Better prompting tips

2025.01.26 06:33 Both-Drama-8561 Better prompting tips

submitted by Both-Drama-8561 to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:33 Melodic-Sky-2664 I got terminated for having two accounts linked to the same Google.

submitted by Melodic-Sky-2664 to StupidRobloxBans [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:32 Informal-Magician-80 Organic traffic has flatlined. Need help!

6 months ago I launched my web app, and I've been pleased with the organic traffic growth. However, recently it has flat lined. I have little knowledge of SEO, so I'd appreciate any insights or steps I can take to keep growth going. TIA!
submitted by Informal-Magician-80 to SEO [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:32 Russian_Spy_7_5_0 Suddenly crashing when trying to craft weapon attachments.

Whenever i try to add an attachment to a weapon, whether is from creation club, modded, or vanilla. I make it as far as to the selection of attachments (barrel, receiver, grip, etc - that menu) as soon as I try to select a category or move the selection rectangle down the game immediately CTDs. I have no clue was causing this because ei have not tinkered with any of my mods or pluging. I've not changed anything with any mod, I've not added nor removed any mods, it just randomly started crashing. I've been able to mod weapons before, I know it isn't specific weapons because it crashes when I try to mod a weapon I've already previously modded. It was working fine, then suddenly it wasn't without any explicit reason.
Here's is my load order (MO2) it is backwards btw, the bottom of list is actually the top in MO2, it was like this in the loadorder.ini file. Anything with _separator is (obviously) just a separater and not a mod.
Here is the link to my load order, I hope the link work because for some stupid fuckin reason some words are banned in the subreddit, litter anything relating to c0nsoles like station play 4 or 5 of boxX series. Which also in turn blocks the phrase "C0nsole commands". And they also blocked the abbreviation P$, which means any word that has those letters in that order are flagged and banned. I have hundreds of mods, I am not fishing for every mod that the filters here falsely tag. Mods, if you are going to have a filter at least make it correctly. Load order below, I hope the link work because even httP$ is blocked for fuck's sake.
submitted by Russian_Spy_7_5_0 to Fallout4Mods [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:32 Major_Canary_5100 how can i improve my looks

how can i improve looks
submitted by Major_Canary_5100 to LooksmaxingAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:32 beforesunset-red Good Quality Hood Locks?

Hey all - I’m new to this subreddit, but I thought this would be a good place to get some help here or maybe some direction on what to do. Unfortunately, I had my battery stolen out of my 2024 Jeep Willys today. It was obviously pretty easy for them to get into, as the only thing they had to do was pop the latches on my hood and have at it.
I was wondering if anybody knew of any good hood locks that I can replace the latches with/where to buy them from? I’ve been looking around on Amazon, but a lot of what I’ve found have reviews saying they break easily, are not good quality, etc. I’m not worried about price or anything, I’d just like to be able to have some peace of mind when leaving my Jeep parked out. Is there anything else that I can do to secure my Jeep a little bit more? Any help would be appreciated.
submitted by beforesunset-red to Jeep [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:32 Alex_Mercer_- [FN] Legacy

