DeekSeek and Data Privacy

自从gpt 4爆出是MoE架构,国内就开始马不停蹄搞MoE。 MoE其实2021年的时候谷歌就有在Transformer上实验,比如 switch transformer,后来之所以没有大搞,搞好像是因为稳定性的问题。 MoE不是什么新技术,但是能做出效果,不容易。 DeepSeek,一款国产大型语言模型(LLM),凭借其670亿参数的规模,正引领着人工智能领域的新浪潮。这款模型不仅在多项中英文公开评测榜单上超越了700亿参数的Llama 2,而且在推理、数学和编程能力方面表现突出。最引人注目的是,DeepSeek在匈牙利最新高中数学考试中获得了65分的高分,显示出其 ... 知乎是一个发现和分享问题背后世界的平台。[END]>"""zhihu_zhihu = """You are an expert human annotator working for the search engine ##Context##Each webpage that matches a Bing search query has three pieces of information displayed on the result page: the url, the title and the snippet. The snippet usually contains one or two sentences, capturing the main idea of the ... DeepSeek MoE是国内第一个开源MoE模型,值得学习。放出来的技术报告里面讲了两个对MoE结构的创新点。 DeepSeek-MoE技术报告链接 1. 把一个专家做更细粒度切分,如下图(b)。这个方法和我刷到的这篇Mixtral微调思路的知乎文章有点像,民间有高人。 雪地冰激凌:训不动Mixtral,要不试试LLaMA-MoE? 2. 分配 ... 我想说一点是,MLA的创新点,其实不是低秩分解,因为如果你想的话,GQA也可以重写成低秩分解的形式。 MLA的关键是低秩分解后面的事情,GQA是split and repeat,MLA则一般化为dense projection,从而实现了同样的低秩分解下更好的效果,或者同样效果下更低的秩,后者就是它能比GQA更进一步压缩KV Cache的 ... 第一期的插件合集已经更新完毕,已经将文章链接放在文章末尾,大家如果有 文献阅读、翻译、笔记、查看期刊影响因子的插件配置可以去插件合集(一) 去查看哦,不会配置插件的小伙伴也可以去查看小白配置教程~ 今天给大家推荐另外几款很不错的zotero插件~ zotero官方推荐插件,网页链接 ... 我觉得 deepseek v3 主要做成了 2 件事: 继 flash attention 之后,又一个相信自己比英伟达懂 GPU 计算,并且做到了的团队; 找到了 pretrain 的一个 10x 变化。 这里前者是指 fp8 训练,后者是指 pretrain batch size 的扩展。 fp8 训练应该算是各个工程团队长久的痛。大家都明白 fp8 的计算峰值是 bf16 的两倍,但是 ... (幻方AI)深度求索发布 DeepSeek Coder可能是最强的开源代码大模型,将会带来什么影响? 最近,国产大模型DeepSeek在全球火了,并带火了一个95后AI“天才少女”罗福莉。据证券时报报道,雷军亲自… 论文介绍了一系列专门针对编码的大语言模型(LLMs),名为DeepSeek-Coder,分为三个不同规模:1.3B、6.7B和33B参数。这些模型是在项目级代码语料库上进行独特训练的,利用“填空” ("fill-in-the-blank)的预训练目标来增强代码填充能力。论文将模型的上下文窗口扩展到16,384个tokens,从而大大提高了它们在 ...

2025.01.27 16:57 AgeScared8426 DeekSeek and Data Privacy

DeekSeek and Data Privacy submitted by AgeScared8426 to Seshat [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:57 NekoSilver777 All Monotype Runs' Halls of Fame: (Alphabetical order). Rules: All 108 Pokemon used must be unique, Not more than one Mega per team, Not more than one Legendary/UB/Mythical per team. Charizard was always a Mega btw for MonoDragon.

