Pot O’ Gold (After/Before)

RFC 2324 - Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol (HTCPCP/1.0) 超文本咖啡壶控制协议。 htcpcp1.0协议中的418的意义是:当客户端给一个茶壶发送泡咖啡的请求时,茶壶就返回一个418错误状态码,表示“我是一个茶壶”。 是不是很萌啊?哈哈,IT技术其实充满了乐趣。 前言. 一直以来我都没有停止好用的播放器的探索,前后使用过 IINA,Omni Player 还有 Fig Player 等播放器,这些播放器各有所长,尤其是 Omni Player 还有 Fig Player 在播放高帧率视频和字幕生成方面表现卓越。 免责声明: 吾爱破解所发布的一切破解补丁、注册机和注册信息及软件的解密分析文章仅限用于学习和研究目的;不得将上述内容用于商业或者非法用途,否则,一切后果请用户自负。 PureCodec完美解码(详情请戳 官网)是一款免费的老牌影音解码包,能软硬件解码播放流行的视频和音频格式。 PotPlayer64 免安装版 原贴不能回复了,所以重开一贴根据官方安装版制作,免安装,解压即用, 所有设置均保存在 PotPlayerMini64.ini 文件内。Pot-Player64-v1.7.220 ... Pot v2.7.3(更新版本且增加便携版!)全局文本识别及翻译利器 - [阅读权限 10] RileyW 2023-12-21 16:06: 248 14337: shibo106 2024-1-22 12:46: 油猴脚本实现谷歌翻译接口划词翻译【接口来着论坛其他大佬】 似水流年小小 2023-12-8 07:48: 102 4458: amurozhang 2024-3-24 10:13 一款开源免费的在线流媒体m3u8下载器1、使用软件自带浏览器可以轻松嗅探网页中的视频资源,通过嗅探到的资源列表选择自己想要下载的资源,简单快速。 pot播放器,potplayer绿色精简版,potplayer绿色便携版 1、去效验,去右下角空白广告弹窗!卸载可选备份设置 2、禁止后台联网请求:境外广告、发送日志、检查升级 3、集成额外的音频解码器及视频解码器组件:Open Codec for PotPlayer 采集器窗口:Potplayer也是个录屏软件. Potplayer允许屏幕采集窗口边缘超出屏幕(便于录制屏幕边缘内容),但由于三边较窄,鼠标无法停留拖动窗口,只能在上边拖动窗口,而Windows不允许鼠标指针超出屏幕边缘,所以一 我好多年前因为pot省cpu才转的pot的,现在反过来了么? 【吾爱破解论坛总版规】 - [让你充分了解吾爱破解论坛行为规则] 回复 支持 3

2025.01.27 19:49 cruciblemedialabs Pot O’ Gold (After/Before)

Pot O’ Gold (AfteBefore) submitted by cruciblemedialabs to postprocessing [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:49 pipesmcgee For Valentine’s Day!

I’m all about retro kind of feel and gaming! I found this!
submitted by pipesmcgee to RoundRock [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:49 SnooCats5342 Taking care of myself while sick

I have a sore throat and, for the first time in many years, I am able to be kind to my body and not drink while being sick. Before naltrexone, it would have been extremely hard for me not to drink, even knowing from experience that it would just make me feel worse and delay my healing. I would pretend is not a big deal, drink like normal (normal for me was about a bottle and a half of wine), then feel like crap from being sick and hung over at the same time, feel very guilty, hate myself for being so irresponsible/crazy/dumb, and then procede to do the same a day or two later. It would take me a long time to get better and both my work and family were impacted by this. I know Nal is not magic, but making the right decisions feels not only possible but so much easier. This definitely makes me feel more in control of my life. I’m glad I can finally give my body what it needs, instead of giving it poison while it is trying to heal.
submitted by SnooCats5342 to Alcoholism_Medication [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:49 Cosmic_bliss_kiss My theory on Madison and Austen:

I wrote part of this in an obscure comment, but I’m also leaving it here:
I seriously wonder if Madison is already planning on leaving Brett or having a backup for when he possibly dies soon. It sounds like he has an aggressive form of cancer. I don't know 100% for sure, but it didn't sound good. I think Madison is the type who would most definitely have a backup guy incase things don't work out with Brett. She also wants another baby badly, so we have to take that into consideration too... She's now stuck in limbo.
Also, after the facetime debacle with JT, it's evident that Brett wasn't worried about Madison cheating on him with JT. He was worried about Madison cheating on him with AUSTEN. That is why Madison chose to contact JT, via facetime, to reassure Brett that she didn't cheat. I'm not saying that she cheated, but I wouldn't be surprised if she is planning on leaving him.
And it really is a shame because Brett seems like an angel who deserves so much more from life. But I guess him being a hero (aka a firefighter) and risking his life for others might inevitably end up killing him.
submitted by Cosmic_bliss_kiss to Southerncharm [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:49 Mahii_09 No camera access

My iPhone suddenly not having camera/photos/videos access on any app (whatsapp,fb,insta). I tried going to privacy to allow access but thers is no option for any app.. how to solve it
submitted by Mahii_09 to iPhone12Pro [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:49 Ahsoka1509 I hope you have a great week🥺❤️

I hope you have a great week🥺❤️ submitted by Ahsoka1509 to femboy [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:49 Jahpoopybutt Gonna give this one another chance tomorrow

submitted by Jahpoopybutt to monsterenergy [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:49 InvestigatorNo4169 First day of penance 😁 / 1000 years of penance 😠

First day of penance 😁 / 1000 years of penance 😠 submitted by InvestigatorNo4169 to Blasphemous [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:49 Savings_Peace923 Forrest Gump Question.

