Keresek egy édességet, leírásában összeszedtem róla pár infót, ráismersz?

2025.01.27 19:10 georgina20001 Keresek egy édességet, leírásában összeszedtem róla pár infót, ráismersz?

2000-es évek elejei édesség, ami vagy drágább volt vagy ritka, de semmiképp nem mainstream mint a danonino vagy a dörmi. Ilyen sajttorta/túrókrém/mascarpones édes és kissé száraz íze volt (maga az állaga nem volt száraz). Szilárd édesség volt, de mégis puha. Úgy emlékszem,hogy kék csomagolású és nem poharas volt, de ezekkel lehet csal az emlekézetem. Anno a Coop-ban is vettünk. Ha ráismertek, kérlek írjátok meg nekem, előre is köszi!
submitted by georgina20001 to askhungary [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 Afraid_Diet_5536 Thema: Polizei dutzen

Ok, kurze Gschicht. Wohne in Wohnung, Mehrparteienhaus. Nach Jahren der herrlichen Ereignislosikeit eröffnet im Ergeschoss im Haus vis a vis dann aber Balkanbeisl - praktisch gegeüber vor meinem Schlafzimmer.
Wie sich schnell herausstellt is des Beisl a Topkanditat für Cafe Bauchstich des Monats. Ständig Streitereien bis hin zu handfesten Schlägerein vor der Türe inkl. Polizeipräsenz. Andere waren mit dem Polizeirufen immer recht schnell, soweit also der Stand. Nach so gut zwei Monaten beruhigt sich alles halbwegs, die Ärgsten Exzesse san vorbei, aber die Vollgas-Balkanmusik um 3 in der Nacht is vor allem unter der Woche dann einfach zu viel. Vor allem, wenn einer die Tür aufmacht, ich aufwache und denk, a Live-Kappele steht im Schlafzimmer.
Rufe also - nicht zum ersten Mal - die Polizei, weil mit denen direkt reden is sinnlos, hab's versucht. Seitdem war mei Auto an allen 4 Seiten zerkratzt, auch super. Die kommen dann auch sogar, aber dieses Mal läuft alles ein wenig ... anders. Erstens kommen's erst nach einer Stund. Zweitens war's zu dem Zeitpunkt von ganz alleine scho wieder ruhig (4 in der Nacht - was aber nicht heißt, dass immer um Sperrstund und Ruhe is, oft geht das bis um 6). Die checken also die Lage, "finden" nix und...geniale Idee mitten in der Nacht - rufen mich an. Ich heb verschlafen ab, weil endlich wieder ruhig, eingepennt.
Ich sag, "Hallo?" und seh schon abgeschwächt flackerndes Blaulich durch die Rolo draußen. Polizisten am Telefon: Sie homm die Polizei grufen? (Kein Hallo, kein guten Abend...) Ich: Ja, hab ich. (Und nach einer kurzen Pause) Ahso, seid's ihr jetzt da? Polizisten macht ein Pause und antwortet dann ziemlich gereizt: Also zuallerst einmal sind wir per Sie!
Oida, was antwortest auf sowos bitte? Bis heit, waß i ned was die damit von mir wollt. "Ihr", plural - eine Gruppe von Menschen. Oder hat sie dacht, ich adressiere sie im königlichem Plural? Haha, im ernst?`Obwohl, das wär eh a klare Aufwertung gwesen und ned a Diss...
Egal, hab irgendwas dahergstammelt und das Gespräch danach is a ned besser gworden. Sie meinte, es is eh alles ruhig und ich, ja aber vor einer Stunde war's das ganz und gar nicht. Und sie, und was sollen wir jetzt machen? Oida... Hab mich bedankt, dass sie gekommen sind und dass die Hauptsache ist, dass es jetzt endlich ruhig ist, weil oft geht das bis um 6 in der Früh.
Also Freunde, i hob's scho ausprobiert, damit's ihr nicht müsst! Könglicher Plural is keine Alternative zum Dutzen und nicht tauglich als Schlupfloch. Immerhin hab ich aber ka Anzeige kassiert.
submitted by Afraid_Diet_5536 to Austria [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 scotty_walks Hardware and EWI5000

I want to get a hardware sound module and install Patchman sounds to use with my EWI5000. Any thoughts on an in-production sound module? Almost all of them are discontinued. Whilst I’m okay with getting a used one, I’d rather get one that is in production in case it’s not easily replaceable. The only ones in production I can find are Native Instruments Kontakt series. But I don’t like the Patchman sounds as much for those, as I do the Roland 5050 or Yamaha Motif Rack XS, for example. The aim is to be able to play live with other people without relying on a laptop for a software module. Any thoughts please? Am I overplaying the risk of not being able to replace the module if it fails or is damaged.
submitted by scotty_walks to windsynth [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 JamesLAGFX Weekly Summary 19/01/25-26/01/25 | $20,000 to $100,000

submitted by JamesLAGFX to FOREXTRADING [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 Express_Reception_22 Trading 3 stars cards

Trading 3 stars cards
submitted by Express_Reception_22 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 salhcin Cover up done by me. Made in Shady Ink, Denmark. IG: @nickdicktattoo

Cover up done by me. Made in Shady Ink, Denmark. IG: @nickdicktattoo submitted by salhcin to tattoo [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 Altruistic-Gear-2275 UPitt GAP Interview

Got rejected :(
submitted by Altruistic-Gear-2275 to bsmd [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 justericxxx Tryna make money.

