want sell these parts

ppm浓度(parts per million)是用溶质质量占全部溶液质量的百万分比来表示的浓度,也称百万分比浓度。经常用于浓度非常小的场合下,与之相似的还有ppb(parts per billion)。 PPb是part per billion的缩写,系表示液体浓度的一种单位符号。 2、PPAP:Production Parts Approval Process,中文意思生产零件审批控制程序. 3、PTR:Production Trial Run,中文意思试生产阶段. 区别如下: 三者是一个新市场开发的三个步骤,一般整车厂每个车型的新项目都是按照APQP执行,包含OTS、PPAP、SOP等动作,如下: 1、首样完成后 ... 摘录一段Nature在手稿中关于图片尺寸的表述. Figures should not contain more than one panel unless the parts are logically connected; each panel of a multipart figure should be sized so that the whole figure can be reduced by the same amount and reproduced on the printed page at the smallest size at which essential detai 2. 取消域显示:在Word菜单栏中选择"Insert"(插入)选项卡,在"Text"(文本)组中点击"Quick Parts"(快速部件),然后选择"Field"(域)。 3. 在弹出的"Field"对话框中选择要取消的域类型。 4. 点击右侧的"Field codes"(域代码)按钮,然后点击"OK"(确定)。这将切换域的显示方式。 5. 1ppb=1ug/ml,那么1ppm=1ug/L吗?不等于。PPM(Parts Per Million)是百万分之一;2.PPB是十亿分之一(Parts Per Billion)。 PPM是(parts per million )百万分之的缩写.就是说每一百万个产品中的不良率的统计标准,如10PPM就是百万分之十的不良率。它是百万机会缺陷数DPMO的单位,在电子行业统计焊接质量水平通常都是统计其DPMO,算出焊接质量的PPM值。 1PPM:就是百万分之一。 The parts in green signify the feedback. 请查看有标记的段落,绿色标记部分为反馈信息。 Here is the chart I promised. 这是我承诺提供给您的表格。 Please note that... 例句:Please note that my vacation request is attached. 我的请假单在附件中,请查收。 CEO、COO、CFO、CIO、CTO、CMO的中文是什么?CEO:首席执行官(Chief Executive Officer,缩写CEO)。 Parts Approval Process,中文意思生产零件审批控制程序,期间要考查供应商是否已经正确理解了顾客工程设计记录和规范的所有要求,以及其生产过程是否具有潜在能力,在实际生产过程中按规定的生产节拍满足顾客要求的产品。通过后提交PPAP报告进入下一阶段。 make up什么意思make up的意思是:和解;组成;构成;编造,虚构(故事、借口等);给…化妆;为…打扮;凑足,补齐(数量);(加班)补足,补上(耽误的时间);配(食品、药等);铺(床);搭(铺)例句:1、I th

2025.01.26 06:21 Epiksaadlol want sell these parts

want sell these parts Case: Lian li o11 dynamic (35k) 10/10 condition with box
Aio: Lian li galahad 360 (30k) all three fans work fine and pump also works 10/10 condition
Fans: Corsair ll120 pack of 3 with corsair lighting node pro (19k) 10/10 condition on all 3 fans
Psu: Corsair vs600 (9k) 10/10 condition works perfectly fine 1month dead/brun warranty Location: Islamabad Delivery is possible for Psu
submitted by Epiksaadlol to PakGamers [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:21 Vs_Husband Ship tierlist

Ship tierlist submitted by Vs_Husband to MurderDronesOfficial [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:21 GreenPower90 zzzzZZZzzzz

zzzzZZZzzzz submitted by GreenPower90 to RoAww [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:21 TheEntertaine 18 [m4f] looking for someone to talk and sext with daily/regularly

Dm me
submitted by TheEntertaine to LetsChat [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:21 XJABfr Got jolly kraken :00

Got jolly kraken :00 I think this is first ever jolly kraken :000
submitted by XJABfr to FischRoblox [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:21 cancerisfun552 Ez

Loroakan or however you spell it is ez I beat him in one turn with my ranger multi class
submitted by cancerisfun552 to BaldursGate3 [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:21 __shego Victoria Justice vs Hailee Steinfeld

Victoria Justice vs Hailee Steinfeld submitted by __shego to All_The_Celebrities [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:21 No-Hospital-4089 Please help W/F/L?

