What in the physics?

0.1: Physical Constants Speed of light c 3 108 m=s Planck constant h 6:63 1034 J s hc 1242 eV-nm Gravitation constant G 6:67 1011 m3 kg1 s2 Download NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Physics to speed up the exam preparation. NCERT Solutions Class 11 Physics. NCERT Solutions Class 11 Physics is an important study material which helps students to master the subject. Physics is a crucial subject from the exam perspective, which is difficult to master as it deals with various properties of ... Work, Energy and Power are fundamental concepts of Physics. Work is said to be done when a force (push or pull) applied to an object causes a displacement of the object. We define the capacity to do the work as energy. CBSE Syllabus for Class 11 Physics is a helpful learning resource for students. CBSE 11 Physics Syllabus provides information on CBSE Physics topics sub-topics along with marks distribution for all chapters. The CBSE Syllabus is designed by subject experts after thorough research to help Class 11 students learn and score good marks in exams ... These physics blog posts contain information on various physics concepts, theories, discoveries and cutting-edge experiments. This physics repository contains over 1800+ scholarly articles in physics. It is an excellent resource for researchers and students, with articles covering various topics, from particle physics to astrophysics. In Physics, force is defined as: The push or pull on an object with mass causes it to change its velocity. Force is an external agent capable of changing a body’s state of rest or motion. Basic laws of physics that govern our universe can be categorized in two ways. Classical physics deals with us, the surrounding environment and the observable universe around us. Apart from this, there is also atomic physics that deals with subatomic particles and their interactions (quantum mechanics). For Class 12 students, there are numerous exams like practical exams, board exams, entrance exams and tests. The Class 12 Physics viva test is an important exam for getting high scores. Physics Class 12 viva questions test your knowledge of a specific concept and your ability to answer questions on that topic. Watch the best videos and ask and answer questions in 97 topics and 23 chapters in Physics. Get smarter in Physics on Socratic. The traditional branches of classical physics are Optics, Acoustics, Electromagnetics, and Classical mechanics. With the rapid development of physics, the scope of the subject is growing so large that it is not possible to cover physics under the above branches. A number of main branches of physics are discussed below.

2025.01.27 19:11 permablizzard What in the physics?

submitted by permablizzard to lostpause [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:11 Old-Geologist-5152 Should I buy?

Should I buy? submitted by Old-Geologist-5152 to CNfans [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:11 If_you_dare_850 The public dare challenge

The Challenge; Flash or expose your bits in public. Where or what is the most you dare to show or do in public. Examples or ideas:
Simple, go shopping or to an event commando/obviously braless, drive on a multi-lane road exposed or topless, wear clothes that allow slips easily (nips or crotch).
Moderate, go shopping or event in sheer clothing, drive a long distance nude (clothes in back seat or trunk), go to park/beach/pool/club/theater with purposeful nip or pussy slip,
Daring: masturbate or have sex in a store/event parking lot, drive nude with toy or plug inserted/ make at least one gas or rest area stop, ask a stranger at a park/beach/event to pose with you and help you flash for the picture.
The Dare; Post the pictures here or on any dare sub referencing this challenge.
submitted by If_you_dare_850 to 850_local_dares [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:11 magneticshadow I thought some people here might like my album 'EACH OTHER' (by C Crook)

I thought some people here might like my album 'EACH OTHER' (by C Crook) submitted by magneticshadow to boardsofcanada [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:11 Prize-Limit-5043 NEW MERCH VINYLSS

submitted by Prize-Limit-5043 to TheWeeknd [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:11 Medium-Midnight-5623 (NSFW warrning)

the NSFW comes up I have no way of clearing it. I have to close app and reopen. I have redownload the app but still same problem for a week now
submitted by Medium-Midnight-5623 to reddithelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:11 viktune Erasmus IBCom

Is anyone studying in Erasmus University’s Communication and Media? Can someone studying there can tell me abt the major?
submitted by viktune to Rotterdam [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:11 garconendormi crazy girl

crazy girl submitted by garconendormi to Tuxetortico [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:11 The_Real_MikeOxlong Help Me Justify My Lawful Evil Durge Choices

I want to start a new run as a lawful evil Durge that inevitably goes with the “evil” ending - taking control of the Netherbrain. The ultimate goal is to make choices that only serve to further Durge’s ambitions, regardless of the cost to others.
The one decision I can’t get behind is siding with the goblins to slaughter the grove purely due to the absurd gear and quest rewards you can get from the tieflings throughout the game. However, in my head, the reasonable choice a lawful evil Durge with the ultimate goal of controlling the Cult of the Absolute would likely make is to side with the goblins.
So how would you suggest I justify siding with the tieflings and being the “good guy” for that one subplot?
submitted by The_Real_MikeOxlong to BaldursGate3 [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:11 Straight_Form2 DM to cum to desi girls

submitted by Straight_Form2 to TaqdeesYasinGoon [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:11 Severe_Drummer_8902 Misdemeanors

