No_Okra1218 to macpro [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 meteorness123 Eckart Tolle and his net worth

So, there's this guy called Eckart Tolle whose job is it to sit infront of a microphone and tell people that the only problem they have in life their thinking and not their actual problem.
Anytime if you criticize this man, be it in the comment section of a youtube video or his subreddit, his "enlightened" soldiers are ready to tell you that you "still don't get it".
His teaching deal with the fact that we have a "pain body" and most of our problems aren't problems, it's the ego that frames it this way.
And yet, the solution to Eckart's problems weren't that, the solution to his problems were to go on operah and sell pricey courses on his website. He has an estimated net worth of 70 million dollars. Not that spiritual, eh ?
Most people don't want to be wealthy. But they want enough to live a dignified life.
Most unemployed people I know haved solved their problems by getting job. Not by ruminating about "You are not your thoughts".
Imagine Eckart Tolle in ancient rome when the foreign tribes are at your gate, ready to swamp you, your women and children and Eckart's like
"You are not your thoughts. The perception of the threat is just a product of your mind. It's the painbody and the ego that's the problem"
Bro, get up and get ready for battle.
submitted by meteorness123 to DecodingTheGurus [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 Wise-Celebration9892 What's Bossk Saying

Bossk randomly says lines about "points" and the "Scorekeeper". When you listen to them all, it almost sound like his religion. Is there lore or a backstory to shed some light on what he's talking about?
submitted by Wise-Celebration9892 to BattlefrontTWO [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 isajokebruh Flip flops and a classy white pedi🤍👣👅

Flip flops and a classy white pedi🤍👣👅 submitted by isajokebruh to feetinsandals [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 Geshovski Литературен клуб r/BulgariaReads избира книга за групово четене през февруари! Очакваме вашите гласове в коментарите.

Гласуването е до края на седмицата. Избраната книга ще се обсъжда от участниците на 22 февруари.
Нека всеки желаещ да участва да запише две заглавия, съответно първо и второ желание. Ако не уточните, по подразбиране се приема първото изписано за първо желание, следващото за второ.
Преброяването на гласовете става по следния начин: Заглавията, които са първо желание получават 2т, а тези които са второ получават 1т. Заглавието събрало най-много точки печели. При равен брой точки на две заглавия предимство се дава на тази, която е била по-чест първи/втори избор, като се гледа в този ред.
Заглавията са:

submitted by Geshovski to BulgariaReads [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 Ok_Chemical786 CinzkXz is not a scameer

I do some trades with him and never scam me and anyone in other groups that was him. The person ho says thats have no idea.
submitted by Ok_Chemical786 to DblTradingHub [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 cross2201 Has anyone else experienced this?

Has anyone else experienced this? Based on real and recent events
submitted by cross2201 to GachaClub [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 RealisingIAmADork 4 am existential crisis vent

I honestly don't even know if anyone is going to read it but if you are I'm sorry bc this is gonna be long asf. so here goes:
I'm 24F post intern from a deemed college which is not even well reputed. it was quitee expensive but my parents knew I wasn't gonna do any better so they just poured their life savings in it (quite bad in retrospect). I felt bad about it for a long time but it is what it is. Now I was not a topper in my college days but I was somewhat academically better than 70% of my batchmates and I actually had a good time in my mbbs learning things and was kinda excited for what future would bring post college.
everything was fine till some 4-5 months ago and even though I got a rank of 60k in NEET PG I just thought if i just finish the syllabus I could do way better. Somehow I just cannot study????? I honest to god do not fucking know what happened but I just am in the most horrible shitty mindspace rn.
1) I am severely isolated. I have like 3? ish friends and left all social media except whatsapp and all my friends(3 lol) are preparing so we dont really talk a lot. I dont get out of my house bc I dont have any friends where I live. the only people that I really talk to are my sister and mother.
2) my prep is SHIT. like stinky poo yucky ew SHIT. it's embarrassing how low my GT scores are. I tried making schedules, taking it slow, pomodoros and what not. But somehow my amazing brain just cant fucking do it. As much as I try to motivate myself and try to discipline myself it just DOESNT. WORK. I'm literally in shambles rn. I know I'm most prolly not even cross 40k in this year's neet but I just dont know what to do about it.
3) I know my privilege. I know not many parents can afford an education like this for their children. i know not many people have the financial security of just wasting their time like i do and be sad about it like thats just not pathetic af. this is why I feel even worse bc not once do i have to think about the money aspect of it all. I'm being provided for,cared for, with no pressure at all and my sole job is to study and i just royally suck at it.I'm just a brat who likes to complain about the easiest problems in life.
i know I might be kinda depressed and I know things might get better but also know all these things are true.
anyway, if you've actually come this far, Thanks a bit but sorry a lot. have a great day.
TLDR: girl whines about minor inconveniences
submitted by RealisingIAmADork to indianmedschool [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 UnexplainedCrimson Tell Me About It: Indrid Cold