Hundreds of Years.
Hundreds of years this family existed. Hundreds of years it stood. The name may have changed a time or two, but the family was born by the same ancestor. The family tree all led away from him and his wife.
Hundreds of years of Heroes. Born to the Greatest Warrior of the Middle ages, a man said to have been so determined to fix the world's problems that the Divines themselves gave him a second lifetime's worth of age, allowing him to live to almost 200 years old simply to give him the time to help the world move on. And his descendants had all followed the example. From smaller scale things like helping to stop a serial killer or slow down crime in a city to massive details like being one of the largest causes of World War Two's end. The family tree had always been full of infallible, legendary heroes determined to do what was right and succeeded.
.... So why couldn't Mark do it?
He had proven himself worthy of the last name Nadia years ago, when he underwent those trials in 2089. They said the serum would kill anyone else. Hell, it DID kill everyone else. But not Mark. For some reason, he was the only one it worked with. The World's first, and greatest super soldier. Here to break the back of evil before it has the chance to spread, preventing the damage before it happens and hopefully preventing wars that would slaughter billions. Sure it had taken it's toll, his bionic arm was evidence of that. Lost in the line of duty. It had to be done, he was content with this. He had to be. He was a Nadia, and for years he had proven he had the strength to carry that name.
But as the water began to rise in the room, and Mark rapidly realized he couldn't hold up the roof AND reach the nearby controls at the same time? He realized something. He was strong enough to carry it's name. But that wasn't the same as being strong enough to carry it's Legacy. It slowly began to slip into his mind that he wouldn't make it. This would be the end of the Heinrich Bloodline. Even if the name of it had eventually become Nadia, the bloodline began with a Heinrich and he had passed his strength as far as he could. And as the cold slowly began to creep up the legs of Mark's suit and he felt the weight of the water rising up his shins, he understood that nothing was infinite. Not even his ancestor's shared strength. The water would soon reach the reactor, and it would even sooner destroy the generator. At best, it would shut off the power, releasing the locks and giving the Scientists maybe a minute to flee onto life rafts outside. At worst, electrical fires would ignite over the entire power grid, sealing the exits and killing everyone. Mark had finally met his match. The sheer power of the Ocean. He brought his Human hand back up to the roof to hold it higher and closed his eyes, ready to accept the end and his failure. In a way, he was almost glad to feel this end this way. At Least now, he wouldn't have to witness the death of a Legacy that was over 10x his age.
Mark didn't accept it for long however. He was here to guard the lab. And he would keep this building and the research in it safe. If he had the strength to hold the roof up with one arm, then he would use the other to fix this.
There were two options, from an objective standpoint. On one console was a system that with a short code could activate a sort of reverse-lockdown protocol, opening the doors and reverting power to liferafts and other systems like elevators to get people out faster. Next to the system was a lever. It would revert power from everything else to the computers to save the data, and maybe if he was lucky he could still have time to route it back to the emergency flotation devices to at least save the lab he stood in. He stared at them for a few moments, realizing that all power meant ALL power. This included the pumps and fire suppression systems. Many of the scientists and people below would likely perish. But as the water reached his shins and he remembered that the code was long, Mark decided that his only option was the lever. His job was the Lab. Not the People.
After a few short seconds however, Mark felt a strange feeling. The weight of the Roof above him just... Disappeared. The water at his shins stopped being cold, and lowered itself down to barely hitting his ankle. The hair that hung above his shoulders felt light and seemed to dry from the torrential flood he had just been through, along with the mask he wore. The itching of his beard under the mask returned, a sensation he couldn't feel when he was overwhelmed and working. Everything seemed to just stop. He felt warm. Weightless. Even relaxed. And so he opened his eyes.
He stood now in a strange Meadow, or Oasis of sorts in a forest. He was standing in the edge of a calm river, which slowly flowed around his feet in a direction he could not identify. Every skill and bit of training he had been taught about detecting direction and location failed him. The sun wasn't moving from its spot straight above him. Nothing seemed to actually have a shadow besides him, and even then it didn't seem reliable since it moved whenever he did, never pointing in one direction long. Around him was a lush and beautiful forest. It was dense and extremely alive, more so than he had seen in some time. A small mountain sat Infront of him, in most areas being normal but at the end of the river he stood in, a calm waterfall which had eroded and created a square area for itself. And after all this looking he finally realized he was not alone. For on the edge of the river facing the waterfall sat a knight. A knight waving his hand to approach.
When Mark approached, he saw that the knight was almost as large as himself. Of course, the average height in the Middle ages was far shorter than his time, yet somehow this knight still stood above 6 feet tall, and had a frame that would make sense to see around Bodybuilders. After a few moments of staring over the armor, his eyes widened as he recognized it. An Armor he had essentially been forced to memorize.
"You're Audie Heinrich...!" Mark looked over the man and his armor for a few moments, in shock. But Audie was long dead. Mark likely was too, if he was here.
"Please. Sit."
Mark immediately complied, realizing that if there was any man to disrespect, it was not the Ancient one.
"I am. You're correct. And you are one of my descendants. Mark Nadia, the first of the Super Soldiers. Head of a Generation."
Mark dropped his head a bit in embarrassment. The public knew of his existence, thought they of course couldn't know of his missions, and as such he had a hundred nicknames. "I ask that you don't call me these things."
"Why not? These are the names you are known as, no?"
"Maybe, but not names I deserve."
The knight turned fully, looking at his descendant and adjusting his leg on the rock. The plates of metal rubbed against the rock for a brief moment, letting out a pained squeak. "Why do you believe this?"
"You were a hero so great you helped repair the world for over 150 years. Charlie Heinrich ended the most brutal war in Earth's history. My own son currently is single handedly holding back one of the largest crime waves our country has ever seen without the support of the law or a government. And yet I cannot muster the strength to save a single Laboratory."
Audie looked back at the waterfall, keeping his body facing his descendant but taking in the view. His head lightly shook as he thought through some things. He let Mark do the same for a few moments before responding. "It is true that I walked the Earth a great many years, and I did make a lot of progress. But do you truly believe I never failed a task?"
Audie looked to his hands. "I never was the type to make change. My wife was. And when she passed... I realized just how much she was doing for the world. She wasn't just keeping our city together, people inspired by her messages carried them and their power to other cities and kingdoms even. I realized that without her, the world was worse off. I had to do something about it. And I was horrible at it at first. I gave one city water while draining it from another. Splitting the supply decimated their crops. It took time for me to learn what was truly necessary to make change.”