Down to help with whatever. Can be hiests/setups, sales, missions, challenges/trophies.
submitted by justericxxx to HeistTeams [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 Equivalent-Guest3126 Unsevered?

We know there is a way to become unsevered by “reintegration” where the memories of the innie and outie merge. But do we know if there is a way to become unsevered by eliminating the innie and all their memories? (Other than just not returning to the severed floor).
submitted by Equivalent-Guest3126 to SeveranceAppleTVPlus [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 Dramatic-Push7022 I(M18) lashed out at my girlfriend(F18), apologized, and now everything feels different. Need advice.

Me 18M and her 18F in a ldr and its our first relationship Started dating after November last year
Hey everyone,
I’m in a tough spot and need some perspective. My girlfriend and I recently had an argument that’s left me feeling lost.
It started when we were on a call, but she was also chatting with her friends at the same time. I told her she could talk to them later, but she insisted that it would be rude to leave them on seen. I started feeling unheard and, instead of calmly communicating, I lashed out, saying she should at least pay attention to me.
I know I was wrong, and I apologized later. Here’s what I told her:
I admitted I lashed out and said I was sorry for it.
I explained that I felt unheard during the conversation.
I encouraged her to share her feelings too, because bottling things up could come back to hurt us.
She responded, and now things feel… different. She told me, “I used to see a home in you. Now it’s just music.” That hit me hard. I asked her, “If I’m not a home to you anymore, then what am I?” She said, “I don’t know.”
I asked if we could fix things, and she said, “Sure, why not,” but even that felt distant and emotionless. She’s still talking to me, but her words feel so detached, and I don’t know what to do.
I asked a friend for advice, and they said it could either be detachment or some kind of test, but honestly, I feel completely lost. I don’t know if this is something we can recover from or if the relationship is just running its course.
I’m overthinking everything, and I don’t want to push her further away by trying too hard. I also don’t want to sit here and do nothing.
Has anyone been through something like this? Is there a way to rebuild the connection, or does this sound like the beginning of the end? Any advice would be appreciated.
submitted by Dramatic-Push7022 to TeenIndia [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 Previous-Piece-6438 Help me out with Watch 5

Gifted my wife a Watch 5, everything works fine but maybe a bit too fine.. For WhatsApp groups she muted or archived she still receives notifications (but they don't show the message) how can I make sure she doesn't get notifications for muted groups?
submitted by Previous-Piece-6438 to Xiaomi_Mi_Watch [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 VerbingWeirdsLang Infiltrating Okumura's Palace. Nothing much this chapter, but we do get one panel of Joker and Queen sneaking together and them drifting through the Airlock Puzzle. [Ch. 57]

Infiltrating Okumura's Palace. Nothing much this chapter, but we do get one panel of Joker and Queen sneaking together and them drifting through the Airlock Puzzle. [Ch. 57] submitted by VerbingWeirdsLang to shumako [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 Rough_Ad_2833 Might as well post it now. (Eventual) anime VA predictions

Like title says, in honor of it being Rintaro’s bday, I just thought I’d share my VA fancast for these 3 characters, whenever the anime gets some news or releases:
1) Rintaro Tsumigi- Yuma Uchida (Megumi, Sakura Haruka, Ash Lynx, Kyo Soma, Kengo Haryu, Reo Mikage, Ritsuka Uenoyama, Kawaki, Rakuro, lori Kitahara)
2) Waguri Kaoruko- Kana Hanazawa (Mitsuri, Mayuri Shiina, Akane Tsunemori, Kanade "angel", Shiemi, Ichika Nakano, Alexia Midgar, Rika Orimoto, Mayumi {irregular at magic high school.}, Rize Kamishiro)
3) Subaru Hoshina- Asami Seto (Nobara Kugisaki, Raphtalia, Mina Ashiro, Mai Sakurajima, CZ delta, Yori Asanagi, Nano Eial, Setsuna {Shangri), Frill {Oshi no Ko}, Alpha {Eminence}) Let me know your thoughts, as I am very excited for the eventual anime by Cloverworks!
submitted by Rough_Ad_2833 to KaoruHanaWaRintoSaku [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 MeasurementTiny5970 6 years ago at Yes in Manchester

6 years ago at Yes in Manchester submitted by MeasurementTiny5970 to bmbmbm [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 eldeejay999 Extra time at end of export track AND changing tempo will add more empty time or cut track off but not actually play the track at a different tempo