All Monotype Runs' Halls of Fame: (Alphabetical order). Rules: All 108 Pokemon used must be unique, Not more than one Mega per team, Not more than one Legendary/UB/Mythical per team. Charizard was always a Mega btw for MonoDragon. submitted by NekoSilver777 to PokemonUnbound [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:57 Due-Explanation4970 WB DIALGA 966747105517 STARTS IN 3MIN, ADD ME 10 PLAYERS AND BE ONLINE PLEASE❤️🙏

submitted by Due-Explanation4970 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:57 Craftycats2 The Real Ireland

The Real Ireland Here's the real Ireland with no filters 🤣
submitted by Craftycats2 to therealtulipdripsnark [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:57 HGpennypacker Findorff introduces employee stock ownership plan, becomes 100% employee-owned

submitted by HGpennypacker to madisonwi [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:57 internetwanderer2 England Rugby's kicking masterclass with George Ford

England Rugby's kicking masterclass with George Ford submitted by internetwanderer2 to rugbyunion [link] [comments]


— These codes can assist players in unlocking exclusive items, upgrading their avatars, or simply enjoying the diverse and thrilling experiences ... — New Member Introductions - 40000 FREE Robux-Generator Updated Roblox Promo Code Ultimate Guide IN 2025 - 12 sec ago. Robux is the in-game currency of Roblox. It can be used to purchase various products, including apparel, accessories, and game passes in popular Roblox games. In Roblox, you can buy Robux using real money. While there is no way to get free Robux without some effort, there are a few legitimate methods that can help you earn free robux.
Included the Latest Microsoft Rewards methods to get free Robux
Ways to Get Free Robux in Roblox

  1. Free Robux in Microsoft Rewards
You can earn free Robux using Microsoft Rewards, and it is the best. You just have to do some odd jobs on Bing and perform some specific searches to earn reward points. Then, you can redeem these Microsoft Reward points to get free Roblox with ease. However, the Robux gift card comes and goes in the Microsoft Reward section. Currently, you can earn 800-1000 Robux from Microsoft Rewards.
You need to go to the Microsoft Rewards option to see your points first. Once there, find the Redeem option and you will see the Roblox Digital Card option. You can buy it if you have enough points and redeem the code later on the Roblox website.
  1. Make a Game to Earn Robux
One of the best ways to earn a lot of free Robux is by creating a world or game in Roblox. You can gather a couple of friends and enter the world to get Robux. Additionally, if one or more players have a premium subscription, you earn more Robux. This method can be a little tricky. That is why you can learn how to make a Roblox game and get earnings. You can take the easy way out by getting friends in the world and earning Robux, but we would suggest making an engaging and quality game to get more players genuinely.
  1. Get Robux by Selling Clothes
If creating a full game or world feels like a challenging task, there are more virtual alternatives to earn Robux. One of them is selling custom clothing in Roblox. If you have a good eye for making clothes like Roblox t-shirts or pants, you can create them and sell them on the Roblox marketplace to other players. A lot of players do sell clothes to make sure you make something unique or eye-catching.
submitted by SoftCricket572 to EndgameSpoilers [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:57 MissTatsu Court Orders Removal of Controversial Pepsi Paloma Movie Teaser! 🎬🚨

Court Orders Removal of Controversial Pepsi Paloma Movie Teaser! 🎬🚨 submitted by MissTatsu to MissTatsu [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:57 sardoniccreation My favourite icecream flavour

My favourite icecream flavour submitted by sardoniccreation to SGMFanPallettes [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:57 Time_Promise_977 So hard to see this. So much of my money spent on these fucking blue bottles this year.

So hard to see this. So much of my money spent on these fucking blue bottles this year. submitted by Time_Promise_977 to Quittingfeelfree [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:57 TraditionalAppeal23 Ireland’s life expectancy at birth rises to 82.6 years as Europe bounces back from pandemic

Ireland’s life expectancy at birth rises to 82.6 years as Europe bounces back from pandemic submitted by TraditionalAppeal23 to longevity [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:57 Sillat occasionally flickering brake & check engine light in 1999 Forester

Every once in a while while driving, my brake and engine lights flash on momentarily -- not even enough to fully illuminate, just flickering for a couple seconds -- and then stop. Is this something I need to stress about? I thought about taking the car in to have the code read, but of course the engine light isn't permanently on, so they might not see anything. The car just had (and passed) its annual inspection, so I assume the fluid levels are fine....
Grateful for any advice.
submitted by Sillat to subaru [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:57 swoopyinc Mystery tube pre-amplifier

