kitty do you want cheese? Woo-

2025.01.25 00:01 TEMA-TROLLO-FACE kitty do you want cheese? Woo-

kitty do you want cheese? Woo- -weoo đŸ˜Œ
submitted by TEMA-TROLLO-FACE to idksterling [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:01 moxiedoggie Really liking these mugs from Fellow

submitted by moxiedoggie to espresso [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:01 Puzzled-Maximum-5232 Look At His Eyes
 He Did Everything She Said He Did: Chick Calls Out Uber Eats Driver For Markin’ Her Order Delivered, Then Chowing Down Her Food!

submitted by Puzzled-Maximum-5232 to worldstar_official [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:01 Royalbluegooner My current feelings before my trip to the United States.

My current feelings before my trip to the United States. I‘ll be visiting Chicago with my younger brother this coming week.Let‘s hope for the best.
submitted by Royalbluegooner to indianajones [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:01 OmegaXesis C'mon, don't listen to the Obrez babies, what we need is a Mosin Drilling! + cute keychains

C'mon, don't listen to the Obrez babies, what we need is a Mosin Drilling! + cute keychains submitted by OmegaXesis to HuntShowdown [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:01 ImaBigNerd2763 if you are going to dip my toes in for me, than just take it all (by me)

if you are going to dip my toes in for me, than just take it all (by me) submitted by ImaBigNerd2763 to anthroswim [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:01 Apartment_life16 Would Billy Idol - Flesh for Fantasy be post punk?

I was at work, put on a remix on YouTube and listened all day over and over. Would it be post punk?
submitted by Apartment_life16 to postpunk [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:01 PCandSteamONLY The Pitt - VĂ©szhelyzet Pittsburghben

