V having that AURA

1) I HAVE/ WILL HAVE / WILL BE HAVING a test tomorrow morning. My thoughts: 'Will have' seems to be the least likely option as it indicates a sudden decision of wanting to take a test as opposed to sitting a scheduled event planned in advance. 'Have' is definitely more common than 'will be having', yet I don't see any problems with the latter. But, especially when spoken by a non-native English speaker, the ambiguous "good for tomorrow" is apt to be confusing. It makes more sense to simply ask "Are we still having a meeting tomorrow?", or some such. – Having a particularly British sense of decorum, they could not leave without thanking us for the fish they had eaten. I have no idea what your manager's email was about. In context with its subject line, it could be that he is good-naturedly announcing he will be away from the office for a while, or maybe permanently. @user1496984 Maybe this is a difference of culture or training, but (in relation to your comment on Stephie's answer) I hear "I would appreciate..." as having more of the negative connotations you apply to "I would like to..." here. Perhaps because its usage in more formal settings is often a subtle complaint? "I don't like this and would ... having done是什么用法?having done的用法是非谓语动词用法,详细介绍如下:一、用法:1、非谓语中的having done是现在分词的完成式,它表示主动的动作,并且动作发生在谓语动词之前,常常作状语来修饰动词。 I am struggling to learn how to use "Having" in many cases. Through my reading on many sites, I understand that below are grammatically correct (if not kindly let me know): Having seen my mother work tirelessly, it inspired me to study hard. Having been involved in many projects, it enabled me to understand real-world challenges. That being said, that said, having said that all act as segues to a statement which reverses the spin, so to speak, on what has just been said. We should treat all students with tolerance and understanding. That being said, a student who engages in threatening or violent behavior should be expelled from the school. "Having been" uses the past participle "been". It refers to something in the past compared to the main action. Having been a good student, I did not find the final difficult. Having been a good student, I can answer your question. My being a good student preceded both the final and the ability to answer. For example: I haven't had my breakfast. I hadn't had my breakfast. I didn't have my breakfast. Could you clarify if the abovementioned sentences are grammatically correct, and if yes, then what We can say; I am having spaghetti. / or / I have spaghetti. As you probably already noticed these two sentences have different meanings. "I am having spaghetti" means 'I am eating spaghetti' whereas "I have spaghetti" shows possession. When verbs are used as both stative and dynamic, many times they have different meanings.

2025.01.27 19:51 Ok-Imagination-6288 V having that AURA

V having that AURA https://preview.redd.it/baxhxyx8clfe1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a0cf001dbbc250076eb1084127327c82d3b45f6
submitted by Ok-Imagination-6288 to LowSodiumCyberpunk [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 laighter Raiding with 8 players?

I joined a random casual group over the weekend and an extra group of 4 joined us in the same instance. Anyone else ever experience this before?
submitted by laighter to fo76 [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 qnke2000 6J1 PreAmp -28V DC on output

6J1 PreAmp -28V DC on output submitted by qnke2000 to diytubes [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 esquilim Hetzner Charging Incorrect VAT Rates for Countries with Multiple Tax Rates?

I’ve been a Hetzner customer for years, managing both personal and work-related infrastructure on their platform. Personally, I have around 8 dedicated servers and several cloud VMs, and I’ve always appreciated their services. However, I’m now facing a serious issue that’s making me uncomfortable about staying with Hetzner, and I’m wondering if anyone else has dealt with something similar.
I live in the Azores, where the VAT rate is 16%, unlike the 23% mainland Portugal VAT rate. My account is registered with my correct Azores address, and I’ve even offered to provide official government documentation to confirm this. Despite this, Hetzner has outright refused to apply the correct VAT rate, stating that they only issue invoices with the highest VAT rate for the country.
This blanket refusal to follow European VAT law is deeply concerning. EU regulations clearly require businesses to charge VAT based on the customer’s location, not a one-size-fits-all approach for the entire country. Overcharging VAT is just as illegal as undercharging or failing to charge it.
As a long-time customer, this behavior is making me reconsider staying with Hetzner, both for my personal use and for work-related infrastructure. While my personal usage alone represents a significant investment in their services, my work-related infrastructure involves far more in terms of machines and monthly billing. If Hetzner is unwilling to follow the law, I’m seriously considering advising my workplace to explore alternatives.
Has anyone else experienced this issue with Hetzner as a B2C customer in a country with regional VAT differences (e.g., Portugal, Spain, Italy)? How did you handle it? Did they eventually resolve it, or did they stick to this questionable policy of always applying the highest VAT rate?
I’d love to hear about your experiences. This is a frustrating situation, and I’m curious how others have approached it.
submitted by esquilim to hetzner [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 Waydae Which one should I z-boost 1 star

