2025.01.27 17:16 hiddenspectral Fancast: What if Andrew Lincoln gets cast?
I think it would be crazy if we saw Andrew Lincoln cast in this series in someway. He's British and lives in the UK and I think this guy deserves to have something that is not related to the walking dead. What do you guys think?
submitted by hiddenspectral to HarryPotteronHBO [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 17:16 petuh_YT If msm monsters made a group part 1
submitted by petuh_YT to MySingingMonsters [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 17:16 F3AR_iiPredator These good deals? (Sams club)
submitted by F3AR_iiPredator to Colognes [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 17:16 Dear_Combination6848 Cracking
My bike crack every time I get up and push a lot. When I try it at home, it crack when I step on one side once and then nothing, and when I step on the other pedal on the other side it also crunches once and then nothing, and when I hit the other side again it crunches once and so on. I only have a two month old BB, I have cleaned the front head and crankset. Any idea what it could be?
submitted by Dear_Combination6848 to bicycling [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 17:16 koss1501 My very first stream 2/[email protected] ET Master Case Break(Megaboxes,24ea)
It took me 1 mega box of S3(pulling opal khan)to get heavily addicted with these cards. Now its a hobby and daily habit, lol.Come join me for my very first stream on Whatnot, breaking a Master Case of CS 4 Megaboxes(24) I will add at least 6 more gems (S4 no beryls! Totalling 30 gemstones) will have giveaways both for viewers and buyers and if all spots sell will add a special giveaway at the end of the stream . Got inspired by many streamers in this community so looking for advice and support from ya'll. Join me 2/3 at 7.30 pm ET
Please note: stream is contingent on timely delivery by cardsmiths, they confirmed shipping out cases next week. If they don't arrive on time, I will move my stream from. 2/3 @7.30pm ET to 2/10 @7.30 pm ET.
Note 2: I can break 2 master cases of S4 on that stream if I get enough requests and get enough crowd so please let me know(will have to add spot 2 for redemption card and change starting prices, break will total 48pulled+6 added S4 gemstones (no beryl) so odds of hit would be much higher). Auction should take close to 2 hours, break time about 1.30 hr.if 2 master cases to be opened i will have help so it goes much faster.
Link to the stream: https://whatnot.com/s/xn2EM55v
Referral link to get $15 for new users: https://whatnot.com/invite/koss1501
Thank you all, hope to see you there!!
submitted by koss1501 to Currencytradingcards [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 17:16 sarkastikcontender 100-year-old blighted Detroit building to be redeveloped into residential units
submitted by sarkastikcontender to Detroit [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 17:16 Beginning-Party-2582 Tracing words I hear or see.
With very little movement, I will trace words I hear or see on my leg with my pointer finger or with my thumb in the side of my pointer finger as my hand sits in a relaxed fist. When I do it, it overstimulates me but when I try to stop doing it, I feel like I need to finish said word.
Is this an OCD thing, ADHD, or autism perhaps? I've been doing it since elementary school now I'm an adult and I can't figure out how to explain it to my mom or doctors etc. Please help me.
submitted by Beginning-Party-2582 to AutisticAdults [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 17:16 CancelCharming8477 Miete vereinbar ?
Moin meine Freunde !:)
Irgendwie wende ich mich heute mit einem finanziellen Rat an euch.
Kurz zu mir
Gesundheits und Krankenpfleger mit 27/h die Woche. Verdienst zwischen 2400-2900 je nach Zuschlägen.
Nebenjob 1x-2 Monat = 15,5 Stunden netto hier 385 Euro .
Wohnsituation derzeit: 1 Zimmer 28 m2. Warm Miete 450 + 30 Euro Internet + 20 Euro Strom. Sparrate ins Depot : ca. 600 Euro
Ich möchte einfach Mal eine 2 Zimmer Wohnung haben.
Ich hab jetzt eine Zusage für eine Wohnung ca 3 Minuten zu Fuß zur Arbeit entfernt in Hamburg.
Eckdaten: Wohnungsgesellschaft 70m2. 2,5 Zimmer Wohnung.
Warm Miete 1065. Heizkosten inbegriffen.
Kann ich sie mir leisten ?
Wenn ich sonstige Ausgaben und alles abziehe bleiben mir 700 Euro zur freien Verfügung. Sparrate ist schon weg
submitted by CancelCharming8477 to Finanzen [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 17:16 DreamPirates Mrunmayee Deshpande Marathi Actress #MrunmayeeDeshpande
submitted by DreamPirates to dreampirates [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 17:16 Historical-Speed6383 $1000 OFF any order for new Tesla (includes NEW inventory)! using my link https://www.tesla.com/referral/steven864878 - DM if any questions :)
Get Up to $1,000 off your new Tesla purchase!
