New haircut ideas?

2025.01.24 22:52 Eddie_1027 New haircut ideas?

New haircut ideas? I’ve been rocking this style for the last two years. I have thick and coarse hair. What other long haired styles would suit my round face shape?
submitted by Eddie_1027 to malegrooming [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:52 Benhi_Redditer Visiting 2 lonely island rocks
submitted by Benhi_Redditer to robloxjailbreak [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:52 Fine_Temporary_4409 20.75 top tube Kink redwood frame ridden for just over a year for £120

20.75 top tube Kink redwood frame ridden for just over a year for £120 Great all around geometry just needed a longer frame as have grown out of this one.
submitted by Fine_Temporary_4409 to bmx [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:52 android_tests_pac CrossPost from saved for 2025-01-24 22:51:21

submitted by android_tests_pac to LssAutomation [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:52 Dull-Range9525 FGM: It's Not a Big Issue in Pakistan, But Still Needs to Be Talked About

submitted by Dull-Range9525 to pakistan [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:52 apets_86 Growing in pot of mint

Growing in pot of mint Located in Newcastle, NSW, Australia.
submitted by apets_86 to mushroomID [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:52 toxyc0slime Sent a LOI to my # 1 program, found out PD is on vacation until after the ranking opens

I did not signal them, but during the interview I really took a shine to the program and the faculty. I sure hope they have not finalized their list yet. I know LOIs are a crapshoot, but it would have been nice if the PD read it before they submit the ranking on Feb 3rd.
submitted by toxyc0slime to ERAS2024Match2025 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:52 cvilletomorrow_news 🗓️ 1/24/25 Week in Review from Charlottesville Tomorrow

submitted by cvilletomorrow_news to Albemarle [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:52 Swingsswans Gold World Pass - Bahamut

Hello there!
Does anyone have a gold pass code they want to share? I'm not entirely sure how it works but my friend recommended I ask here, he's not playing at the moment! I'm mostly on at EU hours but I can be on late if need be if we have to talk to the merchant together!
submitted by Swingsswans to ffxi [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:52 Irvg11 July-Dec. she’s getting big too fast

July-Dec. she’s getting big too fast submitted by Irvg11 to germanshepherds [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:52 Fangboner43420 Scheps -"Operation: Incomplete" #Acoustic

Scheps - submitted by Fangboner43420 to PromoteYourMusic [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:52 Throw6345789away Wheelchair access to classical concerts in London?

I’m finally able to start going to concerts again, after a few years of a health issue. But I’m now a wheelchair user, so this is a whole new world. Do any venues have particularly easy or difficult wheelchair access? Any tips?
submitted by Throw6345789away to classicalmusic [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:52 Illustrious-Grand628 Ring door bell speaker issues

I have a rechargeable doorbell and only had since July ‘24. When it has a quick reply set the audio coming from the actual doorbell is muffled and sounds garbled - this is a new issue as it was fine a few months back. I only realised when I answered the door and heard it play the quick message a couple of days ago. When watching playback on app it sounds how it should. I have recharged it and this is still an issue - I had thought it might be battery getting low. It has also stopped recording motion detected all of a sudden. Any ideas?
submitted by Illustrious-Grand628 to Ring [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:52 Ok_Swing_1363 What is this?

What is this? Forester 2016, just curious about it
submitted by Ok_Swing_1363 to SubaruForester [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:52 Zealousideal_Fan1321 Mohela wait quotes at over 4 hrs

How is this acceptable?!
submitted by Zealousideal_Fan1321 to BorrowerDefense [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:52 krabboy895 Help

Hey yall my partner just had to have her left tube removed in an emergency. She’s okay but I have absolutely dropped the ball in supporting her. I keep pulling away cos she’s very rightly mad at me for not helping. What can I do to help she’s so fucking angry and hates me
submitted by krabboy895 to EctopicSupportGroup [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:52 Birdy-Katie Ich vergesse meine Hobbys?

Hallo, ich habe bald Termine zur ADHS Diagnostik und ein Thema beschäftigt mich gerade sehr.
Mit ist langweilig und dann weiss ich einfach nicht was ich tun soll. Entweder fallen mir meine Interessen und Hobbys nicht ein oder es sind einfach so viele dass ich mich nicht entscheiden kann. Letzten Endes tue ich dann gar nichts und bekomme eine schlechtes Gewissen und werde depressiv vor Langeweile.
Kann das zusammen hängen und wenn ja, habt ihr Tipps damit umzugehen?
submitted by Birdy-Katie to ADHS [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:52 erynb19 Thinking about switching

Hi! I’m 19 and right now I have an iud specifically Kyleena. The procedure was traumatic but at first having it was great! But now two years later, it’s terrible. I’ve been on the pill beforehand and it turned me into a maniac. I want to explore my other options but I definitely need advice. I had heavy painful periods and very bad pms which is also why my iud has been great.
I don’t want something that will cause weight gain if that’s possible? I’m also very prone to migraines and I have an issue with acne which got worse with my iud. I also don’t want to just use condoms that’s not an option for me. I’ve heard bad things about the bar from many of my friends and social media. Not sure what to do but any advice would be great!
submitted by erynb19 to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:52 DisastrousOpposites I don't like or trust any of my carers

I have to constantly ask my carers not to do basic things.
Such as leaving the window blinds closed when I'm sitting at my desk.
Not to throw things away without asking me about it first, this has led to some donuts that I was looking forward to eating being thrown away and a Christmas advent calendar that I was saving for Christmas day being eaten or thrown away by one of my carers.
Not taking certain things out of the freezer to defrost for the following night.
submitted by DisastrousOpposites to disability [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:52 NervousMeter YearUp In California worth it?

Hello, I’ve been interested in applying for the yearup program, as my brother was in it in 2022 and had a good experience. Though Ive heard it’s gone downhill since 2023. I live in California and the YearUp program near me is located in concord/sf. I’ve heard a lot of people talking about how they don’t guarantee internships anymore and how it’s not worth signing up for anymore. That being said, most of these stories I’ve seen have been from people in other locations. So if anyone who has attended the program in 2024 in cali, is it worth it, did you get an internship?
submitted by NervousMeter to ITCareerQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:52 Ru3ofR0my How have I done

How have I done Hey all, I’m a novice painter ventured into Eldar for my second army, trying out new techniques like glazing however, I don’t feel satisfied with how my models have turned out. I feel like I have done too much and not enough at the same time, if that makes any sense?
What do you guys think and please suggestions for improvement!
submitted by Ru3ofR0my to Eldar [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:52 derp414141 Mercari hall of shame

Mercari hall of shame I shouldn've known better than selling to an aggressive buyer who uses their daughter as an excuse to haggle.
submitted by derp414141 to tamagotchi [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:52 banstovia Someone DM me when the video comes out.

Someone DM me when the video comes out. submitted by banstovia to MyHeroAcadamia [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:52 Biglenmo [WTS] Creed Silver Mountain Water 98/100ml (Bottle)
My buddy is selling is Creed SMW for $270. msg with offers
submitted by Biglenmo to fragranceswap [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:52 lilqueso97 If not a retractable buttock then can we atleast get this?

If not a retractable buttock then can we atleast get this? submitted by lilqueso97 to GhostsOfTabor [link] [comments]