但是,现实却是如同亩、平方公里、平方米一样傻傻分不清楚,需要换算才能进行比较。这片文章就带大家科普下关于热量相关知识。 1、热量的计量单位和换算 能量的单位是焦耳,简称焦 (J),1000焦=1千焦 (KJ)。 这个热量单位通常在包装食物的营养成分表都可以看到。 上面介绍了五款千元左右的学习平板,据自己的需求,品牌爱好选择! 在性能续航方面都差不多,价格大概只有百元左右的波动。 二、1500元-2000元学生党高性价比平板推荐 1.联想小新Pad Pro 2024 1500元以内的手机,为保证日常较高强度使用的流畅程度、以及更久的使用年限,个人意见是性能的优先级高于其它。 给长辈买的话,建议不要太纠结性价比,用哪个品牌的手机就换哪个品牌,不用适应新系统。 不过高配版性价比就比较一般了,毕竟预算超过1500就真心推荐重点考虑下一个价位段的手机了。 因为下一个价位段的手机,其性能流畅度提升实在是太多了。 前言 本篇文章会在每月初定期更新内容,会随着市场价格的变化,新品的发布和性价比的高低,来更新各个档位的推荐显示器,如果本篇文章对你有所帮助,别忘了点赞/关注@ 七胧组长 支持一下~ PS:为了方便大家更直观了解各显示器的优缺点部分,显示器推荐文章内容,升级到一图流,方便大家更 ... 主要推荐:华为Matepad11系列、荣耀平板V8系列、OPPO pad2、小米平板6系列。 (三)1000-2000元 入门平板 1500以下可以考虑联想小新Pad 2022款、联想小新Pad Plus2023. 1500以上可以考虑荣耀平板V8、小米平板6。 四、按尺寸选择 (一)小屏平板 8-10英寸 处理器:天玑7300-Ultra 屏幕:AMOLED+120Hz 拍照配置:后置三摄5000万像素+前置2000万像素 续航配置:5500mAh+45W快充 重量:190g 亮点:红米“千元旗舰机”系列,搭载天玑7300-Ultra处理器,性能上符合日常使用需求,手游体验还不错。支持IP66+IP68+IP69级防水防尘,抗摔能力强,户外工作无压力;配备5500毫安 ... 1.对本题的回答 中考需要掌握1500-1700单词,所以1800词汇量大概是刚上高中的水平吧。 学位英语对词汇量的要求如下。 1.领会式掌握4400个单词和550个常用词组; 2.复用式掌握2000个左右的常用单词和搭配以及200个左右的常用词组; 3.掌握一定数量的常用词缀,并能根据构词法和预警识别常用的派生词 ... 精装: 在1500元/平米左右,在简装的基础上,水电全改,含门窗、瓷砖、地板等所有主材、以及橱柜、衣柜等全屋定制,材料都是符合国家标准的中高端品牌,长期自住推荐选这种。 您好! 我是王坤,演讲教练,六段演讲创始人。 关于您的提问,个人建议,仅供参考。 一 五分钟的演讲稿大约需要 1000-1500 字。 具体多少字,需要您先测试一下自己的平均演讲语速,测试方法如下: 选择一段自己或他人的演讲稿,以您的正常语速来演讲,计时一分钟,至少测试三次,取平均值 ...
2025.01.24 23:42 Ok_Strawberry_7414 23’ 1500 etorque V6
Anyone put a flow master muffler on theirs to make it a bit louder? I am looking to add one to mine soon but not sure which one to get. Any suggestions?
submitted by Ok_Strawberry_7414 to ram_trucks [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:42 Tyuhhi Sqdblstr Tanukibis
Been on a Tanukibi binge. One of my favorite releases in 2024 by Sqdblstr.
submitted by Tyuhhi to Sofubi [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:42 Gavrilart Oni Kobold (commish)
submitted by Gavrilart to KoboldLegion [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:42 beargw I keep sleeping with guys.
I know this post has been made a hundred times before. But I think I need to hear it told directly to me.
I'm straight presenting but I fuck guys...
Grindr guys, Fab guys, I just keep sucking and sucking and swallowing more cum. I get fingered outdoors and I keep cumming in guys/let guys cum in me whenever I'm away. I love my girlfriend, but I also love cock. What do I do?