KevĂ©s olyan sorozat akad, amely kĂ©pes egyszerre elĂ©rni a hitelessĂ©g Ă©s a drĂĄmai mĂ©lysĂ©g tökĂ©letes egyensĂșlyĂĄt, mint a Max produkciĂłjĂĄban kĂ©szĂŒlt A Pitt. Ez az orvosi drĂĄma egyszerre lenyƱgözƑ Ă©s megindĂ­tĂł, egyedi atmoszfĂ©rĂĄja pedig nemcsak elvarĂĄzsolja a nĂ©zƑt, de egy pillanatra sem hagyja elfelejteni, hogy a sĂŒrgƑssĂ©gi osztĂĄly vilĂĄga mennyire kĂ­mĂ©letlen Ă©s embert prĂłbĂĄlĂł. A sorozat közĂ©ppontjĂĄban Dr. Roby, egy belsƑ dĂ©monokkal kĂŒzdƑ, de mĂ©gis elkötelezett orvos ĂĄll, akit Noah Wyle alakĂ­t lenyƱgözƑ Ă©rzĂ©kenysĂ©ggel Ă©s mĂ©lysĂ©ggel.
Noah Wyle neve talĂĄn sokak szĂĄmĂĄra a legendĂĄs VĂ©szhelyzet sorozatbĂłl cseng ismerƑsen, ahol Dr. CarterkĂ©nt mĂĄr bizonyĂ­totta, hogy kĂ©pes az orvosi drĂĄmĂĄk Ă©rzelmi központjĂĄvĂĄ vĂĄlni. A Pitt azonban egy teljesen Ășj szintre emeli szĂ­nĂ©szi jelenlĂ©tĂ©t. Wyle karaktere, Dr. Roby, sokkal rĂ©tegzettebb, mint korĂĄbbi szerepei: egyszerre lĂĄthatjuk benne az önmarcangolĂł bƱntudatot, a szakmai perfekcionizmust Ă©s azt a mĂ©lyen rejlƑ vĂĄgyat, hogy megvĂĄltsa nemcsak betegeit, de önmagĂĄt is. SzĂ­nĂ©szi alakĂ­tĂĄsa lubickol a drĂĄmai lehetƑsĂ©gekben, miközben sosem vĂĄlik melodramatikussĂĄ. Egy-egy aprĂł arcrezdĂŒlĂ©se, vagy a csendes, kimĂ©rt gesztusai többet ĂĄrulnak el a karakter lelkiĂĄllapotĂĄrĂłl, mint bĂĄrmely szĂłnoklat.
A sorozat kĂŒlönleges helyszĂ­ne, a pittsburgi sĂŒrgƑssĂ©gi kĂłrhĂĄz, szinte önĂĄllĂł "szereplƑkĂ©nt" mƱködik. A szƱk, nĂ©hol rideg folyosĂłk, a neonfĂ©nyes mƱtƑk, Ă©s a fĂĄradt ĂĄpolĂłk nyĂŒzsgĂ©se autentikus Ă©s atmoszfĂ©rateremtƑ, mintha a nĂ©zƑt egyenesen a helyszĂ­n szĂ­vĂ©be teleportĂĄlnĂĄ. Pittsburgh ipari vĂĄrosa egyĂ©bkĂ©nt is ritkĂĄn kap ennyire rĂ©szletes Ă©s Ă©rzelmi szempontbĂłl hangsĂșlyos ĂĄbrĂĄzolĂĄst, ami mĂĄr önmagĂĄban is kĂŒlönlegessĂ© teszi a sorozatot. A hĂĄttĂ©rben megbĂșvĂł vĂĄros zajai - a mentƑk szirĂ©nĂĄi, a kinti esƑ monoton kopogĂĄsa - csak tovĂĄbb fokozzĂĄk azt az Ă©rzĂ©st, hogy itt minden pillanatban az Ă©let Ă©s a halĂĄl mezsgyĂ©jĂ©n jĂĄrunk.
Ami pedig igazĂĄn kiemeli A Pitt-et a többi orvosi drĂĄma közĂŒl, az a fĂ©nykĂ©pezĂ©s Ă©s a kamera hasznĂĄlata. A mƱtĂ©ti jeleneteknĂ©l pĂ©ldĂĄul nincs grandiĂłzus, lĂŒktetƑ dinamikus zene, ami az adrenalint pumpĂĄlnĂĄ - helyette ĂĄltalĂĄban a csend, az orvosi eszközök zaja Ă©s az orvosok feszĂŒlt koncentrĂĄciĂłja tölti be a teret. Ez a megközelĂ­tĂ©s nemcsak hitelesebbĂ©, hanem sokkal nyersebbĂ© Ă©s ƑszintĂ©bbĂ© is teszi a sorozatot. A kamera mozgĂĄsa is ennek a naturalista stĂ­lusnak van alĂĄrendelve: közeli felvĂ©telek az izzadsĂĄggyöngyökrƑl, aprĂł remegĂ©sek, amelyek az emberi kĂ©z bizonytalansĂĄgĂĄt tĂŒkrözik, Ă©s hosszĂș snittek, amelyek szinte dokumentarista mĂłdon vezetik vĂ©gig a nĂ©zƑt egy-egy mƱtĂ©ti vagy Ă©rzelmi csĂșcsponton. Ezek a rĂ©szletek mĂ©g mĂ©lyebben belevonjĂĄk a nĂ©zƑt a törtĂ©netbe, Ă©s szinte kĂ©zzelfoghatĂłvĂĄ teszik az orvosok Ă©s ĂĄpolĂłk vilĂĄgĂĄnak drĂĄmĂĄjĂĄt.
A Pitt tehĂĄt nemcsak a VĂ©szhelyzet rajongĂłinak, hanem minden olyan nĂ©zƑnek ajĂĄnlott, aki szereti a hiteles, ugyanakkor szĂ­vbe markolĂł törtĂ©neteket. Itt nincs helye romantikus idealizmusnak vagy tĂșlzĂł hƑsies megoldĂĄsoknak – minden pillanat a valĂłsĂĄg talajĂĄn ĂĄll, Ă©s Ă©ppen ezĂ©rt olyan fĂĄjdalmasan gyönyörƱ. A sorozat egyik ĂŒzenete talĂĄn az lehetne, hogy a mindennapok hƑsei azok, akik csendben vĂ©gzik a munkĂĄjukat, miközben minden nap Ășjra Ă©s Ășjra szembenĂ©znek a vesztesĂ©ggel Ă©s a remĂ©nnyel.
Ahogy Albert Schweitzer mondta: „A pĂ©ldamutatĂĄs nem a legfontosabb dolog, hanem az egyetlen dolog, amely hatĂĄssal van mĂĄsokra.” És ezt az ĂŒzenetet A Pitt nemcsak megfogalmazza, hanem vĂ©gig következetesen közvetĂ­ti is. Egy sorozat, amely egyszerre gondolkodtat el Ă©s Ă©rinti meg az ember lelkĂ©t - Ă©s Ă©ppen ez az, amiĂ©rt Ă©rdemes megnĂ©zni.
submitted by PCandSteamONLY to MoviesandSeriesHU [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:01 UnderstandingAny2244 car unlock

can anyone plz help me unlock my car? car is running in south st cloud and it auto locked when the door was opened and shut. i am not from here and using a friends account to hopefully get help asap
.i do not have roadside. thank you
submitted by UnderstandingAny2244 to saintcloud [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:01 pound-me-too “God isn’t done with GenZ”