I see the whole I get extra time added problem mentioned a lot but none of the solutions work for me that I can figure out. Like only exporting selected regions doesn't appear as an option as far as I can tell.
Longer story I've created a couple 1 bar drum beats that I want to play background to practice guitar and I'd like to be able to change the tempo up or down for practice.
When I export to iOS then open on my phone, yeah there's 2 silent bars there at the end of my 1 bar. I can split that off fine and delete it, but then when I save it and reopen, guess what comes bac?
Then the tempo issue, if I increase the tempo, it just squishes the track into a smaller space in the regions, the rest of the region blank, and doesn't play the track at a different speed, but still have emptiness after the beat is finished. And if I reduce tempo, it stretches beyond the existing regions and plays a cut-off track that loops at the end of the region.
So now I'm asking really, what is the point of GarageBand iOS? I honest to God can't even think of anything I could use if for if it can't even change the speed of playback without screwing up the track.
submitted by eldeejay999 to GarageBand [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 SeaworthinessEasy882 My Buds live stopped working

Please help my buds live stopped working like 1,5-2 hours ago. I was using them before but the battery died so i put them back in the case to charge them and put the case on the charger too. But when i wanted to use them again later they just stopped working. i mean there's no sound coming out of them. they both are fully charged and the case is on 90%. I tried disconnecting them and reconnecting and they still dont work. the only thing that works is when i turnd on the find my earbuds feature and they do ring pretty loudly but when i start a video or a song they're just silent. please help cuz i really love these earbuds and i also dont have the money to buy myself new ones. 😔
submitted by SeaworthinessEasy882 to galaxybuds [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 Inevitable-Art-8314 mBot Rover (mBot 2 add-on) turning off

I got the mBot2 with the rover add on. Before assembling the add-on, there were no problems, but after assembling the add on, the robot is turning off whenever I make it move with the controller, which did not happen with the mBot 2 robot, even with the controller. When it turns off I notice that the motors (wheels) are really hot. Does anyone know whats happening and/or how to fix it?
submitted by Inevitable-Art-8314 to MakeBlock [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 Consistent-Muscle428 444421955075 need people for dialga

submitted by Consistent-Muscle428 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 Vavenette Doodles :)

Doodles :) submitted by Vavenette to TeenagersButBetter [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 gojo0- جفاف عاطفي

ابييييييييييييي اتزوووووووووووووووووووووج
انا ضد النظام المجتمعي الحالي الي يأخر الزواج لعمر كبير والإنسان ما يقدر على الزواج الا في نهايات العشرينات او مطلع الثلاثين
اجدادنا كانوا يتزوجوا باعمار صغيره ( عند البلوغ عاده) ، من وين جت هذي الثقافه الدخيله علينا
الى متى وانا احاول اغطي هذا الجفاف بطرق ما تودي ولا تجيب وبالعكس تزيده
submitted by gojo0- to saudiarabia [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 superXr15 Why's nobody talking about egypt rejecting the deal on this sub? It's been hours

Why's nobody talking about egypt rejecting the deal on this sub? It's been hours submitted by superXr15 to AskMiddleEast [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 ForeignPainting5196 Horizontal seam

I have finishing up some mods to my CR10s. I printed off this model and I am getting a little seam or line toward the top and bottom of this (left and right in the image). Right where this line is, there is a surface layer inside the model. I am using Orca Slicer. Any thoughts on which setting could be causing a line like this? I have gone thought and calibrated steps, Extrusion multiplier, pressure advanced, belts tightened, and ran though input shaping. I am sure there is a slicing setting I need to look at but can't find it.
submitted by ForeignPainting5196 to FixMyPrint [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 MchaelMica Les meilleures offres de vol depuis Bordeaux : Trouvez les prix les plus bas pour vos prochaines vacances

En bas de l'article ajoutez : FAQ : avec les 10 questions suivantes. Les questions seront placées en caractères gras (avec les ???), puis la réponse en dessous sans gras. Les réponses brèves de 100 à 250 caractères.
Question 1: "Quand est-ce le meilleur moment pour acheter un billet d’avion depuis Bordeaux ?"
Question 2: "Quelles compagnies proposent les meilleures offres depuis Bordeaux ?"
Question 3: "Comment trouver des promotions sur les vols depuis Bordeaux ?"
Question 4: "Quelles sont les destinations les moins chères au départ de Bordeaux ?"
Question 5: "Existe-t-il des périodes spécifiques où les vols sont moins chers ?"
Question 6: "Est-il possible de trouver des offres de dernière minute depuis Bordeaux ?"
Question 7: "Les vols directs sont-ils généralement plus chers ?"
Question 8: "Comment économiser sur les bagages en réservant un vol depuis Bordeaux ?"
Question 9: "Les comparateurs de vols sont-ils fiables pour dénicher des promos ?"
Question 10: "Quelles astuces pour voyager en classe affaires sans se ruiner depuis Bordeaux ?"
Voici l'article :
Les meilleures offres de vol depuis Bordeaux : Le Guide Ultime pour Voyager Malin
Vous rêvez de prendre l’air sans vider votre portefeuille ? Bordeaux, avec son aéroport international, est un véritable hub pour dénicher des vols pas chers vers des destinations de rêve. Mais où sont cachées les meilleures offres ? Comment s’y retrouver entre compagnies low-cost, promotions éclair et tarifs soldés ? Attachez votre ceinture, on vous embarque dans un voyage au pays des bonnes affaires aériennes !
1. Bordeaux, porte d'entrée vers le monde : pourquoi c’est le paradis des voyageurs économes ? Bordeaux-Mérignac, c’est bien plus qu’un simple aéroport. Avec plus de 60 destinations directes en Europe et des correspondances vers les quatre coins du globe, c’est le point de départ idéal pour les chasseurs de promos. Mais pourquoi cet aéroport regorge-t-il d’offres alléchantes ?
La guerre des prix entre compagnies aériennes fait rage ici. Low-cost comme Air Corsica ou Volotea, géants du ciel comme Air France ou KLM… Tous veulent attirer les voyageurs bordelais. Résultat : des tarifs qui chutent plus vite qu’un avion en turbulence ! Pour en profiter, il faut savoir jouer des coudes : comparer, anticiper, et sauter sur les bons plans quand ils se présentent.
2. Les meilleures offres de vol depuis Bordeaux : notre sélection coup de cœur Vous voulez du concret ? Voici notre radar à promos, réglé sur les destinations qui valent le détour (et le décollage) :
🔥 Top 5 des destinations pas chères en 2024 :