Tell Me About It: Indrid Cold submitted by UnexplainedCrimson to UnexplainedCommunity [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 awalle2224 Is this a merlin or something else?

Is this a merlin or something else? Hello fellow bird lovers! I just recently have gotten into bird watching in the past year and I absolutely love it, so when I saw this bird in the trees right by my house while driving home, I quickly parked and ran inside to grab my binoculars. After watching it tear apart another bird (assuming this because there were feathers flying off whatever it was eating) I moved a bit closer to try to figure out what it was. I am not as confident when trying to identify different hawk types or other birds of prey yet, so wanted to get something for the merlin app. It is saying this is a merlin which is so exciting for me because it would be a new lifer!! Just want to double check with some experts though before I get my hopes up too high as I know they are not common in my location, especially during the winter time. I’m located in SE Minnesota. Thank you all in advance!
submitted by awalle2224 to birdsofprey [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 hairy-knees ATT Fiber - Blocked a device on Smart Home Manager and it's still pulling data?

I noticed on my Smart Home Manager app that there was an iPad pulling 20GB of data in an hour while I wasn't home. Thought that was strange, so I blocked the device. Usage went to zero so I thought it was an easy enough fix. Now, six hours later, it is currently pulling 10 GB of data in an hour, even though it is blocked? Does blocking a device not actually kick it off of the internet? Why is it still using data? I know that when you block a device it gives you a little note that says some actions are disabled but the device is still connected to the network. What does that mean?
submitted by hairy-knees to ATT [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 dermewes The Computational Shortcut You Didn’t Know You Needed: ΔDFT for Charge-Transfer States of TADF Emitters

Thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF) emitters have taken center stage in OLED technology, offering an efficient way to convert both singlet and triplet excitons into light. However, I’m not here to sell you TADF emitters. Instead, I want to use them to tell you a story about computational chemistry—one where clever methodological choices simplify some of the field’s toughest challenges.
Let’s start with the emitters. Donor-acceptor (DA-TADF) systems achieve a small singlet-triplet energy gap (ΔE(ST)) by separating electron donors and acceptors spatially, creating highly polar charge-transfer (CT) states. Modeling these states isn’t trivial. Strong orbital relaxation means their energies are highly sensitive to the environment, making excited-state solvation effects critical. But most wavefunction-based methods, like coupled-cluster (CC2/ADC(2)), don’t easily accommodate solvent interactions for excited states, and if they do, it drives their already high computational cost even higher. Time-dependent DFT (TDDFT), while computationally cheaper, often fails spectacularly for CT states due to self-interaction errors, and has similar issues with solvation.
Multiresonance TADF (MR-TADF) emitters are different. Their short-range charge-transfer (SRCT) states arise from alternating donor and acceptor units within the same π-system, resulting in highly localized excitons with significant double-excitation character. This unique electronic structure improves emission sharpness and stability, making MR-TADF ideal for deep-blue OLEDs (and because of this, they are the only ones in mass-production). However, their SRCT nature leads to larger ΔE(ST) values, which are systematically overestimated by TDDFT due to its inability to capture double-excitation character. Yet, we would really like to optimize the properties, specifically the ST gap of these molecules, e.g., by screening huge numbers of candidates. However, wave function methods like SCS-CC2 that can accurate describe them are too computationally demanding, especially for the larger systems.
INVEST emitters are the newest kid on the block. With their inverted singlet-triplet gap (where S1 is lower than T1), they add some theoretical benefits, but also another layer of theoretical complexity. These systems demand precise handling of spin-polarization effects and subtle correlation contributions to capture their gap inversion accurately. TDDFT typically fails outright (the gap comes out positive), while wavefunction methods are really difficult to converge even for the smallest INVEST molecules like heptazine as basis-set size and correlation treatment really matter.
Here’s where state-specific (SS) methods like ΔDFT shine. Instead of treating excited states as perturbations of the ground state (like TDDFT) or requiring expensive configuration interaction expansions, ΔDFT directly optimizes the orbitals for each state of interest. This reframing of the problem simplifies many challenges. For DA-TADF systems, ΔDFT naturally incorporates orbital relaxation and excited-state solvation using standard solvent models, which is trivial in a state-specific framework. For MR-TADF, ΔDFT captures the correct SRCT nature by including orbital relaxation directly in the calculations, avoiding the systematic overestimation seen in TDDFT. And for INVEST emitters, ΔDFT accurately handles spin-polarized states through a clever error-cancellation mechanism, providing chemically accurate ΔE(ST) predictions with a fraction of the computational effort required by high-level methods.
What’s remarkable is how ΔDFT balances efficiency and accuracy. By focusing on the specific electronic state, it avoids many of the computational bottlenecks of excitation-based methods. Solvation, relaxation, and even subtle effects like gap inversion are straightforwardly handled without sacrificing performance. On benchmarks like STGABS27 for DA-TADF, Hall’s MR-TADF set, and INVEST15, ΔDFT consistently matches or surpasses the accuracy of wavefunction methods, all while maintaining a computational cost low enough for high-throughput screening.
If you’re curious about the details (e.g. there is actually a single functional that works for the ST gaps of ALL of these systems with better-than 0.05 eV precision when combined with UKS and PCM), check out our recent JPCL articles:

These studies highlight how ΔDFT redefines what’s possible in modeling TADF systems, offering a path forward for efficient, accurate computational chemistry. The paper about MR-TADF was published today, which is why I am writing this story. Hope you like it!
If you have any specific questions, as simple or complicated as they may be, just shoot!
submitted by dermewes to comp_chem [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 BobonicHonnick Nothing out of order here, everything as it should be

Nothing out of order here, everything as it should be Finally added Tommy Wiseau's masterpiece to my collection. This seemed the most fitting position on my shelf for a film of its stature.
submitted by BobonicHonnick to boutiquebluray [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 bobd94494 Just found out about the positive neutral finder on my 2021 Ninja 400...

Just found out about the positive neutral finder on my 2021 Ninja 400 and honestly this feature is awesome to have. I'm approaching 1000 miles on my new (to me) bike and I feel so stupid for trying to find neutral when not at a full stop before, this feature is such a good QoL one. I wanted to ask, are there any other niche cool features on the Ninja 400 or Kawasaki's in general that the layman might not know about at first glance?
submitted by bobd94494 to Ninja400 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 A_Knife_In_A_Rock Agent Stone figure

Hi guys, I really want the Agent Stone figure, but it seems to only be in america and the cheapest one is like 40 dollars, does anyone know if theres anywhere I can find one?? Thanks
submitted by A_Knife_In_A_Rock to JakksPacificSonic [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 Alternative-Owl7459 Vintage style

Vintage style submitted by Alternative-Owl7459 to aivisuals [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 amuletmiko How do I make a post asking for help with a crash?

I have been trying to figure this out for a while. But I can't really find any instructions on how to do this. Help?
submitted by amuletmiko to skyrimmods [link] [comments]