I was watching Forrest Gump the other night and had a thought. Dis Jenny sexually assault Forrest? I mean this is a man implied to have sat on a rock for over 6 hours waiting for his son to come home from school. Was he truly capable of consenting to an act of which he had little awareness or understanding of?
Thank for your answers.
submitted by Savings_Peace923 to movies [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:49 Past_Juggernaut_4929 31m at work bored out of my mind

Anyone wanna have a fun chat?
submitted by Past_Juggernaut_4929 to chat [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:49 ANewsHubBot Changing jobs is a big move but it’s worth considering if your workplace is toxic

submitted by ANewsHubBot to WorldNewsHeadlines [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:49 SamAxolotl123 (MI) can I renew my spouse's car tabs?

We have a car that needs tabs renewed in person. Can I renew the vehicle tabs in person myself even though the car is in my spouse's name? Or do they have to do it themselves?
submitted by SamAxolotl123 to DMV [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:49 Kluck8968 Have and Need

Have and Need MGO488MQF2K9
Ign Kristina
submitted by Kluck8968 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:49 _MidnightStar_ Not fitting into any of the big lesbian subreddits?

Do any of you find it hard to fit in or relate to the main lesbian subs?
People there are very quick to jump to conclusions or brand others something. I ended up feeling like there is no nuance in many of the discussions so I left.
Funnily enough I had people jumping to completly contradicting opinions about me between the subs.
submitted by _MidnightStar_ to actuallesbianseurope [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:49 Malberg16 Jax going to far

Gooseworx said that Jax will do something unforgivable in a later episode. And I didn't have this thought until yesterday: What if the unforgivable thing Jax does ends up being super anticlimactic?
submitted by Malberg16 to TheDigitalCircus [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:49 overmytop Random question but what is the best cheese in Bolivia?

I am currently volunteering here in Bolivia (Departamento La Paz) for one year. I'm from Germany and until now, I couldn't find any cheese, that I really liked. For example, your Mozzarella is okay, but it's nothing in comparison to the mozzarella in Germany or Europe in general. So, can you recommend any cheese?
submitted by overmytop to BOLIVIA [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:49 JamesMastersPhD What book is that?

What book is that? Can someone tell me what book Masters is reading at the start of "Last Temptation"? It says "Internal Medicine" but I can't find any similar looking book. Thanks everyone 😊
submitted by JamesMastersPhD to HouseMD [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:49 HolzMartin1988 Do I need to have the premium plan for the update?

Do I need to have the premium plan for the update? Do I need to the premium plan for the update? 😔
submitted by HolzMartin1988 to MyHeritage [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:49 IDemox Support no answering

Hello everyone, I bought an annual subscription that I didn’t redeem immediately. I now can’t find the mail and support don’t respond to my request to resend it. Does anyone have a similar experience ? Is it possible that support can’t do anything about it or that they are overwhelmed by a lot of demand right now which would explain why they don’t answer me ?
submitted by IDemox to humblebundles [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:49 NotXanby seila

seila submitted by NotXanby to PedroDBR [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:49 femboyquimico Es que los ángeles wey 😭😭 *se le cae la lamina del techo encima*

Es que los ángeles wey 😭😭 *se le cae la lamina del techo encima* submitted by femboyquimico to BeelcitosMemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:49 Artistic_Magazine172 Quien para rol de nicki

submitted by Artistic_Magazine172 to NickiNicole_naiki [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:49 grabz0rd MGM Rewards - Complimentary Rooms + Booking discounts?

Hey everyone,
Is possible to redeem two coupons on myVEGAS (MGM Rewards): one for the 25% discount when booking and, after that, redeem the complimentary rooms?
submitted by grabz0rd to vegas [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:49 Feisty_Pisces Mysterious Package

I just received a package from Shopify that makes no sense! I don’t know what Shopify is, so I have no account and I’ve never placed any Orders there. How did this random “Tow Strap” just show up? I’ve had no unknown charges on anything so this is just crazy! Can’t find a number to call anywhere! The package says it came from a Fulfillment Network out of Ga!
submitted by Feisty_Pisces to shopify [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:49 Mattinthehatt Does Canada Not get "Plus Speech?" (Chat GPT)

I thought when I bought this I would get the Chat GPT as an option? In my subscriptions the only option I have is VW carnet. no option for "plus speech"
Anyone else have this or is this just something they announced was coming that never came.. kind a like the ID.7?
submitted by Mattinthehatt to VWiD4Owners [link] [comments]
