G60SD vs MPG 271QRX

倍速播放的目的是让自己可以以更快的速度去看视频, 加快获取信息的效率. 或者减速, 可以用来听英语.QQ影… FLASH:可以进行擦写编程,可操作次数大约十万次,在写入前需要执行擦出。MTP:可以进行擦写编程,可操作… 扩展资料: DAT流格式:DAT是 数据流 格式,即我们非常熟悉的VCD。 用电脑打开VCD光盘,可到有个MPEGAV目录,里面便是类似MUSIC01.DAT或AVSEQ01.DAT命名的文件。 DAT文件也是 MPG格式 的,是VCD刻录软件将符合VCD标准的MPEG-1文件自动转换生成的。 dat格式的视频播放器: 1 ... 微星:板卡三大厂之一,主板的系列和型号繁多,微星将自家的主板产品细分为商用主板和电竞主板,不过差异不大,可以混用。微星主板系列主要有热门的军火库系列,同样隶属电竞主板的MPG系列(高端)、MEG系列(旗舰),以及定位商用的PRO系列,重点推荐:迫击炮,刀锋钛 当我们在AE中编辑好了视频特效之后,下一步需要做的就是将视频文件从AE导出来,如何导出AE视频文件?如何设置AE导出视频文件格式?AE导出视频需要注意些什么?下面就给大家分享一下AE导出视频格式的正确做法,几个简单步骤就可以搞定。 一篇实证论文中,最基本也是最重要的部分就是展示 Stata 中得出的统计分析、回归结果等表格。但自己动手做表格往往非常繁琐,Word 排版也常常令人抓狂。而 outreg2 命令可以让 Stata 自动输出我们想要的表格,为你解决所有结果输出的烦恼。因此,熟练掌握 outreg2 命令对我们快速导出 Stata 结果 ... mpg格式文件作为一种视频文件,一般的视频播放器都能打开,例如暴风影音,优酷视频客户端,QQ影音,pptv视频客户端等等都是可以打开的。 相信大家现在已经了解mpg文件的打开方式了,但是这里还是给大家演示一下吧,毕竟作为一个教程需要全面一点。

2025.01.25 00:01 Severe_Dream1129 G60SD vs MPG 271QRX

So after three days of going down the oled rabbit hole, I've landed on these 2 models, G60SD and MPG 271QRX. They are a 100$ difference for me from best buy for next day pick up, 699 and 799 respectively. I've read and watched so many reviews my head is spinning.
I've come here to get some advice from those longer in the oled market, and have some hands on experience currently with these models (I've seen some mentions about firmware and such in early release posts but not much since). From my understanding they are basically the same QDOLED panel from Samsung, one has a matte finish while the other doesn't, which I do value a bit because I play in a well lit room and don't care much for playing in the dark. I'm not familiar with these companies as far as their customer support, I currently have an Asus ips monitor which only issue I have that I don't think is even monitor related; is that my monitors (I have 3, the extra 2 are basic 60hz monitors) flicker and more times than not my main monitor loses signal. (If you got any words of wisdom here that'd be appreciated too, as I've searched high and low for the reason)
Are there any other differences between them that I should consider? What are your experiences, upsides and downsides with these models?
I have a 4070ti 12gb gpu, and mainly play games like: WoW, LOL, Rocket League, POE, and Tarkov, though not limited to these, but most consistently come back to them. If that helps any of you in helping me.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Severe_Dream1129 to OLED_Gaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:01 byakuganthresh My Luckiest Run (Only if i had red seal on one of those glass cards before i copied them with DNA....)

My Luckiest Run (Only if i had red seal on one of those glass cards before i copied them with DNA....) submitted by byakuganthresh to balatro [link] [comments]

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2025.01.25 00:01 ZondamindZ Don’t miss this opportunity

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2025.01.25 00:01 Neat-Explanation-316 Hi

submitted by Neat-Explanation-316 to Back4Blood [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:01 Lard_Baron UK Gov announces all of the UK to be put under bird flu prevention measures.