💡 Notre astuce pro : activez les alertes prix sur des comparateurs comme Kayak ou Skyscanner. Un petit “ding” sur votre smartphone peut valoir des centaines d’euros d’économie !
3. Les meilleures offres de vol depuis Bordeaux : le calendrier du voyageur futé Vous pensez que tous les jours se valent pour acheter un billet ? Détrompez-vous ! Le timing est crucial pour dénicher la perle rare.
📅 Le meilleur moment pour réserver ? En général, 2 à 4 mois à l’avance pour les longs courriers. Mais pour les escapades européennes, 3 à 6 semaines avant le départ, c’est la fenêtre magique.
🕵️♂️ Les jours clés : mardi et mercredi seraient (selon les experts) les jours où les compagnies ajustent leurs tarifs. À surveiller comme le lait sur le feu !
🎫 Et si vous êtes ultra-flexible ? Les outils comme Google Flights permettent de voir les prix sur un mois entier. Parfois, décaler son vol de 24h fait économiser 30% du billet. Ça vaut le coup de négocier un jour de congé en plus, non ?
4. Les compagnies stars pour vos économies : qui propose vraiment le meilleur rapport qualité-prix ? Pas toutes égales, les compagnies ! Voici notre classement des as du porte-monnaie :
🥇 Volotea – Le roi des destinations méditerranéennes à prix mini. Leurs offres “flash” font régulièrement pleuvoir des euros dans votre poche. 🥈 Ryanair – Pour des week-ends à Londres ou Dublin à moins de 50€ A/R. Leur appli mobile regorge de promos cachées. 🥉 easyJet – Le spécialiste des grandes villes européennes. Leur programme de fidélité ? Une mine d’or pour les voyageurs fréquents.
⚠️ Attention aux pièges : les tarifs attractifs cachent parfois des coûts annexes (bagages, siège choix…). Calculez toujours le prix total avant de cliquer sur “payer” !
5. Les astuces que même les pros oublient parfois… Vous croyez tout savoir ? Ces tips vont vous surprendre :
  • Le mystère des cookies : Vider le cache de votre navigateur peut faire baisser les prix. Les sites traquent vos recherches et gonflent les tarifs si vous revenez trop souvent !
  • La magie des vols multi-destinations : Parfois, ajouter une escale à votre itinéraire coûte moins cher qu’un vol direct. Parfait pour visiter deux villes pour le prix d’une !
  • Les cartes bancaires voyage : Des banques comme Boursorama ou Fortuneo remboursent jusqu’à 5% des dépenses en billetterie. Un billet à 500€ = 25€ de cashback. Plutôt sympa, non ?
Les offres de vols pas chers, c'est ici : 👉
Conclusion : Votre passeport pour des aventures abordables Les meilleures offres de vol depuis Bordeaux ne sont pas des légendes urbaines. C’est une chasse au trésor moderne où l’organisation rencontre la technologie. En maîtrisant les outils de comparaison, en comprenant le timing idéal et en connaissant les bons plans des compagnies, vous transformez chaque envie de voyage en réalité accessible. Alors, prêt à voir le monde sans voir rouge sur votre compte bancaire ?
Question 1: "Quand est-ce le meilleur moment pour acheter un billet d’avion depuis Bordeaux ?" Optez pour 2 à 4 mois à l’avance pour les longs courriers, et 3 à 6 semaines avant le départ pour l’Europe. Les mardi et mercredi sont souvent propices aux ajustements de tarifs.
Question 2: "Quelles compagnies proposent les meilleures offres depuis Bordeaux ?" Volotea, Ryanair et easyJet sont réputées pour leurs tarifs attractifs, notamment sur les destinations européennes et méditerranéennes.
Question 3: "Comment trouver des promotions sur les vols depuis Bordeaux ?" Utilisez des comparateurs (Skyscanner, Kayak) avec alertes prix, suivez les compagnies sur les réseaux sociaux, et consultez régulièrement leurs sites pour les offres flash.
Question 4: "Quelles sont les destinations les moins chères au départ de Bordeaux ?" Barcelone, Lisbonne, Marrakech, Rome et Istanbul proposent souvent des vols A/R entre 49€ et 129€ selon la saison.
Question 5: "Existe-t-il des périodes spécifiques où les vols sont moins chers ?" Hors vacances scolaires et entre janvier et mars, les tarifs baissent généralement. Évitez les week-ends et privilégiez les départs en semaine.
Question 6: "Est-il possible de trouver des offres de dernière minute depuis Bordeaux ?" Oui, certaines compagnies proposent des promos jusqu’à 48h avant le départ, surtout pour des vols non remplis. Soyez flexible !
Question 7: "Les vols directs sont-ils généralement plus chers ?" Pas toujours ! Certaines low-cost comme Volotea ou Ryanair proposent des directs à prix compétitifs. Comparez systématiquement.
Question 8: "Comment économiser sur les bagages en réservant un vol depuis Bordeaux ?" Voyagez en cabine avec un bagage à main (dans les limites autorisées) ou regroupez les affaires dans une seule valise en soute partagée.
Question 9: "Les comparateurs de vols sont-ils fiables pour dénicher des promos ?" Oui, mais vérifiez toujours sur le site de la compagnie avant de réserver. Certaines offres exclusives n’apparaissent qu’en direct.
Question 10: "Quelles astuces pour voyager en classe affaires sans se ruiner depuis Bordeaux ?" Utilisez des miles, surveillez les upgrade aux guichets d’enregistrement, ou optez pour des compagnies comme Turkish Airlines proposant un bon rapport qualité-prix.
Les offres de vols pas chers, c'est ici : 👉
```markdown Les meilleures offres de vol depuis Bordeaux : Le Guide Ultime pour Voyager Malin
