2025.01.26 07:07 tabdas Breaking no contact
I broke up with my ex a year ago. He slept with one of my friends the night I ran into him at a club. I called him yesterday, we chatted and caught up on what’s going on in our lives. I decided to bring up what he did and how it hurt me. His response was “it’s not a big deal, it meant nothing, you aren’t even that close with her”. I hung up and felt so gaslit I don’t know why but I seem to really want some recognition that wasn’t kind from him but he will never give that. How do you deal with not having closure?
They also flatted together when we dated. This feels so personal
submitted by tabdas to BreakUps [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 07:07 Jealous_Stretch_1853 Factory resetting TW
I messed around with swt-gtk too much that I cannot run certain applications anymore.
Is it possible to factory reset everything? Or should i just wipe the ssd?
submitted by Jealous_Stretch_1853 to openSUSE [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 07:07 Different_Force1480 Me when I get an ATAR of 98.65:
https://preview.redd.it/xitbvy69fafe1.png?width=1890&format=png&auto=webp&s=84db6ec674b1560f7655e794ca91630c425087d0 submitted by Different_Force1480 to vce [link] [comments] |
2025.01.26 07:07 -44Twenty H: Gatling plasma calibrated capacitor plan and stinging core receptacle plan W: aluminum and silver
submitted by -44Twenty to Market76 [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 07:07 kalam4z00 "Men can't be friends anymore"
I find this complaint so annoying and baffling because like... at least in my experience it's an utter non-issue. I'm a gay man, hell I even have an account on Tumblr, and I genuinely cannot recall the last time I saw two straight male characters from a piece of media shipped together. When I have seen it my response is always to roll my eyes and scroll on. Is it dumb? Yes. But the only place I have ever seen this happen is in a few specific fandom-heavy corners of the Internet. Meanwhile there is so much media out there that's full of straight men being platonic friends. Am I missing something? Is everyone else experiencing a completely different media environment? I spend most of my time in queer-dominated spaces and I swear I don't see queer relationships half as often as people on Reddit say they do.
And it's always about men. No one makes this complaint about women, even though a lot of the shipping I see online is explicitly lesbian. It's never about men and women be friends. Hell, it's never about letting gay men be friends, or letting a gay and straight man have a platonic friendship. I don't want to read too much into it and I don't think the people saying it are consciously prejudiced, but considering how often it turns to people talking about how back in the past men could be friends with no problems and getting mad at anyone who brings up homophobia as the reason why this might be an issue, it often feels like people's ideal solution is just for gay men to go back into the closet or stop existing. And when it comes to fictional characters there also always seem to be a defensiveness - like if you as a straight man were to like and relate to a character who some people see as gay, that would make you gay, and I promise that's not how it works.
Same goes for characters being trans. I'm cis and every so often I encounter trans who headcanon some character as trans and my response is, good for them? It doesn't affect me that someone else sees themselves in a story. At the end of the day it's basically all Internet posts. And look, I've gotten upset over Internet posts before, I know it can be very annoying, but I think it's important to breathe and remember that what some random person writes online isn't that important in the grand scheme of things. Is it dumb and annoying for some random person on Tumblr to take two canonically straight characters and pretend they're gay for each other? Sure. But people write about this stuff as if it's the cause of every straight man's permanent misery and loneliness.
I know lots of irl straight men who are very affectionate towards their friends and have never been accused of being gay. Hell, in my experience straight men often act more "gay" towards other straight men than most gay people I've met when they feel confident in their sexuality, and yet in my experience all it does is affirm their straightness in the eyes of other people. Of course this is all anecdotal, but I genuinely have not encountered the epidemic of straight men who just want to have friends but are being viciously mocked as gay for it.
