HEVC Transcoding - Have I missed a step or is this expected behaviour?

2025.01.25 00:21 Sp00ky777 HEVC Transcoding - Have I missed a step or is this expected behaviour?

So I've just updated and am trying out the new HEVC transcoding... but I'm getting some weird behaviour and wondering if I'm the only one.
For reference, I'm running Plex on an i5 8500 CPU with integrated UHD630 Graphics on Windows 11.
HW transcoding has worked incredibly well with previous builds, but when I turn on HEVC transcoding (with HW transcoding still enabled) it's only using the CPU, not the iGPU. I tested on my i5 10500 (has same iGPU) and got the same result.
Are the Intel iGPU's simply not supported or have I misconfigured something? Do I need to update drivers, windows, etc?
submitted by Sp00ky777 to PleX [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:21 Madaboutit_tc Hate watching RH

Hate watching RH submitted by Madaboutit_tc to realhousewivesofSLC [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:21 AdForward2586 Meadow is begging for it 🤤

Meadow is begging for it 🤤 submitted by AdForward2586 to perfectlookinggirls [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:21 BoxcarBetts I don’t understand economics too much so I read this article.

I don’t understand economics too much so I read this article. Stupid me was just trying to understand what a trade deficit was.
submitted by BoxcarBetts to economicCollapse [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:21 Old-Set78 Prepping for fire protection

Does anyone have any experience with setting up a sprinkler type system to maybe put on the roof of a house to try to save it from forest fires? Money is pretty tight.
I inherited two small wooden cabins that are expanded WWII wooden barracks so they are pretty vulnerable. They do have metal roofs.
We have a creek with water rights behind the house and a well that needs some work but will be coming back online. No city water.
The town got very badly damaged by a forest fire recently and I can't get homeowners insurance because of the quantity of trees within 3 miles of my house and the degree of slope that my land is. My land is already thinned and certified by the Forest Service for standards.
I have a quantity of metal roofing materials left and I'm trying to find out if I could use it to plate the sides of the houses without calling down codes on me but if anyone has other ideas that are not extremely expensive please I'd love to hear them.
submitted by Old-Set78 to TwoXPreppers [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:21 lss_web_1444 AMA post title 142

AMA post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:21 Pretend_Ad_9258 gameshare please

can someone please gameshare me wwe2k24 on ps5 please
submitted by Pretend_Ad_9258 to WWE2K24 [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:21 IllJob2417 Blocked for finding her sneaky link

Blocked for finding her sneaky link Literally requested to follow her new partner, he accepted, woke up and went about my day. Then realized “hmmm I haven’t seen her post all day. Weird!” Tried to search her up and the only account available is the account she used to compliment herself on pretending to be Brandon was available! L M F A O
submitted by IllJob2417 to kansasmichalkechats [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:21 GreatSaiyaman05 Should the man be held liable to pay for child if the women decides to keep the child but he doesn't?

This question came into my mind while I was reading a post which was related to this scenario.
So I want to know the opinion of the ladies here. So to better explain the question let's take an example.

A 22M and 20F are in a relationship and they both already know that they are not ready to take care of the child. However, one day the girl get's pregnant (they used all the contraceptives they could but it happened) and the guy asks her to abort the child, which she denies to. The child is now born healthy but she then files a case for child support for the guy. Do you think the guy should pay for it?
My answer, I believe it's totally valid for the girl to keep the child, but she shouldn't expect the child support from the guy if he already made his intention to not wanting the child in the first place. Imo entangling a party into an obligation by the choice of the another party is not fair at all.
What do you gals think about it? Please share your thoughts and opinions and be civil.
submitted by GreatSaiyaman05 to AskIndianWomen [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:21 Ok_Artichoke_6674 Haru Honey Problems

Just curious if anyone else has had issues receiving their orders from Haru Honey and if so, how did you go about remedying the situation when communication with them is nearly non-existent across all platforms (email, Instagram, TikTok, IM chat on their website).
For context: It took 7 weeks to receive an email response from Haru stating USPS had lost my package (although USPS has no record of even receiving said package). Haru stated that it’s not in their policy, but they’d offer a refund if USPS couldn’t locate the package by the end of the week. That was three weeks ago and still no refund and no further communication from Haru despite many efforts to contact them.
This was a large order of 10 slimes, so it’s starting to feel shady that they’re not doing anything to remedy the situation. If USPS did lose a bunch of packages as Haru stated, I can’t be the only one stuck waiting in limbo… Has anyone else found luck in getting a refund, heck even a response, from Haru lately?
submitted by Ok_Artichoke_6674 to Slime [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:21 Old-Conclusion-2069 Am I really God?