Which one should I z-boost 1 star I got 500 LL Z-boost
submitted by Waydae to DBLegendsReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 Professional-Truth87 Selling MMW All Access Pass

Im selling 4 Miami Music Week All Access Passes for Space. Message me if you’re interested.
submitted by Professional-Truth87 to clubspace [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 tanja7com بصوت رفيق بوبكر.. أغنية رضوان لكأس إفريقيا تجري بما لا تشتهي السفن

بصوت رفيق بوبكر.. أغنية رضوان لكأس إفريقيا تجري بما لا تشتهي السفن submitted by tanja7com to Tanja7 [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 pinkndaisies Cultural References to Japan

If you're a native Japanese or someone who has a deep understanding of the Japanese culture, can you help me analyze this 'Candy Bar' lyrics that Ash Lynx sings in Episode 15 of Banana Fish.
Any cultural reference will help. Or information about the language and translation.
私は穴井 candy bar Watashi wa anai kyandī bā
あなたの桜口でとろけるな Anata no sakuraguchi de torokeru na
鈍化は星を食べちゃって Donka wa hoshi o tabecha tte
あなたのお口で味わって Anata no oguchi de ajiwatte
裏目ぽじゃんって Uramepo jan tte
あんまくって美味しい candy bar Anma kutte oishii kyandī bā
submitted by pinkndaisies to TranslationStudies [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 lokkayne does my acc need robin?

does my acc need robin? https://preview.redd.it/9seyn54oblfe1.png?width=543&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7e5c2a5c2a3fb739eb7f9423082cb075bdae715
would she be good for JY/argenti hypercarry in place of tingyun :? or should i wait for newer units? i cant say i struggle with endgame outside of having skill issues
submitted by lokkayne to StarRailStation [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 Amullbaby Looking for scooter renting in mapusa goa from Jan31 to Feb 2. Any recommendations for cheap options is appreciated

submitted by Amullbaby to goatravel [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 Sea_Helicopter_2556 Nu mergeti pe fenta: nu DeepSeek e problema

DeepSeek foloseste placi Nvidia, lucru care reconfirma importanta globala a companiei americane.
Lumea s-a panicat degeaba pt ca OpenAI era vazut ca 'mnezo pe Pamant. Asta deja visa ca tre' sa schimbam contractul social. El deja ne vedea sclavi pe UBI pe toti. Sincer, daca ar crapa asta si Musk mâine... Nu mi-ar parea rau.
Problema reala e ca astia cu bani asteptau decizia FED si erau cam pe ace. Daca Powell e dovish, atunci exista sansa ca inflatia in SUA sa creasca pt ca nu prea exista date negative. Somajul american a crescut, dar nu mult.
Daca noile date despre somaj vor fi naspa, atunci Powell o sa fie obligat sa anunte ca va da drumul la robinet.
Daca FED insista sa ramana hawkish anul asta, atunci toti vor tine cu dintii de bani si o sa mearga economia in cur ca nu se mai fac cheltuieli (Capex si investitii).
Trump vrea dollar mai slab, da' poa' sa urle la cer. Fed face ce vrea.
Dar mai exista si riscul inverted yield curve, adica dobânda la obligatiuni (titluri de stat) pe termen lung e mai mica decat cea pentru cele pe termen scurt. Asta intotdeauna a prezis o criza si acum de-abia s-a intamplat, dar nu suntem in criza declarata. Avem preturi retarde la orice, da' nu suntem inca in rahat. Bine, noi suntem. Eu ma refer la americani.
Cam atat. Nu stiu ce vine. Astept sa vad discursul lu' Powell. Eu nu fac trading, asa ca nu stau cu shorts/longs. Da' vreau sa stiu daca e cazul sa vând. Buffett, saracu', inca sta calare pe miliarde de dolari. A stiut mosneagu' ce-a stiut.
submitted by Sea_Helicopter_2556 to robursa [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 Jojosstoneocean Do they get dizzy once they run out of their 'point?'

Do they get dizzy once they run out of their 'point?' Happened to Pence Pence, what about them?
submitted by Jojosstoneocean to BattleForDreamIsland [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 Emely_Sunny WG Mitbewohnerin rausekeln

