They're moving

2025.01.24 23:15 Expert_Camel5619 They're moving

They're moving submitted by Expert_Camel5619 to ConservativeMemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:15 mehxrr Policy studies

Hi, I was looking to apply for policy studies because I have an interest in political science and it seemed to be the closest major to it, and was wondering what it’s like? Is it worth it?
submitted by mehxrr to MRU [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:15 Ok_Acanthaceae5363 My 1st dokken LR awaken

My 1st dokken LR awaken The beginner mission team carried this zamatsu on auto they are pretty strong and now I wanted to ask who should I focus on next and what team would I run judging from my box pretty new
submitted by Ok_Acanthaceae5363 to DokkanBattleCommunity [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:15 Reno_flc Second day of sketch

Second day of sketch I've been practicing perspective and seeing how to create oc, do you like it?
submitted by Reno_flc to AnimeSketch [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:15 GameProfessional 🏆 Game Professional | 🏆 r/Pro_Gamers 🏆 | Cardfight Vanguard VangPro : Brandt Gate (Welstra) VS Keter Sanctuary (M... | Beginning_Key_1694

🏆 Game Professional | 🏆 Pro_Gamers 🏆 | Cardfight Vanguard VangPro : Brandt Gate (Welstra) VS Keter Sanctuary (M... | Beginning_Key_1694 submitted by GameProfessional to GameProfessional [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:15 ctbech Price Check on V/50/15R Gauss Rifle

Price Check on V/50/15R Gauss Rifle Just picked this guy up. What say you?
submitted by ctbech to Market76 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:15 GameProfessional 🌐 24/7 Video Game | 🏆 r/Pro_Gamers 🏆 | Cardfight Vanguard VangPro : Brandt Gate (Welstra) VS Keter Sanctuary (M... | Beginning_Key_1694

🌐 24/7 Video Game | 🏆 Pro_Gamers 🏆 | Cardfight Vanguard VangPro : Brandt Gate (Welstra) VS Keter Sanctuary (M... | Beginning_Key_1694 submitted by GameProfessional to 247videogame [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:15 Cold_Fisherman1 18 [M4F] #online - let's voice chat

Hi everyone. I've got a bit of time home alone so you know what that means lol. I like voice chatting so I figured we could do that. I'm not going to send any pics and I don't except any from you either. Voice chat only. Long or short term are both fine with me. Unfortunately I'm sick right now so I'll have a sick voice. As for what we talk about anything goes. Flirting, kinks, fantasies and whatever else our dirty minds come up with. If this post is still up I'm still looking for someone. But yeah that's everything I think. My messages are open so come say hi!
submitted by Cold_Fisherman1 to r4r [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:15 Kalacx Luna, Punisher and Wolverine need to have some counterplay mechanic, not just wait and hide.

Luna's ult cant be stopped, and there are only few abilities that can oneshot her while ulting, CC should not stop her ult completely, but it should stop healing while cced. Punisher's turret should not have 360 rotation, there should be at least small angle behind for assasins and divers where they can come and force him to either exit turret or die. Wolverine ????????? like what even is that, he can pick you up and 180 you back into your team or anywhere to the map, make that carry-dash have fixed direction without that much steering and dragging.
Add your rants about characters
submitted by Kalacx to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:15 Majestic_Football746 Any recommendations?

I only just started listening to billie
submitted by Majestic_Football746 to billieeilish [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:15 ohsnap-thats-me 6 month old got his paw stuck in kennel-i feel so Bad

Our 6 month old was climbing a kennel that we were taking down last night, and he got his back leg caught jumping off of it parkour style. His foot is a little swollen and it bled a little, he let us touch it and move it around, but we feel so bad. Weve called all the vets around us and they cant see him until Monday. Today it swollen less, a little darker in color than his normal and a little blood. Keeping it clean and cone of shame on him. Dont think its broken because we csn tough it and hes using it. Probably us over imagining things. Keep good thoughts for our chicken boy!
submitted by ohsnap-thats-me to sphynx [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:15 KingTomXO Does an 80% carnivore diet still give you most of the benefits?

I remember in the keto days, you basically had to be perfect or else you'd be kicked out of ketosis. Has anyone done a more manageable mostly-carnivore diet and still got benefits? I'm mostly interested in energy levels and mental clarity personally.
submitted by KingTomXO to carnivorediet [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:15 bummed_athlete Ukraine claims drone strike on Russian oil refinery

Ukraine claims drone strike on Russian oil refinery submitted by bummed_athlete to nato [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:15 SignificanceFun2832 Weather Boosted Dialga! 2 local 534207219689

Weather Boosted Dialga! 2 local
Inviting at least 10!
submitted by SignificanceFun2832 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:15 Wade989 If you had to choose a cast with actors whose first names begin with the initial letter of your name, who would you choose?

If you had to choose a cast with actors whose first names begin with the initial letter of your name, who would you choose? If you were to choose a cast for a movie of your choice, with actors whose names start with the initial letter of your name, who would you choose? I would pick some kind of detective movie with Gerard Butler, Guy Pearce and Gwyneth Paltrow as main leads, Gina Carano (as some kind of enforcer) and Gary Oldman (as the main villain). What would be your pick?
submitted by Wade989 to moviecritic [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:15 Trollmaster41 It's over?Ou existe alguma chance?

