Dental content

2025.01.25 00:39 Saddamhussain97 Dental content

Hey dintists , im a Lv3 dental student . Me and my friend started an instagram page to help other student , share cases and advertisement too , we have macro lens and mobile light kit so can u give us recommendations for our content , some tips or how should we start?
submitted by Saddamhussain97 to DentalSchool [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:39 Marvynwillames So, I tried to list all non-collab dolls that are missing from the farming (not counting Gray zone), surprised it includes 3 girls from GFL, including Groza.

So, I tried to list all non-collab dolls that are missing from the farming (not counting Gray zone), surprised it includes 3 girls from GFL, including Groza. submitted by Marvynwillames to girlsfrontline [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:39 SearchOk7022 Next April fool's unit?

Next April fool's unit? So, who do you think will be the next unit for April fool's? I'd really like to have chime or Ingrid, how about you?
submitted by SearchOk7022 to NikkeMobile [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:39 penisdr Prey drive?

Prey drive? I’m curious what your MAS’s prey drive is like? I have a rescue GSD mix who goes crazy anytime there is a small mammal nearby and will kill groundhogs, squirrels if they are on my property. It’s been super cold so don’t see a lot of squirrels right now but wondering if it’s something I’ll have to deal with (or will it be influenced by the other dog?)
Pics of both dogs included
submitted by penisdr to MiniAussies [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:39 Super_Project_5386 Recruit or Enslave?
I already have 2 militants, 1 cook/farmer, 2 miners/constructors, 1 social idiot, 1 scientist/researchemechanoid, and an all-around slave. Idk what to do with this guy cuz I think she'd be just dead weight when raids come
submitted by Super_Project_5386 to RimWorld [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:39 tizzley7 Join and chill new server need suggestions first ever server

Join and chill new server need suggestions first ever server submitted by tizzley7 to gmod [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:39 Brooklyn65 Fortnite Crew question

So, I am looking at getting the Fortnite Crew for my boyfriend and me as I am new at this game and would like some new skins, V-bucks, etc.
My question is if I were to get the crew pass now, with the current OG pass & BP pass, will I get the next BP and next OG pass (starting Jan 31st and Feb 21st) as well since I have the crew pass?
submitted by Brooklyn65 to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:39 whisperingeye99 Meirl

Meirl submitted by whisperingeye99 to meirl [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:39 Fitzpatrick1993 Blood on the clocktower

Please delete this if it breaks the rules, I don't own the game btw.
Last season while reading the Reddit someone mentioned a game called Blood on the Clocktower, if you like games like Traitors or werewolf, social deduction games. Please have a look into Blood on the Clocktower it's great fun, Ivan from season 1 UK plays it as well!
This isn't an ad, I just enjoy the game and appreciate this sub Reddit for showing me the game
submitted by Fitzpatrick1993 to TheTraitors [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:39 kyutnaflower A good stare to start ur day 🫠

A good stare to start ur day 🫠 submitted by kyutnaflower to eyesgonemildPH [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:39 Isolde_Hawx Detlaff

I DID IT. After having to take a break for a few days and reading many posts and tips, I finally beat Detlaff. What an incredible feeling and an amazing fight! I haven't had a challenging opponent like that in years. Fantastic!
submitted by Isolde_Hawx to Witcher3 [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:39 ILLPsyco Developers, it will never properly work.

Your terrain doesn't allow character movement, it makes construction frustrating because we need 360° view for alignment, but terrain makes you climb,swim or fall when you try and align.
You need a crane view system, with limitations, so people dont place buildings on the sun
submitted by ILLPsyco to towersofaghasba [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:39 WitchItGood Collection 275 spread

submitted by WitchItGood to commonplacebook [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:39 FinancialDiver Cuanto dicen que levanta un Migue Granados x mes?

10k verdes? Es mucho? Es poco?
Contando todos los negocios que pueda llegar a meter, los que son de publico conocimiento.. y los que no.
submitted by FinancialDiver to AskArgentina [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:39 kttns4brkfsttt Misclassified 1099 worker when I should have been an employee IRS questions

Hello all! I wanted to know what I should do in my situation. I worked for a company with over 200 employees last year. They told us we were contractors on 1099 but we should have been employees. All of us received work equipment, we never set our own schedule, everything was to be followed set by their guidelines. We had no OT, no holiday pay, no sick days, no benefits. We worked 9am-9pm 5 days a week on site. I then left because this company was doing so many things wrong, and just completely abusing the employees. I spoke with a friend and he suggested I speak with a lawyer who specializes labor law so I can recoup my over time I didn’t get paid while I worked there. So I did just that. But now that I have to file taxes what do I do so the IRS knows what they were doing? They got away with not paying anything, wouldn’t I be liable for both my taxes and the employers?? Can someone help me please. Thank you.
submitted by kttns4brkfsttt to tax [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:39 BhodeCig Spirit of Martinaise

