Does anyone know what’s going on with Travers

2025.01.24 23:57 Pfittedonmyheadoe Does anyone know what’s going on with Travers

I know he was injured over Christmas, and the only info says he was supposed to be back with the charge same time as Bates. The only thing I have seen him in was a video when they went to the hospital, and he’s not on the injury list?
submitted by Pfittedonmyheadoe to clevelandcavs [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:57 Sunezno Yep, those are exactly what you think they are... Just...maybe don't travel with these; the police might not understand.

Yep, those are exactly what you think they are... Just...maybe don't travel with these; the police might not understand. submitted by Sunezno to AmazonVine [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:57 returnofthemc211 Wtf has happened?

So I’ve not played the game in at least 10 days - maybe a fortnight… I mean the games never been ‘perfect’ but it was a fairly decent experience if you chose to ignore certain (offline only).
Has there been an update recently? Career mode just seems to miss near enough every punch and the fighters now seem to slide around the ring 🤷‍♂️ I mean I know the punch detection was off and the other issues but I seriously don’t remember it being this poor!
Have I had the blinkers on before or has anyone else noticed this? Literally couldn’t even finish the round it was that bad, not a pleasant experience in the slightest man 😫
submitted by returnofthemc211 to undisputedboxing [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:57 nataliahx MY LIFE AFTER 75 HARD

So many people have asked me how I have maintained, or not maintained, the habits I have learned after doing 75 Hard 2 years ago, completed the two phases following, and then have done 75 hard a year after that (only to fail on day 58 - RIP).
The program developed in me a LOVE of fitness that I never had and a love for proper nutritious foods.
The first time I did 75 Hard, I came from a mentality of “more cardio and more restricting = skinny”. As a young woman in her 20’s - “skinny” was the goal for me for so long.
After completing 75 Hard, I lost too much weight because I did cardio overload and was eating so clean that although I was full due to my high volume meals, they weren’t calorically dense enough. I started the program at 112lbs (5”1) and ended at about 100. Considering I did not have the knowledge with muscle growth, I was 100 pounds of just skinny with not a lot of strength.
The program taught me that I am in control of my life and I am where my excuses come from. So I wanted to grow muscle? It’s up to me to learn.
This is where reverse dieting, macro tracking, and weight training came into the picture (about 1 year after 75 Hard.)
1 year POST 75 Hard I was on and off with my 10k step goal, and I would try to do a 10 minute an workout everyday, but wasn’t always hitting it. I was mostly eating clean but never learned how to track macros. Because of this, my body slowly became skinny fat even though I was healthy and moving my body.
I began my research in body recomposition for petite women - very niche IMO. I stumbled upon MacroHabits on instagram where I signed up for a 16 week reverse dieting program to increase my metabolism and grow muscle so that the discipline that 75 Hard has taught me could be put to use with the proper knowledge of my new goal of body recomposition.
Photo 1 is my before and after from 75 Hard. Photo 2 is before and after my body recomposition journey (which I am still on). I know the photo isn’t full body, but you can see the muscle definition that I grew and that’s enough to show progress for context here,
You can see the progression goes from skinny fat, to too thin, back to skinny fat, to now building muscle and looking lean and strong.
My true daily routine this past year has been - 10k steps daily - tracking my macros to ensure I am eating 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight - eating relatively clean (90% of what I eat is clean) - doing 30 minutes of weight training 4-5 times a week
That’s how I have learned to maintain my new body post 75 HARD and post the discipline it gave me!
For those who have completed 75 Hard and now have a personalized healthy lifestyle as a product of it, what does your current routine and diet consist of?
submitted by nataliahx to 75HARD [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:57 Independent_Gap8262 Mass Following

Mass Following Is there a real trend?? Which other communities have heard or are involved in this??
submitted by Independent_Gap8262 to memecoins [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:57 Legitimate-Line-5191 Pico do Jaraguá é seguro?

Quero muito fazer a trilha do pai Zé, em breve. Vi que é preciso fazer agendamento, então me parece que tem algum controle de quem entra e tals, mas não sei se o fato de ir sozinha é pedir pra ser assaltada/abduzida/etc.🫠🫠 Alguém tem essa experiência pra compartilhar?
submitted by Legitimate-Line-5191 to saopaulo [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:57 tequilax0 Midget Boy Is Live 🙄

submitted by tequilax0 to d_rex1984snark [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:57 StrikerKillerz Blade really posted this shit in discord 💀💀💀

Blade really posted this shit in discord 💀💀💀 submitted by StrikerKillerz to pillarchase2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:57 Dron22 Best ways to find out if a cooling is faulty?

