Can endometriosis and adenomyosis cause irregular periods?

2025.01.25 04:19 EnvironmentalBerry96 Can endometriosis and adenomyosis cause irregular periods?

Had a recent cancer scare with all my symptoms and blood-work scans, then mri cleared. But the thing that's really bugging me is my cycle length has gone out the window since having second baby (not breast feeding) had 21-41 day cycles in the last 6 months 10-41 since having baby. Had anyone else had irregular periods?
submitted by EnvironmentalBerry96 to endometriosis [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:19 StripedFalafel Testing

Testing submitted by StripedFalafel to test [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:19 FieldNervous8520 Pocket size bike tire inflator

Pocket size bike tire inflator submitted by FieldNervous8520 to thisiswhyiambroke [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:19 Mental_Equipment7779 29F- Bored!

talk to me about random ass shit before I go to bed. Also if you wanna play stardew valley with me, let’s play on pc together!
submitted by Mental_Equipment7779 to chat [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:19 Lower-Associate-5065 The in-match injury system should be better

The injury system (as in the one which colors the parts of the opponents body part on the profile next to their name) should do more then help with submissions. There are many ways you could enhance it.

  1. Legs - they are slower at movement, both walking, running (maybe make it so you cant run?), and climbing the top ropes/laddecage. It could be so that they cant carry you. And kick/leg attacks should either do less damage or be slower and easier to reverse/dodge. And their dodging chance should be lowered
    1. Body - Again slower movement, their body splashes from the top ropes do more damage to them, reversal chance should be lower for them
  2. Arms - slower and/or less damage when punching or doing other arm included attacks, climbing the top rope/laddecage should be slower. shouldnt be able to do any carry attacks.
  3. Head - Slower movement, longer both standing and laying stuns, they get the orange timed stun more often as well, maybe even a chance to do some stupid attack, like jumping from the top rope when youre not in the range.
What are your thoughts, do you think its a good idea? Do you have any other ideas to build upon the injury system?
submitted by Lower-Associate-5065 to WWEGames [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:19 Haomeimei_ Ep 7 & 8 Predictions

Ep 7 & 8 Predictions Ep 7 & 8 Prediction
Episode 7
1.) Paradise date of Arin&DongHo, Sian&Junseo, Jiyeon&Tehwan.
2.) Sian was confused about her feelings and was lukewarm on her date with Junseo. She cried as seen in the preview and that was very unromantic imo.
Ep 8
3.) Couples went back to inferno. Youjin & Haerin took their chance to get Dong Ho.
4.) Theo gave sian the flowers and letter. Other guys also went and talked to her.
5.) Men’s game happened the same day (dresses in photo 3 can be seen in photo 1 & 2).
6.) Junseo wins. Yes a lot of things can happen but he’s in UDT and assumably the strongest.
7.) Junseo is torn between Minseol and Sian. The date with Sian probably didn’t go too well and that’s why in the preview he’s seen talking to Minseol asking if she wants to go to paradise. OR maybe he liked Sian more after the paradise but still weighing who he wants to go with.
8.) In photo 3, there’s two heads/hair. One was black and straight (Minseol/Sian) and the other is short and curly (Junseo). This is the paradise date after the men’s game.
Not sure if the game happened before or after the 1 on 1 talks though. For the bed scene some people are saying it sounds like Minseol but the trailer has Sian’s name on the subtitle so idk.
submitted by Haomeimei_ to Singlesinferno2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:19 ryan99000 Me ajudem com o aplicativo mihon

Sempre que atualizo a biblioteca ou uma das partições sempre aparece essa mensagem falaram que as atualizações falharam, alguém sabe como resolver ou se isso e realmente normal?
submitted by ryan99000 to animebrasil [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:19 Electronic_Item490 I am so scared.

Age: 28
Sex: female
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 190 lbs
Race: Caucasian
Medical history: VWD and IBS
Hello everyone. I apologize for the long post. So starting in August of last year, I had some postcoital bleeding. It went on for about a year before I went to get it checked after it got worse. It was bright red, and what happened during sex, and occasionally in the days afterwards. I went to my OB/GYN and was tested for multiple STDs and infections, all clear. No Pap because I was due in a few months anyway, but they said there was some brown & red blood on the cervix os. On my ultrasound my endometrium was thickened and vascular. I got a hysteroscopy and D&C, and everything was benign. They said I had a "polypoid endometrium" and multiple polyp-like lesions removed. Sex the first time after my surgery was fine, no bleeding. Now, slowly, the spotting is coming back. I went back to my OBGYN a few weeks ago, and she said she thinks it's still from my lining building up (I have long cycles), and sex irritates my uterine lining and it sheds. However, now I am only on day 16 of my cycle, and it's still happening. One day post-sex, I went to the bathroom and a small amount of brown blood was on the toilet paper. Two days post-sex (today), I had a small amount of red blood go into the toilet. It really scared me, so I messaged me doctor and asked if I can get my pap sooner (it was originally for Feb. 5th). Waiting to hear back. I am so terrified this is cervical cancer. Any advice or reassurance would be greatly appreciated.
To add, I had normal paps in 2018 and 2022, and received the Gardasil quadrant vaccines at age 13/14.
submitted by Electronic_Item490 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:19 DOA-FAN 流しそうめん artwork by (SuyaSuyabi)