Vous rêvez de prendre l’air sans vider votre portefeuille ? Bordeaux, avec son aéroport international, est un véritable hub pour dénicher des vols pas chers vers des destinations de rêve. Mais où sont cachées les meilleures offres ? Comment s’y retrouver entre compagnies low-cost, promotions éclair et tarifs soldés ? Attachez votre ceinture, on vous embarque dans un voyage au pays des bonnes affaires aériennes !
1. Bordeaux, porte d'entrée vers le monde : pourquoi c’est le paradis des voyageurs économes ? Bordeaux-Mérignac, c’est bien plus qu’un simple aéroport. Avec plus de 60 destinations directes en Europe et des correspondances vers les quatre coins du globe, c’est le point de départ idéal pour les chasseurs de promos. Mais pourquoi cet aéroport regorge-t-il d’offres alléchantes ?
La guerre des prix entre compagnies aériennes fait rage ici. Low-cost comme Air Corsica ou Volotea, géants du ciel comme Air France ou KLM… Tous veulent attirer les voyageurs bordelais. Résultat : des tarifs qui chutent plus vite qu’un avion en turbulence ! Pour en profiter, il faut savoir jouer des coudes : comparer, anticiper, et sauter sur les bons plans quand ils se présentent.
2. Les meilleures offres de vol depuis Bordeaux : notre sélection coup de cœur Vous voulez du concret ? Voici notre radar à promos, réglé sur les destinations qui valent le détour (et le décollage) :
🔥 Top 5 des destinations pas chères en 2024 :
  • Barcelone dès 49€ A/R (transports en commun compris ? Non, c’est le prix du billet !)
  • Lisbonne à partir de 65€ – parfait pour un city-trip entre ponts et pastéis de nata
  • Marrakech vol direct à 99€ – le dépaysement à portée de porte-monnaie
  • Rome à 79€ – parce que la dolce vita n’a pas à coûter un empire
  • Istanbul dès 129€ A/R – où l’Europe rencontre l’Asie pour le prix d’un dîner au restaurant
💡 Notre astuce pro : activez les alertes prix sur des comparateurs comme Kayak ou Skyscanner. Un petit “ding” sur votre smartphone peut valoir des centaines d’euros d’économie !
3. Les meilleures offres de vol depuis Bordeaux : le calendrier du voyageur futé Vous pensez que tous les jours se valent pour acheter un billet ? Détrompez-vous ! Le timing est crucial pour dénicher la perle rare.
📅 Le meilleur moment pour réserver ? En général, 2 à 4 mois à l’avance pour les longs courriers. Mais pour les escapades européennes, 3 à 6 semaines avant le départ, c’est la fenêtre magique.
🕵️♂️ Les jours clés : mardi et mercredi seraient (selon les experts) les jours où les compagnies ajustent leurs tarifs. À surveiller comme le lait sur le feu !
🎫 Et si vous êtes ultra-flexible ? Les outils comme Google Flights permettent de voir les prix sur un mois entier. Parfois, décaler son vol de 24h fait économiser 30% du billet. Ça vaut le coup de négocier un jour de congé en plus, non ?
4. Les compagnies stars pour vos économies : qui propose vraiment le meilleur rapport qualité-prix ? Pas toutes égales, les compagnies ! Voici notre classement des as du porte-monnaie :
🥇 Volotea – Le roi des destinations méditerranéennes à prix mini. Leurs offres “flash” font régulièrement pleuvoir des euros dans votre poche. 🥈 Ryanair – Pour des week-ends à Londres ou Dublin à moins de 50€ A/R. Leur appli mobile regorge de promos cachées. 🥉 easyJet – Le spécialiste des grandes villes européennes. Leur programme de fidélité ? Une mine d’or pour les voyageurs fréquents.
⚠️ Attention aux pièges : les tarifs attractifs cachent parfois des coûts annexes (bagages, siège choix…). Calculez toujours le prix total avant de cliquer sur “payer” !
5. Les astuces que même les pros oublient parfois… Vous croyez tout savoir ? Ces tips vont vous surprendre :
  • Le mystère des cookies : Vider le cache de votre navigateur peut faire baisser les prix. Les sites traquent vos recherches et gonflent les tarifs si vous revenez trop souvent !
  • La magie des vols multi-destinations : Parfois, ajouter une escale à votre itinéraire coûte moins cher qu’un vol direct. Parfait pour visiter deux villes pour le prix d’une !
  • Les cartes bancaires voyage : Des banques comme Boursorama ou Fortuneo remboursent jusqu’à 5% des dépenses en billetterie. Un billet à 500€ = 25€ de cashback. Plutôt sympa, non ?
Les offres de vols pas chers, c'est ici : 👉
Conclusion : Votre passeport pour des aventures abordables Les meilleures offres de vol depuis Bordeaux ne sont pas des légendes urbaines. C’est une chasse au trésor moderne où l’organisation rencontre la technologie. En maîtrisant les outils de comparaison, en comprenant le timing idéal et en connaissant les bons plans des compagnies, vous transformez chaque envie de voyage en réalité accessible. Alors, prêt à voir le monde sans voir rouge sur votre compte bancaire ?
Question 1: "Quand est-ce le meilleur moment pour acheter un billet d’avion depuis Bordeaux ?" Optez pour 2 à 4 mois à l’avance pour les longs courriers, et 3 à 6 semaines avant le départ pour l’Europe. Les mardi et mercredi sont souvent propices aux ajustements de tarifs.
Question 2: "Quelles compagnies proposent les meilleures offres depuis Bordeaux ?" Volotea, Ryanair et easyJet sont réputées pour leurs tarifs attractifs, notamment sur les destinations européennes et méditerranéennes.
