2025.01.27 19:30 zharkos are these two skins ACTUALLY new? i know they're just edits of existing skins but i thought the skins team was dead dead
https://preview.redd.it/f47mrxdn8lfe1.png?width=530&format=png&auto=webp&s=05b5b15ab30dd12cd616ae9a63a125bddfff14e3 submitted by zharkos to heroesofthestorm [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:30 KlutzyBlueDuck Two large storage containers with a large hole, can they be used to grow mushrooms?
I have two large storage containers that were going to be microchip feeding stations for our cats. It was an epic fail. They are large, heavy duty, white but kinda see through, and have a cat door sized hole in the side. I was wondering if it would be possible to grow indoor mushrooms in them? I'm trying to think of ways to grow more of our own food in a limited space without spending more money. I'm concerned about bird flu and finding vegetarian options if we can't get poultry.
submitted by KlutzyBlueDuck to TwoXPreppers [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:30 M4GG0T-1NF3ST3D Digital drawing vs physical sketch :D
submitted by M4GG0T-1NF3ST3D to DigitalArt [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:30 Certain-Farmer-4301 Flickvännen gjorde slut - känns inte som att livet är värt att leva längre
Hej! Min flickvän (F20) berättade igår att hon tappat känslorna för mig (M20) och att hon inte mår bra. Hon berättade att det finns så mycket hon vill göra och att vårt förhållande gör det svårt för henne att hitta trygghet i sig själv. Min flickvän är min bästa vän, vi bor tillsammans och har en katt.
Detta kom verkligen från ingenstans, jag har varit i ett flertal förhållanden och jag har aldrig mått så bra i hela mitt liv. Ja det låter klyschigt från en 20-åring men jag trodde på riktigt att vi skulle spendera resten av livet med varandra.
Hon berättade att hon älskar mig otroligt mycket och att vårt liv tillsammans är underbart, men att hennes egna känslor och livsfrågor har gjort att hon inte kan se sig själv i denna relationen längre. Vi båda vill fortsätta behålla vänskapen (vilket har varit en väldigt viktig del av vårt förhållande), och jag vet att hon inte kommer att försvinna ur mitt liv.
Dock känner jag att hela mitt liv faller isär, jag har även känt i stunder att jag inte vill leva längre. Jag har inte haft suicid-tankar men jag vet verkligen inte vart jag ska ta vägen.
Jag har både vänner och familj som aktivt stöttar mig genom situationen, och kommunikationen mellan mig och min flickvän är bra. Jag är inte arg eller besviken på henne, utan mest i chock över att något som jag trodde på så mycket nu bara tas ifrån mig. Jag är sjukt rädd för att mitt liv aldrig kommer bli såhär bra igen, det finns ingen som henne och jag menar det verkligen.
Jag vet att vårt breakup egentligen inte har så mycket med mig att göra, och jag försöker allt jag kan för att hålla huvudet uppe. Jag är en självständig person med mycket driv så jag tvekar inte på att jag kommer ta mig igenom detta, men samtidigt känns det som att jag har förlorat en underbar relation med den vackraste människan på jorden och att mitt liv aldrig kommer bli såhär bra igen...
Om ni har tips eller tankar kring hur jag ska ta mig igenom detta så får ni gärna lämna det i kommentarsfältet. Ta hand om era nära och kära, och njut av varje stund ni har med dem. Jag är så sjukt tacksam för förhållandet och hoppas innerst inne att vi ska hitta tillbaka till varandra när tiden är inne...
Sorry för långt inlägg
submitted by Certain-Farmer-4301 to Asksweddit [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:30 SquidlySquid0 I timed the match after a survivor was immediately hooked at the start
Idk about you bur something seems off (btw the Kate was the first to die I was 3rd and yui died last) submitted by SquidlySquid0 to DeadByDaylightRAGE [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:30 BlunderingWriter Looking for a suggestion on a commander, if i may ask
I would like to have suggestions on commanders, but I am looking for something a bit specific. I tried to look on my own but it's been a bit difficult.