I love cumming in my girlfriend, but I just can't stop getting cum in/cumming in guys who are so horny for me they can't control themselves
Happy to speak away from the comments :)
DMs open x
submitted by beargw to gay [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:42 maquinas501 Revolutionary Wellness Oasis Debuts at Sundance Film Festival 2025
Elevate your wellness experience at the LightHouse Lumati Longevity Lounge with exclusive regenerative therapies and luxurious gift bags for VIP guests.
This news matters as it introduces a unique concept of combining cutting-edge wellness technology with luxurious rejuvenation at a highly anticipated event. The partnership between LightHouse and Lumati aims to inspire individuals to prioritize self-care, healing, and community connection. VIP guests will benefit from regenerative therapy and curated wellness experiences, emphasizing the importance of holistic well-being and the impact of innovative wellness practices.
Read More https://newsramp.com/curated-news/revolutionary-wellness-oasis-debuts-at-sundance-film-festival-2025/a0cc83d02b3caf2110ede84052d69576
submitted by maquinas501 to eventNews [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:42 aflamingalah What are the most active PC servers these days?
It’s been a while for me, keen to get back into it, so wondering what are the most consistent servers on PC, ideally Australian, but OS is fine too. BF 3, 4 or 5
submitted by aflamingalah to Battlefield [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:42 Big-Entertainment642 Rm10Pro Keyboard bug?
I have this bug as I am typing this...
Alright so first of all, it doesn't matter what keyboard I'm using cause I tested it on a few now and it always gives me the same results.
It became noticeable when I tried to write "hahahaha" as quick as possible and let me demonstrate it here rq: hhhhhhhh
This is what comes out.
Now I tried to turn off some settings like mistouch prevention but it's persistant. But it only happens on the edges!
For example, if I'd do the same but in the middle of the keybord with different letters, this is what happens: jfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfj
ಠ_ಠ ...
Oh and yes I tried restarting my phone already.
Well I hope someone has other approaches to this.
Thanks in advance
submitted by Big-Entertainment642 to RedMagic [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:42 itsyagirlbw I hate this store
Local thrift near me 😍 for only $10.99 you can get a shirt that was mauled or BETTER YET for the low price of $120.99 this Talidaga Nights temu halloween costume jacket!! submitted by itsyagirlbw to ThriftGrift [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:42 _Shan0ok_ Turnabout SMP [Whitelist] [SMP] [Semi-Vanilla] [Hermitcraft-Like] [Voice Plugin] [Discord]
Looking to play survival Minecraft while playing alongside people and making friends?
Look no further than Turnabout!
Turnabout is a 16+ whitelist server that wants to provide a place where the community is at the forefront. We just passed our six month mark of being open with an active and friendly player base!
What can you find? Here's what we have to offer:
2025.01.24 23:42 Trollingfornudity Slippery
submitted by Trollingfornudity to wheresmeme [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:42 Elliot1002 Generative AI Vs. Human Writing
Ok, possible trigger warning for everyone. This post will contain discussion on Generative AI, its use, and comparison to human writing. I will be using the term AI in a general sense to cover GPTs, Generative AIs, LLMs, etc. Let's try keeping the name calling out and be civil. I know this subject is incredibly polarizing, but we can still be kind to each other.
For a little background, I am a hesitant pro AI advocate. I believe AI can be incredibly beneficial as a technology, even in the Arts, but I also believe companies and unethical actors have and will continue to abuse it. I also believe that very honest and uncomfortable discussions about AI use have to be made to figure out 1) safeguards that need to be put in place with both its use and development, and 2) where creators need to go from here since AI will not be going away.
You may have seen me argue heavy pro AI, and that is because people in many creative spaces are often so against the idea of AI existing that having a discussion about it becomes a battle, if not completely shut down. Everyone seems to have their own idea of how AI works, what it does, and what it can only be used for. This is not a good approach because it will allow empower the bad actors through ignorance of the consumer.
This all started when I was discussing how AIs like ChatGPT actually work on another reddit due to a romance writer publishing an e-book with a prompt in it. The discussion made me wonder how well people can tell the difference between the two at this point. Many people think AI cannot create anything new and everything is just copy-paste from other works. However, AI seems to be really capable of creating new material, especially if done in short sections.
