Linux做2C可以说从二十年前开始各种“国产OS”到今天的UOS,是从“没法用”到“堪堪能用”的历程。然而到“堪堪能用”之后,再想进步,难度非常大,几乎和重写一个操作系统相当。 所以,开源鸿蒙项目就成立了。 对于OH来说承接linux生态分成几种情况: 如何看待小米于 12 月 7 日召开的澎湃 OS 美学发布会?对此你有什么想说的? 对比设备及系统版本. 我暂时还没在同一台设备上体验 MIUI 14 + HyperOS,故使用两台尽可能接近的手机对比(如有错漏 欢迎指正) 小米 13 Ultra - MIUI 14 正式版 14.0.20 关注我的朋友肯定看到过之前的华为手机在非华为电脑上使用多屏协同办公的功能,手机在上个月初突然报废,这个真的有点无语,还好提前准备了小米的手机,不然我啥东西也没有了,这次我们使用台式机来安装小米妙享中心,坎坷的最后好在看到了成功的结果。 只要是基于OpenHarmony打造的系统,都可以被其他鸿蒙设备识别,这是因为OpenHarmony还集成了Lite OS内核,这是鸿蒙系统的“身份标识器”。 HarmonyOS:(闭源) 基于OpenHarmony和安卓(AOSP)打造的手机系统,包含UI界面,应用生态绑定安卓,这是目前鸿蒙的主形态。 os是什么什么是OS 一、OS是英文Operating System的缩写,中文意思是操作系统。 OS是计算机系统中负责支撑应用程序运行环境以及用户操作环境的系统软件,同时也是计算机系统的核心与基石。 二、澎湃os的性能表现. 澎湃os在性能方面也进行了优化,与miui相比,澎湃os更加轻量化,占用更少系统资源,系统速度更加流畅。 在两台手机占用的储存空间差别不大的情况下,澎湃os的系统固件大小只有不到9gb,而miui14的则有接近14gb。 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... 操作系统(英语:operating system,缩写作 OS)是管理计算机硬件与软件资源的计算机程序,同时也是计算机系统的内核与基石。 作用:操作系统需要处理如管理与配置内存、决定系统资源供需的优先次序、控制输入与输出设备、操作网络与管理文件系统等基本事务。 Unix系家谱. 但是,并非所有平台上都有支持主板芯片组和各种外设的驱动,比如Linux平台曾经一直缺乏好用的NVIDIA的驱动(虽然最近开源了),所以如果不是自己配的电脑,是品牌机什么 元素周期表所有读音怎么读第 01 号元素: 氢 [化学符号]H, 读qīng第 02 号元素: 氦 [化学符号]He, 读hài第 03 号元素: 锂 [化学符号]Li, 读lǐ第 04 号元素: 铍 [化学符号]Be, 读pí第 05 号元素: 硼 [化学符号]B,
2025.01.24 23:29 pajaroazulclasico69 Cual os gusta mas?
submitted by pajaroazulclasico69 to Sexconten69 [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:29 Secret_Ad2065 Anyone else?
Is it just me or does google home have a terrible time recognizing basic commands/instructions and just human language in general? I’m surprised that with so much money and time getting put into AI, their usable products are just so bad lol
submitted by Secret_Ad2065 to googlehome [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:29 Lporro Ollama windows pull not working
I'm unable to complete a model pull in ollama for Windows, it always reset at some point and restart until it gives me too much retries. Is someone facing the same issue?
submitted by Lporro to ollama [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:29 Mike-E-angelo 🚀 New Standard Market Product: The Princess And The Frog - ⚡1.00
📢 Published 🚀 The Princess And The Frog by FedwinTheWise on the Standard Market, 1 license @ ⚡1.00 ($1.00 -- ⚡1 = $1USD always) submitted by Mike-E-angelo to StarbeamOne [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:29 Professional_Ad8814 Liquid Vs Timeless Scrim Replay Code
XNXV8V if anyone wants to watch.
submitted by Professional_Ad8814 to Competitiveoverwatch [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:29 Books_In_The_Attic Vampire Diaries/Supernatural crossover
Don't care if it's from ao3 or, I would really love if anyone could rec me some crossovers that have nothing to do with romance.
submitted by Books_In_The_Attic to FanFiction [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:29 Due-Style302 So with the Texans firing Bobby Slowick do the Lions bring him in for an interview?
2 years ago he was one of the hot names to be a head coach 1 off year and the Texans show him the door. I know we have a couple in house candidates but you probably have him in for a least an interview no?
submitted by Due-Style302 to detroitlions [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:29 Sharp-Put4724 E Boards Archive: Rumour Kendra leaving
submitted by Sharp-Put4724 to TheGirlsNextLevelPod [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:29 Tilladarling My two little girls
Tara is a red tweenie and Tilla a mini black and tan dapple ❤️
submitted by Tilladarling to dachshunds [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:29 bc0icb Well written spicy book recs
Hi! I’ve tried doing some research on my own + the recs from booktok.. but I can’t quite find my next read. I love world building, unique magic systems, and not annoying fmc (I personally thought violet should’ve fallen off the parapet).
I’ve read (and loved) SJM’s three series, Crowns of Nyaxia (books 1&2), and Fourth Wing.
Feathers so Vicious was… no. I couldn’t get past the poor writing. Spice was fine but I found myself editing/writing it in my head because it was just so meh.
Any recs are truly appreciated!
submitted by bc0icb to fantasyromance [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:29 00-D Chichimeca jonaz
Disculpen, alguien tiene conocimiento de alguna persona que hable chichimeca? En especial, chichimeca jonaz?
