Miranda Cosgrove

2025.01.25 04:30 Montiejjones Miranda Cosgrove

Miranda Cosgrove submitted by Montiejjones to MirandaCosgroveHot [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:30 Anywhere-I-May-Roam Ti svegli innamorato

Vi capita mai di sognare di flirtare con una ragazza, o baciarsi con questa, e quando ti svegli sei "innamorato" di questa? (Ovviamente parlo di ragazze per me ma ognuno ci mette la persona del sesso che preferisce)
A me capita spesso. Tipo anche ora mi sono appena svegliato da un sogno in cui mi baciavo con una ragazza (con cui mi baciai davvero anni fa, senza andare oltre purtroppo) e mi sento quasi "innamorato" di lei in questo momento. Questa sensazione poi andrà a scemare durante il giorno e stasera non me ne fregherà più niente.
Non succede quando sogno di scopare, mi succede solo quando sogno di baciare una ragazza che mi sveglio e poi ci resto innamorato per ore.
Qualche volta che mi succede questa cosa durante la giornata riscrivo a queste ragazze, ma poi non é che concludo niente eh, si finisce con un "se passo di lí quindi ci prendiamo un caffé" ma non "passo mai di lí" alla fine. A maggior ragione ora che sono fidanzato, non si concluderebbe niente.
Comunque mi succede sempre con ragazze che mi sono piaciute tanto ma con cui non ho potuto avere una storia romantica per varie casualità della vita, e magari mi ci sono anche davvero baciato nella realtà.
Per gli psicologi: perché succede? Che significa
Per tutti gli altri: quanto é comune sta cosa? A voi succede? Cosí o in altri modi?
submitted by Anywhere-I-May-Roam to CasualIT [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:30 Majestic_Interest365 Sunbeam Hot Shot!!! (Season 4, Episode 10)

I died when I saw Matthew using the Hot Shot to make Paige a cup of coffee. When I was growing up, a neighbor had one and I always thought it was the coolest. Instant hot water for beverages or soup!
Keurig what? 😆
submitted by Majestic_Interest365 to TheAmericans [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:30 necrosparkles Bleeding baseboard heaters? Please help!

Hi there, recently started renting from a “condo” in what is effectively an apartment building - it’s cold here in Boston, and our unit wont get above 56 F on cold nights. Our landlord is not helpful, and keeps telling me to bleed the baseboard heaters.
I have no experience with this and cannot find the bleed valves that are shown in most youtube videos I’ve seen… the pipe goes around our unit and into the adjacent apartment with no valves other than some at the start, where it comes up from the ground below us (see photo).
I opened then red valve a number of times and drained the water from it, but no hissing or anything was noticeable. Can anyone provide insight as to what I should try?! Major thanks in advance 🙏
submitted by necrosparkles to HomeMaintenance [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:30 vIDavidIv lmao they finally reached out to me

after months of going POMO, an elder FINALLY decides he has nothing to do than to reach out to me through text saying “hey we’ve missed you at service and the meetings. remember that you’re assigned to my service group, so hope to see you soon. pleased to talk to you.” i’m howling in laughter rn. this is the new Hall i moved to after wanting to step down as a pioneer WITHOUT getting announced. i love how these elders almost forget the sheep they got 🤣. classic indifference to the “flock” of christ
submitted by vIDavidIv to exjw [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:30 Additional-Fun974 What's something you've learned the hard way that you wish you could tell your younger self?

submitted by Additional-Fun974 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:30 Watchtvordie A delicious pear

A delicious pear submitted by Watchtvordie to mildlypenis [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:30 Character-Wafer-1903 Pioneer DEX-P99RS

Pioneer DEX-P99RS Help! I can’t find the two harnesses for this thing anywhere. It’s been sitting in a box for years as a result. Looks like these harnesses aren’t available anywhere. Can something else be used in lieu of these harnesses??
submitted by Character-Wafer-1903 to audiophile [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:30 RevolutionaryLime187 I'm working on making a Gundam frame in a building game; figured you all might have good ideas for critique, livery, and a potential HUD? (orange is just for testing)