Minha primeira opção é BCC no ICMC e segunda é no IME (sim eu sei não faz sentido) Existe alguma chance?Ou eu fui brutalizado e moggado pela fuvest? Não tanko como as notas de BCC estão convergindo para medicina a cada ano,é tirar 800 ou nada pelo jeito
submitted by Trollmaster41 to USP [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:15 mrwhoviantreky Sydney Sweeney at a Screening of ‘Anyone But You" in Australia’ (12/18/2023)

Sydney Sweeney at a Screening of ‘Anyone But You submitted by mrwhoviantreky to CelebEvents [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:15 dayznegz Giddy up

Giddy up Got the rarest achievement on hitman 1 🤩
submitted by dayznegz to HiTMAN [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:15 liverichly Queen Violet WeHo is listed for sale

Queen Violet WeHo is listed for sale submitted by liverichly to weho [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:15 R0GUE_69 I want kong dead

Title is a bit of an exaggeration but Godzilla has been extremely underused and more like just haphazardly stapled on to Gvk and Gxk which just really irritates me like kong is okay imo my brother absolutely loves kong and I don’t judge him for it but is feels like Kong is now always the main focus and Godzilla is just tacked onto the side
submitted by R0GUE_69 to Monsterverse [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:15 AP191919 Trying to play Steam purchased Civ6 with friend on PC

The Unified PC option is missing from my menu and the internet tab doesn't have a join code option. Any ideas on what may be wrong?
submitted by AP191919 to CivVI [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:15 manuel_gtm Looking for recommendation

I want to print the top mount ams lite system for my bambulab A1, which one can you recommend me, the original top mount or a non tilt variant? Can you help with that?
If you can, share your experience with these solution.
Thank you in advance
submitted by manuel_gtm to BambuLabA1 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:15 PurchaseOnly4096 You opening the door?

You opening the door? submitted by PurchaseOnly4096 to deepdream [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:15 Dry_Being_8043 Anyways I'm bored and my dms are open I guess

Anyways I'm bored and my dms are open I guess Arf arf grrr
submitted by Dry_Being_8043 to LetBoysBeManipulated [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:15 GreenGermanGrass If Ferdowsi saved Persian who saved Baloch, Mazerdarani, Lore, Kurdish, Assyrian, Berber, Pathan and Armenian?

We are constently told that Fetdowsi "saved" Persian and that Iran would be Arabic speaking today if not for him.
This seems to be a nationalist myth, with no real foundation historic or lingistic.
While I wont deny that Ferdowsi is to Persian what Shakespear, Victor Hugo and Homer are to English French and Greek. I can see countless holes.
1st of all, if Persian would have died put like Latin, how did the mini lanuages survive? Who is the Ferdowsi of Baloch, Kurdish, Pathan, Mazerdarani, Berber, Assyrian, Lore and Armenian? How wpuld they having much fewer speakers have survived?
Now if, you want to argue Ferdowsi saved the prestiage of Persian, thats another story. There are more Nahutal speakers today than there were during the Aztec Empire. But after the Spansh came Nahutal lost its prestiage and the Mexica (Me-SHEE-ka) lost their place as the dominant group.
Kurdish, Berber, Assyrian are widley spoken, yet no one argues they are dying out. Indeed in parts of Algeria if you speak Darja (Algerian Arabic) outside a mosque youll get beaten up.
Language shifts happen by difussion. The Romans did not make the Gauls, speak Latin, Latin difussed and replaced Gaulic over time and it became French. They can work both ways. Like in England the French speaking nobility eventually adopted English. Or the Manchus ruling class adopted Chinese.
Now in Australia Aboriganies were takem off their parents sent to birding schools and made to speak English. In the days before education ut wasnt really possible to do that. And more to the point ehy would you care? If your the king of a feudal society why do you care whay language the pesants speak? You can communitcate with them fine with your big stick. Prior to the late Qajar era forcing people to speak another language wasnt a thing.
I challenge ANYONE to find me a single case prior to the 1700s of the leadership forcing the illiterate to speak their language rather than their mother tounge.
Arabic didnt kill any language that wasnt already in decline. In Egypt Copic in the Roman era was already being replaced with Greek (Greek not Latin was used in the Eastern Empire). Hewbrew was already dead when Jesus was born. Libya still has Greek speakers. Arabic's replacement of languages in north Africa is more like how Latin replaced most of the native languages of Gaul Iberia and Romania. Then they morphed into French Spanish Portugese and Romanian. The latter being closer to Latin than Italian. Darjar in Algeria is more like French in France that way than English in Aboriginal communities. (Arabic orginated in Jordan-not Yemen, and was widley spoken throughout Syria centuries before Islam. Emperor Philip the Arab being the best example). There were even Arabix speakers in Iran prior to Islam.
Certinly if there was no Roman empire France would not speak French, same with the Arab empire is the reason the Mageherab speaks Arabic. But the idea that a Ceasar or Caliph was sitting in his throne room rubbing his hands laughing at how "the savages will soon speak my language" just has no real evidence.
submitted by GreenGermanGrass to NewIran [link] [comments]