A Guide to Piloting

当家人已是我们唯一的牵绊时 我们怎么能忘却最可贵的亲情 Everything I went through you were standing there by my side 无论历经怎样的艰难坎坷 总有你相伴陪我度过 And now you gonna be with me for the last ride 而今你将陪我走完这最后一段旅程 [Charlie Puth] So let the light guide your way 接触MATLAB十年,用过多个版本。装什么版本好?——当然是最新版的,前提是电脑配置顶得住。 另外,很多人不知道,其实一台电脑是可以安装多个版本的MATLAB,至少6个是没问题的。为什么6个肯定没问题?因为我现在就装了6个 (♡˙︶˙♡) 1、MATLAB一年发布几个版本 MATLAB一年出两个版本: [当年的 ... 索康尼GUIDE ISO2 Brooks 是 美国 体育品牌,成立于1914年,致力于专业运动鞋的研发,是运动品牌中率先使用运动鞋必备之EVA中底材质的专业品牌。 (鞋子海淘)。 3 Checklist Checklist就是为了核对所投稿件是否符合投稿指南的基本要求,为了完成Checklist,一般需要在“Guide to Authors”中下载Checklist的原件,根据自身稿件的形式、作者的姓名单位、题目和整体字数来填空,并根据杂志需要的附件是否均按照要求上传逐一打钩。 4 这八所院校包括:哈佛大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、耶鲁大学、普林斯顿大学、哥伦比亚大学、达特茅斯学院、布朗大学及康奈尔大学 2)“新常春藤“(New Ivies)一词来自于著名教育研究机构Kaplan-Newsweek在2007年发布的《How to Get into College Guide》一书中。 Dan Fleisch是《A Student’s Guide to Vectors and Tensors》的作者,他发现很大一部分读者都有一个疑问:到底张量是TMD 说说看我的意见, 既然Nature 官网特别强调了自己期刊的缩写,就以官网建议的为准。 因为原则上讲,出版社应该是有权力规定自己期刊的全名和缩写的。官网特别在guide for authors里强调了每个子刊的缩写,也侧面说明了自然子刊系列期刊缩写的混乱,这会给统计期刊引用次数和计算影响因子带来不 ... c. Mentor:表示“导师、顾问、良师益友”,强调对学生的指导和关心。 d. Instructor:表示“教练、讲师、指导者”,指导学生完成毕业论文的过程中提供的具体指导。 e. Guide:表示“指导、引导、向导”,强调在学术研究方面给予学生方向性的引导。 “汇 在 Web of Science Master Journal List 搜索你想投的期刊名 advanced functional material,点开 View journal profile, Web of Science Master Journal List 下拉,General Information 里面有这个期刊网站的链接,点开。 上方导航栏找到 Contribute---Author Guidelines, Advanced Functional Materials 下拉,Guide for Authors---Documents: Manuscript Preparation Che Royal Road (royalroad.com) 可以看原创网络小说,也可以自己发表。 Web Fiction Guide (webfictionguide.com) 主要是推荐小说。 Wattpad (wattpad.com) 这个网站在国外访问量很大的,主要面向女性读者。 Gravity Tales (gravitytales.com) 这里有中国和韩国网络小说的英文版本。 Wuxia World (wuxiaworld.com) 和上一个类似。 Web Novel ...