Question 3: "Comment trouver des promotions sur les vols depuis Bordeaux ?" Utilisez des comparateurs (Skyscanner, Kayak) avec alertes prix, suivez les compagnies sur les réseaux sociaux, et consultez régulièrement leurs sites pour les offres flash.
Question 4: "Quelles sont les destinations les moins chères au départ de Bordeaux ?" Barcelone, Lisbonne, Marrakech, Rome et Istanbul proposent souvent des vols A/R entre 49€ et 129€ selon la saison.
Question 5: "Existe-t-il des périodes spécifiques où les vols sont moins chers ?" Hors vacances scolaires et entre janvier et mars, les tarifs baissent généralement. Évitez les week-ends et privilégiez les départs en semaine.
Question 6: "Est-il possible de trouver des offres de dernière minute depuis Bordeaux ?" Oui, certaines compagnies proposent des promos jusqu’à 48h avant le départ, surtout pour des vols non remplis. Soyez flexible !
Question 7: "Les vols directs sont-ils généralement plus chers ?" Pas toujours ! Certaines low-cost comme Volotea ou Ryanair proposent des directs à prix compétitifs. Comparez systématiquement.
Question 8: "Comment économiser sur les bagages en réservant un vol depuis Bordeaux ?" Voyagez en cabine avec un bagage à main (dans les limites autorisées) ou regroupez les affaires dans une seule valise en soute partagée.
Question 9: "Les comparateurs de vols sont-ils fiables pour dénicher des promos ?" Oui, mais vérifiez toujours sur le site de la compagnie avant de réserver. Certaines offres exclusives n’apparaissent qu’en direct.
Question 10: "Quelles astuces pour voyager en classe affaires sans se ruiner depuis Bordeaux ?" Utilisez des miles, surveillez les upgrade aux guichets d’enregistrement, ou optez pour des compagnies comme Turkish Airlines proposant un bon rapport qualité-prix.
Les offres de vols pas chers, c'est ici : 👉 ```
submitted by MchaelMica to ParisienPro [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 beetlebummery handwriting ft. yummy recipe

i normally write in caps (second photo) because it's neater and easier to read, but i included my cursive & lowercase writing just for fun
submitted by beetlebummery to HandwritingAnalysis [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 Agreeable_Ad2924 'How you gonna be mad at what I do?Knowin you go home to another man every night baby?'

Now I, (40,M) have been dealing with the aftermath of this situation in my mind for a few years now in the form of vivid daydreaming, and sometimes night sweats.
I can feel her I can smell her I can hear her I can taste her
Me and this woman, 'J', connected in our early adulthood. A mutal friend hooked us up. This was before the internet, so I had no clue what she looked like. I was 19 and she was 18. We talked on the phone for hours at a time for a few weeks. I enjoyed her conversation. She was into sports and a martial artist like myself.
She was sweet She was articulate She was bold
So when we finally decide to meet. Nothing major, just a meet and greet. And it was honestly love at first sight
She had big brown eyes. Perfect mocha colored skin. Juicy lips. She was short but powerfully built.
It was just one of those things where you knew it was gonna be on. And the next few times it was. On the forth of July that year, we spent it together at her house in her neighborhood. She stayed in the affluent part of the city of Clovis and it was quite a shock for me coming from a lower middle class type of area. I just remember watching the foreworks with her and it just got real hot and heavy afterwards. It was amazing. It was all a young man would want.
It was almost too good to be true. With school coming up soon for both of us, I thought it was in our best interest to leave it alone.
I just remember her crying when I told her. Can't lie, I felt like shit because of it.
A year passes by, I move out of my Mom's house and I got saved. At this point I was really into church. One random day, while I was meeting mutual friend, Love as we called him at a local basketball gym, she appeared.
Still beautiful as could be.
She was up there with what appeared to be her boyfriend from High School. Dude was a football player at our local junior college. Tall strong looking guy but it didn't matter.
Once again, it was on.
I invited her to church with me and it was cool. Being that I was just saved, I was trying to play it cool until I got married. But after spending so much time with her again, I gave in. I remember asking why was she so bold about me and what we do. She said a quote I would never forget.
'I just want to be in touch with what makes me feel good......'
After a certain point she pretty lived with me. It was always good time. I looked forward to seeing that black Pontiac on dubs pulling up on me.
She would come with me everywhere.
Work, Church, and kicked when I was with the homies. It was right. I loved doing for her and seeing her being treated good. Then one day it just stopped. I remember waiting for her to come home and she never did. We had a few exchanges about some guy she did music with but I never thought it was thay serious.
I loved her but at the same time, something wouldn't let me trust her completely.
Days went by. Weeks went by. And it just wasn't the same. I had alot of responsibility at that time and just dove into all of that to ease what was going on from a mental standpoint.
