Just Opened a Rare SBI Centenary Silver Coin from Mumbai Mint! Discover the Heritage Building's Legacy! 🏛️🪙

2025.01.25 04:12 Then_Marionberry_259 Just Opened a Rare SBI Centenary Silver Coin from Mumbai Mint! Discover the Heritage Building's Legacy! 🏛️🪙

submitted by Then_Marionberry_259 to MetalsOnReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:12 ComputerPractical748 You guys. I don't think it's Ant that is questionable with an illness tomorrow. I think it's JESSE Edwards.

I was looking at tomorrow's game on the NBA app to see if Denver had anybody on the injury report and saw that, while Ant is on it still, so is JESSE Edwards (one of our two-way guys). He's also listed as "out" bc of two-way, but thats been on there everyday.. But the injury report doesn't say E Edwards, it only says Edwards. And why would Jesse Edwards be listed on the NBA app as being out when they dont list the guys who are out bc of two-way ever? This is the only time I've seen a two-way on the injury report on the app.
Also, somebody I'm w follows Ant's partner on Insta. It's her birthday or something and she posted a video on her Instagram of Ant singing and dancing in the car on their way to dinner. Definitely not sick lol.
submitted by ComputerPractical748 to timberwolves [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:12 theunderDong Fancy Serial? Or just kind of neat?

Fancy Serial? Or just kind of neat? Hey guys, I’ve been searching for a fancy serial since I started lurking in this sub a few months back - how close is this? What are the coolest serial combinations to look for?
submitted by theunderDong to papermoney [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:12 LilLp4 Had flea outbreak and had to throw everything away…

After having arlo for around 9 months now, the worst thing that could have happened, happened 🥲 I was brushing him when he was having his free roam time and I saw them on him. My cats had fleas a month earlier and his cage was the only thing I didn’t clean and I very much paid for that mistake. I’ve had to throw out most of his things and have already cleaned and baked all the wood that’s in there now but I was wondering what are some diy toys I could make in the mean time while I’m looking for new stuff to get him online and in shops, I have made him a toilet paper treat chew thing but I only had one roll and I’d lay some normal paper towel roll down just as tunnels but he’s definitely too fat and would get stuck in them lol, if you have any suggestions let me know!
submitted by LilLp4 to hamsters [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:12 FeistyApartment849 Question

Did Lucy's mom or dad ever comment on lucy's kidnaping in season 2 episode 11?
She when through a lot so I think her parents should've said something about it.
submitted by FeistyApartment849 to TheRookie [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:12 BenOrNot N Scale Layout Update

It’s been a while since I last posted but here’s the progress I’ve made in the last few months. I’ve done almost all the ballasting and about 1/3 of the scenery including the creek. The remaining part has a brown undercoat already painted on. I still haven’t decided on what the middle industry should be. If you want to know about how I did the scenery I can give more details. The layouts really coming together and I’m really happy with the completed scenes.
submitted by BenOrNot to nscalemodeltrains [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:12 ForkzUp Arizona developers sue Hobbs administration over groundwater conservation efforts

Arizona developers sue Hobbs administration over groundwater conservation efforts submitted by ForkzUp to azpolitics [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:12 Goofwipe test

submitted by Goofwipe to WhatIsMyCQS [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:12 Then_Marionberry_259 Regarding a seller

submitted by Then_Marionberry_259 to MetalsOnReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:12 Brb_questioning_life Would you consider these different region variants or a shiny (regular spike and stone spike)

Would you consider these different region variants or a shiny (regular spike and stone spike) submitted by Brb_questioning_life to PokemonQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:12 once7k Vestibular e vida

Bom, pelo titulo ja da pra subentender que n passei no vestibular e por isso vou contar um pouco da minha trajetória e espero q alguem leia pq queria falar isso pra alguem além de familia e meus amigos. Sou do estado de SP e fiz um colegio particular bom em questão a formação humana e educação, porém completamente fraca em vestibular (pra terem ideia fui descobrir oq era fuvest no 3° ano do EM) acabei indo para o 3°ão e descobri as tão prestigiadas usp, unicamp, unesp e etc, desde então me dediquei para poder entrar em engenheria em algumas dessas universidades. No final do meu EM fiz os vestibulares e enfim, fui mal, mas n me abalei, pois ja pensava em fazer cursinho, portanto em 2023 fiz meu primeiro ano de cursinho (muito traumatico) n sabia como estudar, procrastinava demais e fiz merda, fui mal em todos vestibulares, então decidi fazer mais um ano de cursinho em 2024, ME DEDIQUEI MUITO, chegava no cursinho 7 da manhã e saia as 21, tinha aula das 7:50 as 18 3x por semana e ficava o até as 21 no cursinho estudando, e quando n tinha aula até as 18 era até as 13:30 e ficava la até as 21 mesmo assim. Foquei meu ano todo na fuvest almejando a escola politecnica, chegou os vestibulares estava indo bem em todos, unicamp e unesp, chegou fuvest, n sei oq ocorreu, mas me fudi n passei, porem continuei estudando para as 2°as fases, fiz unicamp e unesp, e meu 2° sonho era a unicamp e hj saiu o resultado e notas e n vai dar pra passar. To me sentindo insuficiente e triste, sonhava demais em estudar em uma publica de renome por conta dos estudos e oportunidades, n sei oq fazer de verdade, pensava em ir pra puc-sp, mas n sei se estaria feliz com isso…
Enfim, espero que alguem leia…
submitted by once7k to desabafos [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:12 Lawrence-557 Ashley Barton aka Spider-B**** was supposed to appear in Across the Spider-verse but was cut due to her inappropriate name

