Yellow spots. Please help.

redspots е компания, която се занимава с интегриране на gps системи за часни и бизнес потребители. Проследявайте в реално време всичко: домашния си любимец, детето си или фирмените си автомобили. Alle soorten spots en spotjes voor aan het plafond of wand in verschillende stijlen Betonlook Goud en zwart met 2, 3 of nog meer spots Veilig en snel bestellen! Looking in the mirror and seeing unwanted spots can be frustrating, and you likely want them to go away. If you have age spots, acne scars, pimples, and freckles that bother you, you have several options for treating them. Mūsu uzņēmums ir dibināts 2012. gadā. Esam ģimenes uzņēmums ar diviem veikaliem Rīgā. SPOTS Miesnieku ielā 14 ir specializēts kosmētikas veikals vīriešiem, savukārt SPOTS Elizabetes ielā 83 ir specializēts selektīvās parfimērijas veikals gan sievietēm, gan vīriešiem. Dir: . Call: Band: . Count: Time: . Load Auto: Zoom All C: 0 TX: 0 km RX: 0 km ... Call: Band: ... Red or discolored spots on the skin have a variety of possible causes. For example, contact with something irritating can cause dermatitis, a fungal infection is responsible for ringworm, burst blood vessels cause spots known as purpura, and some autoimmune conditions can cause rashes. spots валута [ o. ценни книжа ] , с които се извършват касови сделки на валутните пазари и на фондовите борси Запомни думата за езиковия трейнър. He wore a grey tie with pink spots. There was a spot of food on his shirt. Her back erupted in small red spots. There are still a few stray spots of paint on the window pane. I felt a few spots of rain so I put my umbrella up. Red spots on the skin can occur due to a variety of skin conditions, including heat rash, contact dermatitis, eczema, ringworm, cherry angiomas, rosacea, and in rare cases, skin cancer. While some of these spots may resolve on their own, conditions like skin cancer require proper diagnosis and treatment. They are most often called sun spots, liver spots, age spots, or actinic lentigines. They are caused by chronic sun exposure and are most commonly seen in older individuals. Most common freckles are harmless and rarely turn into skin cancer.

2025.01.24 23:52 HarryVeener Yellow spots. Please help.

Yellow spots. Please help. These yellow spots just recently appeared. I've had this plant for a little over a year. Filtered water, grow light about 10 hours per day. Weak fertilizer every other watering or so. Very airy soil... perlite, pumice, peat moss. Plastic pot has drainage holes.
Nothing has really changed lately, except MAYBE a bit more exposure to the grow light. Do these spots look like sunburn? I've checked for pests and found nothing.
submitted by HarryVeener to plantclinic [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:52 TheMemeLord4816 I will draw YOUR oc as a zombie!

I will draw YOUR oc as a zombie! ✨️You don't have to read what's below but I highly suggest it✨️
Your oc has a higher chance to be drawn if they're feminine (Girl or just a feminine guy) as I'm bad at drawing masculine guys
If your ocs clothing is too revealing I will COVER THAT UP
I will NOT draw animals (only humans, but merfolk, goblins, and other fantasy goobers are fine though, if the alien is human enough then I'll draw them)
BRAINS!!! 🧟‍♀️🧠😋
Tell me if you want your oc to be green, blue, or grey (If you don't tell me they'll probably be green) IF your oc wears a color then they will NOT be that color (a green shirt means they will NOT have green skin, same applies with green hair )
IF you want your oc to have just a bite mark then say so. IF you want your oc to be missing limbs or large chunks of flesh then say so. IF you don't say anything then I'll just have fun (A lot of your ocs might be missing an arm or an eye because I might give up on drawing the second arm or eye)
(Btw, you can submit multiple BUT you have to reply to your message with your second oc)
If you read this all then put a 🧟‍♀️ in your message and I'll think you're really cool and awesome.
submitted by TheMemeLord4816 to ArtRequest [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:52 le-fille Tweede gespreksronde sollicitatie - hoe voorbereiden?

