why does Amir use an amprex during the 1999 quest if its a corpus weapon?

2025.01.24 22:59 Ok_Knowledge287 why does Amir use an amprex during the 1999 quest if its a corpus weapon?

did entrati just bring him a lightning chain gun for lolz
submitted by Ok_Knowledge287 to WarframeLore [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 xatfi Trump allekirjoittaa pian kautensa ensimmäisen lain – tällainen se on

Trump allekirjoittaa pian kautensa ensimmäisen lain – tällainen se on submitted by xatfi to Uutiset [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 MrSnuggles6598 Why are some textures only working at certain coordinates?

So im running All of Create for 1.19.2 with faithful32x and complementary+euphoria and i have pretty much every texture covered, yet i cant figure out why it doesnt show faithful textures on some natural blocks? I've only added ReChiseled and Twilight forest to the pack, both of which are covered (AFAIK at least with rechiseled) I tried messing with Resource Pack load orders, and nothing. I tried removing connected texture mods, nothing. it seems like its some sort of mod that adds variants of natural blocks (sometimes dirt will have stone pebbles in them and different ore variations like copper) and im wondering if that could be it? Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
submitted by MrSnuggles6598 to feedthebeast [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 Ahristodoulou The Druid change.

Now that Druids can’t shift back and forth to gain distance to positively use their bear form, bears should move at normal movement speed. As it stands with a normal bear engage I can swap once to panther to gain distance and back to bear. If I have to do it again I cannot. When strength is takin in one area it should be redistributed.
submitted by Ahristodoulou to DarkAndDarker [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 Ok_College_8380 who is the best nWo meber

who is the best nWo meber submitted by Ok_College_8380 to BrandonDE [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 Red_The_Reaver Finally!!

Finally!! Over 550 resets! Lets freaking go.
submitted by Red_The_Reaver to PokemonHGSS [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 JeffSheldrake He has a plan, guys, don't worry!

He has a plan, guys, don't worry! submitted by JeffSheldrake to cremposting [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 Responsible-Track557 Mes pensées

Je ne suis pas quelqu'un de spécialement bavard, et encore moins pour parler de moi.
En essayant d'écrire pour la première fois, j'ai enfin réussi à mettre des mots sur ce que je ressentais au plus profond de moi, et je crois que j'ai besoin d'en parler (ou du moins de me sentir compris).
Je vous pose donc le texte ( je n'attends pas d'avis sur celui-ci ). Je ne sais pas si ça a réellement sa place ici, si ce n'est pas le cas je le supprimerai.
Je m'ennuie mais je ne fais rien. Qu'est-ce que le temps est long, mais long. Alors je tourne, mon lit, les toilettes, mon lit, les toilettes… Je regarde le plafond, puis les murs. Ces putains de murs remplis de moisissure. J'ai pourtant plein de choses que je voudrais faire, que je pourrais faire, là, maintenant. Des tonnes de projets en cours, qui pourraient m'occuper, me rendre fier. Mais je n'ai la force de rien. C'était tellement plus facile quand consommer des substances était une activité dont l'insouciance m'empêchait de voir les vices. Maintenant, je suis là, sobre… et vide. Alors non, ne me prêtez pas un discours auquel je n'ai aucune envie d'être associé. Bien évidemment, ces échappées dans l'irréel ne faisaient que combler, l'espace d'une douzaine d'heures, le néant qui s'est enraciné dans mon âme. Je ne pourrais dire quand était la dernière fois où je me suis senti, non pas bien, non pas mal, juste senti.
Pourtant, le temps d'un battement de coeur, j'ai bien cru que la vie renaissait. Une appétence pour la lecture recommençait à germer. Je profitais de cet élan de fierté pour me relancer dans des projets sensés. C'est ainsi que, 26 révolutions après ma naissance, je me retrouvai à nouveau sur les bancs de l'école. Et, bravant les idées noires, je me suis mis à rêver, un rêve qui se concrétise ; bientôt, c'est l'école d'ingénieur.
Rien. Je ne ressens rien.
Je fuis les interactions sociales comme la peste. Que m'apportent-elles ? Un sentiment de honte, de malaise. Pour chaque après-midi, chaque soirée en compagnie d'autres personnes que moi-même, c'est une semaine entière à ne pas oser toucher à mon téléphone. “Est-ce que j'ai été bizarre ? C'est sûr, à ce moment-là, je l'ai été.” Et puis, les autres m'indiffèrent ; je m'intéresse à ce qui n'attire pas la lumière. C'est en tout cas l'impression que j'en ai. Comme si je voguais d'obsessions en obsessions. Saviez-vous que si un nuage tombait en une seule goutte, l'onde de choc générée par son contact avec le sol vous éclaterait instantanément les tympans ? Avant que vous ne finissiez broyé par la masse d'eau qui vient vous enlacer, bien évidemment.
Au final, je crois surtout que je me sens différent. Différent et incompris.
Au final, je crois surtout que je me sens seul.
submitted by Responsible-Track557 to besoindeparler [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 FroInc1980 Just some pics of exploration.