I knew I loved her but I had to live without her.
The ending of this 2nd go around happened in SeptembeOctober. I brought this woman around everything I did. She met my mom, borhers and sister. So it was hard being in my hometown, Fresno, California. So I made the choice to move December to get away from it all. I moved to Las Vegas where my father lived and for a moment, I was able to somewhat forget what all happened.
It wasn't until late April of that next year, I had to go back to pick up some items I left at my brothers house. I went to one of our local malls, Fashion Fair and ran into her. She had a newborn baby with her. At the moment I did not give it too much thought. I was just happy to see her. Still beautiful.
But later on that night, thoughts ran through my mind.
Was it mine? Why she never told me? Did she cheat?
Either way, it seemed to be a bullet missed and I made the right choice getting out of dodge. But even then, your mind always wonders to what happened and how you could have changed it. I remember looking her up and Im guessing the guy she was with won a contest to have their wedding paid for from one of the local TV stations. It was something straight out of TV I cannot even lie. She looked happy. And despite how I felt inside, that's all that mattered.
About a decade later in 2017.... I've traveled throughout the nation, even left the country a few times. I was in the backend of my marriage and was in full player mode. I can't deny it, I loved that phase of my life. My buddies seem to celebrate how I was moving, because I was the real life Bill Bellamy from 'How to be a player'. It was good times. My homeboy Love posted a funny post with a comedian dancing to the 'Return of the Mack', saying that was how I was moving in the video. There was some truth from it, I cannot deny it.
But later on that at, as I sat in my car on a rainy day in Dallas, my notifications went off in my phone.
It was her.
After a moment of nervousness, I replied and we exchanged pleasantries. She ask me for my number and I said sure.
It was good to hear her voice. We talked about about an hour or so, catching on things. She was telling me about her marriage that was in the process of failing to a man named Leon. I was surprised but given the mindset I was in at that time, I went in for the kill. I told her that she will not divorce that man seeing they have what appeared to be a fairy tale life. Great careers(she was a nurse, he was a sheriff) , beautiful children, and big house in a gated community.
But being the player I was at the time, I just confirmed what she wanted to hear.
I'm going to get in touch with what makes you feel good..
She was with the whole getdown surprisingly. That was the one call and I didn't hear from her for a few years. But I knew like she knew....
It was on.
Fast forward to 2020.... I find myself in California on work assignment. I work in the transportation industry and when Covid hit, I couldn't pass up the opportunity. So about a week into me being in California, word got around I was back in the area and it seemed like women from my past, present and future came out of the woodwork. And once again, since I was on my player shit, I was turning down no fades.
But then....once again....she appears in my messages. We exchange numbers and so it began once again.
She would call me while I was at work and vice versa. We talked about old and current times. We would vent to another about our marriages. I was finalizing my divorce so I was just enjoying my true freedom. She on the other hand, was possibly being cheated on herself or something. I wasn't sure. And honestly I didn't care.
It just felt good to speak to her again.
The days went on and the conversations got more and more heavy. I asked for some photos.
"Show me something...."
The attachments came.
Once again, flat out gorgeous. Same mocha brown skin, same big brown eyes, same A1 smile. The standard I judged other women by. She had grown into her grown woman body and I loved every curve.
I remember her asking, when are we doing this? Now I had to play it smart but her being a travel nurse played into making this happen. We made the aggreement to never meet in Fresno. It wouldnt be safe for eother of us but any where else, it will be good. We set up to link up for the weekend in Modesto. I booked a cool Air BnB for the weekend and she agreed to meet me there.
I cannot lie I was nervous. I arrived first and set up shop. Got the roses, and all that good romantic stuff. She arrived fresh off work. She looked so good even in her scrubs.
She walked and it was a nice embrace.
She still smelled the same. Seeing as she was off work, she went to freshen up. About an hour later she came out in this short silk robe. I cannot lie, I froze up to a degree but quickly put my game face on. We sipped on some wine and had some small talk. Then she said her back was bothering her and asked for a backrub. I knew what that meant. The next few hours, I then proceed to knock the lining out of that woman, turning her out in every way possible.
The touch....good. The moaning....good. Her taste.....amazing.