Mark sat for a moment, thinking in silence. He had never heard such stories from the family about Audie. He was always seen as an infallible force of good and an unstoppable wave of salvation. They always skipped over that part, he guessed.
Audie continued. ”The Strength I wielded didn't come from my divine gifts, or amazing power. It came from wisdom. Something gained over time. Experience will show you the way and one day, you will do something to make you worthy of joining me in the halls of the beyond with the rest of us.”
That caught Mark’s attention. He realized he was talking to not only an ancestor who could guide him, but someone who had died. He had seen the afterlife. There were so many questions to ask and yet he only had time for a few. Or at least, he assumed his time was limited. He looked back at his Grandfather from many generations back. “What is it like? Is Christianity correct, or perhaps the Norse, or Egyptian Religion? Who is up there with you? Is it heroes only or our entire family tree?"
Audie let out a short laugh. “Every Religion had its time in the sun. As it turns out, the reason the world’s religions kept changing wasn't because of new ideas, but because the Creator above wanted the guardians to change every so often so no God or Devil could cause something horrible. They all tell stories of it. Ragnarok, the Rapture, these things were all inevitable under such reign. Currently…well there is no religion for what is happening. All I know is that my entire family that came after me has joined me in Paradise. Your father included.”
Mark was happy to hear this. His father wasn't one of the grand heroes, simply just a Farmer who raised his sons to be good people and told them stories of their family’s history. “That's good… I assume only the good people made it to paradise?”
"I figured that was a given, yes. We can peek down to you all, but never is a full picture of your lives given until you arrive with us.” Audie paused for a moment, careful to think through his wording before looking at his grandson. "Which is why I ask you…is my Wife remembered as well as I was?"
Mark frowned a bit. “Sadly, no. I don't even know her name." He paused for a few moments, and then decided to try to lighten the moment. "Could you describe her for me? I would like to know if the woman who gave my family meaning.”
Audie smiled, looking off to the distance quietly. ”She came from a place where her father wanted a typical princess. A mature woman with grace, elegance…and essentially no mind of her own. And yet when I met her, she still had no husband despite having the beauty of a thousand suns shining down. As it turned out, a woman of beauty was all they wanted, and they were scared of her similarly beautiful and strong mind to know what decisions to make. I supported her when she became a queen and even if we never married, she often joked I was a Ghost King. Every decision she made, for the good of all. And as the years went by even if her body lost its shine, her mind never ceased to have a beauty and power even the Gardens of the Beyond have failed to overcome. Losing her was why I considered myself living two lifetimes, not a long one. For I may have walked for another hundred years after her, but I did die once the day she did.”
Mark thought back to the few pieces of art he had seen of Audie. He wasn't lying,his wife was indeed beautiful. However beneath the beautiful black hair and obvious grace, Mark had always seen a hint of more to her than just being a ‘pretty princess'. The look in her eyes in every artist’s rendition wasn't one of a typical princess. It showed a backbone, strength, and more power than many women of her time were allowed to show. “She sounds amazing….I hope to meet her one day.”
"She joins us in the afterlife. And one day, I believe you will too.” Audie set a hand to his Grandson’s shoulder, giving a nod. The helmet obscured his emotions greatly, but it was clear he was likely proud.
Mark gave a thankful nod back before taking a breath. "....What do I do? No matter what I do, the risk of failure is extreme. I was sent to protect a Laboratory…but is that even possible anymore?”
Audie sighed and lifted off the helmet, revealing the man beneath as he set it down between them. The resemblance Mark saw was…uncanny. They shared most of their traits. Black hair which ended above their shoulders, trimmed but existing beards, Gray eyes. However while his own face bore some scars, looking Upon Audie’s face showed a man of experience. He appeared to be in his 30s by look, and yet had small scars that littered his face. From burns where embers likely landed to small cuts and gashes. His face showed a life lived that Mark couldn't understand.
”I cannot hand you the answer. If I do, you won't take anything from this in the long run. But what I need you to do is decide what you want to be remembered for, and what lesson you want to leave your sons and daughter. Think about the example you set with your decisions. And with that in mind, you will know what the correct decision is.” Audie then got to his feet and lifted his helmet.
Mark followed but before he could speak an answer, Audie raised his helmet and brought it down towards Mark’s face, prompting him to use both hands to try to catch it. The force was far more than any single man could ever put out with his entire body, nevermind one arm. Mark began to slowly black out, his body stiff in holding back the helmet. As he felt himself fade his ancestor left him with one final sentence.
”What is your job, and what is your responsibility?”
He re-awoke mere seconds later. The same force was now pushing on him, but he was back in that room. The water had now reached his thighs, and was RAPIDLY approaching the top of the console. His one hand reached out towards the lever but as it did, Audie’s words echoed in his mind. His Job as the Lab’s protector was to get the Data out, but as a Man his job was to protect and help those who needed it. And so, praying to whatever Divines currently held power that he had the strength and time for this to work, his hand hovered above the keypad of the console. His hand violently shook as he tried to hold the roof up one handed but over time he managed to get the code in. Alarms blared, and power re-routed. He had done all he could. And Mark realized why Audie had said he hoped to see him. This was the end. This decision was THE Decision. And with a smile he closed his eyes, hoping it was the right one.
Jason knelt in front of his Father’s Grave. It had been just a day since the funeral and already he was visiting. They had argued the day before he left for that assignment at the lab, saying that the Lab wouldn't matter in the face of his daughter’s graduation. Mark claimed he didn't have a choice and that he HAD to keep the lab safe. Jason just wanted his sister to have the same luck that he and his twin brother John did, being loved and praised for her great work in school by their father. He didn't understand just how good he had it when his father was around. ’Maybe he knew’ Jason considered. ’Maybe he knew they would need him.’ As he stood after paying his respects he glanced at his phone, wiping some of the black hair off it from when he got his own trimmed and the headline on it.
Horrible Tragedy at Arctic lab costs Super Soldier his life, Scientists Unharmed
Jason took a breath. It was his turn to be the head of the family now. This curse of early death had claimed many of their recent ancestors, from Grandpa Will’s cancer to this with his father. It left the pressure on Jason now, a man of only 20 years old. He had to find a way to explain this to his sister as he was there to praise her and cherish her achievements. And he had to find a way to do that before going back to the city. After all, there was a horrible crime wave going on. And it wasn't going to stop itself.
submitted by Alex_Mercer_- to shortstories [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:32 Little_Pepper657 Peek a boo!!