Please help W/F/L? submitted by No-Hospital-4089 to AnimalJam [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:21 jvc72 Buy Signal Horizen USD - 26 Jan 2025 @ 01:18 -> USD19.90

Ticker: ZENUSD
Exchange: CRYPTO
Time: 26 Jan 2025 @ 01:18
Price: USD19.90
Link: https://getagraph.com/crypto-currencies/ZENUSD/ENG
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:21 kwispykweme1219 2 New Figures!

2 New Figures! After getting the Miles Morales figure, I just knew I needed to get more. So that's exactly what I did. (This is not good for my wallet)
submitted by kwispykweme1219 to Mafex [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:21 Nearby_Currency_303 Idk what to do

Hello, I just broke up with my gf of only 6 months but we've had such a special connection and I miss her so much and I loved her so much. But, I was headed to college and I didn't really want to be with anyone since I'm stressed out now in the relationship. She was deeply in love with me due to her past exes treating her so badly. She even wanted to go to my college so she wouldn't leave me, learned every song on guitar that I liked, and even learned some video games so she could play with me. I feel like I'm in the wrong so much but she had a lot of family issues that bothered me and didn't seem like a a good person to marry. She also needed my attention 24/7 and let me walk over her and never speaking up about if I'm messing up or not. Should I just cope or try again with the relationship?
submitted by Nearby_Currency_303 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:21 AdResponsible378 Who would win between the combined world's military and the Protoss from Starcraft lore?

submitted by AdResponsible378 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:21 uiuc-liberal Now the US House wants to censor a preacher? – Baptist News Global

submitted by uiuc-liberal to the_everything_bubble [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:21 ActTasty3350 Which hero has the most overrated/underrated rogues gallery?

I’m curious who you guys would say our heroes with the most overrated or underrated rogues’ gallery.
I think for me for overrated it would probably be X-Men. Now first hear me out. Obviously, I think characters like magneto, Phoenix and apocalypse are some of the best villains in all of comic books. However, there’s double edge sword, and that’s the fact that half of their villains have ended up joining the X-Men since in recent magneto has become more of an than an outright villain, and obviously the Phoenix force isn’t something that can be super consistent. So already that’s two of the top three X-Men villains gone. After that, who’s next? I guess there’s Mr. sinister although if I’m honest, I’m not nearly as knowledgeable on him and mainly just remember him from the Deadpool video game. From what I understand he’s trying to create new mutants essentially and like he himself isn’t actually a mutant. However, if we are talking about general recognizability to more casual conical readers and casual superhero fans, I don’t think Mr. sinister has been featured all that much. I feel like I remember him being in one of the X-Men cartoons from the 2000s but I could be wrong and he might have been featured and I think like ultimate Spider-Man maybe
But after that, just quite frankly, you just have a bunch of other X-Men characters who are pretty much just grunts and muscles for the teams. This doesn’t mean I honestly think they’re bad characters, but I don’t think they’re all that unique or stand out. Like you have the juggernaunt bitch who originally had an incredibly confusing origin being the stepbrother a professor X. Now again don’t get me wrong. I like the juggernaut but at the same time he’s also nothing really special and he has just basically the brute of whatever X-Men villain team they need. I guess there’s Mystique but she also leans into the anti hero category and is generally more of a henchwoman for magneto. And after that, you got a bunch of really goofy villains like the blob and frog.
And then there sabertooth who is usually just basically the evil wolverine which I mean sure we do get a lot of comics, but still. I will admit Pyro is pretty awesome, but it really doesn’t feel like the lower tier X-Men villains are nearly as cool as him. I guess there’s also deathbird and lady mastermind who I remember from something more recent. Obviously the sentinels are pretty iconic, but they’re also pretty much just plot devices just being killer robots which again I don’t think and nate makes them bad but I a Basically view them like I view doomsday from Superman for a specific purpose and they can be intimidating threats, but not much else. And then, of course you have Reverend Stryker and Senator Kelly, just normal guys that hate mutants. It’s honestly kind of weird that the X-Men only have two villains like this given how they became known for social commentary, but I guess they kinda just use the overall government apparatus is just the villain overall.
Basically, for the most part, I just think the X-Men are really carried by a top-tier of absolutely incredible villains and then after that they’re just isn’t much else going on. I guess maybe part of the problem is the fact that the X-Men usually fight a team of villains and when you form you’re obviously not gonna be able to make every villain a top-tier guy at the same time with the way people talk about the X-Men gallery I do feel it is extremely overrated and doesn’t compare anywhere near the likes of Batman, Spider-Man or even Superman and that it’s basically upheld by a handful of really amazing villains that you can count on one hand and some of them aren’t even really villains anymore Whereas with Batman and Spider-Man Maybe they don’t have a single villain that reaches the height of magneto, but I just feel their villains are more consistent all the way down and that just leads them to having more depth. Again, I’m not gonna say that the X-Men have terrible villains or the worst rogues gallery in the world because I don’t. I think they actually have a lot of really solid villains. I just don’t think it is as great as a lot of people make it out to be just because of how top heavy it is.
submitted by ActTasty3350 to comicbooks [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:21 Mreow_X3 About verifying VC, can a burner phone number app be used?