submitted by kalam4z00 to PetPeeves [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 07:07 Rare_Watercress8048 مشكلة التغيير لماذا نجد التغيير صعبًا؟ لماذا نقاوم التغيير؟ وكيف تحقق الأداء البشري الأمثل؟
في هذا الفيديو، نناقش "مشكلة التغيير" ونتعمق في الجوانب الأساسية للأداء البشري عند التكيف مع الظروف الجديدة. التغيير أمر لا مفر منه، لكن لماذا يقاوم الكثير من الناس التغيير؟ نشرح الحواجز النفسية والعاطفية التي تمنع الأفراد من تقبل التغيير، سواء في حياتهم الشخصية أو المهنية. ستتعرف على الطبيعة الأساسية للأداء البشري، وأهمية فهم هذه الديناميكيات لأي شخص يسعى للنمو والنجاح والتكيف بمرونة مع التحديات.
نستعرض الصعوبات الشائعة التي يواجهها الناس عند مواجهة التغيير، وكيفية التغلب على هذه المقاومة، بالإضافة إلى دور التفكير الذهني الإيجابي في التكيف مع التحديات الجديدة. سنناقش استراتيجيات لتحسين أدائك الشخصي من خلال مواءمة عاداتك وطريقة تفكيرك مع واقع التغيير المستمر. سواء كنت تواجه تغييرات تنظيمية في العمل، أو تغييرات في مسارك المهني، أو تسعى للتطوير الشخصي، يقدم لك هذا الفيديو رؤى قيمة حول كيفية التعامل مع التغيير بفعالية.
تعلم كيف تحول التحديات إلى فرص للنمو وتحسين أدائك العام. هذا الفيديو ضروري للقادة ورواد الأعمال وكل من يسعى لتحسين قدرته على التكيف في عالم دائم التطور.
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submitted by Rare_Watercress8048 to CAIRO [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 07:07 GenericSadLoser Ugh, can I like, die? Thanks.
I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself Fucking kill me I want to die.
submitted by GenericSadLoser to teenagers [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 07:07 _octaviaa How can I make this custom shortcut run
I’m currently using the automation that sends an alert when my battery is less than 25% but it’s only rounded numbers. I specifically want an alert when it reaches 21% so I can plug in my phone. submitted by _octaviaa to shortcuts [link] [comments] |
2025.01.26 07:07 MiNuN_De_CoMpUtEr [Game Guide] As a Lord Peni, I very much enjoyed the match with the Invisible Woman who kept pulling them into my mines
submitted by MiNuN_De_CoMpUtEr to marvelrivals [link] [comments] |
2025.01.26 07:07 sloazo ITAP of a mountain landscape
submitted by sloazo to itookapicture [link] [comments] |
2025.01.26 07:07 sea-owl222 getting into clownin!
i am a lover of underground bass music, hula hoop, aerials, and other fire and circus arts. i have friends who perform as clowns and just dress in a clown way day to day or at festivals, how does one go about becoming a clown? it’s something i’ve been wanting to do for so long, do i just start finding my own personal clown style? not sure if this group is a fan of festival clowns but they are a great community :-)
submitted by sea-owl222 to clowns [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 07:07 w989872 r6 reconnect and penalty mech is a total bs
Just got banned for 1hr due to abandon when playing standard, r6 simply crashed when loading into map tower(not sure how you guys called it, its the Japanese map), then I tried to rejoin still r6 keep crashing when loading. Tried 5 times in total and everytime r6 crashes when loading the map. After restarting the computer I got suspended for 1hr after I log into the main menu.