Ik ben recent op sollicitatiegesprek geweest bij een organisatie. Na dit eerste gesprek was nog niet duidelijk of er een tweede ronde zou zijn - ze lieten dit afhangen van hoe de eerste ronde zou verlopen. Nu ben ik uitgenodigd voor een tweede gesprek (jeej!), maar heb echt geen idee hoe ik me hiervoor moet voorbereiden. Ze hebben geen informatie gegeven over de insteek van dit tweede gesprek; het is ook met andere mensen, dus wellicht is het alleen zodat zij ook een goed beeld van mij hebben. Hoe zouden jullie je in een dergelijke situatie voorbereiden?
submitted by le-fille to werkzaken [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:52 Real-Bathroom-333 05cfff9fb3775bef18e38512dc99a8c50b45605bb6df1dc4ecf1436219a6a8213b

submitted by Real-Bathroom-333 to AbbychampNSFW [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:52 JediMasterBata Mcdonalds Promo. NFS/NFT

Mcdonalds Promo. NFS/NFT Kids got their 1st promotional Kid's Meals. We had fun and they both got some great pulls!
submitted by JediMasterBata to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:52 mahhhhhh Found while ripping up my floor.

Found while ripping up my floor. submitted by mahhhhhh to FoundPaper [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:52 krizeros [SS] [OC] A Song of Past Romance

[SS] [OC] A Song of Past Romance submitted by krizeros to skywardsword [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:52 gLLsMTH Jackti first time in big tub

Jackti first time in big tub As title states...1st run in a 55qt. with this variety. (6qts spawn, 12 sub with an extra qt or so as psudocasing) They just started popping up yesterday. Can't wait to see what monsters pop out. I ran 2 6qts and got several 150g+ fruits and one over 200g first flush with maybe 2 inches of sub. They are POTENT as well. Looks good so far, I'll keep my fingers crossed. Sorry about the shit pic but I don't open it unless water builds up. Neglect tek baby!
submitted by gLLsMTH to PlatypusTechnical [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:52 bubinvr35 Bout to go to bed

Just wondering. is this app is going to get banned?
submitted by bubinvr35 to CineworldUnlimited [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:52 behusbwj (System Design Interviews) How much depth do you go into at the start?

I sometimes struggle with system design interviews because I don’t know what level of abstraction the interviewer is looking for. When I conduct interviews, I like to ask the interviewer to start with a high level layout of the application in terms of logical components and data flow (i.e. service boundaries, communication patterns like async vs sync, interfaces).
I recently was interviewed and when I tried a similar approach, it seemed like the interviewer thought I just didn’t know certain things or surprised that I didn’t include them in the high level architecture. For example, to me, it’s pretty obvious that API’s should use caching for repetitive requests, but I wouldn’t intuitively include a cache without the interviewer prompting me to dive into the the API’s system design. I was trying to get the interviewer to tell me which parts they wanted me to dive deep into, as most system design resources say interviewers would, but he proceeded to ask me about random optimizations all over the place.
How would you handle this? Was I crazy to think caches shouldn’t be part of a high level design or did i just not go deep enough?
submitted by behusbwj to CS_Questions [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:52 normalguy9293 Does this mean the gas tank is full

Does this mean the gas tank is full ? And if not how do I see how much gas is in the car? 2024 just started driving it. And I'm confused what's the arrow pointing left out of the gas logo saying?
submitted by normalguy9293 to MitsubishiMirage [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:52 InnerRealmStudios Bit-cremental: Fishistry Color – my first DLC ever – is out now!
Hi everyone! I’m really excited to announce my very first DLC for one of my games!
Since my latest release, Bit-Cremental: Fishistry, is inspired by the Game Boy, I thought it’d be fun to create a “Color” DLC to transform the game.
This is a purely aesthetic addition and completely optional…just a way to add some extra flair to the game while supporting future development.
Get it on Steam!
Thank you all so much for your amazing support. Happy fishing!
submitted by InnerRealmStudios to Unity2D [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:52 Funky_Owl_Turnip Affordable LED mask recommendations?

