Selling a telegram bot!!

Hubspot defines ‘Selling’ as any transaction that is monetary in nature or in which money is exchanged in return for a good or service. During a sales negotiation, according to Hubspot, the seller attempts to convince or ‘sell’ the buyer about the benefits of their offer. Selling comprises all those personal and impersonal activities involved in finding, securing and developing a demand for a given product or service. In the words of William J. Stanton Selling is informing and persuading a market about a product or service. It is a function of promotion. In the most literal sense, selling is the ability to persuade or convince someone of the merits of a product, an idea, a proposition or goal. In organizations, selling skills of a person are referred to as the ability of closing a deal i.e. handing over something of value in exchange for money. Selling in marketing includes strategies aimed at persuading potential customers to purchase products or services. Effective selling strategies are integral to the marketing process, directly impacting revenue generation and business growth. Selling – Persuading. According to HubSpot: “Selling is any transaction in which money is exchanged for a good or service. During a sales negotiation, the seller attempts to convince or ‘sell’ the buyer on the benefits of their offer.” At the most basic level, selling refers to the exchange of goods or services for money between a buyer and seller. A salesperson or selling organization provides something of value and works to persuade the potential buyer to purchase it at an agreed upon price.[^1] Selling will require salespeople to be able to convey real business value, not through some sales pitch but through relevant business impact. What is selling and the definition of selling is unique to every seller and organization. Selling mainly focuses on creating a product and sell it for profits. Marketing focuses on identifying the need of a specific group of potential customers and then creating a profitable product that can satisfy those needs. SELLING definition: 1. the activity of making products and services available so that people buy them: 2. the job and…. Learn more. Selling is a transaction where a good or service is being exchanged for money. It also refers to the process of persuading a person or organization to buy something. If you're selling a product or service, you need to focus your selling efforts on communicating the benefits to the buyer.

2025.01.26 07:25 cbsewalechicha Selling a telegram bot!!

Hey, I have a telegram group management and music bot with a good stats, how much I can get for it? And anyone up to buy it!
submitted by cbsewalechicha to TelegramBots [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:25 underachiver- iPhone lovers 💕💦

iPhone lovers 💕💦 Well seems pretty legit to me🥹
submitted by underachiver- to indiameme [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:25 Creative_Chocolate_1 I need CAS concert ticket for bengaluru

Does anyone have cas concert tickets for bengaluru. I would really appreciate it
submitted by Creative_Chocolate_1 to Tickets [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:25 Annual-Amphibian-450 22M.UPSC OR NOT?

22M.UPSC OR NOT? I’m about to graduate with an engineering degree. Initially, I was preparing for civil services and, because of that, decided not to sit for placements. However, considering the uncertainty of the exam, I eventually decided to stop preparing for it. At that point, I had already completed polity and parts of geography. Since then, I’ve started focusing on placement preparation but am unsure which field to choose.
I have a range of interests, including graphic design (I’m not a pro but gained some exposure during college and enjoyed it), national politics, geopolitics, defense, and national security.
I can afford to take a 2-3 year break to prepare for civil services, but I don’t want to. I feel I’ve already spent enough of my parents’ money and don’t wish to burden them further. Although I’ve been fairly good at studies, I was careless for a while. Recently, I’ve become disciplined again and am more focused. However, I know I wouldn’t be able to prepare for civil services while staying at home, and if I didn’t get selected, finding a job would become even more challenging.
One of the reasons I quit preparing for civil services is that I find the process very laborious. While I enjoy subjects like polity, geography, and other related areas, the competitive nature of the exam adds pressure, making it less enjoyable for me. I might revisit this option after working for 2-3 years, once I have the stability and a corporate tag on my resume.
If I had complete freedom, I’d probably pursue a master’s in humanities and a Ph.D. in subjects like politics or defense studies. Ideally, I’d explore politics in a university setting, join a think tank, or even start one. I’ve always envisioned myself as an advisor on defense and national security matters.
For now, my plan is to secure a job while also creating content on politics and geopolitics through videos. If the content gains traction, I might quit my job and pursue a master’s at JNU to explore politics more deeply and work toward my dream of joining or forming a think tank. Alternatively, I might also explore politics as a career, despite not having any formal background in it.
I sometimes imagine myself as a Rajya Sabha MP specializing in defense and security matters. If the video content doesn’t gain traction, I’ll still have the stability of an MNC job. I could then prepare for UPSC while working and take a brief break to attempt the exam.
If neither the videos nor UPSC work out, I might stick with my job and leverage my experience in content creation to start a marketing agency or a related venture.
This is my current plan, but I’m open to refining it further as I gain more clarity about my goals and opportunities.
Which stream to choose: Engg. Job OR Content creation (political mostly) OR Bureaucracy OR politics OR creative venture (marketing agency etc) OR Think tank
Details: Name:Kartikey Bhushan Yadav DOB:21/01/2003 TOB:16:18 POB: Sultanpur UP
submitted by Annual-Amphibian-450 to IndianVedicAstrology [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:25 Federal_Yogurt2706 A toddler's dream kitchen lol

submitted by Federal_Yogurt2706 to Coloring [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:25 Own_Perspective_2693 does anyone have the meme where supreme kai says the hard n saiyan

and goku and vegeta get mad
submitted by Own_Perspective_2693 to Ningen [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:25 Repulsive-Relative05 Symptoms