2025.01.24 23:40 gliesedragon A Guide to Piloting

So, you're having trouble with your spaceship. Maybe it's landing, maybe it's the autopilot "acting up," maybe it's that you keep lithobraking at an unsurvivable 600 m/sec. Whatever it is, it's likely annoying. So, if you're about ready to rage at the controls, or confused as to why things aren't acting like you expect them to, here's a bit of an in-depth guide to how the ship works, piloting in a way that's a bit less lethal, and otherwise learning why it's doing what it's doing. If you want a brisker overview, the final section of this post (Long Story Short) is a quick set of piloting bullet points.
The basic deal is that the physics of spaceflight in Outer Wilds is not at all like most games with flight or spaceships: it's running on Newtonian mechanics, mostly. If you're expecting a cartoon airplane, you're going to get a bit tangled.
This guide will have no specific reference to any locations in the game: only the spaceship's toolkit, basic generalities about how planets work in general, and that the sun exists.
The tools at your disposal Let's start with a run-down of things that your ship has. It has a lock-on reticle, a match velocity function, an autopilot, and a downwards-facing landing cam. And, it also has a signalscope and scout launcher. Except for the autopilot and landing cam, all of these tools are also on your space suit.
The lock-on reticle shows quite a bit. If you're approaching a target, it's blue, receding, it's red, and lateral motion is shown as little arrows: up/down and left/right have different arrows, and the length corresponds to how much you're moving in that direction relative to the target. Also, it's got your exact relative radial velocity as a number: good for knowing how much you need to slow down.
The maximum thrust on the ship is about 50 m/sec2, which basically means that firing the engines for one second changes your velocity by 50 m/sec. So, if you need to slow down from 300 m/sec, you'll need about 6 seconds to do that.
The impact tolerance of the ship is also quite good: as a quick rule of thumb, any landing where your velocity relative to your target is 30 m/sec or so isn't going to scratch the paint, and the damage from harder landings can be fixed.
Basic Theory The thing with spaceflight in Outer Wilds is that you're at the whims of Newtonian mechanics, rather than standard video game physics. At its most basic, this means that velocities are additive, rather than a new heading replacing the other.
Let's say that, rather than being in the solar system, you're on a flat grid. You're moving north, and want to be moving east, instead. So, you fire your rockets so you get an impulse eastward . . . and you're moving northeast. You've added eastward motion to your nothward path. If you wanted to go directly east, you'd need to cancel out your northward velocity by firing south as well as east.
And then, there's orbital mechanics. Don't worry if they're unintuitive, the early astronauts who tried out the first real-world spaceship rendezvous maneuvers had issues with that as well. The only real way to get a handle on them is to try for yourself: experimenting gives you a feel for things.
The big, wonky thing about orbits is that lower orbits are faster, but you have to add speed to get to a higher orbit. So, let's say you're trying to catch up with a satellite that's ahead of you in the same orbit: if you go faster to catch up, you'll boost into a higher, slower, orbit and it'll drift further ahead. So, to catch it, you have to do the counterintuitive thing and slow down: this drops you into a lower, faster orbit and you can catch it.
The Autopilot The thing is, you'll rarely have to deal with orbits, because your ship probably has enough power to go directly to your target. The thing is, sometimes you go a bit too directly, and bonk at lethally ludicrous speeds. And the simplest way to (mostly) avoid that is to use the autopilot. Not just as a transit method, though: it uses the easiest method of getting from planet to planet, and so it's a decent teacher.
The autopilot on your ship is a simple thing, but, it's a really good tool for seeing how to fly from one planet to another. Basically, it's trying for a simple brachistochrone trajectory, which gets to its target in the minimum time. Watch how it works (and how it doesn't): it'll teach you some of the basics.
First, it cancels out all lateral velocity relative to the target: if you just pointed directly where you wanted to go, you might end up off course because of that lateral velocity. And then, after it's done that, it starts you accelerating to your destination.
And then, about halfway through your flight, it starts burning in the opposite direction. This is important: if you didn't, you'd reach your target at frankly absurd speeds, and either fly past or (more likely) crash. The amount of reverse thrust you need to decelerate will be about as much as you needed to get going that fast in the first place: there is no friction in space, after all.
Now, as great as it is, the autopilot has a couple of downsides. First and most obviously, it has no object avoidance. If you want to go somewhere that's currently behind the sun, it'll cheerfully oblige you. A dollop of situational awareness should help with that. The second issue is that planetary orbits are circles, which means their velocities change over time: this means that you'll generally be a little bit away from the your target planet, and the error is more severe for planets close to the sun.
Luckily, you can abort an autopilot plan mid-flight, if necessary. Then, you do your evasive maneuvers and can get back to business.
Landing and On-planet Navigation So, you've mostly gotten somewhere, but you're still in space and would rather be on solid ground. Luckily, your piloting or the autopilot will generally get you close enough to a planet that its gravity will pull you in automatically. Less luckily, you'll generally end up falling a bit too fast to land undamaged.
To get to the ground safely, your biggest assets will be matching velocity and your landing camera. Your ship has enough acceleration to beat the gravity on any planet in the solar system, and so you can match velocity with the planet you're falling towards and just stop. And the landing camera shows what's directly beneath you, so you can choose somewhere relatively flat to land. As I've said before, you don't need to be particularly gentle when landing: 30 m/sec probably won't break anything.
Of course, once you're on a planet, you might want to be somewhere else on the planet. To do this, my general advice is to go upwards briefly, then use longer bursts of lateral thrust: this means you're a bit less likely to end up back in space. This is easier to practice in places with higher gravity: on a planet with low gravity, going on foot might be more practical.
Long Story Short -Changing direction adds to your original one, it doesn't replace it.
-Remember to slow down ahead of time: friction won't do it for you when it's not there.
-Match velocity is the most useful control in spaceflight.
-The autopilot is reasonably reliable, but requires a bit of awareness.
-You don't need to be gentle when landing.
-Orbits are weird.
-You've got a lot of tools at your disposal: don't forget to mess with them.
-Everyone will have their particularly silly piloting mishaps.
-Oh yeah, the thing you fix when the reactor is broken is in the ship, behind the pilot's seat and opposite the slot with your spacesuit. Just in case.
submitted by gliesedragon to outerwilds [link] [comments]