This is totally bs, after playing ~5yrs this is the first time every that r6 continously crashing. And this is not even my fault for not being able to reconnect, why the end user get punished when the program malfunctions? Didn't ubi have a method to identify that people try to reconnect and game just crashes, hell I even sent the crash report when r6 crashed
So instead of balancing the recoil or gadgets and taking away all fun aspect of the game, why not fking fix the code.I can see why ubi game getting sucker and sucker for each year or ubi is just not good at running long-term games (oh, I forgot to mention I played Division 1&2, Ghost recon: wild land)
submitted by w989872 to Rainbow6 [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 07:07 unicornmagic77 luxury stay
i’m an employee and i want to book a night at either the st regis or ritz carlton (leaning towards st regis) in toronto for a fun night with friends to celebrate a birthday.
does the brand typically have good discounts for employees?
i’m looking at june - normal rate is $661 and using the discount it’s $640 for the same room type.
granted i am looking sat-sun but even when i look in the middle of the week, it’s actually more expensive. i even looked all the way in november and it’s also more expensive.
i’ve never stayed at a luxury hotel like this so i’m not sure if that’s normal to not offer a good discount as when i booked at regular hotels in canada and usa, i got amazing deals.
can someone provide insight on this?
much appreciated!!
submitted by unicornmagic77 to marriott [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 07:07 supermax2008 Completely blown away by 'power windows' any recommendations in a similar vein?
Hi everyone! I've only started delving into rush. Other than a few songs I'd listened to many years ago, I never listened to them. Yesterday I just put on 'power windows' on a whim. It is such a good album. I guess it helps that I have a fondness for the 80s and also one artist I listen to is 'oneohtrix point never ' who I'm not sure if anyone on this subreddit listens to. He was known for vaporwave in the initial stages of his career. It's a very 80s influenced genre that got popular on the internet. I think it's the synths on power windows that blew me away. I'm hearing that the OG fans of the band hated this album. But looks like it is my favourite of rush. Would anyone here have more recommendations in this vein? Are there more albums by rush that sound similar? Are there albums from other artists maybe I should look into? I'm listening to this album again for the 2nd time. U should see the smile on my face 😃 it's so good. So fun!
submitted by supermax2008 to rush [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 07:07 jachiche When will Ireland get a cricket stadium?
submitted by jachiche to irishcricket [link] [comments] |
2025.01.26 07:07 Grumpy_Smurf1 Can this plan work?
So here's the deal. I'm 46 and plan to retire at 56. I have a job with a pension the is adjusted for inflation which will pay me about 68k a year by the time I retire. I plan on contributing to my TSFA and RRSP until I'm 65 with about 20k going into them a year combined . I currently have about 400k invested and a fully paid off house, about 1.4m. does this plan sound doable?
submitted by Grumpy_Smurf1 to Fire [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 07:07 raykmiel join this server for legit snap hacks !
submitted by raykmiel to Cryptomemeshots [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 07:07 Mouldybanananananana Hi nerdz
I need funny stories to read so everyone like. Lore dump :p
submitted by Mouldybanananananana to scene [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 07:07 Civilization_GPT2 The US Department of Energy is taking a hard line on its coal-fired power plant in Tennessee, even though the country's largest power plant is already close to 100% renewable.
submitted by Civilization_GPT2 to SubSimGPT2Interactive [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 07:07 wedoublebox [WTS] Formula 369 10LB Bag Endurance Fuel $75
New 10lb bag Bought more than needed
$75 Free Shipping, add $5 if not Paypal Friends/Family
submitted by wedoublebox to BikeShop [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 07:07 Groundbreaking-Cat45 21M am I…
I suspect I am but let’s find out submitted by Groundbreaking-Cat45 to amiugly [link] [comments] |
2025.01.26 07:07 zabalansu What advice would you give to someone currently dealing with something you managed to overcome ?
submitted by zabalansu to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 07:07 DaSmall_AsianKid Are the ski lifts going to be open tomorrow 1/25 sunday?
I heard they might be closed due to the storm warnings
submitted by DaSmall_AsianKid to bigbear [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 07:07 Milkbutternuts LF FULLGROWN GOLD HAMSTERS
submitted by Milkbutternuts to AdoptMeRBX [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 07:07 Kalibnet أجمل ريمكس حماسي 2025 🌟 || ريمكسات موسيقى حماسية ترند عربي 🎧 (Slowed + Reverb)
submitted by Kalibnet to kalibnet [link] [comments] |