I remember in our initial conversations, she would brag about no one hanging with her, including the yoing version of myself. This was true.....but times have changed. It felt good to be with her again. This was the first woman who I ever spent the night with.
I remember when we finished after those multiple rounds, we lay in that bed. Ceiling fan going. I get up to check my phone that was charging near hers. As I picked up my phone I see a message on her screen from Babygirl saying
Mommy I miss you!
I took a silent sigh and returned to the bed and held her as we fell to sleep. I wasnt going to worry about the outside world when everything I wanted was here with me now.
Day two, I got up and made us some breakfast before she headed to work. The whole day as I relaxed, she was ready to get off and comeback. It felt good. It felt right. It felt like home.
We pretty much repeated the night before. I remember her asking me if she was the one who got away. I never gave her a straight answer but after the pressure, I gave in. Yes she was.
As we was cleaning up the next morning, I remember her looking at me with a loving look and I had the same. A bottle of wine spilled but we cleaned it up with a extra towel she brought.
I help her pack up and we depart back to our lives outside of this. It was good. It felt right.
I found myself at work replaying the weekend. Vivid pictures of her in my mind ran through my head. I remember a conversation she told me she had with her huaband. She said he went out to her car and it smelled funny. She said what did it smell like.
Wine and sex.
I can't lie, I laughed. She laughed. It was all good.
The week went on, and now we were following each other on social media. I had a large female following despite my red pill Kevin Samuels style of posts. I would get on and talk all sorts of smack while entertaining the women who followed in the open.
And this is where it changed.
I remember her asking me about them. Given the arrangement, I could see the slight jealousy.
"Who is she?" "Why you talk like that?"
The audacity....but I shrugged it off. We made plans to meet again in Modesto where I got a really really nice Air BnB. We both arrive from our work days.....exhausted yet excited for the upcoming. She goes to shower. I sit downstairs chillin eating vanilla ice cream while I watch New Jack City.
She comes downstairs in a robe with the black bra and panties.
I cannot lie, That night I felt like Nino Brown. It was truly some New Jack City type of stuff going on.
The world is mine!
I take her upstairs to the master bedroom and proceed to knock the lining out once again.
It was Friday and she went off to work. Im off enjoying the city, and scrolling on social media. Today the women were flirting more hard than usual but I paid it no mind. I respected her enough to not truly entertain any other woman during this period despite the particulars of this situation.
I remember watching myself in the mirror as I ravaged this woman. Her phone goes off. She looks at the mirror and we lock eyes.
The next morning....the energy was different. We still fucked but the energy had changed. The goodbye wasn't the same as the last and I thought that was it for this.
I remember her calling me later on that week, asking me about the women on my social media. And I just about had it with the one sided possessiveness on her end. So I asked her.....
How you gonna be mad at what I do?Knowin you go home to another man every night baby?
We both was silent for a bit and ended the call shortly after. I just remember the young woman I had before. And I think about the version of her now....still fine as could be but not as confident and somewhat beat down by life. I asked myself....what has he done to you? We all change. We both changed. Maybe I was naive to the full situation, thinking we picked up from 2005.
So like that follwing week....I was in Fresno relaxing for my off days and got a room on the south side of town. She asks me where am I? I tell her. She confirms I dont live that far and I am horny. I tell her to come through. I should have known better cuz this is in violation of our agreement.
She had on this black and orange nike tights and sports bra. Looking fine as hell. Once again it was on.... It was a quickie compared to the other sessions like 30 minutes. Afterwards I go to walk her to her White BMW and as she was pulling all things....A Fresno Sheriff car drives by in the parking lot. The windows were tinted so I couldn't see inside. Many thoughts ran through my mind.
Was she being followed? Sheriff doesn't even patrol this area, why were they here?
At that moment I knew things were going too too far.
About a week or so later, we met in Modesto. Both of us were tired from work but still made it happen like usual. It was cool but it just felt like the thrill was all but gone.
After that I really didn't hear from her again after that weekend. I still think about her but I know it was for the best. I still was in love with this woman but I knew it would never be more than what it was at that point. It was fun but sometimes you have to leave the past in the past for a reason. Now all I have left is these vivid images and thoughts of what could have been. Even though I cared for this woman, time and time again I knew I could never completely trust her.
submitted by Agreeable_Ad2924 to cheating_stories [link] [comments]