*Must include Black as a color *Must synergize well with Zombies *I'd like for it to either be weird or a 'waifu'/fanservicey but not the top of my list at this point *Not a commander that will be targeted often, a friend suggested Scarab God but mentioned that a table would more often than not camp my ass if I used them and that does not sound great for me *Egyptian Themed would be neat, I only really wanted to make a Zombie deck because I saw the art on [[Cursecloth Wrappings]]
submitted by BlunderingWriter to EDH [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:30 Capable_Truck8696 Help with my mom's bday?
Hopefully this post follows community guidelines.
It's my mom's bday on Thursday and she said she doesn't want any gifts but I think it's nice to have something to open on your bday!
I want to send her a puzzle because I know it's something she'd enjoy.
Here's my situation - I'm currently without a car so getting to the store and then post office is challenging. I didn't want to send it as an Amazon gift because it's not packaged nice and feels impersonal (plus I try to avoid Amazon when I can)
I was going to hire a task rabbit to get the gift, wrap it and ship it but then I thought surely the good people of reddit could help me out!
So here's my ask: could someone wrap and ship a puzzle so it arrives to AZ by Thursday?
I will pay for shipping, wrapping costs, your time - everything!
Few notes on puzzle: - does NOT need to be new - 500 - 1,000 pieces - not too hard - fun colors or shapes
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Capable_Truck8696 to Jigsawpuzzles [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:30 theinternetepicure Syncing issues with Redmi 9
I have my Android (Redmi 9) phone set up to automatically back up my photos (including images I've been sent and have opened on WhatsApp) and videos to Google Photos.
The issue is that I'm running out of storage space on my phone and would like to delete the photos I've already backed up to Google Photos, but yesterday, when it gave me the option to free up space on my device by deleting the photos which have been already been backed up, what actually happened is it deleted all the photos from both my phone and Google Photos between last Saturday and June 2024.
I then had to restore them from the Bin, along with all the other duplicate and blurry photos, old screenshots and assorted junk that was mixed in with them, wrecking havoc on my nicely organised timeline.
Does anyone know of a way to safely delete photos from your device, without them also being deleted from Google Photos? I'm aware I could disable the syncing option but it's been acting so erratically just lately that I no longer trust it. I'd also like to continue to sync my photos afterwards without it doing anything weird again.
submitted by theinternetepicure to googlephotos [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:30 Nonofya22 BIDA (bzw. sind wir die Arschlöcher) weil wir unseren Kindergartenkindern erlaubt haben in einer Kriegsgräberstätte zu spielen?
Wir (meine Kolleginnen und ich) waren heute mit unserer Kindergartengruppe unterwegs, als es furchtbar angefangen hat zu regnen. Wir haben uns in einer Hütte, die gleichzeitig den Eingang zu einer Kriegsgräberstätte darstellt, untergestellt und gewartet bis das gröbste vorbei ist. Danach wollten die Kinder den Friedhof erkunden. Wir haben sie altersgerecht aufgeklärt wo sie sind und haben es ihnen erlaubt. Sie fanden aber logischerweise nicht die Gräber spannend sondern primär die Büsche und Bäume am Rand. Es hat nicht lange gedauert und sie haben angefangen verstecken zu spielen. Sie haben sich weder zwischen den Gräbern versteckt noch sind sie auf ihnen rumgeturnt oder sonstiges. Sie haben sie praktisch links liegen lassen und waren am Rand im Unterholz unterwegs. Wir waren dabei und haben sie zu jederzeit beaufsichtigt. Nach so ca 5min kam ein Passant vorbei und hat uns durch den Zaun angeschnauzt, dass es sowas von respektlos wäre, dass man Kinder auf dem Gelände "frei" lässt und das dies kein Ort zum Spielen sei. In dem Moment haben wir freundlich und verständnisvoll reagiert auch wenn wir es etwas überzogen fanden, da wir die Würde der Gräber meiner Meinung nach gewahrt haben. Deswegen jetzt meine Frage an euch: Sind wir die Arschlöcher? Oder ist der Herr einfach etwas empfindlich?
submitted by Nonofya22 to BinIchDasArschloch [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:30 radioactive_smiley Advice with choosing theater seats
Dear Advice People,
I want to take my mom to see Swan Lake, something she's always wanted to do, but I have no idea which seats to choose... From what've read, balcony or gallery (I may be leaning towards gallery) would be best, but I wanted to check in, in case someone is knowledgeable about all this...