UK Gov announces all of the UK to be put under bird flu prevention measures. submitted by Lard_Baron to Bird_Flu_Now [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:01 MatildaDragon What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by MatildaDragon to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:01 BIGD0G29585 WBB Defeat #5 LSU! Way to Go Gamecock!

WBB Defeat #5 LSU! Way to Go Gamecock! submitted by BIGD0G29585 to Gamecocks [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:01 DueAd4733 Got my first sent goddess today🥰🥰

submitted by DueAd4733 to findommes [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:01 Overall_Minimum_5645 Is a technologist degree a waste of time?

Trying to decide if I should enter work force after completing tech degree or continue to bachelors.
submitted by Overall_Minimum_5645 to EngineeringStudents [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:01 GrimsMemes Obama’s 3rd term

Obama’s 3rd term submitted by GrimsMemes to ConservativeMemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:01 TupeloHny Nice/Riviera Itinerary & Restaurant Plan Feedback

Hi fellow travelers! Posting here a second time after an initial general request for suggestions. My plans are shaping up nicely for 8 days in early June and looking for suggestions on some outstanding decisions and questions. Here’s what I have so far:
Day 1: Arrival, get a sense of the city with a wander and or the touristy bus (I know, but it will be easy and will be tired), light lunch, afternoon hammam, dinner Day 2: Wander old town, market, lunch, Coline du château, should I add something here???? dinner Day 3: Transfer to Aix for a wine and Provence tour, return to nice happy and tired Day 4: Matisse, Chagall, more Nice wandering and people watching, dinner at Michelin restaurant Day 5: Chateau de Cremat OR Eze??? return and relax poolside, dinner Day 6: Antibes for Picasso and market wandering. Late lunch. Is the tiny train in Antibes fun or is it silly? I find the tiny train at Montmartre charming Day 7: Boat charter for the day Day 8: Beach club-which one???
Restaurants I’m honing in on for dinner: Jan - if you were doing one Michelin restaurant in Nice would it be here? le Panier Peixes - will I feel super rushed here? L’alchimie Plongeoir -is this just a tourist trap? Bistrot de Bacchus in Antibes Anything I’m missing or is anything here a hard pass?
submitted by TupeloHny to FranceTravel [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:01 Aggravating_Fix_5996 Booster Packs

Did they just take booster packs out of the game I would only spend money on those as I’m sure a lot of you are the same way
submitted by Aggravating_Fix_5996 to CollegeUltimateTeam [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:01 Green_Ad_8072 Women From the 60s-70s

Looking for women artists that are similar Lesley Gore and Brenda Lee! Discovered I love them and want to broaden my range of this time period :)
submitted by Green_Ad_8072 to musicsuggestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:01 ActualConsequence445 help! wtf is happening!!!!

so i had to make a new account because of how embarrassing this is, i couldnt post it on my main account. however about a week ago i had sex in a very odd position, causing some sort of small trama. however it was nothing visible. so days go on an i notice it hurts to pee but not like a uti pain, it hurts where the injury occured. so i decided okay ill use some diaper rash stuff and hope that helps and also lean far forward when i pee. but after days of this routine i check and it hasnt gone away. instead i have a little singular ulcer looking thing where the injury occured, aka the bottom of the opening of my vagina. on top of that im having very heavy watery discharge anytime i make contact with the hurting area. im so concerned but cant get into the doctors, i got tested for stds, stis, and everything came back negative. the only reason i got tested due to anything was because the lymph nodes in my groin are swollen to the point where it hurts to walk. does anyone know wtf i have going on? it feels like a sharp pins and needles pain any time i wipe the area or touch it really. my discharge smells normal and is colored normal its just rlly rlly heavy almost to the point where it seems like i peed myself. im so concerned
submitted by ActualConsequence445 to WomensHealth [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:01 unwitting_hungarian What's the highest you've ever been? What's the lowest? (Geographically)

submitted by unwitting_hungarian to intj [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:01 Donut-353 Capo for Acoustic Guitar