Hey, ich wohne seit 1 1/2 Jahren in einer 3er Mädchen WG, wobei es immer wieder zu krassen Konflikten zwischen Bewohnerin S und allen anderen kommt. Sie hat einen extremen Putzfimmel, der soweit geht, dass sie manchmal mehrmals täglich saugt, es nicht ertragen kann, wenn man auch nur eine Pfanne in der Küche stehen lässt um zu essen, und die ganze Wohnung immer perfekt aussehen muss, da sie einen sonst als ekelhaften Charakter beleidigt (das war noch einer der harmloseren Sprüche).
Dadurch wirft sie des öfteren Essen weg, welches man noch essen wollte, oder stellt alles, ob es dort reingehört oder nicht, in die Spülmaschine.
Abgesehen davon, ist sie konflikt- und kritikunfähig. Sie kann überhaupt nicht damit umgehen, gesteht sich Schuld nicht ein, und legt ein extrem kindisches Verhalten an den Tag, vor allem gemessen daran, dass sie 28, und wir 20 bzw. 22 sind.
Als ich sagte, dass sie mir doch bitte eine neue Geschirrbürste kaufen solle, da sie meine ZUM TEPPICHREINIGEN benutzt hat (ohne es mir zu sagen!) erwiderte sie, dass sie das täte, aber ich dann ihre Sachen nicht mehr verwenden solle (gemeint sind einfachste Geräte wie Wasserkocher, Pfannen usw.). Was natürlich kompletter Quatsch ist, weil sie A. Meine Sachen auch benutzt (und mir des öfteren Lebensmittel genommen hat, ohne was zu sagen), und B. wir in einer gottverdammten WG wohnen.
Es gibt noch zahlreiche weitere Dinge, die sie getan hat, aber das erstmal dazu. Ich bitte euch um Rat, da meine andere Mitbewohnerin und ich die Schnauze voll haben, und sie jetzt schnellstmöglich hier raus haben wollen. S. sagte bereits, dass sie im August ausziehen wollte, hat seitdem aber viele Anschaffungen gemacht, was ein Ausziehen ihrerseits wohl eher unwahrscheinlicher macht.
Also, was sind eure (legalen) Tipps, um Mitbewohner rauszuekeln?
submitted by Emely_Sunny to mieten [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 Dapper_Boat I did not expect people to like this

I did not expect people to like this submitted by Dapper_Boat to WingsOfFire [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 Flamyhedgeh0g2011 Roses are red, a coach, doesn't like coaching...

Roses are red, a coach, doesn't like coaching... submitted by Flamyhedgeh0g2011 to rosesarered [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 Legit_face Mums!

Mums! submitted by Legit_face to intresseklubben [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 mf07xx BEST thing each character has done! We did Claire. It’s Cam’s turn

BEST thing each character has done! We did Claire. It’s Cam’s turn claire did a lot of underrated things, but here are your favorites!
honorable mentions:
-let Phil win the race
-honoring Phil’s mother last wish
-her speech at Mitch and Cam’s wedding
submitted by mf07xx to Modern_Family [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 Virilla_Dragon_Loko É verdade, eu era a casa

É verdade, eu era a casa submitted by Virilla_Dragon_Loko to HUEstation [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 RyanVDP When we cure aging and death how are you going to celebrate?

submitted by RyanVDP to immortalists [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 toxicstorms 23M/ UK / PC / Looking for long term friends and gaming buddies

I’m looking to make some long term friends, to game with, talk with, maybe watch some movies with. I love to draw, listen to music, walks in nature, binge watching shows 😅 I don’t really take games too seriously, I just like to have fun and enjoy them I suppose! So I’m sort of looking for someone who’s similar in that way
Some of the games Im currently playing on rotation are -
Cod Bo6, Warframe, Fortnite,
I do have a lot of other games like
Dead by daylight, Rainbow 6, 7days to die, Minecraft , The forest, Stardew valley ,
I have plenty more survival games and fps games that aren’t installed, but I’m also open to trying out different games.
submitted by toxicstorms to GamerPals [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 vvaqas Is it okay to post promotional content on this sub

I sell authentic License/Activation codes sourced from reliable UK based companies at cheap prices. I need to know if i can post offers in this sub?
submitted by vvaqas to PakistaniTech [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 Saikekuu kamen rider Grandpa and Zaku II (OC art)

kamen rider Grandpa and Zaku II (OC art) submitted by Saikekuu to Gundam [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 Play2Win45 Cheapest PC/laptop to run Might and Magic 6

I am looking for the cheapest way to play Might and Magic 6. I know it's only $9.99 on GOG. I wonder if a cheap Chromebook would run it.
submitted by Play2Win45 to buildapc [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 Lzrwlf77 Ski santa fe

Does anyone know if there is a way to get up to ski santa fe from santa fe tomorrow? A bus or shuttle or something of sorts? Or anyone want to carpool? I can find my own way back so if anyone is going tomorrow...
submitted by Lzrwlf77 to SantaFe [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 Live-Speech6171 2000 - At Home with the Braithwaites

A normal everyday family strike it rich by winning the lottery.
Their life dramatically changes with their new-found wealth.
submitted by Live-Speech6171 to oldbritishtelly [link] [comments]