I'm having a bit of a personal crisis. I understand the basics of the law of assumption and how it works, but there's one question I can’t seem to shake. If I’m truly the creator of my own reality, why can’t I change the world? I mean, I live in the U.S., and there’s so much happening that’s completely out of my control—news stories about tragedies, people suffering all over. And I think, "I didn’t manifest this. I didn’t cause people to get hurt or die."
And then there’s history, even before I was born. Who manifested all the horrible things humanity has done to each other? It definitely wasn’t me.
If I am the creator of my reality, how do I fix all of this? How do I make everything right and shape the world the way I want it to be?
I really need some clarity.
submitted by Old-Conclusion-2069 to lawofassumption [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:21 Extremelycloud I’ve played guitar for thirty years, where should I go to “learn” how to play?

Hey y’all. Like the title says, I’ve played forever and while I’m not a hack, I’ve never learned how to solo or write leads and truly unlock the fretboard. I’ve written my own stuff, played in bands, covered songs etc, but figured it’s about time to actually “learn” guitar haha. Does anyone have any youtube recommendations or general resources to help understand how to be a better guitarist? Many thanks!
submitted by Extremelycloud to Guitar [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:21 wolfs_kicks Not from snkrs but hey got the DUB

Not from snkrs but hey got the DUB Got em
submitted by wolfs_kicks to SNKRS [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:21 LividActivity3793 Are people actually this stupid? Like what the hell…

Are people actually this stupid? Like what the hell… submitted by LividActivity3793 to nvidia [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:21 Rashaverak420 Trump accuses Russia of stealing US hypersonic missile plans

Trump accuses Russia of stealing US hypersonic missile plans submitted by Rashaverak420 to DocumentingDonald [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:21 ComposerFormer8029 Hoyo made one ultimate interaction and never bothered with it ever again.

Koleda and Ben remain the only S rank and A rank with a special interaction when you use their ult. More specifically when you use Ben's ult with Koleda on the team. I can probably understand why Hoyo canned this idea because it would be too exclusive, or maybe its a resource issue, or not enough A ranks idk, but I kinda wish they would bring it back. It would certainly make faction interactions in combat feel alot cooler. Kinda like Aether Gazer mechanics.
What do you guys think? Would you like to see these kind of combat interactions or nah?
submitted by ComposerFormer8029 to ZenlessZoneZero [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:21 lilzocrazyoldman I literally alone

This post is more likely to be a vent rather than a complain so I would pour out all my feelings hear since no one knows me.
first of all since I was a kid my mom was very abusive and she was hitting me with a belt and she used to burn me with hot spoon. any way that was long time ago but my grandfather was the only one that really cared about me and gave me all support right now he passed away ( 6 years ago) and right now Iam totally alone no friends and my family is not even supportive in contrary they mock me for being sick and they are really not healthy family. and also Iam afflected with very rare disease (metabolic disorders) so any severe physical exertion could contribute rhabdo (muscle death and excruciating pain) they even tell me that there are no treatment (there is) and you should not exert any effort (they really don't care) but by somehow I was able to afford the price of the bills and Iam totally fine now but Iam totally alone I literally have no one everyone hate me I just wish to start new life in any far flung place Iam excellent student in my school And I have great chance to apply for scholarship and got applied (in the next june) so pray for me because I have very strong suicidal idea pray for me to have the right friend or wife that could replace that void in my heart
submitted by lilzocrazyoldman to OrthodoxChristianity [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:21 Boring-Fig7792 Morbo a milf al dm

Si es por audio mejor
submitted by Boring-Fig7792 to morbo_mina [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:21 minefain1 Supuestamente me multaron

Buenas tardes, hoy en el mío me dijo una policía que supuestamente me tenían en video colandome en el mío y que me pusieron un comparendo, ella me preguntó que por dónde entre le dije que llegue por la A61 y la otra policía le dijo que me vio llegando por ese lado y parece que esas como que no saben que al lado de esa puerta paran como 7 rutas, según ellas si llegaba por ese lado era colado, cuando le dije que me mostrará el vídeo me dijo que fuera a la fiscalía y me saco de la estación universidades, cuando llegue a la universidad me metí en cuanta página del gobierno para ver la supuesta multa, pero no aparecía, aquí pregunto,?cuál es mi situación?. La multa de colarse es disque 200.000 pesos y no voy a pagar por algo que no hice. Agradecería consejos, soy de cali
submitted by minefain1 to Colombia [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:21 blueboy664 We should show appreciation for ICE agents…