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Thoughts on the interview, what stood out to you?
This is what stood out to me -
What should investors expect?
For fuels -

For Metals -
Summary: Advancing both and capital agreements.
My question is what is an offtake agreement? Could that be a potential airline announcement coming soon? 🤔
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Hi All,
I am a new wow SOD player looking to find a beginner friendly guild or group of friends who would be happy to take me under their wing when it comes to raiding.
Thanks in advance 😊
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Can you accept my invitation? You will get so many free gifts worth $300 in return!Nudge nudge... https://onelink.shein.com/8/4dck80z5d92n
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2025.01.24 23:40 Early_Daikon_7249 Die Rote Front Marschiert Short Stories Part 3: Two in One Special

February 2nd, 1973. 35,000 feet in the air. 20 miles northwest of Sydney. 4 miles off the coast. In this position were two F-14A Tomcats from US Naval Squadron 181, nicknamed Jolly Roger.
Inside the lead aircraft a pilot named Lieutenant Santana was flying. On his helmet was a decorated version of his callsign, Greenhawk. On the dashboard was a black and white photograph of his wife and son.
The joint Japanese-American invasion of Australia was happening. This was it. The final campaign of the Second Great War. Santana was on standby waiting for orders.
Finally the orders came. “Greenhawk, this is Nimitz command, we have received word that Australian armored reinforcements are moving to assault Marine positions, are you able to take them out?”
Santana replied, “Yes, I can, over.”
“Roger, coordinates are...”
Greenhawk tuned out the coordinates as he had noticed an unidentified aircraft approach on radar. “Uh, Nimitz Command, this is Greenhawk, I’ve got 3 boogies on my three, over.”
“Roger that Greenhawk, checking if they're friendly or hostile, over.”
Unfortunately for Santana he would get his answer before Nimitz Command could respond. Two missiles slammed into his wing mate and then his plane before either could respond.
The F-14 barreled towards the ocean, Santana unconscious and unable to eject.
Just before it hit the ocean the pilot woke up, took one last look at the picture of his wife and said, “I’m sorry Maria.”
Then the aircraft slammed into the water.
51 Years later. At North Rooseveltville High School. 7: 51 AM. Just before the start of school.
Sue Williams was sitting in her seat, looking around. For the first time ever everyone had shown up before the bell rang. The only expectation was the teacher, Mr. Santana. Who was presumably getting coffee. On his desk was an old and visibly beat up fighter pilot helmet with “Greenhawk” on it.
Sue looked up at the wall, seeing the clock and the portraits of the “Great Four” presidents. George Washington. Abraham Lincoln. Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Robert F Kennedy. There was also a portrait of the current president, Joe Kennedy III. These portraits were required by law.
Sue turned her attention to the rest of her classmates. Mike and Lucy were making out in the back of the classroom. Daisy was browsing her phone. Paulo was watching gay porn on his phone...
The door then opened and Mr. Santana walked in, a coffee in his hands, and sat down at his desk.
Two minutes later, the bell rang signaling the start of class. They went through the standard motions, the pledge of allegiance, the principal gave out some announcements over the intercom, and the teacher took attendance.
Once Mr. Santana had finished taking attendance, he stood up and with a solemn look on his aged face, cleared his throat. Speaking with authority he said, “Good morning everyone and welcome back from Thanksgiving Break, hope everyone had a good time.”
With the pleasantries out of the way the teacher switched topics. “For the last three weeks before midterms we will be studying the Second Great War. This war was without a doubt the largest and most consequential in Human history, everything since this war has just been an aftershock of this conflict.”
Mr. Santana then picked up the helmet on his desk and lifted it up. “I have a personal connection to this war. My father was a fighter pilot in the US Navy, having fought during the Caribbean, West African, and Irish campaigns...”
He trailed off for a moment as what he was going to say was going to cause much emotional distress to him. “He was one of the 750,000 Americans who did not return home from the war. He was shot down over Australia at the start of the invasion. This helmet was all that was recovered from his plane.”
“Millions of young men like him gave their lives to stop the barbaric ideology known as Fascism and by the end of these three weeks I want you to understand their sacrifice.”
Mr. Santana then sighed and said, “With that out of the way, let's get started.”
submitted by Early_Daikon_7249 to RedAlternativeHistory [link] [comments]

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So I followed the quest in proper order, went to Jorvik, talked to the healer, found Hafdan, tracked down the hammer and Beonton, killed the 3 wolves, but i can't pick up the hammer. Suggestions?
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Any help is greatly appreciated!
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Angel, Jeff, Tamale, Evie, Hagrid, Denali, Frida and Papas are on the San Antonio TX ACS Euthanasia List. They need a rescue/fosteadoption hold by 10:00 am on 1/25 submitted by SusanRiceArtStudio to PetEuthanasiaList [link] [comments]

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