E-Lernplattform für Abschlussprüfung FISI -> Wie umfangreich?

2025.01.25 04:10 Safespace-all E-Lernplattform für Abschlussprüfung FISI -> Wie umfangreich?

Hat jemand Erfahrungen mit der Lernplattform von dem YouTuber Noel Lang? „Ausbildung-in-der-it“ nennt sie sich.
Ich habe den Kurs für AP2 FISI bereits erworben und lerne auch schon.
Es gibt 36 Module mit durchschnittlich jeweils 7-8 Lektionen. Welche Module das sind füge ich weiter unten hinzu.
Ich habe nun mit Modul 1 IPv4 begonnen und habe dort bisher 2 Lektionen in 2 Stunden bearbeiten können. Allerdings so, dass ich die Inhalte auch wirklich verstanden habe und nicht nur auswendig gelernt. Dabei habe ich ChatGPT aktiv genutzt.
Nun habe ich nur noch 84 Tage bis zur Prüfung.
Ich habe aber noch knapp 270 Lektionen offen!!!! Das heißt in dem Tempo, müsste ich täglich ohne Ausnahme min. 3 Stunden lernen.
Das finde ich etwas überwältigend.
Nun meine Hoffnungsvolle Frage an euch: Kennt ihr euch mit diesem Kurs aus? Wie umfangreich ist das denn konzipiert? Wird denn jemand der das alles komplett auswendig hat, auch seine 1-2 als Note schaffen?
Wie hart war eure Lernphase ? Sind 271 Stunden genug? Oder ist das nur das „non plus Ultra“ für die 1?
Ich mache mir Sorgen, die Prüfung nicht zu bestehen. Ich habe die AP1 ohne zu lernen mit 50% geschrieben. Das war schon echt knapp.
Wohlgemerkt:ich habe in der Schule null aufgepasst, habe viel praktische Erfahrung vom Betrieb aber wofür Z.B DHCP steht kann ich nicht ausführlicher als mit nur einem Satz erklären…drittes Lehrjahr….
Hier die Themen/Module:
IPv6, NAT, ARP, IPsec, ICMP, TCP, UDP, SNMP, DHCP, NFS, DNS, HTTP, TLS, Informationssicherheit, Datenschutz, VPN, Routing, Switching, VLAN, Firewalls, Verbindungstechnologien & Übertragungsmedien, WLAN, Bandbreite, Netzwerkspeicherlösungen, Datensicherung & Backup, RAID, Systemdesign, Cloud-Lösungen, Betriebssysteme, Virtualisierung, Befehlszeilenkommandos, USV-Systeme, SQL & Datenbanken, UML für Systemintegratoren, Programmierung für Systemintegratoren
submitted by Safespace-all to fachinformatiker [link] [comments]

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2025.01.25 04:10 HighlightIcy8565 Need a recommendation for a wet dry corded Vacuum.

I’m looking to buy a corded wet dry vacuum. We have a 1600 square foot house that is hardwood throughout. I’ve been using nothing but a broom and mop through the whole house for years! It takes me hours! I want to be able to sweep and mop with a vacuum and be done with it. A lot of people have told me the batteries go bad on the cordless ones after a year so I’m looking for a corded. I’ll also add we have 2 messy kids so I need something that can handle that. Thanks!
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Pathways to this role at your airline? ie. x amount of years.
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2025.01.25 04:10 orangutanballzz Where can I post to find a clothing brand?

I had a crewneck years ago that I was obsessed with. It somehow went missing two years ago. It was about as thick as a tshirt but kept me warm. I have bought tons of different brands including target, H&M, hollister, Gildan, and more and none of them are as thin and loose as I have been looking for. I don't want to spend more than $60-$80 for the crewneck and I will include a picture of the crewneck I had that I lost. The seam didn't hug at the bottom and was loose. It also had a drop shoulder so it had somewhat of a cropped effect. The brand I originally had was from Victoria secret but I bought it about 7 years ago so I cannot find it for sale anywhere PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!! I'm tired of spending money and being disappointed!!
submitted by orangutanballzz to findareddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:10 the_silentoracle This job listing I came across today

This job listing I came across today I was urged in another subreddit to share this here. I was so enraged by how ridiculous the expectations are for the compensation and also the amount of time they expect it to take! This is a whole full time job.
submitted by the_silentoracle to ChoosingBeggars [link] [comments]

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2025.01.25 04:10 Overall_Opening9928 I miss you

This is the last time, I get to hear your voice.
Nova - Kill the past to save the future
submitted by Overall_Opening9928 to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

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2025.01.25 04:10 Humble_Ingenuity_919 Away Luggage Referral Discounts for $40US/$50CAD/£40UK

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Updated links January 24
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Cut and paste into a private browser if the links don't work (often works the second time for me) or send me a PM so I can email you the official Away referral to save $40/$50/£40.
submitted by Humble_Ingenuity_919 to awayluggage [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:10 wewdwtnizrub Ace Hardware Promo Code January 2025

Discover the Ace Hardware Promo Code January 2025
Check out these exclusive Ace Hardware discount codes for January 2025 and save big on your next purchase.
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2025.01.25 04:10 Heavy-Wrongdoer-8801 هل سبق و تعاقدتوا مع محامي(ة)؟

هل سبق و تعاقدتوا مع محامي(ة)؟ كيف كانت تجربتكم؟
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2025.01.25 04:10 Common_Permission677 I'm scared my boyfriend is gonna leave me or I'll do something I regret

He is so sweet, and he keeps reassuring me he doesn't care if I send him anything or not, but I can tell he really wants me too and it gets brought up a lot. I had something happen in my last relationship that made these things hard for me, and he knows about this and was very sweet and supportive. But I'm still scared if I take to long to be ready he'll get feed up and leave, or he'll still be super nice but my fears will get to me and I'll just send him stuff even if I'm not ready. What should I do? I've tried telling him and he was great about it but he still keeps mentioning stuff (this is a on me because I can lead our messages to get a little dirty) What should I say to him? I've told him I'm scared and he says he'll never leave.
submitted by Common_Permission677 to venting [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:10 Throwaway_Maybe24 How to taunt/celebrate before touchdown ?

Hi. I’m playing Madden(PS5) and all of a sudden the taunting before celebrating a touchdown doesn’t seem to work anymore. I’m holding R2 L2 and X but it just comes up with a circle full of words. How do I do the taunting?
submitted by Throwaway_Maybe24 to Madden25 [link] [comments]
