Is this timetable manageable?

But you have the right idea about what the sentence means. It’s written in a rather flowery way, as though part of a speech, but what it says is that the operation must be all three of those things: manageable, acceptable and tolerable – especially to those who might be expected to find it unmanageable, unacceptable, intolerable. Handleable is not a valid word. Manageable is a good choice for both sentences. Slight correction to the first example: The dress's train isn't very manageable. The noun (dress) is singular, so the possessive will always add an "s". Hello, To transform probability's large numbers into smaller, more manageable terms Laplace invented a multitude of mathematical shortcuts and clever approximations. Among them were new generating functions, transforms, and asymptotic expansions. The Theory That Would Not Die: How Bayes' Rule... Described as ‘a brilliant summary and logical restructuring of Galenic medicine,’12 his Canon was a manageable five-volume affair, much more practical and affordable than the sprawling Galenic corpus, and it became the primary channel for the trans‑mission of Galen’s ideas." What is meant by "manageable five-volume affair" in this context? Bonjour, Nous avons une vingtaine d'ordinateur câblés et reliés avec des prises RJ45. Je souhaitais ajouter un poste avec un PC mais plus assez de prise RJ45 au sol pour câbler et recevoir la connexion internet. If a backup is performed, it should be conducted on a regular basis to keep the task manageable. Mi intento: Si se realizan copias de seguridad, se deben realizar de forma periódica para que la tarea se pueda controlar. Aguardo su ayuda. Desde ya muchas gracias. How much homework do you think is manageable for a six-year-old student? I made the sentence, and used the "manageable" to mean "reasonable". Although the WR dictionary gives the following definition for manageable, I'm not sure if it means "the upper limit of one's ability", or "the level of something to be reasonablely managed". manegeable adj

2025.01.27 04:52 Olimato___ Is this timetable manageable?

Is this timetable manageable? submitted by Olimato___ to UTS [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:52 dripplers No idea what to get

Does anybody know any argb controllers on amazon that are non proprietary and signal rgb supported? The Razer addressable rgb controller is out of stock everywhere and so is the zalman zsync. Everything else is either proprietary, or not supported
submitted by dripplers to SignalRGB [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:52 rockstarrathod Pocoloco vs WOU

Pocoloco vs WOU submitted by rockstarrathod to ShitPostCrusaders [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:52 dropthemagic Pressure Machine hits so hard on Vinyl

Going through the different albums in Vinyl and I gotta say, some of these songs are just… different man. In a good way! Especially Pressure Machine, why do I keep counting and Jenny was a friend of mine. What are some I can’t miss?
submitted by dropthemagic to TheKillers [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:52 Artistic-Badger-315 Star gazing

submitted by Artistic-Badger-315 to photo [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:52 Vegetable-Drop-8713 Safe/Dangerous Scenarios

Hello all! I have been working with my kiddo of safety scenarios (IDing them and giving me a “why”) I am currently running out of scenarios, does anybody have any ideas?
submitted by Vegetable-Drop-8713 to ABA [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:52 whyamihere2473527 Is this normal

Ordered wingstop tonight added instructions in wingstop app leave at door pls dont ring bell. After getting doordash link saying no instructions I added them. Same leave at door dont ring bell....turned on porch light opened door so could see when they arrived. When drive got here instead of dropping food off on porch instead of knocking or even ringing bell he opens my screen door & walks into my house. Seriously wtf is this normal
submitted by whyamihere2473527 to doordash [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:52 djfredgarde Preparing for the Second Coming of Christ | Christoffel Golden | | October 2021 General Conference

Preparing for the Second Coming of Christ | Christoffel Golden | | October 2021 General Conference submitted by djfredgarde to LDS_Singles31 [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:52 Substantial_Ant1732 Sidestand eliminator plug

I have my first track day coming up in just under 2 weeks, one of the requirements is that I have a kickstand eliminator plug or take the kickstand off. I honestly don’t want to take off my kickstand so I purchased a sidestand eliminator plug but it does not fit in the plug on my handlebars like I’ve seen with most bikes, has anyone had this issue or know where I need to plug this in? I thought maybe the first one I bought was the wrong one so I bought another from a different brand and have the same issue.
submitted by Substantial_Ant1732 to zx4r [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:52 NotJeff_Goldblum Advice/verification on filing this hole around shower drain.

From what few examples I can find that are similar, the fix/solution for this is to fill it mostly with gravel, then cement the last couple top inches. Am I missing anything?
I'll be installing a Schluter Kerdi shower pan over the top of it. The shower area is about 48" x 32". At it's widest, the hole is 21".
Disclaimer this hole was already there when I removed the old shower insert and probably why it started cracking in the middle to begin with. I did not do this.
submitted by NotJeff_Goldblum to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:52 TutorMountain8497 Is this Margaret Keane?

Is this Margaret Keane? I was going through my Grandpa’s negatives and found some interesting ones that include some paintings. I believe the paintings that are shown in the negatives are from Margaret Keane, no? And the lady that’s shown in the negatives along with one of her paintings is Margaret herself, no? I can’t find any info online about them, so any info anyone has on them would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
submitted by TutorMountain8497 to WhatIsThisPainting [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:52 DuckUdder Permai on her way to Monarto

Permai, the next elephant headed for Monarto left Perth Zoo today on a truck driving across the Nullabor.

