2025.01.27 04:31 zomblecomedy What the hell does this mean???
We are both in the US why am I playing an extra $10??? submitted by zomblecomedy to Depop [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 04:31 PichaelPoop Should i live in oakland or SF? Give me pros and cons of each
submitted by PichaelPoop to AskSF [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:31 brokencanuckle Insurance offer 51 cents on the dollar for contents of house lost in wildfire.
Insurance determined that the replacement value of contents of house lost in Jasper wildfire was approximately 240k and then said the depreciation made the value 106k. They offered an additional 20k if we gave them a yes/no within 5 days. When we asked the insurance agent if there was room for negotiation the answer was a flat “no” Is there any value in talking to a lawyer? Can the insurance company really retract the 20k offer if we take longer than 5 days to decide?
submitted by brokencanuckle to legaladvicecanada [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:31 DONTGIVEHIMTHESTIK 37/M/USA interested in finding new pen pals
Hello, I am interested in meeting new pen pals to chat about mutual interests and just enjoy writing in general. I am a father of 2 and sometimes miss 1 on 1 adult interaction due to my schedule.
Some of my interests are science and tech, bingeable Netflix shows, golf, and bourbon. Hope to hear from you soon!
submitted by DONTGIVEHIMTHESTIK to penpalsover30 [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:31 Pitiful_Ad1602 how big is it✌️😂😂💯💯💔💔
how big is it
submitted by Pitiful_Ad1602 to teenagers [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:31 Pyro_Nite Provisional Admit Card
Admit card for 29th Jan paper says provisional admit card sabke liye same hai kya ?
submitted by Pyro_Nite to JEENEETards [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:31 Pretty-Log-2199 Does anyone know if EA FC on Nintendo Switch 2 will have cross-play with other platforms?
submitted by Pretty-Log-2199 to FIFAswitch [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:31 hotrodgreg One death and leaving is good
I used to be against leaving after one death, but bnah fck it is cool now. Hight tier mbts againts op ass missiles from smaller support tanks like the tow 2 and spikes that basically make you vulnerable no matter what. Just like how helis can spawn "with just missile that dont do anything bruh" right off the bat instead of having to work for them like with jets. Shit ass maps, stupid op missiles (I forgot that the russian ones seem to not be nerfed much but hey, no such thing as bias), helis, and jets really do make tanks seem like they are pointless at top tier.
submitted by hotrodgreg to WarthunderPlayerUnion [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:31 JayBirD_JunBugz88 Riverside County
submitted by JayBirD_JunBugz88 to Riverside [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 04:31 godwyn-faithful Super shenanigans: as hard as I can, am I clear?
submitted by godwyn-faithful to TeamFourStar [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 04:31 Feeling-Dog9117 Meenakshi Chaudhary
submitted by Feeling-Dog9117 to meenakshichaudharyhot [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 04:31 A_MASSIVE_PERVERT Wakamo [Blue Archive]
submitted by A_MASSIVE_PERVERT to kemonomimi [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 04:31 AdamBladeTaylor How do I enter the doctor's home?
So I go through into the zone with the doctor's house. I clear out the first tiny building and the second one with the crazy guy who has a rusty key on him. But I can't get into the actual house. There's no door I can get to or anything.
submitted by AdamBladeTaylor to Darkwood [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:31 RAT_BOY515 Frenzy Build Help
I'm currently on my very first play-through, and I'm already deciding that for New Game Plus I'm going to do a frenzy build. I know it's not very good, but I still think it would be fun to do and have a nice challenge. Just looking for help on what I should be collecting and what my stats (roughly) should look like. Thanks!
submitted by RAT_BOY515 to EldenRingBuilds [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:31 icantreadoutloud Army guy wondering about gyms on ships
How many gyms are there per type of ship? Are they open 24hrs?
submitted by icantreadoutloud to navy [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:31 ind_11 When does exchange applications do and what to do.
I’m planning to go on exchange next winter semester, but I’m not sure where to start. I’ve reached out to the help portal, but I still feel stuck. I know where I want to go and meet all the requirements, but I’m unsure about the first steps I need to take. Could someone give me some guidance?
submitted by ind_11 to uwo [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:31 King_Ryder02 Where can I find CDs
I want some blank CDs. Does anyone know where I can find some near campus? Or if anyone has some extra, I’ll buy them off of you.
submitted by King_Ryder02 to UniversityOfHouston [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:31 lagesamba Iniciação científica
Estou começando minha IC e queria perguntar para aqueles que fizeram IC: qual impacto ela teve na sua vida acadêmica e na sua vida com relação ao mercado de trabalho
submitted by lagesamba to Unicamp [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:31 dlskhoarapperkeeper8 The pain
submitted by dlskhoarapperkeeper8 to fantasypremierleague [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:31 _RexDart Need a low profile card for a HP EliteDesk 800-G3 Intel SFF Desktop
I only use it for Batocera. It's got an i5-7500 w/ HD 630 built-in. Doesn't need to be super powerful... really, cheaper is better.