流しそうめん artwork by (SuyaSuyabi) submitted by DOA-FAN to Kirby [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:19 The_Morale Another perspective on Elon Musk

submitted by The_Morale to Republican [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:19 ExpressoMode Suddenly getting lag spikes as of the new updates

for some reason i get huge 20-60 ms lag spikes in etterna now and it's stopping me from getting good scores all. the. time. any fixes?
submitted by ExpressoMode to Etterna [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:19 antiorangepeanut Day 15 of locking in

January 24
Wake up at 7✅
2.5L water daily✅
Take my medicines✅
Attend all my classes✅
Read a book✅
Under 1900 cal✅
Less screen time✅
Sleep before 12✅
How was your day?🤠
submitted by antiorangepeanut to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:19 TheStolph Had a dream there was an NFL team called the Denver Pariah's, and you weren't legally allowed to look at them. So the games all looked like this.

Had a dream there was an NFL team called the Denver Pariah's, and you weren't legally allowed to look at them. So the games all looked like this. submitted by TheStolph to thomastheplankengine [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:19 No_Wrongdoer6682 Lol

Lol We don’t even carry this right now so not sure how customer ordered it.
submitted by No_Wrongdoer6682 to walmart [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:19 Raccoon_king17 He doesn't decay

submitted by Raccoon_king17 to shitposting [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:19 Impossible-Radio6801 Good pulls for my friends step dad

Good pulls for my friends step dad I’m not a commanders fan and he is so gonna bless him with these next time I see my homie. Not pictures is the other absolute jd rc (came damaged) and Luke McCaffrey rated rookie
submitted by Impossible-Radio6801 to footballcards [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:19 Internal-Barracuda53 Recommend some skills and hunters that have good break attributes

Already have the old man hunter any other hunter that have good break?
submitted by Internal-Barracuda53 to SoloLevelingArise [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:19 ChipmunkHot2250 Help please

Help please I’ve never had problems with my skin before. I started a new routine a while back and began breaking out little by little. I completely stopped the routine and it has just gotten worse over time. It burns anytime I put anything on it
submitted by ChipmunkHot2250 to AcneTreatments [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:19 RileyTheScared "But what about a violent takeover?"