Es para un proyecto de la escuela 🙏🏼
submitted by 00-D to mesoamerica [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:29 AdministrationNo1529 Is clash of clans similar to fighting for Ukraine?
12 years of clash of clans has taught me a lot. Wanted to take the next step in my life.
submitted by AdministrationNo1529 to stupidquestions [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:29 TEARxRINSE Announced Windup Punch
I made a hatsu that was for an emitter earlier and thought what would be a good simple enhancer ability to pair with it and I came up with this. It’s basically extra animey phinks.
Announced Windup Punch: Enhancement 100%
The user says “Announced Wind up Punch” one syllable at time. their aura increases based on how loud they are and increases with each syllable.
As they do so they may wind up their arm in a clockwise direction, their aura increases in their fist with every rotation.
If the user doesn’t fully announce their attack, has zero passion, or doesn’t wind up their fist at all this ability does nothing.
submitted by TEARxRINSE to HatsuVault [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:29 FrostingGlobal6789 Our Top 5 Pinball Dream Themes
submitted by FrostingGlobal6789 to pinball [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:29 HonestBreak7225 Sendwave Promo-Referral Code 2025 : TUE67
𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐰𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐨 𝐂𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟓: 𝐓𝐔𝐄𝟔𝟕 Go now Get €10.00 for your first transfer! Use code TUE67 on #sendwave for your #MoneyTransfer #Remittance ! 25/01/2025 00:29
submitted by HonestBreak7225 to sendwave_officials [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:29 anonybci anyone wanna wank on snap add me reiyna3t
submitted by anonybci to Thatssenayafap [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:29 One_Economist_8878 What fleshing beams are yall using?
I've been tanning rabbits (domestic, 9 to 11 lbs) with a mediocre diy fleshing board. I figure either there's better diy designs, or it's worth buying one from a supplier.
What kind of set-ups do you have? How long does it take to flesh an animal?
submitted by One_Economist_8878 to HideTanning [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:29 igomarsound Déclaration du mud wizard à son procès.
submitted by igomarsound to france [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:29 Virtual-Pomelo-7877 NRI Aussie mallus undo? Pic exchange
submitted by Virtual-Pomelo-7877 to mallu__kambi [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:29 bootymagnet is "don" short for down's?
submitted by bootymagnet to okbuddydraper [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:29 Toasterdosnttoast (USA) loving this Pokemon promotion
Got my favorite Legendary and two awesome looking shiny cards. This was from 2 packages. All thanks to my 10 year old girl who likes nuggets but not Pokémon. submitted by Toasterdosnttoast to McDonaldsEmployees [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:29 stonerbarbie666 Fiona is a TRUMPIEEEE 👹
She wonders why she ain’t getting invited to tripping with tarte and it’s cuz she’s an uneducated Trumpie. Try to call her out on it and you’ll get blocked which is the obvious sign that she’s a Trumpie. REALLY not hard to clap back to say you didn’t vote for him, you didn’t vote, etc. so she’s for sure a Trumpie. She’s not gonna go anywhere with that influencer dream of hers when she refuses to stand ten toes down on who she is. She seems disingenuine and fake to be completely fucking honest.
submitted by stonerbarbie666 to FionaJordanSnark [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:29 Quidstein Would you play with it…
While you breed me?
submitted by Quidstein to gaytweaker [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:29 BlueRadianceHealing Past Life on Mars
Was there ever life on Mars?
Hang on because this is relevant to what we're going through now.
In a past life session, my client found herself on Mars. In her words – This is over a million years ago. Well before recorded history. She was a researcher from the mysterious planet Nibiru, and was living in Mars doing some research. She and her people were an advanced civilization and had lived on Nibiru from some generations. They were technologically advanced, with bio implants that allowed them to telepathically communicate with each other and be of hive mind. So they knew what the other was thinking. They could all receive bio updates, and if someone was sick, the healer could send healing updates via the implants. The implants also had information about their vitals. Because of their many implants, they did not feel any emotions the way we do. In fact, it was turned off for them because it might get in the way of their work.
Anyway, when my client was on Mars. It looked quite different, and Martians were an advanced civilization. Unfortunately, the interplanetary wars between the Reptilians and Annunaki spilled over in our solar system, Mars was attacked by the reptilians, who used a plasma weapon to decimate the planet. It was destruction everywhere. My client managed to escape by being picked up by her team on their spaceship. They then went to Venus to observe the civilization there.
However, when there, everyone on the ship became distrustful of each other, and there was a general sense of paranoia. This was because their implants – the artificial telepathy network became infected by a virus.
Suddenly, she realized they all died. To stop the virus, the leader unplugged their network and they were all sent updates that remotely ended their lives. Just like that. My client’s words were: We were deactivated.
When I spoke to my client’s higher self after the session, I asked why were we shown that life. Her higher self replied that it was a chosen experience, a necessary experience to see how certain civilizations operate. In this life, she was just a replaceable machine. She was just used. She was unaware of the crimes against humanity she was committing. In fact, she was designed to be this way.
It was part of an experiment at their higher soul level. It was necessary for many humans to incarnate in this experience so they would understand the methodology behind the actions of this race of beings, how they operate, and how they perpetuate a g***cide.
Her higher self continued, just like so many civilizations, you cant hold individuals to blame, they are just used as tools, they are designed to be used as tools.
submitted by BlueRadianceHealing to pastlives [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:29 jakeplusmoe Soil mixture for seeds
Just getting into growing San Pedro. What soil mixture do you recommend for the best outcome? I’m guessing the soil could be used for any type of cactus seeds, as well? Thank you
submitted by jakeplusmoe to sanpedrocactus [link] [comments]