Spirit of Martinaise Art by me. @igni.s on IG
submitted by BhodeCig to DiscoElysium [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:39 Maranatha12 I need advice on how to talk to people and where to talk to people about this worldcoin

I need advice on how to talk to people and where to talk to people about this worldcoin
submitted by Maranatha12 to worldcoin [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:39 Chispy deadmau5 calls out fellow DJ 3lau for playing Trump’s inauguration

submitted by Chispy to CoolCorner [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:39 Lilac-oak Ben moore aura bath spa question

I painted my bathroom last year or so ago with B&S matte. It's fine but the color isn't as light as I wanted. Plus the ceiling paint I used sweats in high humanity and I should have painted the ceiling with it too so my thoughts were to go back and paint the ceiling and finally remedy it.
However I'm planning on painting another room in the house next week and the ceiling is getting repainted too and a lightbulb went off that I could buy an off white B&S matte for the ceiling in this room and then go back to the bathroom and paint it all with this color too.
My question is, being that I painted it less than two years ago and it's going lighter, can I skip priming the bathroom and just clean the walls and paint over the old B&S with a new B&S?
I'm not sure my time off can take doing two rooms back to back and buy more and more primer. Because if the case is that I should prime, id rather then just redo the ceiling.
submitted by Lilac-oak to paint [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:39 Thereisnoplace Seller's remorse....1986 528i

I just sold my automatic 1986 528i to a friend on a whim because I'd left it sitting outside with a flimsy cover for a couple of years. Just hadn't made the time - and we just closed on a house so I needed to decide to keep or sell
I landed on sell, and the friend was ecstatic because he's had an eye on it for so long.
It has a euro body kit put on and works well, although doesn't have an air conditioner and the alternator is either out or needs to be attached properly.
The interior is red and in great condition. Exterior has a few small rust spots on the bumper and hood.
While I didn't mind giving him a friendly price, the way he jumped at it right away I think I may have gone too low... I sold it for $3500
Be honest, but go easy on me, my heart is still hurting because it wasn't easy to part with anyway. Granted I know he'll take good care of it and make it incredible, and I'm sure I'll get to take some joy rides when he's done, but did I low-ball myself??
submitted by Thereisnoplace to BMW [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:39 kimura_yui149 Why is it okay to smell like cigarettes but not weed?

They both smell like shit. It seems like society is okay with cigarettes but not weed. I know one is legal at the federal level and the other isn't (United States). I know this effects how much it makes weed look bad when you use or smell like it. But is the answer really that simple? I was applying for a job the other day and they specifically said you cannot smell like weed (which is very understandable lol). They didn't mention cigarettes though. Does smelling like cigarettes make someone come off as unprofessional? I don't think many consider cigarette smell unprofessional. I feel like many internally tell themselves this person smells gross but it's okay. Here's what triggered me to post this. I was at the ER the other day. The nurse that took vitals hella stank like cigarettes. When she took the thermometer reading she held it as she took my temperature. Her hands smelled like dog shit cigarettes. Those five seconds felt like forever. I held my breath because I was about to gag. Like tf bro lol 🤨
submitted by kimura_yui149 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:39 octopidaydreams Carpooling from SLC to PC

Hello! I'm in town staying in SLC for the festival and am renting a car. Was wondering if there are any other folks in SLC who would like a ride up there tomorrow (no creeps allowed). I'm heading over probably around 10am to try and get on the waitlist for Mr. Nobody Against Putin and will leave by 4:30. If anyone wants to tag along maybe chip in some gas $ lemme know. Would be cool to have some company and discuss movies on the way there.
submitted by octopidaydreams to Sundance [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:39 Some-Air1274 Are we actually hyper aware of body language rather than oblivious?

I have been watching a show in the UK called “the traitors”, one thing I have noticed is that people seem to be less observant of someone’s body language in highlighting they’re a traitor.
For example, we had the final tonight. One person insisted she wasn’t a traitor. She was expressive with her eyes and her body language just gave off “I’m not lying guys”.
People still voted her off despite being a faithful.
I have been in positions in the past where I have picked up on something that others didn’t notice.
No, I’m not saying we have exquisite social skills.. just that we notice different things
submitted by Some-Air1274 to autism [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:39 joyfulNimrod Drive 2 miles on broken CV?

I have an 03 Baja and I just snapped the front CV axle. Looks like the U Joint failed. Know it needs to be replaced, wondering though if I can drive it the 2 miles to my house, or if I need to trailer it. Manual if that matters.
submitted by joyfulNimrod to subaru [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:39 accelat MoC 12 Yunli 0 cycle

MoC 12 Yunli 0 cycle Finally finished RMC's traces and man, she's better than Hanabi by so much
submitted by accelat to YunliMainsHSR [link] [comments]