Those babies who survive can face lifelong physical, neurological or learning disabilities, often at great cost to families and society. An estimated three-quarters of these preterm babies could survive if they had access to proven and often inexpensive care – like warmth, breastfeeding support, and basic care for infections and breathing ... Access WHO's weight-for-age standards, including charts and methods for assessing child growth patterns from birth to 5 years. An estimated 13.4 million babies were born early (before 37 full weeks of pregnancy) in 2020 – which is around 1 in 10 of all live births - according to a detailed study published in the Lancet today by authors from the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. It is a leading cause of death for children below 5 years of age. In 2014, India along with China, Nigeria, Bangladesh and Indonesia was among the top five countries for estimated number of preterm births. Preterm babies are at an increased risk of post-neonatal mortality, stunting and long-term neurodevelopmental impairment during childhood. All babies should receive the following: thermal protection (e. g. promoting skin-to-skin contact between mother and infant); hygienic umbilical cord and skin care; early and exclusive breastfeeding; assessment for signs of serious health problems or need of additional care (e.g. those that are low-birth-weight, sick or have an HIV-infected ... not giving babies additional food or drink, even water, unless medically necessary; provision of supportive health services with infant and young child feeding counselling during all contacts with caregivers and young children, such as during antenatal and postnatal care, well-child and sick child visits, and immunization; and Tips and information. Wipe the baby dry and clean and delay the first bath for at least 24 hours; Keep the baby warm with one or two layers of clothes more than adults and keep the head covered with a hat Regularly updating guidelines for the care of preterm and LBW infants babies, including the use of antenatal corticosteroids, care at birth, kangaroo mother care, optimal feeding, micronutrients, respiratory care and follow up care. Supporting countries to implement these guidelines . Selected guidelines “Empowering and supporting midwives benefits women, babies and health systems,” said Dr Anshu Banerjee, Director of Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health at WHO. “Expanding and investing in midwifery care represents a cost-effective and urgently needed solution to save and improve the lives of women and newborns globally.” An estimated 15 million babies are born too early every year. That is more than 1 in 10 babies. Approximately 1 million children die each year due to complications of preterm birth. Many survivors face a lifetime of disability, including learning disabilities and visual and hearing problems.
2025.01.27 17:18 XeylusAryxen My Sweet Cuddly Babies!!!!
submitted by XeylusAryxen to aww [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 17:18 Pristine-Delivery-30 So proud of my baby!!
I'm worried its going to start falling over the leaves are HUGE! submitted by Pristine-Delivery-30 to alocasia [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 17:18 windyci Ticket exchange?
This is long shot but does anyone want to trade my hellhole vip ticket to see bullet on Thursday for a London show ticket? I’ll be in London as well Saturday I might as well go to a second show 😂🤣 since 9/10 I will be either at my hotel room or at a bar anyways haha
submitted by windyci to BulletForMyValentine [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 17:18 alwaysgettingsober Glad to relieve some dysphoria while going through process
On the route to meta. Hysto this year. I feel a lot of dysphoria when I see my empty/smooth area between my thighs, so I suddenly thought to pull back my mons like it would be after monsplasty and stand kinda relaxed in front of my full length mirror. And with my growth so far.. I felt really great. And suddenly way more confident about my choice of metoidioplasty. Because I feel dysphoria and phantom sensations just above where my dick currently is, I get nervous metoidioplasty wont relieve that. But standing there I felt a wave of relief wash over me the same way I did/do after top surgery. It just looked like any other dick to me.
(Well. Without my future beautiful balls)
submitted by alwaysgettingsober to Metoidioplasty [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 17:18 LoveDry5370 I don't have a job, much money, or reliable transportation, but I refuse to sit idly by while the world burns. What can I realistically do?
Not many useful skills, but no commitments on my time, no loved ones, and nothing of any value to lose. Don't even have reliable living conditions (crash with friends).
What can I do? Are there organizations or activities I can engage in?
submitted by LoveDry5370 to socialism [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 17:18 BumblebeeWonderful30 At the point during my re-watches where I look at the background. Caught this cute moment I didn't notice before.