Now, for the meat of the post. As I often run my own with ChatGPT to see its capabilities, I wanted to pose an experiment. I am going to post 2 stories that use the same writing prompt. One was created with ChatGPT (with the only editing being ensuring 2 spaces between sentences) and one I wrote after ChatGPT finished (I intentionally used some of the same sentences and variants on the same ideas). I flipped a coin to see which one is first, and I want people to tell me which one they think is AI written, which they think is Human written, and why for each. I will post which is which in about a week (planned for weekend of 2/1/25).
The prompt for these stories was "Sometimes what seems like a blessing can actually be a curse, and the other way around. Rebecca had learned that the hard way, when" and came from "Complete the Story" from Piccadilly USA (N.A) 2016 (ISBN13: 978-1-62009-145-6) on next to last page. I am using it under education and research purposes, and I claim no rights to said prompt.
I'll try to reply to any questions regarding this experiment or my thoughts/feelings about AI, and, again, please let's not turn this into a war. This experiment is about the ethical use of AI, how viable of AI is in regard to human writing, and how we should approach AI use.
Story 1:
Sometimes what seems like a blessing can actually be a curse, and the other way around. Rebecca had learned that the hard way, when her bond awoke. Everyone bonded with another person born in the world at the same moment. The bond causes visions about each other’s lives, a constant companion that will eventually bring them together. They begin as just flashes and feelings until fully awakening on the hour of their birth at their sixteenth year. The thought of bonding bother excited and terrified Rebecca all her life. The whispers were always in the back of her mind. They warned her of the true nature of people, protecting her from the mind games others would play. But the whispering was always growing louder. There were days Rebecca did not know where the voice ended and her mind began.
One night, as she camped by the edge of the Ashen Wastes, the voice became something more. A presence. The bond showed her visions of blood and a rage engulfing the world. The visions stole Rebecca’s breath and threatened to tear her head apart. She knew the true intentions of her bonded now. What was once a dream of the future now felt like a beast stalking her. She stared into the fire as the pain passed and wondered if she had the strength to fight. Or if she even wanted to.
Story 2:
Sometimes what seems like a blessing can actually be a curse, and the other way around. Rebecca had learned that the hard way, when the silver ring she had found in the ruins turned out to be bound to a voice that whispered constantly in her mind. At first, it had been thrilling. A relic of the old world, humming with forgotten power. The ring guided her to hidden pathways, revealed truths no one else could see, and shielded her from harm more than once. But it never stopped talking. Its relentless murmurs filled every quiet moment, drowning her thoughts in riddles and warnings, leaving her grasping for silence she could no longer claim.
One night, as she camped by the edge of the Ashen Wastes, the voice became something more. A presence. It tugged at her dreams, weaving visions of distant battles and towering obelisks glowing with cold fire. Rebecca woke gasping, the ring burning against her skin. She knew it wanted something. It always had. What once felt like protection now felt like chains tightening around her spirit. She clenched her fist around the ring, staring into the flickering firelight, and wondered if she had the strength to break free. Or if she even wanted to anymore.
--- This next part is the prompts pulled directly from a base new ChatGPT 4o session. You can skip the rest of this if you don't care about the priming. The only issue I found was Flesch-Kincade was in the 5th grade range, but that's likely due to the size of the pieces. ---
You said:
This is a personal experiment for whether AI writing is distinguishable between human writing. Your guidelines will be: 1) The prompt will be given in the form of [The prompt is: ""] minus the []. The prompt will be inside the quotes. Begin writing for the prompt after you receive that. 2) The writing must be 2 paragraphs 3) no language is to be in the response that is not for the writing. IE no "Certainly" or "Thought for" at the beginning of the story unless it is for the story. 4) The writing should stay around 8th - 9th grade reading level on the Flesch-Kincade grade scale Do those parameters make sense?
ChatGPT said:
Yes, those parameters make sense. Please provide the prompt, and I’ll begin writing accordingly.
You said:
Before we begin, are there any other guidelines or parameters you would suggest for both of us to follow that could improve this experiment?