Ashley Barton aka Spider-B**** was supposed to appear in Across the Spider-verse but was cut due to her inappropriate name submitted by Lawrence-557 to SpiderVerse [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:12 stickynoteslove W. Van de Velde (or a reproduction?)

Hello everyone -
Does the "Published..." text at the bottom mean this is a reproduction? The name Apostool in the right might refer to Cornelis Apostool, but I don't think Cornelis was alive yet at that time. I'm curious if anyone is familiar with Willem Van de Velde.
submitted by stickynoteslove to WhatIsThisPainting [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:12 kurshreddit Anyone fapping rn?

Anyone fapping rn? submitted by kurshreddit to Desifappers [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:12 Ctoniooogh Selling!

Selling! Selling all for 30$ PM Me! Can make CB
submitted by Ctoniooogh to Woozworld [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:12 cyber-immigrant 怎么每年一到春节就有一堆织女小留狗叫

狗叫你妈呢臭泔水,一个lunar new year 和Chinese new year每年定期狗叫,像你妈母狗到了发情期
submitted by cyber-immigrant to abstractmemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:12 Zeleia My Pathfinder OC

My Pathfinder OC submitted by Zeleia to characterart [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:12 Then_Marionberry_259 Hallmark Id Help - Teapot

submitted by Then_Marionberry_259 to MetalsOnReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:12 PutnamPete Ticonderoga ferry dock. five degrees.: Wanna walk to Vermont?

submitted by PutnamPete to Adirondacks [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:12 iceweasel_14 Is the output of this isolation transformer wired wrong? Standard vs Special is used to disconnect common from ground, but looks like that switch is wired to line... right?

Is the output of this isolation transformer wired wrong? Standard vs Special is used to disconnect common from ground, but looks like that switch is wired to line... right? submitted by iceweasel_14 to AskElectronics [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:12 sonofgildorluthien Some photos featuring MINA posted by Ayasa from the Shooting Star MV shoot.

submitted by sonofgildorluthien to GIRLFRIEND_band [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:12 Korabas LA Deadeye - What should I focus on next?

I have ~38k tooltip DPS (29k with Thief's Torment equipped). I'm using Fubgun's latest build focusing on ES rather than Acrobatics for defense.
My latest upgrade was the +2 projectile bow with 90% element runes, which took me from ~30k to 38k dps.
I understand trying to stack int should help due to HOWA, and it looks like I could probably swing that on my boots and amulet at some point.
I'm also guessing that my gems are unoptimized, but I don't know which stats I should really be prioritizing here.
TL;DR, what stats/upgrades should I be looking for to really start pushing my DPS higher?
submitted by Korabas to pathofexile2builds [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:12 Disastrous-World4019 Is it Worth Upgrading?

Is it worth upgrading from an S24 Ultra to an S25 Ultra for $399?
submitted by Disastrous-World4019 to GalaxyS24Ultra [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:12 boliz1 Buenas, ¿Puedo tomar un poco de tu tiempo? Tengo que hacer un trabajo de estadística, me gustaría que me ayudes a responder mi cuestionario: Soledad en los ultimos 5 años

Es un trabajo de estadística enfocado a la calidad de la socialización humana, busco identificar si hay un aumento, degrade o se mantiene la interacción entre personas.
submitted by boliz1 to MexicoCity [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:12 Honest-Baby-2942 He ate his twin after they were born that's why he's called 2hollis

We all know that a man can either be 1) tall or 2) have a lethal facecard. Its a fact of life. Clearly, there were two fraternal twins: a hollis and b hollis. A hollis was meant to be tall and B Hollis had a lethal facecard. A Hollis consumed B in the womb combining both the height with the lethal facecard.
Case closed.
submitted by Honest-Baby-2942 to 2hollis [link] [comments]
