H μετάβαση των GPU Maxwell, Pascal και Volta στην κλάση παλαιών αρχιτεκτονικών

2025.01.26 07:06 TheLabGr H μετάβαση των GPU Maxwell, Pascal και Volta στην κλάση παλαιών αρχιτεκτονικών

H μετάβαση των GPU Maxwell, Pascal και Volta στην κλάση παλαιών αρχιτεκτονικών submitted by TheLabGr to LabGr [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:06 CaptainCrafter16 I had a dream that there was this video game called Legoshia

I had a dream that there was this video game called Legoshia submitted by CaptainCrafter16 to Gamesthatdontexist [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:06 monsieur_le_mayor Dialga 2 locals 321349051266

submitted by monsieur_le_mayor to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:06 comrade-lecter Eye of a hurricane

Eye of a hurricane submitted by comrade-lecter to dontputyourdickinthat [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:06 AutoModerator Helpful tips

submitted by AutoModerator to CricketStatz [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:06 Heartfeltzero Never used fb marketplace. Seller said they would take $280 for it. Does this seem like it could be legit?

Never used fb marketplace. Seller said they would take $280 for it. Does this seem like it could be legit? They also said they could record a video of it on. Never bought anything 3rd party like this though.
submitted by Heartfeltzero to consoles [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:06 New_Mix_7749 Text mining software

Hi, I am doing pre market research to develop my proto buyer personas, for that I collected nearly 800 job descriptions within my industry. I want to identify technical knowledge requirements from candidates, requirements where candidates need to interfere with technical topics or technical people for each job function within my data (f.e. marketing, sales and etc.). Which tool can I use to do this more efficiently.
submitted by New_Mix_7749 to customerexperience [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:06 Royp212 Qahwa

submitted by Royp212 to dubai [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:06 LoveLo_2005 Halloween at the White House 2009, pictures by Derek Frey

Halloween at the White House 2009, pictures by Derek Frey submitted by LoveLo_2005 to Presidents [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:06 Thrifty__Chan Do theta II engines make it past 150k

So I just purchased a 2015 Kia optima, and I'm psyching myself out with the potential issues regarding the engine
The owner also didn't provide me with maintenance records, but it does have the KSDS update
The engine has an oil leak that I plan on taking it in to the dealership for
Am I screwed if the engine goes? TIA
submitted by Thrifty__Chan to kia [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:06 fuse_bulb New achievement for India unlocked . Vishwaguru moment

New achievement for India unlocked . Vishwaguru moment https://data.worldbank.org/?locations=IN-BD#
submitted by fuse_bulb to india [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:06 Politiek_historicus Dick Schoof dertig weken premier, insiders doen een boekje open over zijn werkwijze

Dick Schoof dertig weken premier, insiders doen een boekje open over zijn werkwijze submitted by Politiek_historicus to Politiek [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:06 Parking_Spirit_7958 I’m Breaking Up With My Boyfriend tomorrow.

I have never done this before. Please ignore my mistakes, I'm quite stressed. My heart is beating so fast. 1, 21F, met my Boyfriend, Kade, 22M, about a year ago. I really liked him at first. He showed effort, talked of me fondly, told me he could see a future with me, etc. I fell in love quick. He was different than any man I dated previously. More mature. We fell into a weird spot, probably 5-6 months in. There were often tense moments, moments I have never had with any other significant other. Like, I said something he didn't like and then we would just both stop talking completely. But we weren't "mad" at each other, but it felt like it. But this always makes me pretty sad. Anyways, onto the reason I am posting this. Kade was over at my house. We had had a tense night and a tense morning (he slept over, he lives pretty far so we spend most weekends sleeping over at each other's houses taking turns whose house). I cried in the shower and that morning because of how things were making me feel (i'm a pretty sensitive person). He had brought over some alcohol, which I don't really love so I only had a few shots. He drank probably over half the bottle (it wasn't huge, but had 17 servings in it). He got really drunk. He was falling over, ignoring me, and slapping me. I tried to set multiple boundaries that were ignored/disrespected. He would hit me randomlv. Not hard, but hard enough. It was "jokingly". But sr of them really hurt, even when I told him to stop multiple times previously. He just kept saying such awful things. He was embarrassing me in front of my family (yk that moment when you finally get the ick? all that maturity is gone). Anyways, he was not liking the boundaries I was setting. All I got in response was "so you hate me", "you don't love me", and more. He would even huff and puff with his breath, or pound his legs on my bed like he was throwing a tantrum. I was sick of it, and I just kept telling him to stop saying that, because I love him very much, nothings wrong, I don't hate you, etc. But he was overstepping on my part. Anyways, he finally fell asleep. He's asleep next to me right now as I type this. We meet halfway so I have to drive him back to his car tomorrow morning. I am scared I will crack. But I know my Mom is going to be relieved, which is what is pushing me to do just do it. I read a social psychology fact the other day. It said that most humans bounce back a lot faster than they think they will. We are often very wrong about what we think we will talk or feel in the future. I am hoping I can bounce back quickly, and not worry so much about the ending, because l've got this. I've never broken up with someone so this is why I'm freaking out toh. Anyways, any advice or support is appreciated. Again, this is my first post, so l'm sorry if I made any mistakes.
submitted by Parking_Spirit_7958 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:06 SliceofLife000 Youko's background and how she views the boss