Hey everyone. I’m 19F, I have type two bipolar, panic disorder, GAD, PTSD, and an eating disorder. About three days ago was prescribed duloxetine and lamotrigine. I have pretty bad medical anxiety, so I’m just wondering if everyone could tell me all the symptoms they had on either of these medicines or both. I’ve had numerous symptoms, like feeling really figitty and nervous, and had some panic attacks but I don’t know if that’s from the medicine or not, along with other symptoms, but the ones I’m wondering if anyone else has had I suppose is muscle pain and joint pain, like shooting pains along with painful aches. But I’d like to know any and all symptoms y’all have had in case it happens to me so I don’t freak out. Thanks everyone 🙏 P.S. I’ve read a lot of articles and stuff about all the symptoms I just wanna hear from real people what they’ve experience 🙂
submitted by Repulsive-Relative05 to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:25 MrNiceGuy9320 I need a guidance

I got sick and therefore I couldn’t fly to Milano.
Now I have a ticket to sell (Ac Milan-Fc Parma). Where could be a good place to sell the ticket?
submitted by MrNiceGuy9320 to ItalyTravel [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:25 real_is_struggle Lf new puppy have new fish/farm

Just looking for 1 new puppy, can trade all new fish or new farm for it :)
User czayce
Please confirm below before clicking or I can't guarantee a fair trade.
submitted by real_is_struggle to temu_old_users [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:25 Luisdent need tool bag recommendation

need tool bag recommendation submitted by Luisdent to Tools [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:25 Grouchy-You201 free google acc

where can i get a verified gmail account guys. i just need one verified google account
submitted by Grouchy-You201 to privacy [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:25 pythoglyphs NO, Samsung is not copying Apple...

submitted by pythoglyphs to samsunggalaxy [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:25 PhysicsAccording8718 how do I explain it except not normal s*** it's happening daily it's just getting weird out here it's not really that fun to be alive because we're slaving away so I don't know any ideas how to help this change without being all cray cray

submitted by PhysicsAccording8718 to kindacrazyrightnow [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:25 a27s02 1-3/4" Coil Nails 14,000 QTY

1-3/4 Priced to SELL
Box of 1-3/4" coil nails, 14,000 count. Bought for $250. These are high-quality nails perfect for framing, decking, or any heavy-duty project.
submitted by a27s02 to OregonStateUniv [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:25 Objective_Brick8386 youtube creaters

Do you think pewdiepie should be canceled?
submitted by Objective_Brick8386 to dchgfcbhy566gf5y7ugty [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:25 durangotang Are the Asus PG32UCDM or PG32UCDP going to get a Display Port 2.1 refresh?

The title says it all. I like the Asus models, but I want Display Port 2.1 so I won't be reliant on DSC in the future.
The Gigabyte Aorus F032U2P had it from launch, and the MSI MPG 322URX just go the update to Display Port 2.1. What do you guys think, will Asus do a mid-cycle refresh on these soon? At CES all we saw were updated 27" panels this year, so that makes me hesitant to wait, in case it doesn't come. Thoughts?
submitted by durangotang to OLED_Gaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:25 skinnybootsthehouse weird scary trash can???

i don’t dream often (or when i do i don’t remember), but when i do have a dream it’s always weird.
i had a dream where i was a character in one of those odd horror games, and the monster wasn’t seen but i could feel it’s presence. i ran into this tiny office and got up on the desk, and then after some static i was on the ground next to the chair of the desk sobbing. shreds of paper junk slid under the door and went beneath me, and then suddenly i was looking into a dark hallway with a trash can in the middle. another earlier part of the dream was me sitting on top of a vending machine, and there were other people around. the only one i fully remember was this hispanic lady who had serious aunt vibes. i think we were avoiding it.
submitted by skinnybootsthehouse to Dreams [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:25 Paulgeorgescamaro After the most recent update there’s literally no point in buying packs anymore. Having a higher overall don’t meant shit

submitted by Paulgeorgescamaro to CollegeUltimateTeam [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:25 No-Knowledge-5349 If anyone has this model can you send it to me

I'm working on a project for my art class and i decided to go with 3d printing but I'm not allowed to buy anything so if you can please send it to me 🙏
submitted by No-Knowledge-5349 to cults3d [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:25 barryc13 Incenator trooper mech

Think the mech has better use now, the figure is going to be awapped out with an incenator trooper.
submitted by barryc13 to legostarwars [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:25 Appropriate-Ranger59 Where does one acquire such back-panel?

Where does one acquire such back-panel? submitted by Appropriate-Ranger59 to BreakPoint [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:25 Upbeat-Blackberry126 IVF meds Sydney

Hi all,
I was hoping there is someone who has IVF meds left over that they would donate? I am not covered under Medicare, and private cost for all meds is over $3000. I was hoping someone has any leftovers? I have a prescription with names and dosage.
I am located in Sydney and will be starting my first and probably the only round ( just too expensive without Medicare :(, around mid Feb. 2025
Thank you so very much
submitted by Upbeat-Blackberry126 to IVF [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:25 DrosssyD jump out is a classic. aoty.

submitted by DrosssyD to osamason [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:25 Budget_Elderberry_51 Little edit

Little edit submitted by Budget_Elderberry_51 to 3on3 [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:25 HippieHippieHippie 1v1 Chads stay winning!

1v1 Chads stay winning! submitted by HippieHippieHippie to warno [link] [comments]