So I’m wanting to apply to an agency here in Portland Oregon but I have a misdemeanor (for a crime I honestly didn’t commit but was convicted of). My ex girlfriend thought I was cheating on her and tried to stab me. Long story short, I took the knife away and restrained her but she called the cops and made up a huge lie and acted the part. She had absolutely no injuries. I spent a month in jail and was sandwiched between going to trial and thus risking being in jail for as long as a year as well as felony charges or taking a plea deal and a misdemeanor. I obviously took the plea deal. She even admitted to lying but the DA decided they couldn’t trust her and had to pursue the convictions.
I took criminal endangerment as a misdemeanor and have no record to speak of otherwise. I’m also ex military of 8 years and am close to a bachelors degree.
Any advice on how I can go about applying and how to convey what happened if asked? I’m quite worried this will affect my chances of getting hired with the PPB.
submitted by Severe_Drummer_8902 to AskLE [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:11 mchannstarr Error when running automation

Error when running automation Hi, I've been experiencing an error message occasionally when running an automation that starts a shortcut with multiple tasks. The strange part is that 95% of the time, the automation and shortcut run smoothly. Does anyone know what could be causing this issue?
submitted by mchannstarr to shortcuts [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:11 PixelMagic Death Star surface tiles. I want to 3D print in high quality. Recommendations of services?

Death Star surface tiles. I want to 3D print in high quality. Recommendations of services? submitted by PixelMagic to HuntsvilleAlabama [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:11 TAA0626 Got a new one today...

I was laid off in July. I've been hustling getting my resume out there. Currently at 1,336 applications.
Back in late October, I got a call from an Oil and Gas company asking for me to interview. Round 1 (phone): October 30 Round 2 (in person): November 15 Round 3 (in person): November 19 Round 4 (virtual): December 13
They said they would make their call on 1/3.
Emailed 1/6, HM said that he had a death in the family. So I gave him 3 weeks. Emailed today and they said they went a different direction. That after hearing 3 people saying that I was by far the most qualified person they had in the queue.
I was all but guaranteed the role on Nov 19. 9. FUCKING WEEKS AGO.
Luckily I kept applying into black holes all over so I could get other interviews that won't go anywhere. Fuck this job market.
submitted by TAA0626 to recruitinghell [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:11 HighFlyingCrocodile Where is this important building?

Where is this important building? Something with politics
submitted by HighFlyingCrocodile to GeoPuzzle [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:11 OwnIndependence8354 Erste Eindrücke aus Bayern

Erste Eindrücke aus Bayern Hallo Alle! Ich habe soeben im Hotel auf dem Balkon nen dicken Balken weggehämmert. Danach habe ich mir das Zimmer genauer angeschaut und diesen Hinweis gefunden. Ich würde nie auf die Idee kommen im Zimmer zu rauchen oder mein Gras überall zu verteilen. Ist das nicht ein bisschen übertrieben? Und dann wiederum 2 Helle als Willkommenspaket im Kühlschrank. Erster Eindruck aus Bayern.
ps: das Helle war lecker und ich mag Bayern
submitted by OwnIndependence8354 to bavaria [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:11 Resident-Event-6621 3 Days Post-Op - Looking to feel less concerned

Starting this with yes, I have called my surgeon already. They are on lunch and I'm waiting for them to call back lol. Not looking for diagnosis or to be told to go to the doctor. Just looking for similar experiences.
Background- 32F herniated disc in 2022 because my job is extremely physical and it was bound to happen. Did all the things to help naturally heal but here I am in this group 3 days after my L5/S1 MD. I am also a low level risk for blood clots as I had one in October from hormonal birth control. This was cleared and I was off blood thinners before my MD.
What is starting to concern me is that as of today, I am now feeling light headed and somewhat nauseous if I'm standing for more than 10-15mins. Once I lay down, the symptoms start to let up, but creep back in again when I'm standing. I have a general anxiety disorder and it (especially recently) spikes with medical issues. So the fact that this is starting now and not the first 2 days post op has me worried. Because of the blood clot risk, it is important that I get up every 60mins to walk, so I'm confronted with this anxiety every hour or so 🥴
Medications (forgive the spelling) - Ondansetron for nausea once in the morning Hydrocodone 5mg for pain every 4 hours as needed (I've had 1 today 30mins after the ondansetron). Gabapentin 300mg at night before bed
TL;DR - How nauseous or lightheaded were you after your surgery and for how long. Did anything help or just time and sleep?
submitted by Resident-Event-6621 to Microdiscectomy [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:11 Alpha_Delta310 ALLLRIGHHTTT! (Original Art)

ALLLRIGHHTTT! (Original Art) Heres my 2nd doll in my mayhem doll line! I think he turned out so well honestly. Scroll all the way through if u wanna see some cursed progress pictures lol
PS I think I'll make Lips next
submitted by Alpha_Delta310 to Muppets [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:11 Nomium What are the potential career paths an Econ undergrad can take?