submitted by Little_Pepper657 to cute [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:32 DiscoveringHighLife Desert Off-Road in the New Jeep Wagoneer. San Felipe Park

Desert Off-Road in the New Jeep Wagoneer. San Felipe Park submitted by DiscoveringHighLife to TexasViews [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:32 HappinessNeededxD Want to leave company after only 2 months of joining what are valid reasons for resignation?

So, Im a Backend dev and I joined this startup previous two months ago currently on probation (for another 2 months ) if I put the papers i will get 1 month notice However, after joining I realised very soon that the company is extremely toxic and works on grind culture most employees work from 9 am till 8, even though the company timings are of 9.5 hours only, But my biggest problem is the senior guy who has been given the responsibility to lead me, my god I have never seen such a aggressive guy in my life, he finds a little mistake and gives me an earful for 10 mins wasting his and my time, he keeps pressuring me and overall I feel like have started I hating coding because of this guy, i hate to say it but in this much pressure I only write code for it to run I don't even get time to process what I'm writing, senior gives me instruction and I have to follow it cuz guess what you don't get to have time to think about doing it your way, the non tech manger is always on your neck regarding the estimate for that task, Don't get me wrong the manager is polite(in a way that he doesn't insults me like my lead) but he pressures me to fill infinite numbers of excel sheets to keep track of my task which drives my crazy
Overall I want to leave the company as soon as possible because I cannot mentally take it anymore I would rather be jobless and hopeful than have have a job and be anxious all the time having sleepless nights scared of my senior, always in anxiety don't remember last time I slept for 8 hours without waking up multiple times
Want to leave this shit hole of a company, but at the same time, since I'll be leaving the company so soon, I want to leave on mutual terms so, I want legit reasons for which I can put resignation because mental health reason won't work for corporate also I can't say I'm leaving for better opportunities so what other reasons I can have for resign
Tldr: Joined a startup, turned out the senior was toxic and work environment was shit and mentally can't take it no more, so considering quitting in probation, asking for proper reason for leaving so early
submitted by HappinessNeededxD to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:32 Superb-Wait224 Travel Suitcases

If anyone is on the level with the travel suitcases. How many items does the globe produce before disappearing?
submitted by Superb-Wait224 to SeasideEscapeGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:32 Just_Database_8888 is it possible to see terrain below y level 0 on journeymap in 1.12.2

im apart of a project called bte usa and im building in new orleans and the terrain there is like below sea level which makes it not show up and i was wondering if u could see below it
submitted by Just_Database_8888 to feedthebeast [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:32 RaghavNeedsCash With Case or Without Case?