I've included a couple of pictures, so.... Help?
Link to pictures of the theatre place thing
submitted by radioactive_smiley to Advice [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:30 Howden824 We live in a society
submitted by Howden824 to lies [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:30 TrackaLackerBot Pokemon Trading Card Game: Scarlet & Violet Paldean Fates Tech Sticker Collection Shiny Fi is in stock at Target for $15.99 (MSRP)
View current status at https://www.trackalacker.com/products/showcase/pokemon-paldean-fates-tech-sticker-collection...
As of 01/27/25 02:29 PM EST
submitted by TrackaLackerBot to PokemonRestocks [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:30 rriccarda underwater, acrylic, chalk on canvas
the painting is already finished and given to a good friend of mine, it’s one of my favorite paintings I have ever done, whats your opinion? submitted by rriccarda to painting [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:30 somekindofrock4534 ive escaped these marcos before!!
submitted by somekindofrock4534 to escapemarcosobby [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:30 DOMZZAS A question about A-levels
Hello, first time posting here but I’m really curious about the requirements to do fast track A-levels. I got really confused on the varying answers I got, one of my teachers said it might be for gifted people, google says it’s a course. So, which is it? All help will be appreciated
submitted by DOMZZAS to school [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:30 CFB_Referee The Monday Afternoon Conference Realignment Committee
Discuss your thoughts on all things related to conference realignment here--including hypothetical scenarios and how they might play out!
submitted by CFB_Referee to CFB [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:30 mastervega_82 Paging dr Archie!
The boy wasn’t feeling great last week. 9* outside so Archie had to take care of his human brother. submitted by mastervega_82 to Rottweiler [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:30 Euphoric-Ad-444 Progress: 1 week
How do you think the progress is going? submitted by Euphoric-Ad-444 to HairTransplants [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:30 Mmarquis78 Front parking assist
I purchased a CPO 2022 xc60 momentum and saw it had park assist, but unfortunately only on rear. I called my dealer to see if front park assist could be added and they said no on my trim level.
Looking for anyone who has had a comparable system installed non-oem, including cost, and pros/cons.
Thanks in advance
submitted by Mmarquis78 to VolvoXC60 [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:30 Igennem California independence could be on 2028 ballot
submitted by Igennem to NewsWithJingjing [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:30 mikeatx79 Can’t believe they’re advertising on Reddit
submitted by mikeatx79 to yotta [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:30 LauraLynnWFW Teeth
I’ve had small dogs before so I know all about dental issues. Last night Effy started throwing her food out of her dish and again this morning. After I softened it with water she ate. Going to vet tomorrow for teeth check. This is my first Iggy. Could this be behavior. I don’t think so. Just thought I would check. submitted by LauraLynnWFW to ItalianGreyhounds [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:30 veryybadbakht After rain
It's after the rain, I'm very cold،I can't take it anymore
submitted by veryybadbakht to homeless [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:30 Fraud_Chef How it feels scrolling through here
submitted by Fraud_Chef to Silksong [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:30 _Aspiroff_ I actually like the current state of mapping
Have seen a lot of posts complaining about the current endgame mapping content.
Was thinking that actually quite like it and I simply wanted to share it.
Juicing nodes is quite fun and yes, most of the time you have to navigate a bit to fine a good area. But by doing so, I actually chill more doing "useless" nodes, or can also chose to fully delirium boost them. So somehow I don't find navigating the atlas so bad... Also, the satisfaction on running extra-juiced T16 is amplified (when I don't die pityfully by excess of greed).
Same on the maps, I see a lot of hate about some, but you know what, I think I actually like crypt and augury (don't push it, vaal factory is still too much). At least they are short maps where you actually don't get lost like in some big open maps. Ok, juicing crypt is worthless, but whatever, I like the map.
I feel like everything doesn't have to be extra-optimized, 100% of the time. Sure some things could be better balanced, and some qol improvements (hello completely unconnected part of maps) could be done. But overall, I am having a lot of fun!
submitted by _Aspiroff_ to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]