This is when Elphaba receives the letter from the Wizard and it starts raining. submitted by BumblebeeWonderful30 to wicked [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 17:18 Limettenkuchen_ Royal Canin Gastrointestinal Kitten
Hallo miteinander :)!
Seit drei Wochen wohnt eine 5 monatige Kätzin bei mir. Heute waren wir beim Tierarzt, weil sie oft Blähungen und festen Stuhl hat. Seit 1,5 Wochen setzt sie Kot auch nur noch auf Fliesen oder der Dusche und nicht mehr im Streu ab.
Zum Thema Kot absetzen meinte sie, das sei ein Verhaltensproblem (ok, wir arbeiten schon fleißig dran). Für die Blähungen und den harten Stuhl hat sie uns das Royal Canin Veterinary Feline Gastrointestinal Kitten Ultra Soft Mousse empfohlen als Alleinfutter für 3 Monate. Ich möchte natürlich überhaupt nicht die Expertise meiner Tierärztin anzweifeln, aber als ich daheim dann die Zusammensetzung gelesen habe, war ich echt verwundert. Da ist ja alles drin, was man doch sonst eigentlich vermeiden soll, oder? Zucker, Getreide und tierische Nebenerzeugnisse. Jetzt wollte ich euch mal fragen, ob ich das Futter schon ausprobiert habt und wie es euren Katzen damit so ging. Bin über alle Tipps dankbar. Bin noch so neu im Katzenbesitzer-Game🙈.
submitted by Limettenkuchen_ to Katzengruppe [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 17:18 spaceslade Tips for getting through your first month!
I'm 37 days clean now, and those first few weeks were HARD. Here's how I got through it:
2025.01.27 17:18 getbehindthemuel Mask tool help
Can anyone explain why my mask tool suddenly looks like this? submitted by getbehindthemuel to NomadSculpting [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 17:18 Less_Awareness8069 Fixing Islands weird eliminations.
Justin: I would remove Heather reading the diary, it does nothing but plant a target on her back. I would have Heather pull Justin aside and tell him to flirt with Leshawna as part of an alliance proposal. It would work, and she would be flustered. Heather would then get Justin to try and charm the judges as part of the challenge, infront of Leshawna. Heather would fake sympathy, and convince the rest of the team to vote Justin for being fake, still keeping up her facade with Leahawna. (Maybe she could still read the diary after the vote)
Tyler: Always thought it was weird how Tyler was voted instead of Courtney, so I would have Duncan be seen getting Geoff, DJ, and Courtney to vote Tyler instead, and when she asks why, Duncan can't bring himself to admit that he doesn't want her gone yet.
Lindsay: Just have Duncan and Owen not wipe out, and Lindsay get stuck in the oil slick while helping Heather, making her coming "last" make a lot more sense.
DJ: I would have DJ fall into a trap while running from Heather, making him the first one captured. And it would happen before Izzy/Owen are caught.
Izzy: I would have Gwen be tranquilized by Izzy instead. (Side note, Heather and Duncan still form an alliance) Leshawna and Gwen vote Izzy for her tranqualizing Gwen. Owen, Izzy, and Geoff vote Heather for being Heather. While Heather and Duncan vote Izzy as well, to gain the numbers and prevent Heather's elimination.
Leshawna: Have it be a challenge instead, doesn't matter who wins, as long as it's not Leshawna. Heather uses her alliance with Duncan, and emotionally manipulates Owen to gain their votes. Keep in mind Heather and Owen were just teamed up in the last challenge, so it's not a stretch.
Duncan: Heather decides that Duncan is no longer useful to her, and seeing as he's usually the better competitor, Heather pleas with Gwen to vote Owen, because she and Duncan have an alliance. Gwen would vote Duncan instead, just to spite her, but Heather surprises them by voting Duncan instead, causing his elimination as Gwen realises how Heather played her.
submitted by Less_Awareness8069 to Totaldrama [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 17:18 dirtydials Make r/coffeerotation yours
Post anything here related to coffee or any business coffee ops, maybe stuff you’re looking for, maybe beans you want.
