2025.01.27 19:39 LaceyChabertCleavage https://www.redgifs.com/watch/bossymaturespider
submitted by LaceyChabertCleavage to CelebritiesArmpits [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:39 Comfortable_Ask3827 Is it normal to be this flexible/hypermobile without exercise?
submitted by Comfortable_Ask3827 to medical_advice [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:39 Campnoodles ISO hot airstation for desoldering
does anyone have one I can borrow? Trying to fix the hdmi port on somthing. I can leave an id or cash deposit so you know ill come back with it :)
submitted by Campnoodles to asheville [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:39 RealWalkingbeard If software is key to phone cameras today, why can I not get a top-flight camera in a rugged or open source phone?
submitted by RealWalkingbeard to Smartphones [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:39 AndreaNewsHub ‘Bachelorette’ star Ali Fedotowsky-Manno reveals husband’s cancer diagnosis #WORLDNEWS #star #‘Bachelorette’ #Ali #reveals #Fedotowsky-Manno
submitted by AndreaNewsHub to ItaliaBox [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:39 lambgoatdotcom Lacuna Coil announce May U.S. tour with Unearth and Versus Me
submitted by lambgoatdotcom to Lambgoat [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:39 gokturk28 Tradee
submitted by gokturk28 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:39 PsychicSpore 3 beautiful men
submitted by PsychicSpore to doodles [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:39 lambgoatdotcom Incubus expand Morning View North American dates, add Manchester Orchestra
submitted by lambgoatdotcom to Lambgoat [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:39 Any_Situation4141 Weather boosted Dialga! 790913118660 ends in 3 minutes add fast ill start a minute before raid ends!
submitted by Any_Situation4141 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:39 Jenmiau Bölcsi kezdés ideje
Sziasztok! Bevallom eléggé el vagyok veszve, próbáltam keresgélni a témában, de nem nagyon találtam pontos infót. Azt látom, hogy többen írták, hogy a gyereke januárban, februárban vagy akármikor máskor kezdett bölcsit - bármikor lehet? Azt hittem, hogy csak szeptemberben és januárban, ahogy az új félév van az iskolákban is. Első gyermekes anyukaként kicsit el vagyok veszve, tudtok segíteni? Vagy ez terület függő is? Én egy kis városban élek vidéken. Érdemes lehet már most jelezni, hogy majd szeretnénk, ha menne, de talán csak szeptembertől? (1 bölcsőde van a városban)
Másik kérdésem lenne, hogy a lányunk most 15 hónapos, felmerült ugye az említett bölcsőde kérdése, de amennyire tudom állami intézményben azokat részesítik előnyben, akiknek van munkahelyük (nekem nincs hova visszamennem jelenleg, ugyanis egyetemről és diákmunkáról jöttem el). Már beiratkozáskor (ami szeptemberi kezdés esetén nyár elején van?) vinnem kell igazolást a munkahelyről vagy csak a konkrét bölcsi kezdéskor? Mert valószínűtlen, hogy tudok előre x hónappal munkát találni úgy, hogy majd csak akkor kezdjek, mikor a bölcsi is kezdődik, viszont igazolás hiányában gondolom várólista végére kerülnék, ugye?
Nem kizárólagosan döntenék a bölcsibe íratás mellett - felmerült a kistestvér is (diplomás gyeden vagyok) -, viszont ha nem jön össze néhány hónapon belül, akkor a bölcsi egy muszáj helyzet, mert 2 éves kora után nem lesz elegendő a férjem fizetése + a gyes. Túl sok hónapot nem tudunk kihúzni úgy, hogy én csak gyest kapok, viszont várandósan elég esélytelen a munkakeresés (na meg bölcsi is ugye) (ha megszűnést követő 1 éven belül születik a második gyermek, akkor folyósítják tovább a diplomás gyedet).
Remélem nem túl zavaros - tudtok segíteni? 😊
submitted by Jenmiau to csakmamik [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:39 Greeendaytj These ladies are keeping me company while wfh
which is your favorite outfit? submitted by Greeendaytj to americangirl [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:39 Glittering-Climate93 Myfembree
Anyone try out Myfembree post op? My surgeon is recommending it for 6 months post op. Wondering how this has gone for others!
submitted by Glittering-Climate93 to endometriosis [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:39 ohiohotwifecouple How did you know when to let go?
Saying goodbye to a 8lb yorkie is the hardest thing I’ve ever done. As I sit here with her on my lap I’m forced to reflect on how we got here. She was supposed to be a gift for my wife. 18 years ago we moved into our 1st and only house together. It was so empty and the logical thing was to fill it up. I wanted kids but my wife didn’t so my bright idea was to get her a dog, thinking it might bring out her maternal instincts. In all honesty it probably had the opposite effect.
She wanted a small dog and despite my objections that’s what we got. I was a long believer that small dogs were inferior to larger dogs. This was a dog for my wife so I let her make the decision. My wife had a friend whose dog just gave birth to a litter of Yorkie puppies. We went to her friend’s house to pick it out. It wasn’t hard to choose because one of them took to my wife instantly. She kept biting my wife’s hair and running away. She was so playful with us and the other puppies seamed completely disinterested. We often joke that we didn’t pick her because she picked us. It was an easy decision and one that would shape the rest of our lives.