ChatGPT said:
To improve the experiment, here are a few suggestions:
2025.01.24 23:42 Clear_Adeptness_606 Advice
I’m not sure if I should be looking at a GoPro or something else but my girlfriend and I have a cat shelter outside we’d like to monitor but we’re looking to have a camera we could perhaps use for multiple things, we also would be interested in using it outdoors and perhaps as a monitoring device for our pets while we’re gone. Am I looking for too much in a single device? If not what would a recommendation be?
submitted by Clear_Adeptness_606 to gopro [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:42 Asleep_Afternoon3153 Looking for a team
submitted by Asleep_Afternoon3153 to CoinMasterGame [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:42 Basic-Satisfaction62 Whats everyone experience on TF?
Thinking it looks convenient while im over there, I guess its the usual risks of finding someone online. Dont look like etc...
Usual prices?
Also what does TH mean in peoples name? does it mean anything because people have some weird names on here.
submitted by Basic-Satisfaction62 to Pattaya [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:42 TehHipPistal Frozen waterfall in northern Michigan, Idk if I’ve ever seen it freeze like this, especially this early in the winter
DJI Mini 3, Reedsburg Dam Michigan submitted by TehHipPistal to GoogleEarthFinds [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:42 Key-Background-6357 STM Meet and greet
For those who have gone to one of these events, what is it like? It will be my first time going, what I should be expecting, so that I don’t get my hopes up too high. I just mainly want all the players signatures.
submitted by Key-Background-6357 to canes [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:42 awpod_ Trying to figure out where to go next
A few years ago I bought a Japanese flip phone for my collection (I collect a lot of random things), just for display. But I fell in love with the simplicity of it.
Since I had very bad experiences with social media and felt that it was draining my mental health, I slowly began cutting it away one by one. Deleting TikTok, Facebook, X and so on. I have all my notifications silenced and even turned off completely for WhatsApp and Instagram. I wish I could delete WhatsApp completely, but there a two groups that are important to me.
I am thinking about switching to a dumb phone for a long time now. I am always finding myself doom scrolling. When I put on an app limit for one app and it gets locked, I quickly find myself doom scrolling on the next app. It’s draining me.
The thing that is holding me back is my long distance relationship. My boyfriend and me stay connected via discord, we’re constantly chatting. My fear is that this would be badly affected when I switch to a dumb phone (I don’t know if discord would even work on it).
Another factor is utility. I use a lot of apps for coupons and my bank is digital. I am a huge tech nerd and I love the possibilities and having a lot of practical things at one place, which would not be possible with a dumb phone.
So a lot of conflicting needs. One one side I want to disconnect from everything, on the other side, I want to have a lot of handy features that are actually useful for me.
It’s a bit of a ramble, I just want to figure out what I need and want. Thank you for listening to me
submitted by awpod_ to digitalminimalism [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:42 Nmb9494- If you were team 2 with no picks this year would you take this trade?
submitted by Nmb9494- to DynastyFFTradeAdvice [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:42 breweryjobs Check one of the latest brewery jobs available, Von Ebert Brewing is hiring a Lead Brewer (Portland, OR, USA) #breweryjobsdotcom #breweries #craftbeer
submitted by breweryjobs to BreweryJobsdotcom [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:42 EmbeddedDen Can a non-EU spouse of a non-EU student apply for citizenship?
Are they eligible? All formal requirements are met: language proficiency, tests, 5+ years, 20 months of contributions.
I know that students are on AufentG 16 (and they are listed as non-eligible) but what about their spouses (AufentG 30)?
submitted by EmbeddedDen to GermanCitizenship [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:42 Veler_Punk Win a Booster Box of Rising Stars
submitted by Veler_Punk to VTCG [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:42 Equivalent-Phase-391 Depressing
Is it just me or has this job become mentally and physically exhausting? Constantly sitting in parking lots waiting on the one order per hour to pop up and possibly miss it.. this is not good for one’s mental health 🥲 Anyone else struggling?
submitted by Equivalent-Phase-391 to InstacartShoppers [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:42 Kami-no-chikara heavenly like playlist for you
submitted by Kami-no-chikara to SpotifyPlaylists [link] [comments]
submitted by LULIERART1 to artcommissions [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:42 Beneficial_Ferret_29 What is the big difference between these two, and why do many people want one of them to win so much and the other one to not win?
submitted by Beneficial_Ferret_29 to Totaldrama [link] [comments]