Hi everyone! I have a question about acoustic guitar capos! I don't play all the time, sometimes a few days will go by and I won't even pick up the guitar. On other days I'll play for an hour. I am looking for suggestions for a good capo to get that is not very expensive. I also don't know what price range I should be looking at for a decent capo?
submitted by Donut-353 to AcousticGuitar [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:01 _XP-Bunny_ Windows Internet Explorer 7&8 working on modern websites for windows vista and above, well kinda

internet explorer now is basically unusable on the modern web, its more of just a novelty to keep it now than actually practical. But with this skin for modern firefox called rinfox using r3dfox you can get a replica of IE7&8 working on windows vista with modern websites and up-to-date security
r3dfox with the firefox skin Rinfox7 enabled and configured
you need to use r3dfox 115 for it to work properly or firefox 115 if you prefer that
(you can try on new versions of r3dfox or firefox but im not sure how well it works)
link to r3dfox 115 ^^^
rinfox for firefox and r3dfox 115 ESR ^^^
!! Please use the README inside the rinfox main folder, you will need it !!
tested this myself on r3dfox and i know it works. resource hacker isnt necessary unless you want to change the default icons
submitted by _XP-Bunny_ to WindowsVista [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:01 Alarming-Seaweed5835 How to get letters of rec

I'm a freshman applying for some scholarships and for a large majority of them, I need a letter of rec from a professor, supervisor, or mentor. Practically all of my classes this semester and last semester have been large lecture hall classes, so not much one-on-one time with the professors. Does anyone have any tips on how to reach out for these rec letters?
submitted by Alarming-Seaweed5835 to ufl [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:01 OpinionEmotional9477 23 F looking for some new friends

I m 23 yo looking for some new friends from around the world . We can talk anything our interests and hobbies . A bit on shy side but warm up after talking sometime. Dm if you wanna see if we can be friends.
submitted by OpinionEmotional9477 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:01 KaiaKween Fiber Arts Meetup this Sunday

🧶 Calling all yarn enthusiasts! 🧶
Tired of your friends zoning out when you gush about your latest fiber project? Worried about your family staging an intervention once they see just how much yarn you have? Do you hide your crochet habit out of shame? Well, fret no more; you've come to the right place! 🙌🏻
No longer will you need to force your nearest and dearest to take an interest in your latest fiber arts project against their will! Whether you're a seasoned knitter, a beginner crocheter, or a third-generation quilter and cross-stitcher, our group welcomes all skill levels to come together to share tips, inspiration, and of course, good company.
Mark your calendars for our meeting on Sunday, January 26th at 2:00 P.M. We'll be convening at The Commons Social Empourium (412 Park Ave). We will be posting future events and other info on BAND through their website and app. Check out our Facebook group!
Questions? Feel free to leave a comment or DM me directly.
So pack your current WIPs (Works In Progress) and get ready to connect with fellow fiber enthusiasts who understand your fiber obsession. See you there! 🌟 #YarnLoversUnite
submitted by KaiaKween to ChicoCA [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:01 TimeBanditNo5 This day, 492 years ago, Henry VIII married Anne Boleyn for a second time: Henry was increasingly impatient to legitimise the union, as Anne as pregnant. The new wedding was not enough, and Cranmer had to ratify the marriage some months later. Warnings and indictments from the Pope followed.

This day, 492 years ago, Henry VIII married Anne Boleyn for a second time: Henry was increasingly impatient to legitimise the union, as Anne as pregnant. The new wedding was not enough, and Cranmer had to ratify the marriage some months later. Warnings and indictments from the Pope followed. submitted by TimeBanditNo5 to Tudorhistory [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:01 Reinmaster101 Här är kontraktsmorden inifrån – se när barntorpeden grips

Här är kontraktsmorden inifrån – se när barntorpeden grips submitted by Reinmaster101 to Sverige [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:01 Individual-Dress-473 Good car mechanics around?

My car has been having problems with the brakes (possibly) and just need a trusted mechanic around the area that can help me diagnose the problem, provide me a solution, and work on it for an honest price.
If you have any info on their prices to do diagnostic and inspection to look for the problem that'd be great! Thanks :)
submitted by Individual-Dress-473 to csuf [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:01 Far-Analyst1402 250125 ATEEZ Seonghwa Instagram Story

250125 ATEEZ Seonghwa Instagram Story submitted by Far-Analyst1402 to ATEEZ [link] [comments]