“God isn’t done with GenZ” Thoughts on this? Remember, it’s unconstitutional for public schools to mandate prayer. Your first amendment rights guarantee your freedom of religion, and freedom FROM religion.
I’m not sure where this was, or if it was a private school.
submitted by pound-me-too to GenZ [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:01 Mister_Mayfield #37 L.A. Noire

#37 L.A. Noire submitted by Mister_Mayfield to TrophiesxAchievements [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:01 rainbowroadside There’s a lot you don’t understand.

submitted by rainbowroadside to sixwordstories [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:01 THEHADRIENSHOW hadrien ?

hadrien ? submitted by THEHADRIENSHOW to THEHADRIEN [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:01 BossAmazing9715 Beginner here. How can I detect if an object collides with a specific part of another object?

I’m trying to make pong and from my understanding the direction the ball goes is based on whether the ball hits the top, center, or bottom of the paddle. But how would I check whether the ball hits the “top”, “center”, or “bottom” of my paddle object?
submitted by BossAmazing9715 to gamemaker [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:01 Vucko144 Jim Carrey as Jim Morrison

Jim Carrey as Jim Morrison 1999 MTV Movie Awards
submitted by Vucko144 to thedoors [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:01 Roman-Empire_net A Roman legionary fort.

submitted by Roman-Empire_net to ancientroma [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:01 Noise_Loop One of mine most valuable possession

submitted by Noise_Loop to ramones [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:01 cnhn okay, Now I am mad. 51 of my tanks are locked in sets @ 402 keys to get them back. WTF!

Holy Crap.
I mean the old version had a pretty awful UI, but the New UI is truly epically awful. but that still didn't make me mad.
the shift from crew abilities to Commanders specifically and intentionally to hurt long time players, annoying as hell, but not actually mad.
the herky jerky battle interface, the for some reason changed mouse sensitivity, the complete lack of change in environmental destruction, the nausea inducing swtich from normal view to target view, still not mad.
the pretending that sets was anything other than a giant fuck you, that's pissing me off.
submitted by cnhn to WorldOfTanksBlitz [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:01 Severe_Dream1129 G60SD vs MPG 271QRX

So after three days of going down the oled rabbit hole, I've landed on these 2 models, G60SD and MPG 271QRX. They are a 100$ difference for me from best buy for next day pick up, 699 and 799 respectively. I've read and watched so many reviews my head is spinning.
I've come here to get some advice from those longer in the oled market, and have some hands on experience currently with these models (I've seen some mentions about firmware and such in early release posts but not much since). From my understanding they are basically the same QDOLED panel from Samsung, one has a matte finish while the other doesn't, which I do value a bit because I play in a well lit room and don't care much for playing in the dark. I'm not familiar with these companies as far as their customer support, I currently have an Asus ips monitor which only issue I have that I don't think is even monitor related; is that my monitors (I have 3, the extra 2 are basic 60hz monitors) flicker and more times than not my main monitor loses signal. (If you got any words of wisdom here that'd be appreciated too, as I've searched high and low for the reason)
Are there any other differences between them that I should consider? What are your experiences, upsides and downsides with these models?
I have a 4070ti 12gb gpu, and mainly play games like: WoW, LOL, Rocket League, POE, and Tarkov, though not limited to these, but most consistently come back to them. If that helps any of you in helping me.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Severe_Dream1129 to OLED_Gaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:01 xPearlDreamer Will my insurance cover that? đŸ™đŸ»đŸ™đŸ»đŸ™đŸ»

Will my insurance cover that? đŸ™đŸ»đŸ™đŸ»đŸ™đŸ» submitted by xPearlDreamer to anxietymemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:01 Serialstresser Eye tics

My son is 5 and has various tics right now his eye tics are very bad he hard blinks and stretches his eyes to the side. He does this literally every second he is watching tv to where I don’t even know how he can see what he’s watching. For those of you who have had eye tics that bad before can you even see the tv or is it super choppy since your blinking so much? I don’t know how he does not have a headache.
submitted by Serialstresser to Tourettes [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:01 byakuganthresh My Luckiest Run (Only if i had red seal on one of those glass cards before i copied them with DNA....)

submitted by byakuganthresh to balatro [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:01 zackdi Jenna in Black

Jenna in Black submitted by zackdi to Jennaortegaforever [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:01 PromptSolid9657 [University Microeconomics] How do I approach this question?

[University Microeconomics] How do I approach this question? submitted by PromptSolid9657 to HomeworkHelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:01 ZondamindZ Don’t miss this opportunity

submitted by ZondamindZ to clubggClubOwners [link] [comments]