Just some pics of exploration. The size of the Thargoid spires and barnacles, never ceases to amaze me. I am on top of the barnacle, but you can barely see me.
submitted by FroInc1980 to EliteDangerous [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 sreyaz01 If animals could talk, which one do you think would be the most sarcastic?

submitted by sreyaz01 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 OneRedSent Anyone who has purchased recently, does your credit card statement show the MCC used?

I'm looking for what merchant category code (MCC) Samsung.com bills under when purchasing a cell phone, for example maybe 5732 Electronics Sales or 4812 Telecommunication Equipment. Some bank statements include this info and others don't. If anyone knows please reply!
submitted by OneRedSent to samsung [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 Worried-Actuator378 What is a frill?

Guys, I see a lot of people talking about frill here. Even though I’ve read a lot about it, I still don’t fully understand what it is. When you have a vitrectomy for floaters and there’s a piece of residual vitreous left near the retina, is that already considered frill? Or is frill a complication that arises from this process?
submitted by Worried-Actuator378 to EyeFloaters [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 ren_tat Stylist recommendations for wavy hair

I just had a curly cut today at a highly recommended place which turned out not good and was so expensive and I think I might be done with uneven dry/curly cuts. Does anyone have a stylist they recommend for wavy hair? Like thick 2B/2C waves. I don't want to start straightening my hair but I haven't had a good haircut that makes me like my natural hair texture since moving to Milwaukee 😭
submitted by ren_tat to milwaukee [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 MisterWednesday6 Can anyone answer a question about DPD for me, please?

Am just wondering whether it is no longer possible for a private sender to use DPD, as in DPD with the red and white vans as opposed to DPD Local? For roughly 6 months now, whenever friends have tried to send me parcels via DPD it apparently defaults to DPD Local - blue and white vans and drivers who apparently can't read, because last time they were supposed to deliver a parcel to my home address they dumped it at a parcel locker miles from my home when there were parcel lockers and a parcel shop that were closer. Has anyone else experienced this, and is there a way of getting round it? Oh, and before anyone asks - yes, the senders always supply my contact number, and it's never been used once.
Many thanks in advance for any help!
submitted by MisterWednesday6 to AskUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 swan71 Was looking to send my car to a body shop soon, but i’m concerned about the hatch/trunk. Should I replace or can a good shop fix the misalignment?

Was looking to send my car to a body shop soon, but i’m concerned about the hatch/trunk. Should I replace or can a good shop fix the misalignment? submitted by swan71 to Autobody [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 marciedreams Him only following hot OF type Latinas on insta is a red flag right?

submitted by marciedreams to AskMenAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 True-Lingonberry3879 Lego One Piece

Lego One Piece submitted by True-Lingonberry3879 to MemePiece [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 MakeYouShort Normal non edited Kai mirror pictures

Normal non edited Kai mirror pictures submitted by MakeYouShort to TheKM [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 Stanimal54 Time to wipe these animals off the planet.

Time to wipe these animals off the planet. submitted by Stanimal54 to Jordan_Peterson_Memes [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 T2b7a What to do with Super?

Hi everyone, I'm 39F about to marry a Canadian and permanently move to Canada. I have 290k in super and am unsure what to do with it. A few weeks back I spoke to a mob that help you buy property and have a self-managed super fund, but the lady told me since I won't be working and paying tax in Australia for 2 years my smsf would be shut down. I know it's possible to buy international property with a smsf but I don't yet understand all the rules and if it's worth it, or if I have to be paying tax in Australia? I just don't want it to dwindle away, even though I won't be able to work for the first few months in Canada (also hoping to get pregnant quickly, so I may be out of the workforce for a while), we can still contribute to the fund from his income, just not as much as I used to get from my employer. What would you do?
submitted by T2b7a to AusFinance [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 Stunning-Property-33 Digido

Hi, just wanted to ask for your opinion. I have a 4k loan sa digido way back october then lagi ako nag pay part na umabot ng 5k ata tapos dahil hindi naman nababawasan nung nagkapera nako i paid 4000 pero may mga interes parin, sabi kasi bibigyan ako discount pero hindi na sila tumawag ulit at nkipag coordinate sakin kaya binayaran ko ng 4k in total 9k nabayaran ko pero may mga interes padin at wala nako balak bayaran dahil ang laki na ng na bayad ko. Tapos nagemail sila kahapon na pag di pa ko nagbayad ay possible field visitation. F*ck em right? So i wanted to ask, should i just ignore them since i already paid or coordinate for them na pababain nalanf yung dapat kopa bayaran?
Thanks pls answer.
submitted by Stunning-Property-33 to ola_harassment [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 TackleBorn6065 Tiny but Tough

Tiny but Tough All 3 of these tiny knives are Truly Beast, that will last a Lifetime. 1) Mini Pal 2) Micro Recon 3) Mini Tuff Lite
submitted by TackleBorn6065 to coldsteel [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 P_516 They have Twitter, 4Chan, “Truth” Social. Cry me a river

They have Twitter, 4Chan, “Truth” Social. Cry me a river submitted by P_516 to snowflakesofmarlago [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 TecnoPope Favorite Tracks ?

'Shed That Fear' and 'Romance in Me' are my two favorites that get stuck in my head.
submitted by TecnoPope to NourishedByTimeMusic [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 22:59 VermicelliMoney4431 .

submitted by VermicelliMoney4431 to MotivationalQuotes [link] [comments]