Well, just trying to figure out what I am going to do with my life. I would prefer some non-research based career
submitted by Nomium to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:11 SomeToxicKidd Disgusting

Disgusting I had this disgusting build, went flawless, removed all my items from my deck when fighting players just to see how fair I could push it. Unfortunately went up against a very good freeze, slow, proboscis build and lost but was still a lot of fun.
submitted by SomeToxicKidd to PlayTheBazaar [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:11 Ayuban12 Wiley CMAexcel Learning System exam review part 1 CD material

Hi Everyone, I'm currently going to give my final exams for CMA this march but unfortunately I lost the CD which comes attached with the book and I really need the notes and mocks on that CD. Is it possible someone can share the content on drive or help me out in any other way? Will really appreciate if someone can help with it?
submitted by Ayuban12 to cma_india [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:11 wrong-guy-247 Alyson Hannigan

Alyson Hannigan submitted by wrong-guy-247 to AmazingCelebs [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:11 sapphire_luna 330k subscribers, yet an average of only 5-10k views on every video I posted last year, how do I get out of this?

Hey. Recently someone posted a thread here titled something like: "how much money do you make with 100k subs?" and I realized that people with 25% of my subs still make way more than me. For context, I do animation which has a low rpm to begin with, and my videos are only one minute long on average because animation is so time consuming. My channel is in my profile, but it's just Sapphire Luna. Note: I had 272k subs when I first started to make shorts, so some subs do come form shorts, but a bigger portion is not from shorts.
Here's the thing: I understand not every subscriber is going to watch every video, and some of those subs might be inactive. I understand the importance of thumbnail, title and topic. But still, you'd think if 330k subscribed to me because they do like the topic, more than 5k would watch the videos. This isn't just "views fluctuate" and this isn't just "just make good videos". I can't make sense of how a channel with 330k subs only gets 5-10k views per video. This isn't just a fluctuation, it's something else but I don't know what. The subs to views ratio is just too small. Worse thing is that half of the views come from non-subscribers as well. Even if my videos were garbage, it still would be too low. I make the best title and thumbnails I can. I just feels like YT gives up on my videos really quickly. Or that I fail the test each and every time. But I don't know what else I can do.
Not gonna lie, I hate my day job and dream about doing YT full time, drawing cartoons I enjoy. But I simply don't make enough. An average of 800-1000$ per month right now and that's before taxes. I used to be able to make up for the low rpm with high views, but in the last few years, my views have gone way down. Most of what I posted 5 years ago used to get over 200k+ views easily, no matter how bad the video. Now I struggle to reach 10k, with better videos. I understand that the past is the past, and now YT has changed, the algo has changed, viewers have changed etc. This is the new "normal" but it's too abnormal to be normal.
I have several videos with millions of views, so it's not like I can't do it. But all the videos I posted last year were flops, except for one who is doing very well. I tried to repro that, and the second video did not do as good at all. There is no logic that I can see. Other channels who make similar animations of similar quality on the same topic do some much better. It's very frustrating. It takes me 20 hours on average to make just a one minute animation. To see them flop each time is so depressing. I posted 2-3 times per week for several months and it did not help.
I tried to contact my partner manager but apparently I don't have one anymore because it was a 6 months only thing, and I don't qualify for a new one. So I only have you guys to ask. If anyone read all this and has any advice, I'll take it.
tl;dr : 330k subs, barely 10k views per video. What am I doing wrong?
submitted by sapphire_luna to PartneredYoutube [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:11 No_Investigator3137 Does anyone know what happened to Apricot Rush? / a way to update the mods ourselves?(MORE INFO IN COMMENTS)

submitted by No_Investigator3137 to TheSims4Mods [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 Hazelberry PSA: Bizarre Brigade received a large update with 1.5

As the title states there has been a large update to Bizarre Brigade with 1.5 including wide sweeping adjustments to items and companions, new enemy types, and general balance changes.
Definitely recommend checking it out, in my opinion it feels more challenging to become overpowered but more fun overall!
submitted by Hazelberry to ZZZ_Official [link] [comments]