Please use my referral link to purchase and get up to $1000 off your the purchase: https://www.tesla.com/referral/steven864878
Feel free to DM me if you have any question
submitted by Historical-Speed6383 to TeslaReferralCodesNow [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 17:16 Rakaos_J To the post - 'That one friend that likes Battlefield too much'
submitted by Rakaos_J to Battlefield [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 17:16 TheLuciusGraham NFC
submitted by TheLuciusGraham to NoFuckingComment [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 17:16 SendEmHomeSalem Half a decade since we lost Kobe Bryant😭😭💔💔 spinner fence finna do life
submitted by SendEmHomeSalem to lebron [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 17:16 Leave1942 Channeling my depression into memes
submitted by Leave1942 to NYGiants [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 17:16 lssqa3433 Multiple post test for 2025-01-27 17:13:05 #2
Example text for post #2
submitted by lssqa3433 to LssAutomation [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 17:16 Luna_Satori Me too 😿
submitted by Luna_Satori to HermeticMemes [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 17:16 vinanu_vadiley Naaku eppati nundo oka doubt undi! Why's reddit so addictive?
Why do you think reddit is so addictive? I used to have an old account where I used to interact with many people left and right and I used to spend most of my day on this app. A some months ago I had to delete the account. But the doubt never left me why? I have a really good social life, good friends with whom I share most of my problems and ideas, almost like an open book. But I didn't knew why I always wanted to interact with people who knows who they're? Why I was keen on buliding connections on this platform?
Did you also ask same question to yourself? If so did you find an answer?
submitted by vinanu_vadiley to ask_Bondha [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 17:16 jchannon What is this called in the UK?
I was watching a video on how to repair cracks in a ceiling and after various videos I came across this one and then this one One I believe is Australian and the other American so went to Screwfix to find a expansion joint for plasterboard and no results, then did the same for Google and nothing really. So what do I search for if I want to use this in my ceiling? https://preview.redd.it/y8lgl428kkfe1.jpg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3699150f5cdd85e58e0384aeabc75b9fade1071 submitted by jchannon to DIYUK [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 17:16 Objective_Factor6328 Dilemma....
I recently joined insta. I just happened to find my school crush's id thru my friend. She was a good friend of mine during school and she kinda admired me too. She even asked me who my crush was during school days. Now it has been two years, should i send her a request and confess it to her (In a friendly manner, i dont want to date her i just want to remove the regret of not telling her, thats it.) what to you guys think? Will it sound creepy and awkward? how to tell her?
submitted by Objective_Factor6328 to IndianTeenagers [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 17:16 PetuniasSmellNice Baby often nurses for 3 minutes
submitted by PetuniasSmellNice to newborns [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 17:16 houseplant456 I'm sorry but this is an insane take...
https://preview.redd.it/1yjrjf0ckkfe1.png?width=1550&format=png&auto=webp&s=756dff17144d6223ed208903f57c852deb3bd88d There is an ongoing debate in the comments on this post but... I can't believe my eyes. Yes, boycotting America is the way to go. Keeping our money in our communities/economies makes sense. But "Anti america, and therefore Chinese products are good" is BONKERS. China is a specific enemy of the west. Have already established enemy outposts within Canada, have literal internment camps for citizens in China... etc etc. Just because one dickhead president is threatening us with tariffs, we are right to turn to non-American sources but... China?! Think! Imagine it was a Russian alternative. submitted by houseplant456 to BuyCanadian [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 17:16 lss_web_1444 Text post title 318
Text post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 17:16 Commercial-Agent-214 https://www.youtube.com/@strongdeon5689?sub_confirmation=1
submitted by Commercial-Agent-214 to YouTubeSubscribeBoost [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 17:16 tritumano Из воспоминаний ветеранов ко дню памяти... Майданек.... Марк Ниссонович Альтшуллер
"И мы ворвались в лагерь смерти, в концлагерь Майданек. 44-й год. Мы первые вошли, первые ворвались. В лагере мы собрали охрану. Плевали в них, бросали камни. У печей крематория обгоревшие кости, ноги обрубленные, отрубленные. Это если кто не помещался в печь — высокого роста, — тем отрубали ноги и здесь же бросали. Пепел немцы использовали — удобряли землю. https://preview.redd.it/lwog5jk4kkfe1.jpg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95082167f17bb6b10b48b3e31be62cc4f30dd3e6 https://preview.redd.it/bu0llr86kkfe1.jpg?width=604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dac38d25acd45e05cddc3413999cf32f45b3b37 Пепел этих трупов. Противотанковые рвы доверху были наполнены трупами. Там были разные зоны. В одной зоне длинные деревянные бараки, доверху наполненные обувью. Там была и детская обувь, причем маленьких детей, уничтоженных. Другой барак был наполнен волосами. Эти волосы набивали в матрасы. Все это отправлялось сначала в мастерские — ремонтировали... https://preview.redd.it/oo2q9pq7kkfe1.jpg?width=604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4af034707612f4390a02281296c3eb84703caafd https://preview.redd.it/slxca7m9kkfe1.jpg?width=413&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d0d1e3f6804739880dbcbe695df50a8d3efb60f После того, что увидели, мы были в ярости. Наступали, в плен не брали. Расстреливали. Пока не пришел приказ верховного Сталина: за расстрел — расстрел. Вот тогда перестали расстреливать, но и то местами нарушали этот приказ..." -------- 20 фактов о Катастрофе, которые многие не знают
2025.01.27 17:16 pasonna One off post (Take 2) Which is better
Excuse the bad camera quality I've been thinking of getting a wrist tattoo of a sun and moon shaped like a semi colon. This will be my first tattoo. The drawing is pretty sketchy since I don't do any kind of art, but this is a rough idea of what I want. I have 2 questions:
submitted by pasonna to tattooadvice [link] [comments] |