“I think it’s the Rolls-Royce of elephant transport crates,” Lemon said. The crate has air conditioning, CCTV, temperature gages, snacks and water.
submitted by DuckUdder to Adelaide [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:52 Illustrious-Deer-730 Choir Name

Hi everyone!
Sa mga church goers sa XU Immaculate Conception Church especially every weekend, unsay name sa ilang choir group? Recently rako nka join ug mass and I like their singing styles. Also, i want to ask them if they're are looking for new members. Thank you
submitted by Illustrious-Deer-730 to cagayandeoro [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:52 Internal_Web_9864 Hiya!

I’m looking to buy a cow for robux (or real money) budget for irl money is $8 I’ll also buy neon legendaries (example: neon kangaroo) for $15. I will not go first unfortunately because I’ve gotten scammed while doing this 4 times, I won’t be trusting ppl anymore. Thanks!
submitted by Internal_Web_9864 to AdoptMeTrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:52 CantTouchDisNaNaNaNa There isn't enough time in life to just keep waiting until the next better thing comes along

I was just on the ask men advice subreddit where men were overwhelmingly talking about how it's better to just keep their feelings to themselves instead of opening up their vulnerabilities to their partners. The most level headed takes were the ones saying any woman who did receive a man's emotional trauma unconditionally was not worthy and to just keep making yourself vulnerable with women until you find the one who doesn't shame you for unloading on them.
These people talk about chances to date and get into many relationships like it's going down the street and buying a new toy. At the rate the average man gets into a relationship from online dating nowadays, there simply isn't enough time to seek out a partner whose box has a checklist that fully mirrors yours.
I just found the advice so incompatible with realistic expectations. Sure sounds nice to just keep getting into relationships when it benefits me and to keep trying on new skins until I find one that covers me from head to toe.
If I lived 1000 years this advice would be good, provided my looks don't get that old tinge until my 600's. But as it stands it's just fantasy.
submitted by CantTouchDisNaNaNaNa to OnlineDating [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:52 anthscarb97 Are these bed bug stains?

Are these bed bug stains? Found many stains like this on one of my bed sheets. Are they from bed bugs? I’ve been paranoid for a while now.
submitted by anthscarb97 to Bedbugs [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:52 jaerjako Inloggen bij broker vanuit buitenland

Ik ben momenteel voor langere tijd in het buitenland. In dit land staat mijn broker niet toe dat ik inlog; de app werkt niet (toegang niet toegestaan).
Ik wil graag wat orders plaatsen en ben pas over een paar maanden terug in NL. Zijn er mensen die ervaring hebben met het gebruik van VPN voor dit soort zaken? Ik ben bang een block te triggeren en (nog) verder van huis te eindigen.
submitted by jaerjako to beleggen [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:52 Mean_Wrongdoer_2938 Spider-Man DESPERATELY needs a buff.

Let’s do this with simple by naming pros and cons.
Pros: -Has good mobility
-Can stun and pull people out of position
Cons: - Worst melee range
-Only melee character that doesn’t have an ability to gain shield
-Can only participate in 1v1s
-High risk and shit return (Can dive but can easily be stunned and his uppercut puts him in a predictable stance. Imagine if everyone had a jump but it was half a second to a second long)
-Has to animation cancel to even work barely
-No ranged option
-Has to use a lot of resources to secure one kill
-Extremely map dependent
-Stickies are based on a cooldown for some reason
-Ult is stunnable
Spider-Man is heavily countered by many heroes.
Please don’t say he’s a 5 star character for a reason, animation cancels weren’t intended otherwise they wouldn’t have taken away the uppercut down slam one. Also, no other character NONE!!!! needs animation cancels to function at higher play. He’s so bad that even the number one Spider-Man that everyone loves to use as an excuse says that Spider-Man barely is playable currently.
submitted by Mean_Wrongdoer_2938 to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:52 throwaway4738648273 What does it mean to live a Godly life?

submitted by throwaway4738648273 to TrueChristian [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:52 kmzafari Sad, rejected doggo made me cry

Sad, rejected doggo made me cry For context, this young man was eating pizza and the dog apparently wanted some. He rejected / shamed the dog "as a joke". The dog's reaction is honestly heartbreaking, and this has resonated with a lot of people. He has apparently received death threats over this video. DO NOT DO THIS.
The creator said he "felt so bad" afterwards and that he gave the dog treats (and a small bite of pizza) and apologized. He's since posted a couple of videos showing him petting the dog. He also has an apology video that was done mostly in Russian - which I don't think he even speaks, but he did that because he was getting a lot of comments in Russian for some reason.
I think he genuinely does feel bad, though the video is still up. The dog seems happy now, as far as I can tell, but this had better not become a trend.
Anyways, if this broke your heart, too, go give your dogs some extra love. 💔
submitted by kmzafari to TikTokCringe [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:52 SantosULTRA What is this TOMFOOLERY

What is this TOMFOOLERY submitted by SantosULTRA to forza [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:52 Hot-Gas6997 How do i actually slide on this

How do i actually slide on this I waxed it up so much my hands hurt and i dont know why i dont slide i lean super forward and nothing happens
submitted by Hot-Gas6997 to NewSkaters [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:52 bot_olini Streamer Westcol se enfrenta con policías; “llevaban armas M4”, dice

Streamer Westcol se enfrenta con policías; “llevaban armas M4”, dice submitted by bot_olini to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:52 No-Pumpkin7768 Ayanami Rei - Sleepwalker (Indie animation)

submitted by No-Pumpkin7768 to animefanart [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:52 mynamesstrange I was fighting soul tyrant with joni's blessing and i got hit to 0 health and didnt die? dark because i paused

submitted by mynamesstrange to HollowKnight [link] [comments]