Just asking since I don’t have a second phone number to verify my alt, or can u use the same phone number to verify your alt? Pls help lol
submitted by Mreow_X3 to RobloxHelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:21 Prestigious-Dark-897 career choice, education and relocation

hi, okay basically i’m 19 years old, i took a gap year after high school since i don’t really know in which direction to go for education and my career. i’m still indecisive but it’s narrowed down— im between hairstylist and study psychology and education (to use towards my detective career or teaching career when decided in the future)
i was thinking hairstylist could be more of a full time thing while im still in college to be one of those 2 careers, and keep it as a side career more in the future.
the problem is, basically i live in colorado and want to pursue all of this in florida i know that for sure, the issue is i applied to UF and if im accepted ill go to that college and live in a dorm.
to simplify this even more, i applied for the summer semester so i can go asap. currently i have no job im full time taking care of my family since both of my parents recently had surgery so im taking on household responsibilities.
the issue is i don’t know what direction to go towards since i know i wanna study in college but also be a hairstylist during college, i want to go to cosmetology school but cant while im here since it wont apply to florida licensure. i plan on getting a job once everything family wise is good, but still want to pursue a hairstylist career and cant really be in cosmetology school and UF at the same time.
If I don’t get accepted to UF, idk what i would do either like financially idk if i could live on my own over there and study to be a hairstylist.
idk my mind has been spinning about this for a while and idk what to do next. any advice helps thank you!! 🫶🏼
submitted by Prestigious-Dark-897 to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:21 Typical-Yak-6526 [Seiko Willard] Servicing Question and Issue.

So I had bought a JDM SBDC109 Black Willard from GNOMON watches in early July of 2024 and had it shipped to the states where I live. I had received the watch and cosmetically, it was flawless but later on I found out there was going to be a small or big issue (I still don't know). I absolutely love the shit out of this watch and would never sell it (favorite one in the collection and the movie ref.). However, I have worn it maybe twice since then and I am scared too, maybe because I don't want to damage it further, and I don't know why. I want to wear it more, but there is a mechanism problem in the 6r15 movement that is definitely not normal and obvious. Usually with my JDM SBDC081 Sumo (also bought recently off of GNOMON and the same movement) whenever I shake it a few times, the seconds hand will start moving and the watch will start to run like normal for a week with my normal hand movements, however my Willard does not do that. I can shake it for an hour and it will not start which is alarming for a 1k Japanese made watch. But, if I pull out the crown and start winding it, it will begin to run. I also notice, that my hand movements do not wind up the watch. It seems like if I wind up the watch fully to its 70 hours of power reserve, it will only last until then, and then I will have to rewind it. So the only way I can use my watch is if I only wind it. Which I know fully winding it (90-100) times is not normal and not good for the health of the movement. Maybe this is a mainspring problem? I know that this sounds very weird, but I have read so many QC problems with the 6r15 movement so I am guessing I got the bad end of the stick. I wonder if anyone else has had this problem specifically, and if there is any solution. I am not sure if it is still under warranty for GNOMON, maybe I should check? It probably is expired by now. But that is also another concern of mine. I really really really do not want to send my watch back overseas to Singapore because that will take so many months to solve, also I am extremely paranoid about someone loosing or damaging my watch in the process. So I am looking into sending it to the Seiko Service Center in the U.S so I can be at a peace of mind that it is in the states. What is your experience with the U.S. or overseas service center? What kind of charges am I looking at for this issue? I hate doing this, because it is basically a brand new watch. I should have said something right away while I found this out.
submitted by Typical-Yak-6526 to Watches [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:21 kafin8ed Unpopular opinion - I am not a fan of the Basimilus Iteritas Alter

I have a Basimilus Iteritas Alter and the Manis Iteritas modules and I cannot get the BIA to sound anything like the demos that I see online, like the crazy techno drumkit in a box just using a bunch of lfos and some envelopes. I can't figure it out, it just sounds like a sick (and not in a good way) drum module that is impossible to work with - ocasionally I get some OK piano-ish and xylophone tones but that's about it. I like the Manis a lot - I get lots of electric guitar sounds out of it and also crazy glitchy cymbals. I am thinking of selling the BIA, but I thought I'd throw out a last ditch "am I crazy?" What's the trick to unlocking this module? I am running it with a Black Sequencer so I can do lots of stuff to it...
submitted by kafin8ed to eurorack [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:21 Federal-Passage2554 QoL idea for ranked