Only has to be better that the onboard graphics. I'm getting tearing and wanted to try an AMD card to see if it helps at all.
submitted by _RexDart to lowendgaming [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:31 Mrstrange015 Finally made it to tekken king
Was a bit of a challenge to rank higher as victor due to playing too predictable and later I slowly figured how to mix it better using ALL of his moves, slowly learning frames from most use characters like drag,jin,king,etc. I still have trouble breaking kings grabs and dealing with yoshis dumb unblockable set ups. I've been mostly stuck as raijin but now being more patient with opponents I've managed to reach tekken king. Hopefully next patch they tune down the top characters like drag and yoshi. submitted by Mrstrange015 to Tekken [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 04:31 IonSakamoto Eu me sinto errado de fazer sexo casual
Tenho 19 anos e tenho uma visão "estranha" sobre "sexo casual", acho muito esquisito as pessoas só transarem por transar, sem criar conexões de vdd. Pra mim isso é muito estranho, eu vejo sexo como algo mais íntimo q deveria ser feito com "afeto" e q as pessoas n deveriam fazer só por fazer, de transar com qualquer pessoa q achasse bonito e depois só isso. Eu me sinto errado de pensar assim, pq eu vejo q a maioria das pessoas n pensa desse jeito q eu penso.
Eu só namorei uma vez e durou 2 anos, até q ela queria "experimentar outra coisas" pois tinha "enjoado" de mim (nas palavras dela) e terminamos. Ela foi a única pessoa q eu fiz sexo minha vida toda, nós transavamos bastante e eu sentia uma puta conexão. Eu sempre tentava ser melhor na cama, pra ficar mais "unidos" e satisfazer cada vez mais nós dois. Só q depois q terminamos, eu n consigo sentir muito mais prazer e fico sempre receoso quanto a sexo.
Depois de uns meses pós termino, uma menina começou a dar em cima de mim, dando indiretas q queria só transar e nada mais. Por mais q eu me sentisse atraído sexualmente por ela, eu me sinto estranho de fazer sexo com ela só por fazer. Eu sinto como se eu tivesse virando alguém "rodado" ou como um "predador sexual" q só transa com várias mulheres e depois foda-se. Fico pensado sobre como isso afetaria futuras relações q eu possa ter, no final eu só fico cada vez mais confuso sobre se é "certo ou errado", mesmo eu n achando genuínamente q seja essa a questão.
Sinto q tenho uma visão muito "conservadora" sobre sexo e talvez isso sobre "sexo casual" seja um tabu pra mim. Queria q vcs me ajudassem a ver outro lado sobre isso e pra eu refletir sobre, tendo visões diferente.
(Me desculpem se pareceu preconceituoso da minha parte, eu realmente tenho dúvidas sobre esse tipo de coisa e n sabia como me expressar)
submitted by IonSakamoto to desabafos [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:31 TheRealZiiks Need help setting server up! (Muscle Strain)
Hello! I am a new player who has recently started playing with my 4 friends. We are wondering how to turn off muscle strain on the server. I went to the character options in the server settings and its not there. Is there a way to turn it off? Thank you so much! https://preview.redd.it/izjxbqpcsgfe1.jpg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44fdb5995ba420d9443a7d413ddd195469649b43 submitted by TheRealZiiks to projectzomboid [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 04:31 mememasterbutno Rate My Collection & Review
My Fragrance Collection As Off Today. Feel free to ask any questions about the fragrances. Short Summary Reviews: 1. Al Haramain Aqua Dubai: Not a clone of Imagination, more off an inspiration. Major differences about it is that Aqua Dubai is much more denser, sweeter, fruitier, has a chlorine type of soapiness, cakey ginger note, lemongrass type of herbalness instead of a Chinese black tea herbalness, petitgrain note in this adds a static/metallic bitterness, is slightly vanillic Rating: 8.2/10 Performance: 9/10
2025.01.27 04:31 toxiclilminx How can you simultaneously be smothering me and completely neglecting me.
I (29hlf) and my husband(30llm) have been having intimacy issues ever since I found out about an ongoing emotional affair in our 2nd year of marriage. He made me feel so crazy those first 2 years of our marriage and it still really gets to me. He has since made amends. Done everything I’ve asked. He’s been very consistent and apologetic and all that. Weve been together 8 years in total now. I still feel something is of. He seems to have no sexual attraction to me. I’m a very flirty and sexual person and it just never lands with him. We have sex maybe twice a month at this point. It is no where close to enough for me and my self esteem is in the trash with how it has been.
What’s confusing is in every other way he is really wonderful. Super supportive and kind. Helps with everything he can. I would consider us best friends. And he’s always hugging and kissing and even groping me. But if I try to push it further it’s like I hit a dead ass broken wall. It feels like he’s hiding something.
Recently he’s been working out heavier and eating more and working on him self physically and spending all this physical energy on himself and I feel completely left in the dust. His body hurts or he’s too tired. If it’s not that, it’s too late, or his stomach hurts or he’s quite literally just ignores my question or pleas for a solution. But to his credit, he is getting his T checked this week after me begging for 3 years. But for me now, I’m just kinda gotten to a point where I’m disgusted. I want nothing to do with him. It’s built up into the horrible resentment that I just can’t wrap my head around. It’s taken over everything. I’m constantly short with him when I’m feeling like this. I consider cheating and doing all kinds of things to try and take the edge of tho I know the minute I decide to do that my marriage is over.
Idk. This is just to vent I guess.
submitted by toxiclilminx to DeadBedrooms [link] [comments]