I'm working on making a Gundam frame in a building game; figured you all might have good ideas for critique, livery, and a potential HUD? (orange is just for testing) submitted by RevolutionaryLime187 to Gundam [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:30 TheLegoFrog Help with paratrooper uniform

I’m looking to get a East German paratrooper uniform. I just have questions about the equipment. Is there any other differences than the uniform, vest and boots? Do they still use the same infantry belt and kit? I’m looking to buy a paratrooper uniform too. I’m a size M52.
submitted by TheLegoFrog to Eastgermancollectors [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:30 BedSenior9944 3ds disassemblye

I would like to disassemble to create cheat codes for 3DS, but what tools do I need for that? Should I use a cia file or a 3ds file?
submitted by BedSenior9944 to 3dspiracy [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:30 PoorClassWarRoom 'There's a lot of fear' | Migrant communities in Tri-State on edge as federal immigration enforcement ramps up

'There's a lot of fear' | Migrant communities in Tri-State on edge as federal immigration enforcement ramps up submitted by PoorClassWarRoom to cincinnati [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:30 abbadxb Kuwait visa on arrival?

Hello everyone, I m an Indian residing in Dubai on Business/partner visa , I m planning to visit Kuwait for few days so I applied for e-visa but it got rejected without mentioning any reason,
Could anyone suggest if I get on arrival visa at Kuwait airport as I am a GCC resident
Thanks in advance
submitted by abbadxb to dubai [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:30 Tsuyu_Asui_the_forth Let’s argue: best gummy bear flavor.

I like the red and green ones
submitted by Tsuyu_Asui_the_forth to RandomThoughts [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:30 mozz_air Dwight's bandana

Dwight's bandana Does anyone know when that bandana will be back in the shop ? I think it's from the rift but I've heard that rift outfits come back in the shop
submitted by mozz_air to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:30 BastingLeech51 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by BastingLeech51 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:30 Scrub_Scrub [POSITIVE] for /u/constrictable [seller]

submitted by Scrub_Scrub to PMsFeedback [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:30 Nearby_Detail9388 I’m done with YouTube

Not exactly nsfw but I’m going to play it safe
submitted by Nearby_Detail9388 to shittymobilegameads [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:30 Active_Inflation_125 Random request-outfit from liangello ball

Random request-outfit from liangello ball So my son is dying to dress up as liangello ball for his “celebrity-themed” dance. The photo he was using as a reference was the outfit from the tweaker song cover. Does anyone know what the name of the shirt and shorts are or something that is very similar to it? If anyone know please let me know cause I don’t know how long it will take for everything to arrive.
submitted by Active_Inflation_125 to findfashion [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:30 AwarenessTrick4058 Is there a reason why there are no liquors stores in Downtown Newark?

In the heart of downtown Newark, I’ve noticed that there are no liquor stores. With the exception of one that is around the area, but not necessarily central. ( broad and market Street)
In my time being here, I’ve 3 and they are not in the heart of downtown.
(Newark Penn, one near Halsey, and one around the area of city hall)
submitted by AwarenessTrick4058 to Newark [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:30 noobyeclipse Boostio was right. About himself.

Boostio was right. About himself. submitted by noobyeclipse to ValorantCompetitive [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:30 Cuimianparent Please help

Please help I'll do yours too, say Done and usrname
Can you help me out? I am trying to get a free gift. Hello friends, I need your help to click this link below to get more puppy snacks for my new pet!! https://onelink.shein.com/8/4ddcoftto841
submitted by Cuimianparent to Shein_PuppyKeep [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:30 nuevatemporada2 DJ Akademkids™️

That is all.
submitted by nuevatemporada2 to DJAkademiks [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:30 ShoddyRedIsBack98 The Templar Assassin

The Templar Assassin submitted by ShoddyRedIsBack98 to videogames [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:30 JohnNormanRules Just saved this dude from my cat. Relocated him to another part of the house.

Just saved this dude from my cat. Relocated him to another part of the house. Looks very brown recluse-y but unsure. If so, I’m fine with that just don’t want my cat to torture him slowly.
submitted by JohnNormanRules to Entomology [link] [comments]