With Case or Without Case? submitted by RaghavNeedsCash to airpods [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:32 Kayzoo89 Found this when browsing my local bigot before it closes

Found this when browsing my local bigot before it closes Me and my fiancé were browsing our local biglots before it closes down and while going through the movie section I found this gem. I was genuinely caught off guard finding miku hidden amongst the other everyday movie lol. Good little memory to have of one of my last trips into a biglots.
submitted by Kayzoo89 to hatsune [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:32 takfalls Black Mirror knows how to do horror well

A lot of people was thrown off by season 6 and the direction it took. I personally was really impressed, but wasn't surprised that I was impressed. In Season 4 there was that episode Metalhead, and of all the twisted and fun ways media has tried to convey fear of technological advancement, that episode was the first and only time I genuinely felt terrified of a robot. The utter helplessness of human limitation against an unrelenting and inexhaustible killing machine, and just a single one at that was complete nightmare fuel.
Before that we had the episode Playtest from the third season that was absolutely unsettling the more you thought about it. At face value it was haunting in its conclusion, but then you think a little more about the layers in the storytelling and the several ways the ending of that episode was all the more horrific.
By the time we get to season 6 we have the same level of quality horror stories in a bundle. Sure, some of them fell a little short in their own ways but all of them were impressive. Beyond The Sea and Loch Henry were easily my favorites. I wouldn't want Black Mirror to push out more horror at the expense of the provocative scifi it produces, but I'm rarely disappointed when it goes full horror.
submitted by takfalls to horror [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:32 Exact-Guarantee-364 $25!!!!

Check out my referral link from Varo Bank! Open a bank account and we will both get $25.
submitted by Exact-Guarantee-364 to MakeMoneyOnlinefree [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:32 Kind_Deal8487 Panasonic SJ-MR230

Panasonic SJ-MR230 I just procured an SJ-MR230 with remote and a pair of KZ-Castors. Loving how it keeps the sound quality and with these ear buds man these are amazing.
submitted by Kind_Deal8487 to minidisc [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:32 Sea_Chemistry_8645 I lost my boy today

I was changing so I could go clean outside and when I came down I found him dead. He’s been with me since I was 5 years old. I don’t know how to function without him, I feel empty and devastated. I feel guilty and so sad, all I can think about is how I wasn’t there with him. It feels like he was ripped away from me.
submitted by Sea_Chemistry_8645 to seniordogs [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:32 Different-Cheetah891 In Tenor…

In Tenor… submitted by Different-Cheetah891 to PatriciaMattick [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:32 sickwolfJ When are you guys going to start taking accountability for these type of monsters?

When are you guys going to start taking accountability for these type of monsters? Why send out scum like these to our shores, if ur doomed as a country, does it mean everyone else has to be doomed?
submitted by sickwolfJ to Ethiopia [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:32 Lylok Got my first CZ today! 🤠

This thing can double as a hammer 🔨 it is so hefty. It feels extremely nice in the hand. The gun store said that I should dry fire it often to reduce burring on this specific model. Was kind of hesitant when he told me that. Is that true?
submitted by Lylok to CZFirearms [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:32 easykeyll Found under a door that isn't used that leads outside. If it's mushroom mold how serious is this?

Found under a door that isn't used that leads outside. If it's mushroom mold how serious is this? Looking for an answer to know how to resolve this, located in Los Angeles, California.
submitted by easykeyll to mycology [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:32 floyd485 DIAGLA RAID ADD ME 937284454664

DIAGLA RAID ADD ME 937284454664 submitted by floyd485 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:32 stricktd ITAP of an old building

ITAP of an old building submitted by stricktd to itookapicture [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:32 Hm_Omoshiroi Whats your thought on gouriya dharma?

So, I was talking about restoring our pure cultures and traditions. And this one guy was going on about how beautiful goura darma was. I was like okay, it's unique and exclusive to Manipur too. Then, he was like :-
"What part of our culture, tradition, food, dress, songs would the purists want to restore? Surely, it can't be a pick and choose process! They'll have to remove all of the 'Mayang' influences from food, songs, dress, etc. what does that leave us with. Culture/religion/food - everything is fluid and different communities influence each other's. What timeline are we going back in history to look for the OG Meitei history? If we go further back, we'll find ourselves looking at Burmese culture, and if we go further back, we could be looking at the Chinese culture"
submitted by Hm_Omoshiroi to manipur [link] [comments]