Add how many points you’ve lost or gain in a game when you go check your battle log so I can see properly my elo losses!!
submitted by Federal-Passage2554 to Brawlstars [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:21 LlavendarRose 18M. Im gonna be real here (Reposting cause phone glitched. if you were the one who messaged me, try again plz)

18M. Im gonna be real here.
I’ve recently broken up with my long distance gf. we sexted every day, treated her right, had good conversation. but all it took was one busy day (on my end) to make her rethink. I really just need someone long term, loyal and open. we can just talk or sext or whatever. I just don’t want to feel alone
submitted by LlavendarRose to LetsChat [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:21 healthyajustertelugu పండ్లు ఎప్పుడు తింటే మంచిది? ఏ సమయం లో తినాలి?

Eating fruits is one of the healthiest habits to include in your daily routine. Fruits are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, but the timing of consumption plays a vital role in maximizing their benefits. Let’s explore the best times to eat fruits for better digestion, energy, and overall health. For more wellness tips, visit Healthy Ajuster and Healthy Ajuster Telugu.
1. Morning: The Ideal Time The best time to consume fruits is in the morning on an empty stomach. After a night of fasting, your body absorbs nutrients more efficiently. Eating fruits in the morning provides natural sugars and fibers, giving you an energy boost for the day.

2. As a Mid-Morning Snack If you can’t eat fruits first thing in the morning, the mid-morning window is an excellent alternative. Consuming fruits between breakfast and lunch keeps your energy levels stable and prevents unhealthy snacking.
3. Before a Workout Eating fruits 30 minutes before a workout provides quick energy and prevents fatigue. Fruits like bananas, oranges, or dates are rich in natural sugars and electrolytes that support physical activity.
4. Avoid Eating Fruits After a Meal Many people consume fruits as a dessert after a meal, but this can lead to bloating and indigestion. It’s better to wait at least 1–2 hours after a meal before eating fruits.
5. Nighttime: A Balanced Approach While eating fruits at night isn’t harmful, avoid acidic fruits like oranges or pineapples as they may cause acidity or disturb sleep. Opt for lighter fruits like kiwi, papaya, or a handful of berries for a light snack.
Tips for Eating Fruits the Right Way For more tips on healthy eating and lifestyle habits, explore Healthy Ajuster and Healthy Ajuster Telugu. These platforms offer reliable advice to help you live a healthier life.
By eating fruits at the right time and in the right way, you can maximize their benefits and maintain better overall health!
submitted by healthyajustertelugu to Healthyajustertelugu [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:21 EngineerTricky8967 Malenia by JunJiuk

Malenia by JunJiuk submitted by EngineerTricky8967 to ImaginaryArmor [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:21 Active_Bumblebee_551 HOW DO YOU GET HELMET CORES

I am stupid, I need this summed up in a text message, most of these posts are years ago because rarely people play this…. But I can’t figure it out nor can my tech engineer brother…… YOU NEED HELMET CORES FOR A HELMET CORE PATTERN AND NEED A HELMET CORE PATTERN FOR A HELMET CORE. Is it a mob drop? Please somebody help me I have the forge and everything…. I don’t get this
submitted by Active_Bumblebee_551 to SkyFactory [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:21 WanMilBus [Faelib Update] MVP is Now Live

Last time I shared my project for helping devs find third-party components, it was still in development. Now it's at faelib.com.
Built it with ElixiPhoenix, hosting on fly.io with a Postgres database. Spent time building out the very basic search and compare features.
The website is 100% free. It does not require any registration: neither to search, nor to submit a tool.
The idea is to have it a community-driven platform with a vast collection of components, libs, frameworks, both free and commercial. As of time of writing this, 19 tools are added (it seems to be more or less enough for MVP).
Would be cool if you could:

It's early days, so all thoughts are welcome.
submitted by WanMilBus to buildinpublic [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:21 Pretty_Boy_95 CF 126500 vs 116500 Panda

I used to own Clean 116500 Panda and wasn’t impressed with the bracelet quality and loud rotor; does 126500 bracelet feel better quality? Is it quieter in the newer model? I like the look of the old Panda better but the quality was just terrible. Appreciate the help!
submitted by Pretty_Boy_95 to RepTime [link] [comments]