I think they have a hard job and we should show some appreciation for them. They are willing to go into churches and elementary schools to nab these criminals no matter the consequences. If they can do these things, who’s to say they won’t also stop the potential criminal in your house next? Bravo!
To think these heroes are just ordinary people like you and me but have the traits that make them do these extraordinary things. They haves families and grocery stores they visit regularly just like you! But they are willing to go above and beyond for their jobs.
I think they should be recognized and pointed out in their communities. People should be able to see them out on the street and walk right up to them shake their hands! Every event and organization should highlight their service! To let their accomplishments go unrecognized would be a shame.
Thank you for following orders…you should get everything you deserve!
submitted by blueboy664 to unpopularopinion [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:21 Unable_Try_4266 low budget vapes

anyone know of any sellers on reddit that are low budget if so please dm:)
submitted by Unable_Try_4266 to vapes [link] [comments]


NEW NASHVILLE submitted by RATKINGOFFICAL to cyberpunkred [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:21 florarobbins_02 My (f15) boyfriend (m15) is continually interested in other girls, including one of my best friends (f15)

Ok so for some context, I have been 'dating' this guy since we were 12. I say 'dating' because it's not exactly like we were in a very serious relationship at that age, but nevertheless, the feelings were there and we had nervously admitted our feelings for each other. He had also been friends with a girl who was (and still is) probably one of my closest friends, which I am completely ok with, don't get me wrong. But for about a year and a half now, he's been talking about how he still 'loves' her as well. There was this whole thing where I would be asking him whether he could see himself with her more than me and the answer was always "yes, but she doesn't like me so it's fine" which led to him trying to ask her again in the hopes that she would magically say that she does. (She definitely does not, and we have talked about that. She did like him at one point for a little bit, however, but this was ages ago when they were around 10. He knows this as well) Basically, we spent a lot of time talking through the same exact things on the situation when he brings it up again, even when it feels like we've kind of resolved the issue.
I know it's completely normal as well for somebody to like someone else who's not a significant other, even when they're in a relationship, but this has been going on for a while and he has said to me when I've asked that he's liked her since the very start of our relationship. It's not like he doesn't still love me either, because he does and I can see that (as well as him reassuring me), it's more that he likes us both at the same time and I think I also just need to give him some sort of advice as well. He is a really nice guy and I think we get along really well together ad obviously, I'd love to be able to figure out a way we can both be happy together without having the constant 'thinking about other girls and if they would be even better' situation. But if there's a better solution, I'm completely open to it - I just want what's best for us, whatever that might mean.
Anyway, fast forward to now. We haven't talked about the whole best friend thing for a little while and I'd started to feel a lot better about it. But we've been on holidays for a month or so and he'd been seeing one of his church girl friends a lot more than me. They were in the same band together and had been on a camp for a few days. (No, there's nothing sexual going on there and that's not a possibility) But this morning he admitted to me (and I am grateful that he's open enough to talk about it) that he'd been feeling the same way about her that he had with my friend and wants to have some time (again) with us just being friends so he can 'make sure he's making the right choice' as if he needs to weigh up the advantages of us both before making a 'decision'. And that kind of makes sense and, yes, he thinks of it in his mind exactly like that. For example, he told me how he knows and talks to her family more than mine so that is a metaphorical 'point' that goes to her.
I'm just not sure what to think of it at all, to be honest, or if it's actually just a completely normal thing. But I'm worried that if I stay with him, these things will continue to happen and he will be unsatisfied with just me. I know we are young as well and that's probably a contributing factor, but I'm just needing some advice/thoughts from other people.
submitted by florarobbins_02 to teenrelationships [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:21 DiscordiaHel Bocoa bakery and restaurant on Drew

The ox tail, I'm gonna be dreaming about it! We've been twice this week, and the food is flavorful and the staff friendly and helpful. I dunno why this place is empty, the food is fantastic!
submitted by DiscordiaHel to ClearwaterFl [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:21 Canuckbuds Dialga 541857905504

submitted by Canuckbuds to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