Youko's parents were killed because the organization scouted her for her memorization skills right? If so, does she also hate the boss as much as she hates Yamaoka?
After reading the manga it seems like she only blames Yamaoka for her parent's death
submitted by SliceofLife000 to TheFable [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:06 Drmugwump Just got my first sale!

I opened my Etsy shop 9 days ago, mainly selling digitally created watercolor portraits and personalized prints - just had my first sale! For this print! I'm absolutely buzzed, I thought it would take months as prints is saturated on Etsy. I'm so happy! Just wanted to share 😆
submitted by Drmugwump to EtsySellers [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:06 A-Dubbzz [Saw] “Once you are in hell, only the devil can help you out” #68

[Saw] “Once you are in hell, only the devil can help you out” #68 submitted by A-Dubbzz to Trophies [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:06 AltruisticAd5724 Help Me Choose Ameex

Hey everyone,
I’ve been considering applying for an Amex credit card and could use your advice on which one to go for. I’m currently torn between the Amex Gold Card (GC), Membership Rewards Credit Card (MRCC), and Platinum Travel Credit Card (PTCC).
From what I’ve researched, the Gold Card seems like a good fit for me since it offers rewards on fuel, utilities, and insurance. However, I’d love to hear your insights on the pros and cons of each card to help me decide.
Thanks in advance for your help!
submitted by AltruisticAd5724 to amexindia [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:06 Zestyclose_Limit_404 A while ago, I was thinking about making my own reimagining of Bendy And The Ink Machine that would be very surreal and trippy. It would be inspired by Pink Elephants On Parade from Dumbo and Bendy Redrawn. Basically, the further Henry goes into the factory things only get weirder and more bizarre

A while ago, I was thinking about making my own reimagining of Bendy And The Ink Machine that would be very surreal and trippy. It would be inspired by Pink Elephants On Parade from Dumbo and Bendy Redrawn. Basically, the further Henry goes into the factory things only get weirder and more bizarre submitted by Zestyclose_Limit_404 to BendyAndTheInkMachine [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:06 Glum_Estate2562 My poops been out of wack for a year now. Any tips or advice? Thanks in advance.

My poops been out of wack for a year now. Any tips or advice? Thanks in advance. I’m a 26 M and for the last year I’ve been having stools that seem to be all over the place.
This first 2 photos is what I would consider a good stool of mine. The next 2 are not my favorite lol.
To give you some background, I am overweight, 30 pounds over and have recently (2 months ago) quit drinking heavily and all together. I figured by abstaining from alcohol it would get better but not really. Some days I have a normal stool. Most days I have these nugget stools or stools that sink to the bottom.
Constant constipation and bloat. Some days it’s better others it’s worse. I feel like my stomach will rip open sometimes. It also is worse after I eat I have noticed.
My doctor has taken X Rays of my stomach. I did a kidney and liver ultrasound. I have had blood tests taken 3 times now, and NOTHING, only thing off was a slightly high ALT (60). They tend to tell me “well you aren’t dying, see you later”.
I just got hit with a layoff from my employer so I am unemployed for the next couple months most likely, and I won’t be going to a doctor. Some advice would be appreciated.
I’m so tired of the stress and airing my grievances here
submitted by Glum_Estate2562 to poop [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:06 CriticismWestern2595 Free calls dude

I would sharing some free calls on btc,eth and doge futures only i would charge 25% from the profit you make Pay me only after you make profit DM me for signals
submitted by CriticismWestern2595 to CryptoMoon [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:06 electronic_horse69 need more for dialga 3213 1923 3308

submitted by electronic_horse69 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:06 Big_Might9116 Does anyone knows where to get healing bonus artifacts

submitted by Big_Might9116 to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:06 Local-Wall-4359 invisible boat mobile

invisible boat mobile submitted by Local-Wall-4359 to ArmaReforger [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:06 SuitAlarmed7602 When i called his name...

When i called his name... He'll stop everything and look at me.🥰
submitted by SuitAlarmed7602 to persiancat [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:06 forest1807 Didn’t think this was true, until I did the math

submitted by forest1807 to FunnyandSad [link] [comments]
