Etsy 5 star Review from Lori Powell for her personalized panty order.

2025.01.25 04:31 Potential_Put_1640 Etsy 5 star Review from Lori Powell for her personalized panty order.

Etsy 5 star Review from Lori Powell for her personalized panty order. submitted by Potential_Put_1640 to PersonalizedPanties [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:31 Zealousideal-Log536 Just watch the last episode

It's taken me forever to watch the ending; I love the series from AMC, but I saw it was on Netflix and figured I'd give it a binge.... the ending brought me to tears. Honestly I understand it but damn Cassidy hurt me at the end.
submitted by Zealousideal-Log536 to Preacher [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:31 incomecsm How To Turn Off Do Not Disturb on iPhone 14

How To Turn Off Do Not Disturb on iPhone 14 submitted by incomecsm to iPhoneTipsTricks [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:31 Forsaken-Ad1126 alright guys - wish me luck

alright guys - wish me luck 🫡
submitted by Forsaken-Ad1126 to InfinityNikki [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:31 HovercraftOk7642 Taking one for the team

Die hard blazer fans broke up four games ago…
submitted by HovercraftOk7642 to ripcity [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:31 Medical-Mine-9573 Astral projection and entity i've been dealing with for two years.

Astral projection and entity i've been dealing with for two years. So i had astral projections since i was 13. I'm 18 now and i never wanted to have it. Tonight i had astral projection without me wanting to have it and i couldn't go back in my body even tho i was trying to "melt" in it. Then an entity was above me, face to face smiling with the most creepy smile and it had white eyes. It was not sleep paralysis and i could move. I felt light as a feather. Then i tried to sleep and i did it. When i woke up i was again out of my body. When i left my bedroom that's protected(it was hard to walk and i was kinda levitating), everything became dark and i was in complete darkness left with myself. It was horrible and it felt like it lasted for years. I accepted the fact that the entity took my body and that i will be stuck here forever. Then i woke up and i stood up and saw myself sleeping, my cat saw me, not my body, but my astral body. She wanted me to pet her. Afterwards i tried to sleep again and the entity was there again looking at me standing by my bed ( I have to mention that i had problem with the same entity two years ago. My uncle was living on this floor before me and he got really religious then got into psychosis and went into psych ward. 2 years ago i had astral projection and i saw it looking at me, waiting for him to come back so that it can destroy him even more. I thought that i got rid of it because i did a lot of cleansing rituals). When i went to sleep, it happened again. I was sleeping constantly because it was hard for me to stay awake because of the sleeping pills i take. Then i fell asleep again and this time it was a dream. I was convinced that i woke up and the first thing i did was call my friend to tell her what happened and she told me that i have blood on my left cheek. I told her "i'm dreaming this" and then i woke up. I cleansed everything with sage, salt and egg cleanse. I don't know what else can i do because i did those things before and it's still here. Can someone tell me what does this mean?
submitted by Medical-Mine-9573 to SpiritualAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:31 twinkiesarebetter Are there any nu Metal songs about missing an old friend?

I normally listen to Ghost, SOAD, Slipknot and Korn, I'd appreciate if I got songs from these bands but willing to try others!!🙏🏻
submitted by twinkiesarebetter to numetal [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:31 No_Passage5020 It’s 11:30pm and not time for the LOUDEST toy!

It’s 11:30pm and not time for the LOUDEST toy! It’s in that cabinet, but the chairs in front of and he won’t leave it. We ha
submitted by No_Passage5020 to germanshepherds [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:31 pandemic_voice DJ Gigola (January 25, 2025)

submitted by pandemic_voice to essentialmix [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:31 AdeliaLauen1 Does anyone know what a show is called that has a type of bird and a wombat?

So I guess a while ago my daughter watched a show that she really liked and wants to watch it again but she doesn’t remember the name all she remembers is that it had a type long necked bird and a wombat and I searched it up and only one show came up and she said that wasn’t it.
So does anyone here know a show that has a long necked bird and a wombat because in curious about this show as well?
submitted by AdeliaLauen1 to DanielTigerConspiracy [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:31 thekidlaroi This is an ecoboost right? Trying to help the our local area know what unique features to look for so this guy can be dealt with. Thanks guys.

This is an ecoboost right? Trying to help the our local area know what unique features to look for so this guy can be dealt with. Thanks guys. submitted by thekidlaroi to Mustang [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:31 leozindalecio Joel Schumacher collection!

Joel Schumacher collection! Only missing Val Kilmer, but he’s on his way already, but I got so happy with the display that made me wanna share it with you guys the way its finds himself right now ;))
Ps. Got Bruce and selina from the Batman in the back , please ignore, they still doesn’t had their own homes lol
submitted by leozindalecio to McFarlaneFigures [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:31 trainer95 [H] Paypal [W] Star Wars: Edge of the Empire, Age of Rebellion, and Force and Destiny books.

Pretty much the title. I have the Age of Rebelion starter box, and the Edge of the Empire core book. Message me if you have any collecting dust on your shelf.
submitted by trainer95 to rpgtrade [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:31 Mycologymommy What’s the difference between telling someone they’re behaving a certain way vs just insulting their character?

submitted by Mycologymommy to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:31 XVN_Billlegend ¿Cuál es el mejor consejo que pueden darle a los que están en los 20's?