First time posting so please forgive any missteps.
Looking for an affordable LED mask (available in the UK) is a minefield - so many suspiciously cheap unbranded ones, so many very nice looking expensive ones and then in the middle, a lot that look like they might be good, might be crap?
Really would like to hear from anyone who's bought in the midrange and is seeing results (fine lines and spots especially but general skin quality improvement also good)
Thank you in advance 💖
submitted by Funky_Owl_Turnip to 30PlusSkinCare [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:52 Superb_Reserve_7346 WTF?! Russian officials danced in honor of Trump's inauguration 0_о

submitted by Superb_Reserve_7346 to funny [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:52 itsvilen Why it's so hard to find decent girl on reddit all nude selling Whore?

submitted by itsvilen to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:52 FuckPickinAUsername big fan of talking to my ocs

submitted by FuckPickinAUsername to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:52 Uwujo Jews of GAS, is Ye forgiven for his comments.

I must inquire.
submitted by Uwujo to GoodAssSub [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:52 ghost_00794 Unlocking my only red cosmic if SD buff this bad boy next patch ..

Next patch bad boys like sandman ,warlock need some love
submitted by ghost_00794 to MarvelSnap [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:52 Eal_likee The creating process

The creating process submitted by Eal_likee to webcomics [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:52 Low_Contribution_830 Anyone got a way to save on shipping for new floor pan? - Swapping out the old one due to rust and was wondering if there's any way to get my hands on one without paying double the value of the part in shipping. I'm located near Portland, OR if anyone has any local leads. Thanks!

submitted by Low_Contribution_830 to w123 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:52 Nozoroth Im 25 and have 0 friends

I don’t mean 0 close friends, I mean 0 friends. The closest thing I have to a friend in real life is some dude I hung out with a couple times at the pub 2 years ago. Since then, I have not had a single person to talk to in person that wasn’t family. 90% of my socialising is done online now. I suspect that I might have social anxiety because I feel extreme discomfort talking to anybody that isn’t my mom. I can socialise fine but I feel discomfort even when talking to my siblings who I grew up with. I think I’m becoming more and more mute as I get older. I never speak to anybody unless spoken to. I just keep my mouth shut. I sometimes go days saying a couple sentences at most. I’m not sure if I even hate living like this. What I hate is feeling like a loser. I don’t want my family to think I’m a loser because I have no friends. But personally, it hasn’t been that bad. I still enjoy socialising online because I don’t feel discomfort when doing so. I speak so little that I feel that I’m losing the ability to speak English properly. I’m not able to express my thoughts as coherently in real life than right now via writing. I’m not sure what the point of me writing this is but I just thought I’d share how I’m feeling lately. I’m not depressed and I don’t have autism to my knowledge. Just a guy who kind of enjoys being a loner I guess. Wonder if anybody can relate?
submitted by Nozoroth to Vent [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:52 UziDoorman207 Maid Aether & Venti

Venti is a little mischievous boy. :)
submitted by UziDoorman207 to MildFemboys [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:52 XR150rider Do you have to do public speaking

I hate doing speeches
submitted by XR150rider to fbla [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:52 Bell_Gargoyle She is so dashing

submitted by Bell_Gargoyle to catselfies [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:52 Objective-Educator28 Hello dentist, I’m too anxious about this I found in internet oral cancer symptoms I feel like I have the same. Can you help me.

Hello dentist, I’m too anxious about this I found in internet oral cancer symptoms I feel like I have the same. Can you help me. Hello dentist, I’m too anxious about this I found in internet oral cancer symptoms I feel like I have the same. Can you help me.
submitted by Objective-Educator28 to askdentists [link] [comments]