I don’t know why but for whatever reason that silly dog wouldn’t leave my side. My wife’s gift suddenly had become my best friend. No matter what I’m doing that dog is following me. Just waiting for me to sit down so she can climb on my lap and go to sleep. I have slept with her curled up against me every night for 18 years. It’s a comforting feeling having her against me. I don’t know how I’ll ever get a good nights sleep without her.
I really tried my best to get her to spend more time with my wife. I truly wanted it to be her dog. All my efforts were met with the stubbornness that our dog became known for. I’m not sure if it’s the breed or our parenting but for 18 years that little dog has run this house. Anything she wanted she would relentlessly growl, scratch, or whine until she got her way. When I say relentlessly I mean for hours on end. If I’m being honest her commitment to her stubbornness was really something to be admired. Despite how annoying it use to be, I’d kill to see her throw one of her spunky little fits now. I miss that playful spunk even if it was annoying.
For the last year I’ve tried not to notice the change in her. Almost like wishful thinking or blissful ignorance. It all started with a spot on her chest. It’s been getting bigger for over 2 years. It’s gotten to the point where it’s broke open and we can’t get it to heal or stop bleeding. The vet says she most likely won’t survive the surgery to remove it. There have been other signs too. About a year ago she couldn’t jump up on the couch anymore. Then she started falling, running into walls, and having trouble walking. All things I defended because she was just an old dog. Today I finally see it, I finally see that It’s her time to go. She is confused, scared and disoriented. She obviously has dementia on top of all the other issues she was facing.
She is no longer happy to see me when I get home from work. She would always be waiting by the door. Every single time she would make a really big deal about it. Almost like she hadn’t seen me in months. Prancing in excitement, rubbing herself up against me, rolling on the floor in blissful exuberance. Now I find her lying on her blanket. The best I get is a slight lift of the head as an acknowledgement that I’m home.
It’s been scheduled for next Wednesday and I feel awful about it. I feel like I’m letting her down. Maybe if I try harder I can get that spot to heal. If I get it to heal maybe she comes back to her old self. I keep hoping she will give me a sign that she wants to stay, that she has more good days left in her. A sign that this isn’t the right decision because I don’t want to let her go.
Who would have thought that a small dog I didn’t even want would make me feel like this. My wife and I have based our entire life around this ball of fur. I’m not even sure who we are without her. The house will be so empty without that unending joy and unwavering love she gave us. I only hope she leave this earth knowing what she meant to me.
I’ve got a week left with her and I’m not sure how I feel about that. Am I making the right decision? Should I hold out longer and see if she gets better? Do I do it sooner to get it over with? Do I try to make it the best week of her life even though she can’t see and has no idea what is happening? Do I spend every moment with her counting down the minutes? It’s a shame that I didn’t appreciate all the time I had with her before. If I had only known how quickly 18 years would fly by I wouldn’t have wasted a second.
submitted by ohiohotwifecouple to DogAdvice [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:39 lambgoatdotcom Alice Cooper announces ex-Guns N' Roses guitarist Gilby Clarke will fill in for Nita Strauss
submitted by lambgoatdotcom to Lambgoat [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:39 misschigirl Can someone take out the "oh babe" blue caption and make my bf and I (sitting down) a little brighter and focal?
submitted by misschigirl to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:39 KDot-LM Glad about the $ boys made during the stream, finally bright days are here!
submitted by KDot-LM to mega64 [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:39 evil_kodama What's your favorite multiplier experience in the compilation?
We just cherried Seaside Drive in coop with my gf and it was a lot of fun! I think the way coop works here is pretty clever and the game itself surprised us with its visual and gameplay variety.
What's your favorite experience with multiplayer in UFO 50?
submitted by evil_kodama to ufo50 [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:39 jazzlike_security1 The only reason why reservation is there because of mentality of upper castes
As you are aware that OBC reservation started in 90s. Till 90s, there was only SC ST reservation and guess what was also there- Interviews for even group D posts. We expected that upper caste will be neutral but instead they used the subjectiveness of interviews for their own benefit. they filled majority of seats with upper castes only.
OBC though it was not intelligent but recent SSC CGL cutoffs does not prove this. Where are top management in bureaucracy and PSUs from OBC. Simple, they could not clear the interview despite almost scoring at similar levels at UR
Some OBC claim that reservation is unnecessary. just check the departments where they have no reserved seats for OBCs and try find OBC recruits- Judiciary, media, army. Yes that was how beauracracy an PSUs looked at before mandal reservations
submitted by jazzlike_security1 to ssc [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:39 Soniclazerlight1 ideapad l340-17api hackintosh efi
trying to find an file to do hackintosh
submitted by Soniclazerlight1 to hackintosh [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:39 zpryor Business and stuff ✨💖💀
submitted by zpryor to F1NN5TER [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:39 Bitter-Gur-4613 She asked for empathy of the vulnerable. Jesus Christ.
submitted by Bitter-Gur-4613 to clevercomebacks [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:39 Retropixl Want to do a portfolio of SPMO, XMMO, XSMO for Roth IRA
Let me know what you think
submitted by Retropixl to ETFs [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:39 lambgoatdotcom Mudvayne, Counterparts, Chimaira and thrown. added to Louder Than Life 2025
submitted by lambgoatdotcom to Lambgoat [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:39 ExcellentGiraffe3642 Calc 2 study group
Does anyone want to make a vac 2 study group where we meet up in the library for like 3 hours a specific day of the week and we just go over practice problems and exams and explain things we don’t understand to eachother?
submitted by ExcellentGiraffe3642 to NJTech [link] [comments]