Gente que ya haya pasado sus 20's qué consejo darían? Yo voy por los 22 años y tengo miedo de llegar a los 25 siendo un fracasado.
submitted by XVN_Billlegend to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:31 ELG1N_ Random discussion: favourite class and why?

Say what your favourite class is? Why? Light tanks, Heavy medium tanks Light medium tanks Sniper medium tanks Assault TD Sniper TD Super heavy tanks Versatile heavy tanks Spg
Why’s your least favourite class to play?why? ( except spg because everyone will say that )
What is something that you feel like other players don’t understand about your class ?
I’ll start: recently I’ve been loving light tanks and light mediums such as the batchats. You’re able to quickly change position to get out of situations, most have decent guns or good burst damage. And during the mid game after 6-8 enemies are dead you have incredible impact and can completely turn around games. Someone shooting gold? Doesn’t matter your paper anyways. can’t pen someone? Doesn’t matter either flank or find another target or spot for your team.
I have noticed that the community has a certain level of toxicity towards light tanks and especially wheeled lights. practically every battle that you play if you’re Not suicide spotting then you’ll be called useless and many other things. It doesn’t matter if you’re trying to outplay the enemy light or look for opportunities. People have 0 patience and want you to suicide spot not understanding that them getting one shot of damage and the light dying will put them at a disadvantage. ( small rant over)
submitted by ELG1N_ to WorldofTanks [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:31 sid2408 Chandigarh Gyms

How much do you pay for gym membership and if you take PT how much do you pay monthly. Looking to spend no more than 3k to 5k a month
submitted by sid2408 to Chandigarh [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:31 SexyN8 Schadenfreude

submitted by SexyN8 to Hasan_Piker [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:31 lolamaren introducing my chinny niki to chin reddit !!! any comments? (niki completely knocks out while im playing videogames)

3rd photos hes just sleeping 🩷🩷🩷 completely knocked out ill say hahah
submitted by lolamaren to chinchilla [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:31 Wise_Square_4781 Tweeter diaphragm replacement help

I am in the process of replacing the old, dirty speaker diaphragm that covered my NHT 2.5 silk tweeter domes. I have successfully taken off the previous diaphragm, and now I am in the process of putting on the new ones, yet I am stuck.
There were two small copper wires that were connected to the previous diaphragm’s voice coil that are heavily glued down to the tweeter. There are also two silver wires coming out of the new diaphragm that are connected to the voice coil.
What should I do here? My inclination is to solder these two wires together and glue the diaphragm down, but I am worried about the excess wire touching other metal and messing up the connection to the voice coil.
Frankly, I am somewhat lost as I am new to DIY speaker repair.
Any and all advice is greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
submitted by Wise_Square_4781 to audiophile [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:31 Alternative-Comb4115 Meu namorado me bateu 32f 36m

Estamos juntos a muitos anos, realizamos muitos sonhos juntos, mas eu sempre tive uma mentalidade aberta quando se trata a relacionamento amoroso, tendo em vista que todos os homens da minha famíliia trairam as mulheres. Optei por anos o relacionamento aberto, e ele é então meu segundo namorado. A relação foi sempre muito maluca, a gente é muito emotivo.
Depois de muitos conflitos verbais, brigas feias e momentos lindos, brigamos e ele me deu um tapa na cara. Eu sangrei. Ele disse que o tempo estava seco, e o nariz dele tambem estava sangrando.
Ele tinha me batido uma vez antes, mas porque eu bati nele, não justifica, mas eu também errei. Dessa vez não.
Agora a verdade é que estou com medo que ele normalize isso. Nâo sei....
Alguém já passou por isso?
O que acham?
submitted by Alternative-Comb4115 to relacionamentos [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:31 PranQuad ITAP of the Sky

ITAP of the Sky submitted by PranQuad to itookapicture [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:31 PreacherPeach How long is reasonable for a cat to pass a piece of plastic?

Thanks in advance for this, I’m not sure if I’m being neurotic. I discovered 4 days ago that a little piece of rubbery plastic (less than an inch long I’d say) from one of my cat’s toys was missing. I have seen him chew on that part of the toy and I was never able to find the piece, so I’m assuming he ate it. His behavior was fine so the vet told me to simply monitor him. Since then he has been completely fine. Eating, drinking, playing, etc. I’ve been checking his poops which have been the normal consistency/size but I haven’t found the plastic piece yet.
Because I didn’t see him eat it there’s a nonzero chance he passed it before I even noticed….but how long should I keep checking his poop considering he never got sick?
8 y/o male black cat USA 12 lbs
submitted by PreacherPeach to AskVet [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:31 Skinny-V No boot / no display ?

Hi ! Recently I found my OG GPD Win in my stuff and decide to use it but it won't display anything. I put it on charge for over an hour seeing led switching from blue to red and vice versa and then try to boot it but nothing seem to happen till I unplug usb to find out that blue light is on when I try to boot it but no display and no fan working
Any idea pls ?
submitted by Skinny-V to gpdwin [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:31 Distinct_Pumpkin_875 I wrote a dark fantasy/sci-fi novel with a heavy focus on realistic Medieval combat

I wrote a dark fantasy/sci-fi novel with a heavy focus on realistic Medieval combat submitted by Distinct_Pumpkin_875 to medieval [link] [comments]