But this isn’t a stuck up sub Reddit, full of no at all. It’s a great place to speak your mind to exercise your creativity. Don’t let these lame people stop you from contributing.
Order reviews: If you received an order from me, please drop a review.
A photo of what you received maybe a review of the coffee , your recipe that you tried, what you look forward to next, what you liked and didn’t like about rotation.
I’ve already sent out 200 something packets. I expect 200 reviews or else I’m not sending anymore to you. It’s my only real request. You can write a good review. You can write a bad review, but I’m asking you to drop a review.
I want to improve , I want to get better, and I can only get better if you’re honest with me.
Thank you
submitted by dirtydials to coffeerotation [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 17:18 Brief-Holiday1427 what's your favorite slop food?
what do you eat when you say fuck it i'l ruin my body for one day just to experience guilty pleasure
submitted by Brief-Holiday1427 to raypeat [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 17:18 Away_Analyst_3107 Suggest me a book about dreams
Preferably where someone writes about their dreams!
And to clarify: dreams when you fall asleep, not aspirations.
submitted by Away_Analyst_3107 to suggestmeabook [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 17:18 abandonedupstate Cart Recommendation
Whats the gold standard these days? I have always been weary of gray market but some of the local high quality growers such as terps have them now. I have to travel out of town for a funeral Thursday. Typically I am flowedry vape only kind of guy. I have a yucan as well. Thank you!
submitted by abandonedupstate to ROCents [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 17:18 RegardingBricks Vinyl Record Shop & Psychiatrist's Office
submitted by RegardingBricks to legomodular [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 17:18 Dufffman WB Dialga 334839208947
submitted by Dufffman to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 17:18 Harryiscoolcool What Dries van Noten suit is this?
2025.01.27 17:18 No-Sherbet3584 Armored Lore: Furlong Armed Fleet CENTAUR
submitted by No-Sherbet3584 to armoredcore [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 17:18 imperchaos Anyone else feel like the Ring of Envy is busted?
Start the battle with a free concentrate? In any fight with standard mobs, you can just wipe them out with x2.5 damage at the start. I dunno, seems a bit overpowered to me, I almost don't want to use it.
submitted by imperchaos to Persona5 [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 17:18 Trygghetsnumret Breakfast rear pinion surprise
I drove yesterday for aprox 30 mil / 1864 miles and stopped several times for at least min 5 minutes each time. Didn’t notice a puddle or drip underneath the truck, pulled up home and parked, after unpacking the hunting gear I always look underneath for a quickie leak search, since she’s 19 summers old, anything is prone to break. This morning whilst passing her as usual I noticed this huge splurge of oil. It didn’t smell like burnt oil, just a little bit sweet and sticky, very clear amber colour. I do believe it’s the rear pinion seal that kicked the bucket. What do you guys think? /Ranger XLT 2.5d 2006 submitted by Trygghetsnumret to fordranger [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 17:18 Ok-Recognition6947 Restrictions
Is there a way to make the app more restrictive? Like I don't want to use social media or my browser, and I don't want to be able to disable the restrictions when I feel like, it should have a set time I should be able to do that
submitted by Ok-Recognition6947 to minimalist_phone [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 17:18 sellyouforpasta Student transfer program!!
anyone who has done student transfer in nift from one campus to another please reply!!
submitted by sellyouforpasta to NIFTards [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 17:18 Meet_stranger Hair cream suggestions
What hair cream do you use? I am looking for something that's not the usual coconut oil and am also not a fan of the brylcream aroma. Is there any nourishing hair cream that we have available in India? Any recommendations?
submitted by Meet_stranger to indiasocial [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 17:18 Lucreyn Traditional illustration by me (@Lucreyn)
submitted by Lucreyn to ImaginaryFeels [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 17:18 Worried-Passenger-17 Moving Services
Hi Cle thread,
I’m about to undergo a local move from Lakewood to Cleveland, only 8 minutes between places and was looking for a reliable and affordable moving service. If anyone has recommendations they would be much appreciated!! I’ve looked into two men and a truck but prices are a little more than I was budgeting for. Thanks in advance
submitted by Worried-Passenger-17 to Cleveland [link] [comments]