I think one of the cooling fans is faulty because I think there is a slight grinding sound from where the CPU fan is, but the GPU and VRAM are always running too so it's difficult to hear grinding clearly. I had this problem before on an older laptop but the grinding was loud at times and had to replace the fan.
I constantly look at temperatures and see no obvious problems, which is similar to what happened before on my old laptop. I tried playing games and seemed to be fine, except one brief moment when a game froze for a few seconds, that never happened before so I guess it might have been CPU throttling due to unreliable fan. I don't know how CPU/GPU throttling looks like in games so it might have been due to something else unrelated.
I already have a replacement fan, but I would prefer to find out for sure first if any fans are really faulty, and make sure I replace the correct one because there is 3 fans in that laptop.
submitted by Dron22 to GamingLaptops [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:57 pkmntcgtradeguy Weird misprint Supreme Darkness box on the left - picked it up to see if it has any unique pulls for the hell of it

Weird misprint Supreme Darkness box on the left - picked it up to see if it has any unique pulls for the hell of it Only box on the shelf that had the different coloration. Keep sealed or open for funsies?
submitted by pkmntcgtradeguy to yugiohshowcase [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:57 Majestic_Duck_1259 Too good

Too good More frilly socks and heels
submitted by Majestic_Duck_1259 to frillysocksnation [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:57 ThirdWorldBoy21 Oh, so that's why she is the marketing girl of the game, she's always saying the game name.

Oh, so that's why she is the marketing girl of the game, she's always saying the game name. submitted by ThirdWorldBoy21 to ZZZ_Official [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:57 Blueblood67 A few paintings I did

A few paintings I did submitted by Blueblood67 to painting [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:57 Barbonefrancese-ch Quale macchina comprare

Ciao a tutti ragazzi, Spiego un secondo la situazione. Premetto che sono estremamente ignorante in materia di auto e motori in generale, purtroppo🥲! Comunque sono un ragazzo di 28 anni e da 3 anni ormai mi sono trasferito in Francia lavorando in Svizzera. Casa lavoro sono circa 25-30 minuti di auto (quindi andata e ritorno circa 1 ora) Non mi piace molto guidare, quantomeno direi che non mi appassiona, ma mi servirebbe un consiglio su quale macchina dovrei prendere considerando che un weekend al mese vado a Bologna per il resto non guido molto oltre queste due tratte (casa lavoro e casa Bologna una volta al mese). Situazione economica: riesco a risparmiare agevolmente 3000€ al mese e ho già un po’ di soldini da parte. Domanda finale: quale macchina mi consigliereste considerando un budget massimo di 25mila euro e tutte le premesse di sopra? (Io avevo pensato a una Peugeot 2008). Attualmente ho una dacia sandero del 2015 benzina/gpl 130mila Km Poi, mi consigliereste un leasing o comprarla? Grazie a tutti♥️
submitted by Barbonefrancese-ch to ItalyMotori [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:57 SedatedTroll Dragon in Forest At Night

Dragon in Forest At Night submitted by SedatedTroll to nightcafe [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:57 rubenfonfabre1829 Bus reopening

Does anyone know when they're gonna fully reopen the CCC bridge, I work in gretna but unfortunately since I don't have a care I can't get to work since the bridge is closed for busses
submitted by rubenfonfabre1829 to NOLA [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:57 PretentiousPoundCake Why even be a writer?

I am not saying I don’t want to be, nor am I encouraging others to abandon writing. But are you REALLY a writer if you don’t want to throw your laptop/phone/whatever you use to create out of a window????? Or is it just me? I am just currently annoyed with my project and my brain and wanted to vent a bit.
submitted by PretentiousPoundCake to writing [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:57 Long-Reputation-5326 History of the Bisexual Movement by cheekyfacestyles on Instagram

History of the Bisexual Movement by cheekyfacestyles on Instagram 🔗 Source
submitted by Long-Reputation-5326 to BiWomen [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:57 Candid_Issue3163 What do these letters stand for on my training schedule? LCL, LBD & DBD…

I got hired as a server, I also have a scheduled day as a food runner. Is that as simple as it sounds? I’m just running food and drinks out, and that’s all I’ll be doing?
submitted by Candid_Issue3163 to olivegarden [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:57 Ima_Merican Tree ID

Tree ID I’ve storm took down this tree. Wondering if it can bow. I found a few very straight logs with thick rings. If it’s not bow worthy I’ll use it for other wood projects
Thicker part of the tree is tension side.
submitted by Ima_Merican to Bowyer [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:57 BoysenberryElegant55 How to get sack off the ground

I spent way too much time bending over and picking up the bag. Is there a trick or technique to get the ball off of the ground only using your feet?
submitted by BoysenberryElegant55 to footbag [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:57 Viky_sponge How do I save this???

How do I save this??? submitted by Viky_sponge to blockblast [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:57 bitterbeanjuic3 Book series for Brandon Sanderson lover

Hi friends!
My husband loves Brandon Sanderson and has read most of his books. He's looking for other things to read that are similar to Sanderson's writing style and themes.
submitted by bitterbeanjuic3 to suggestmeabook [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:57 4jcv Anyone want a free 7 Wonders Duel code?

Anyone want a free 7 Wonders Duel code? I'm not sure if it's against the rules of this sub, but I have a code that came with the purchase of 7 Wonders Duel physical board game. I'm not going to use it, so if anyone wants it, I'll send it for free.
submitted by 4jcv to boardgames [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:57 TheDabLionn Trae or Cade? Sabonis or Lebron? ROS

Trying to figure out which guys I like more for ROS. Points league.
submitted by TheDabLionn to fantasybball [link] [comments]