  1. Practically nobody will try to takeover an anarchist society
  2. Even if somebody did yearn to do so, all attempts to do so will crumble
Hey beautiful folks! This is a question that comes up a lot, so I thought I'd make a post responding to it, both for those who are wondering themselves and those who are wondering how to articulate their answers better.
First things first: Why would anybody try to takeover an anarchist society, genuinely? Well, let's look at why people have tried to gain power. Bear with me with this little list.
  1. People fear about some sort of threat ( real or perceived ) and want to protect people against that threat
  2. People are greedy and realize that a position of power would allow them to direct more to themself or their family
  3. People feel powerless, insignificant, or something of the like, and thus try to gain power to feel important.
Most reasons for people yearning for power are pretty much one of those or a mix of those. So really, if we can get rid of those reasons, we get rid of most people's powerhungriness.
THREATS: most threats come from either a lack of necessary resources, nature, or- very often- heirarchies. But now we have advanced methods for resource production, and more resources of better quality will be produced and distributed better if people are working with extrinsic motivation instead of intrinsic motivation, so there won't be a lack of resources. And now that we have robust architecture and infrastructure, we have the ability to effectively avoid most threats from nature ( global warming being the exception, of course, but an anarchist society exists in the future by default; in an anarchist society that wouldn't be a concern as it either would've been tackled far before or the society wouldn't have the chance to exist. Also, without capitalism motivating people to eff up the environment anymore, it's unlikely we would face a similar climate crisis again. ) Finally- most threats come from hierarchies. Think of the lack of things to be afraid of if there was no organized religion to cause crusades, no police to fuel riots or arrest civilians, no mafias to hold people at gunpoint, no state to try to grab another states land or resources- linger on that last one a little- etcetera etcetera. A anarchist society is necessarily a globalist society, and of course is necessarily a ruler-less, heirarchy-less society. Threats- at least, any high stakes and difficult to solve ones- would be mostly eliminated. The few threats that do come up, the communities would already be used to solving together by default. (Okay so it occurred to me partway through writing the next section that there are other threats like cancer and terminal illnesses that aren't covered by this paragraph. But I believe science and health will be more widely accessible and progress much faster in an anarchist world, and also.. taking over your society will not cure cancer, obviously. )
GREED: An anarchist society would exist alongside a wealth of resources freely available to anybody at anytime. If you can always get what you want- and everybody else can too- then you have no incentive to try and take more for mother people.. you can just get what you want. And you don't need to stockpile for your family either, becuase they can also just always get what they want without needing to manipulate or take from other people.
EMOTIONS: With strong community support as the core tenant of a society, you will never be without a strong and loving support group to help you through any feelings of inadequacy, insignificance and powerlessness. Although those feelings would be much less common in the first place, as nobody will be abusing your self esteem for profit or stepping on your neck for power. ( Notice, power perpetuates itself. ) And, with a loving community, you also are much less likely to feel insignificant. People will still go through things emotionally of course, and they will still feel all of these things sometimes, but on a much smaller scale, and with infinitely better support when they do.
Okay, second things second:
In the extremely rare event that somebody does decide that they want to takeover their society, they won't have any success.
Genuinely, how would they go about that? Would they take over the position of power that controlled the troops and police? Well.. that position doesn't exist, and neither do police officers or soldiers.
Are they going to garner up support from other people to back them up? ..Nice try, convincing people to attack the society with their close knit community that gives them whatever they want.
Do they just plan to hold a gun to everybody's head and tell them to listen up? Well.. that only works so long as they're able to actively hold up the threat. The second they put down the gun, their power is gone.
The only way that they would even have a slimmer of a chance is if many of them decided to work together. But given the extreme rareness of people holding this need to takeover the society existing, they would struggle to find eachother, and if they make themselves open for finding eachother, they also make themselves open for other people in their community to find out and be like "hey mate, are you okay?" and kind of ruin their plans by yknow.. supporting them and removing their motives for being a prick. But say they do somehow find eachother and now there's a group of, I don't know, let's say, ten people who want to overthrow this society? The most plausible thing for them to do is to take over one town at a time, becuase if they try to take over their own places instead of working together on one, then they run into the same problems as before. So, okay, they all go to this town and maybe they're like "hey we're in charge now you better listen to us or we'll shoot" and then the people will listen.. until the moment that the ten person "state" is out of earshot, at which point everyone will collectively agree that they're arseholes and will likely get their own guns and say "can you not? Thank you." and probably, hopefully talk them down, and maybe, hopefully not, but sadly possibly, be forced to shoot them in self defense if the junior fascist squad starts attacking. Hopefully though, it doesn't come to that, and if it does, it's non lethal, although really I can't guarantee that and I can't lie and say maybe nobody will ever die whilst trying to violently take over a society. But I mean, a series of very, very unlikely events would have to take place to ever get to that point, and if it did, then.. it would still fail to progress any further. It would be a tragedy, of course, but that's kind of balanced out by the very high likelihood that it simply would never happen.
Anyways, that's basically it ( i say after writing half the length War and Peace ) ( i say despite not actually having any clue how long this post really is; with line length being distorted by my mobile screen. ) Hope this helps! :)
submitted by RileyTheScared to Anarchy101 [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:19 verbwrangler I will never stop laughing as long as I live

I will never stop laughing as long as I live people hate on the Queen of Jordan eps but they’re home to some of the funniest moments of the whole series
submitted by verbwrangler to 30ROCK [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:19 Far-Expert2089 $1 pop star Barbie

$1 pop star Barbie I found pop star Barbie for $1 at my local Walmart and decided to restyle her into a fairy friend for my new color change fairy Barbie. Fairytopia was my favorite line as a kid, I’ll probably customize the second one into another fairy.
submitted by Far-Expert2089 to Dolls [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:19 Single-Creme-848 ID Help

ID Help I was hoping someone might be able to help me ID these Bratz I thrifted at savers today :)
submitted by Single-Creme-848 to IDmybratz [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:19 Peaksquash30 How to build confidence as a manager?

Been in management for 4+ years but I’m looking at a big promotion soon here and suddenly I find myself questioning every response or action I make. Luckily, I have a great support system through my supervisor and district manager but I don’t want to rely on them too much. How did you build confidence in yourself and how are you able to maintain that confidence despite any minor or major set backs?
submitted by Peaksquash30 to managers [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:19 Beratungsmarketing Four Israeli female soldiers held hostage in Gaza set to be released – live updates

Four Israeli female soldiers held hostage in Gaza set to be released – live updates submitted by Beratungsmarketing to World_Now [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 04:19 Japanese_military Japanese Army Type 10 MBT [3509 x 2033]

Japanese Army Type 10 MBT [3509 x 2033] submitted by Japanese_military to MilitaryPorn [link] [comments]