Mystery tube pre-amplifier I just acquired this tube pre-amplifier. It doesn't have any branding or markings. I've done a Google lens search with no luck - only an old Craigslist ad from years ago likely the last time it sold.
It seems like maybe it's a home brew pre-amp? It's a pretty simple circuit. There is no power switch. tube pre heater. It seems quite solid all around.
It sounds quite nice hooked up to my 55es powering a pair of B&W dm17s.
Also curious about the "LV" input setting. I have a laser disk setting on an old Sony digital processor.
Any thoughts on what it may be?
submitted by swoopyinc to vintageaudio [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:57 El_belfox Niño pendejo hace inhalar sray de pedos a su madre

Niño pendejo hace inhalar sray de pedos a su madre submitted by El_belfox to Mishifu [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:57 thesingingvettech Today is my birthday…looking for recommendations

So today is my 24th birthday and my boyfriend of 7 years and I had really nice plans for today. He ended up getting sick overnight with a bad stomach ache (he’s lactose intolerant and had some dairy yesterday with Lactaid pills but we don’t think it did anything) and has been going back and forth to the bathroom since 5am. I told him how it’s nothing within our control and that I just want him to feel better but he feels really bad and like he’s ruining my birthday (which he’s not, I feel bad that he feels so sick)
Anyways, long story short, unless his illness somehow passes it doesn’t seem like we’re going to be able to do anything today and our original plans are going to have to get moved to a different day.
I was just looking for advice and recommendations on some other lowkey things we can do while he rests. We still want to try to have fun if we can but obviously need to prioritize him feeling better. I thought of possibly doing a movie marathon day or playing board/video games but I want to know if anyone has any other ideas!
Thank you!
submitted by thesingingvettech to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:57 Pep_Baldiola Seems like HBO Originals are returning to Disney+ India. This is a promo for The White Lotus season 3 from Disney+ India's official page.

Seems like HBO Originals are returning to Disney+ India. This is a promo for The White Lotus season 3 from Disney+ India's official page. submitted by Pep_Baldiola to DisneyPlus [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:57 Lord_Gaara This layout is definately grinding my gears

This layout is definately grinding my gears submitted by Lord_Gaara to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:57 Icy_Director8289 He just stood up after dying

He just stood up after dying submitted by Icy_Director8289 to skyrim [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:57 r3Laps3D wtf is this card design

wtf is this card design submitted by r3Laps3D to hearthstone [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:57 Akiruka Need a little help.

I was wondering, is it possible to use the auxiliary jack of an active speakers/studio monitors (such as Edifier M60) to plug headphones into if there is no dedicated headphones jack on them and would it use the speakers DAC or the headphones DAC?
Thank you very much! :)
submitted by Akiruka to Bluetooth_Speakers [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:57 Unlikely_Wrongdoer19 looking for offers

looking for offers submitted by Unlikely_Wrongdoer19 to FortniteAccountsSale [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:57 flotsems rec on the go app showing "permission to track activity denied"

the barcode works but if i click on anything it brings up that notif... location seems to be on
submitted by flotsems to SBU [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:57 KazTS Feeling like I should just TC but unsure - 1FT 0.3ITB

1 in ML by ~50pts. Getting enticed by Ndiaye for Wood and getting Moyes but I feel like it’s a waste of a transfer. Feeling like the call is to just TC and bank a transfer again… submitted by KazTS to fantasypremierleague [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:57 Background_Moose_107 Benefits of Verified Cash App Accounts?

Benefits of Verified Cash App Accounts? erifying your Cash App account unlocks a suite of benefits that enhance both functionality and security. Here’s what you gain:
  • Increased Transaction Limits Unverified accounts have restrictions, allowing you to send up to $250 per week and receive up to $1,000 per month. Verification boosts your sending limit to $7,500 per week and removes receiving limits, enabling more substantial transactions.
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submitted by Background_Moose_107 to WhatsAppBeta [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:57 Ryde29 Whose humor most resembles your own IRL?

Jokes like this. Dry, blunt and honest… Daryl says the kids of funny things that I fancy myself saying IRL. Who’s your Office-humor spirit animal?
submitted by Ryde29 to DunderMifflin [link] [comments]